
My Last Gift

Jiyoung POV

I look at my watch and it’s already half past 9. My wife was still not back home after a day she left me alone at the hotel. I thought she went back home but she wasn’t there when I arrived.  I left her text messages and calls but none of them were replied.

“Gosh, where did she go? Doesn’t she know how worried I am?” I shouted.

I pace around the room thinking where she might be right now when suddenly I glance upon a picture of her and her best friend on the dressing table…”Mina! She must be at Mina!”

Without waiting for another second, I got ready and drove to Mina’s apartment as soon as possible.

I check myself out on the rear mirror for the last time. Before going over to Mina’s, I stop over at a flower shop to buy some flowers for her. I look like a ladies man on stage but honestly, I’m actually bad at it especially to someone I love. I walked over to her house feeling nervous. I knew I was in the wrong and she has every right to get mad at me.

I took a huge breath before ringing the bell. As the door opens, I didn’t expect him to be standing in front of me.

“Jiyoung…Come in….” said Eunhyuk.

“What are you doing here? Where’s my wife?” I asked.

“She’s inside…”

“Oppa who is it? Is it Mina? Have she came back with our take-away?” exclaimed ~~~ who just came by right behind Eunhyuk.

“Surprisingly it’s me, your husband. Pack your stuff and let’s go home now,” I demand.

“No, I’m still mad at you. I want to stay here…”

 “Let’s go home now ~~~… I don’t like you to be here especially with his presence...Before things get nasty, let’s go now” I said as I rose up my voice slightly.

“Jiyoung, let her stay…If you don’t like me being here, I’ll go now. She’s still upset about fighting with you the other day….please can you let her rest here…” interrupted Eunhyuk.

I stared at Eunhyuk with anger in my eyes…”You have no right to tell me what I should do to my wife! And you ~~~….”…I change my direction and looked at ~~~…..”You told him about our problem?”


I threw the flowers onto the floor and barged into the house. I scanned around the living room and grabbed ~~~’s handbag and herself.

“Jiyoung, you’re hurting me…you’re holding me too tight!” She groaned.

“Stop holding onto her…Oh god Jiyoung, please stop it!” stopped Eunhyuk.

