Another Chance

My Last Gift


Ji Young POV

I squinted my eyes to see the person who called out my name. I was still tired from the love making and was about to go onto a deep sleep.  I put my head up slightly to see who was it and not to my surprise it was Eunhyuk. From his expression, I knew he was shock to see my presence and unpleasantly welcoming him in a state that I was now. ~~~ was sleeping soundly on my chest. It seems that she didn’t heard Eunhyuk. 

“You out now!” he murmured silently.

I gave out a smirk knowing what’s to come. I pulled the blanket over ~~~ to keep her warm. I placed a kiss on her forehead before walking out of the room. be bothered with what he have to say but I have to say my piece and asked why would he hide away my wife from me

Eunhyuk was pacing up and down at the front yard looking so angry. Truthfully, I can’t be bothered to what he has to say but I have to say my piece about the kiss and why would he hide the fact that my wife was with him all along.

As I walked towards him, a punch landed on my face causing me to fell down.  I wiped the side of my lips to see blood on it. I kept my calm and stood up.

“What are you doing here huh Jiyoung? Aren’t you guys splitting up?” he asked.

“Splitting up? Who said we were splitting? Not me as far as I can remember…especially what happened hours ago.” I smirked.

“You’re a Bastard, what kind of a guy are you huh? How dare you sleep with her!” he shouted.

“How dare I slept with her?!  Hey look here, she’s my legal wife and I can do whatever with her okay! You’re the one who is being the rude one and kissing other people’s wife! What kind of a friend who kisses his friend’s wife? Don’t you remember?”


“Was what? Thought I won’t find out? She’s your past Eunhyuk and now she’s mine, the present and the future. Like it or not accept the fact that I’m not divorcing her!  SHE’S MY PROPERTY NOW…” I stated glaring at him.

“Your property? Look at how you treated her? Have you ever cared about her the last few months huh?”

“True, I didn’t treat her well but I will now. Keep all your feelings back Eunhyuk. When I made that promise that night, I meant it. Kwon Jiyoung doesn’t ever break promises. You’re nothing to her now…nothing….”

Just as about Eunhyuk wanted to put a punch on me….

“Both of you guys stop it right now!” She shouted.

“Oppa put your hand away from Jiyoung!”

“But ~~~….” Said Eunhyuk looking surprised with ~~~.

“I’ve heard every conversation that you guys had…so oppa you knew Ji way before he married me? Why did you kept quiet? I’m disappointed in you oppa…so disappointed…”she said.

“~~~, I didn’t mean to lie to you…”Eunhyuk tried to explain.

“Whatever, I can’t be bothered with you right now. Let’s just settle this in the morning…Let’s go Jiyoung.” To my surprise, she grabbed my hand and walked back into the house. We continued sleeping without saying a word to each other.


~~~ POV

I woke up early after not being able to go back to sleep. I looked at my phone and thankfully it’s 7. Jiyoung hands were over me as he slept. I his hair and smiled at my handsome looking husband. I could not believe I was actually doing this. It didn’t even cross my mind that we make love again the second time.

I took a quick shower and head to the kitchen to make breakfast. The incident that happens the night before was still on my mind. I was still angry with Eunhyuk. Even if he still wants to woo me, he should have mention about him being friends with Jiyoung way before.

After putting the last dish on the table, I went to call the boys out. Without speaking a word, the three of us sat down. The atmosphere was awkward that I just concentrated on eating my food.

“~~~, we need to talk…” said Eunhyuk.

“You can talk here mister…,” replied Jiyoung.

“Yah! I wanna talk to her alone okay.” He glared.

“Boys!”…I slammed my chopsticks down…”Can you stop it and eat your food, please give me some peace!”

“Sorry,” they said in unison and we all started to continue our meal.

“You’re going back to Seoul with me,” said Jiyoung suddenly.

I gave a small sigh….” No Ji, I’m staying.”

“See you heard her Boy…” said Eunhyuk sarcastically. I looked up at him who was sitting opposite of me and rolled my eyes.

“I’m not divorcing you and I shall make you go back to Seoul if you like it or not…”

“Are we going to have this conversation now?” I said feeling frustrated.

“Yes we are cos I have to go back in an hour’s time and I want to tell you that I will bring you back home.”

“God Ji, please…I’ve had enough. I need time…more time…”

“You heard her Kwon Jiyoung…Leave her alone please. Don’t you understand her words?” interrupted Eunhyuk.

“Time? I don’t think so…”….He took out something from his back pocket and placed it on the table…”Here, you think there is much time for this?”

I was shock to see it on the table. How could I forgot, my pregnancy stick? Was it not on my back pocket? Where did Jiyoung found it?

“Whe-re where did you get this?” I asked.

“On the floor in your room, I stepped onto your jeans and found something hard under it babe. Two lines babe, two lines…” as he showed and waved the stick in front of me.

“No way! This isn’t happening!”

“What’s the two lines? Why are you so shock ~~~?” said Eunhyuk.

“She’s pregnant babo…To be exact, pregnant with my child. Kwon Jiyoung Junior is in her right now…”boasted Jiyoung.

“WHAT! Are you kidding me? ~~~ is it true?”

I stood up and went back to my room. Did I just found out that I was pregnant?  What am I supposed to do now? Will my plans change? Am I gonna raised the child alone or should I not divorce Jiyoung?

I sat on my bed looking puzzled. When Jiyoung came into the room, he didn’t bother me and head to the shower. As he got ready, I was still sitting on my bed to digest whatever that happened minutes before. Jiyoung knelt in front of me and held my hands. Tears just started streaming down my eyes without any reasons. He wiped away the tears and smiled.

“Why are you crying huh?” he asked softly.

“I don’t know? Baby? What am I supposed to do? It feels like im getting pregnant with a stranger’s child. We do not know much about each other and now we’re gonna have kids?” I explained.

“Stranger? I’m your husband. Didn’t you heard me yesterday? I wanna start anew with you. I love you Kwon ~~~. I’m excited for this baby inside you. I don’t know why I’m so happy but when I saw the stick, a smile just lit up on my face. It feels like our baby is bringing us together…Please come back to Seoul with me…please…” he begged as he looked at me with his puppy like eyes.

"I don't know Jiyoung...I don't believe you...."

"Please, let's start, I love you babe...I really do..."he confessed.

"It's not working for me...I'm sorry...’m confused"

He held my hands tightly and asked me to close my eyes. I felt his wet lips touching me. Why did he have to this?

"Will this convince you to come back to Seoul with me?"

Unknowingly, I gave a nod indicating my answer. Let’s give this relationship another chance, for me , him and our child.










Another update!

Like it like it? Somebody is preggers!

Sent your love and comments!

A romantic chap ahead! muahahaha










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JBL511 #1
atoeva #2
Chapter 21: nice update waitiing the next one....stupid hyuna
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: oh no~!! get the out of their life seriously b*tch!! i hope everything will be ok with jiyong and his wife~!! hope that b*tch won't do something to trick jiyong into sleeping with her!! ~!@#$%^&*
Chapter 21: please let Jiyoung and _____ stay 2gether Im starting 2 hate Hyuna always want 2 take GD back please dont him end up w/ that lier
G-DestherKwon #5
Chapter 21: wtf!!! hyuna ..........get a life girl
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: yeah~ she should really feel sorry to jiyong~ look at what she did?? she never even think of jiyong's feeling.. and hyuna and eunhyuk seriously get the off their life!! why can't just see people being happy?? and now did she feel hyuna and mina making such good progress making her feel left out? she should have think something~ hyuna is making mina fond of her then make her revenge~!! hate that!!
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 20: Hyuna and eunhyuk stop guys are so annoying get a life.....and ______ trust your husband more... :)
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 19: WTF~!! why can't that b*tch just stop everything?? and this girl should trust her husband at least! jiyong won't do anything that'll harm them.. even if he's overreacting so what? why need to treat them good and forgive them even if they really change? they don't know what really in their mind, why giving people a chance to stab back them?? stupid girl! don't cry and apologize for not trusting your husband!!
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 18: Sooooo sweet~ hope they can stay strong for each other~
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 17: What a b****...gosh!!!make her suffer soon..and for jiyong take good care of family okie..and authornim great story please update soon :)