“You stay out of it! Don’t you ever dare to insert yourself into our life!” I shouted as I dragged ~~~ out of the house.


~~~ POV

“Seriously Jiyoung!! Let  go of me!” I shrugged. “ Can you stop being selfish and care about my feelings! Stop it can you!”

He let go of my hand and slammed the car door hard as he threw my bag inside. He stood still for a moment before he blew up again….”Selfish? Me? I’m trying my best to understand you but you’re the one not trying to! You walk away from me and left me worried thinking where have you been or if you’re alright…What if anything happens to you? I’ll be in guilt forever.  Have you ever thought about it? And then just as I was about to take you home, I see him there! Alone with you! Which husband won’t get angry?!”

“I-I’m sorry about that Ji…I didn’t mean to get you worried…I shouldn’t ha-ve…”

“Whatever, maybe I still don’t understand you or maybe I can’t be the best husband you ever wanted…I’m tired to deal with this now…Get in the car and we go home now…”

“But Ji---….” Without finishing my sentence, he went inside the car. I felt really bad after hearing what he said. The whole journey home was awkward without any of us uttering a word. As we reach home, he avoided being in the same room as me and waited at the living room till he sees me done bathing.

“Where are you going with the pillows? You’re not sleeping here?” I asked as he grabbed his pillows.

“I’ll sleep in the other room…Good night.”

With tears slowly stream down my eyes, I lie down and face his side of the bed; caressing it to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. As I walk pass the other room, I saw him still awake and standing by the balcony with a drink in his hand. I knew at that point of time I realise that I couldn’t make him sad any longer.

“Baby, I’m sorry…” I apologised and wrapped my hands around him from behind which startled him.

“You’re not in bed?”

“I’m sorry for making you worried. I shouldn’t have done it. I’m truly sorry…” I said again.

He places his drink on the table and turned around hugging me tightly. “Don’t ever do that again please….If we ever fight again, let’s be rational and solve it when we cool down. I hate when you run away from me. I feel so vulnerable…at lost…I’m sorry too for hurting your feelings. I’m sorry ~~~, sorry…”

I hug him tightly. “I promise…I won’t run away like I did before. It hurts me to see you’re sad...”

“Me too…” he breathes. “ About Eunhyuk and Hyuna, let me slowly try my best to accept their change… I’m still at the state where it’s hard for me…if you know what I mean…”

“It’s okay…just take your time, I won’t rush you into it…”

I cupped his face with my hands…” You know what…You’re the best husband ever, more than what I always wanted…..”

A soft smile came upon his face. His arms tighten around me and he nuzzles my hair…”I miss you so much baby, so much… I want to hug you to bed….”

“Who asked you to sleep here…You miss every opportunity…” I joked as I kiss his neck, and he leans down and kisses me gently.

After a moment, he shifts…” Come, let’s go to bed…It had been a long day for both of us…”

“Arasso….” With one swift motion, he carried me to our room and we lay in bed with our arms around each other and my head on his chest.


“OMG ~~~! Is this your house? Its freaking huge!” exclaimed Mina as she steps inside the house Jiyoung bought for us.

“Yup, Jiyoung surprise me while we went on a date last time…”

“So it’s true your husband does have a lot of money… You’re damn lucky girl!”

“Well, that’s his money not mine…He have his and I have mine, that’s the way I want things to be…”

“You’re weird! You’re husband and wife, you guys are allowed to share stuff okay…”….she rolled her eyes on me…”Before I forget, what’s your intention of bringing me here?’” asked Mina.

I took her hand and brought her up to the second storey where the guest room is…”Here, I want you to help me with the decoration with this room!”

“Huh?!” Mina looked at me in confused.

“I want to change this room to a work place for Jiyoung... something like a mini studio for him….I’ve already discussed it with the designer and choose all the furniture but I need someone to help me to put up and move things around….”

“Woah…”…smirked Mina…” So you’re making me your slave? So smart of you…”

“Don’t say that…”…I slapped her arms…” It’s just that…I’m pregnant and I need someone’s…I can’t possibly carry the heavy furniture around…You can help me right…” I cooed.

“Fine…. but don’t think I’m doing it for you…I’m doing it for my unborn niece or nephew…I pity the baby for having a mum who’s obsess with her husband…”

I gave a small laugh…” That’s the joy of falling in love after marriage…”

After showing Mina around the house, we made our way out and decided to grab lunch before going back home.

“Mina Unnie!” shouted a familiar voice from afar as we were approaching the car.

“Oh Hyuna!” waved Mina.

“What is she doing here?” I whispered to Mina.

“She’s joining us for lunch…Didn’t I tell you?”

“Absolutely no! I wouldn’t be asking you right,” I said sarcastically.

“How do you even know her? You didn’t tell me about this…”

“Whatever, explanation aside…Don’t keep her waiting…Just know Eunhyuk oppa have told me about you guys making up and he introduce me to her, that’s all…”

“Annyong Mina Unnie, ~~~ Unnie… Come let’s go for lunch…I’ll bring you to one of my favourite restaurant…Remember Mina Unnie, the one I told you about the other day….” said Hyuna.

“Ahh, I remembered…Let’s go…I follow your car from behind okay…”

“Hmmm Oh,” she nods.

We were seated and served as soon as we arrived at the restaurant. It seems that Hyuna have made the orders in advance before we came in.

“Omo, the food here is really good… How did you find this place?”

“Oh last time when Jiyoung oppa and I were dating we usually…”

I stopped cutting into my piece of meat when I heard my husband name.

“Opps Bian unnie…” she apologised as she look at me.

“Ani, kwenchana…you can continue, it’s the past right…” I shrugged.

“That’s something I’m jealous about you, you’re so cool and chic!” She smiled and gave me two thumbs up.

“Kamsa hamnida,” I smiled.

“Hyuna, let’s go to the spa again, Unnie missed the massages and treatment there…” said Mina.

“Spa?” I questioned.

“Yup, Mina unnie and I went to the spa together last week…We did some shopping together plus we kind of went to the bar to have some drinks too…” interrupted Hyuna.

“You didn’t tell me all this Mina…” I turned to her side.

“Aigoo, it was only once…wae, are you jealous? Plus I can’t ask you out for drinks…you’re pregnant…” explained Mina.

“True, sorry if I sound jealous…you know hormones…” I lied.

I felt uncomfortable the whole time when we were having lunch. The conversation was much between Mina and Hyuna. For once, I felt like I was being put aside by my best friend or maybe it’s just my emotions that are taking over me.


Jiyoung POV

It was already past midnight and both ~~~ and I were still awake. Upon seeing my wife sitting in the living room, I went to the kitchen and made a cup of hot milk for her. I sat by her side, placing the cup on the coffee table….”What are you reading?” I asked.

“Ah, pregnancy book for first time mum…I bought one for you too but for daddies…” she smiled.

“Have the milk while it’s still hot…I made it for you…”

“Thank you Ji, why the kind gesture? Did you do something bad?”  She pinched my cheeks.

“Aniya, I’m just taking care of my pretty wife…Omma advised me to do this every night….”….I tucked her hair behind her ear…”Just only for you…”

“Awww,  you’re so sweet… “

“Thank you my dear…” I kissed her forehead.

“Babe, actually I have to let you know about something….I’m going on tour…”

“Okay…then go…it’s your job, It’s only for a few days right…”

My mood went down and I shook my head…”I’ll be away around one and a half weeks…”

“Will you fly back to Korea for a break or something?” she asked.

“No, it’s a continuous tour…One day I’ll be in one country and the next day I will be in a new one… Sorry if I have to leave you….”

She held my hand and the other caressing my face….”Kwenchana, I’ll be alright…You don’t have to worry about me…It’s your job, your fans are important.”

“I want you to fly to Jeju and stay with my mum and dad, okay?” I advised.

“I have tons of work here…our new house development, my fashion line…I can’t bear to leave all that behind and let it pile up…”

“Okay, I ask omma and appa to come and stay with you…”

“No No, I don’t want to make things hard for them…I’ll be alright, trust me Ji.”

I bring her closer to me and hugged her tightly…”Aigoo my stubborn wife, always want things her way…”

She pecks my cheeks from the side…” My always cute worried husband…” she cooed.

She releases herself from me. Without a word, she took my hand and led me to our bedroom. She dropped my hand, leaving me by the side of the bed.

Suddenly, she untie the string of her night robe and led it fell down onto the floor leaving her only on her lingerie. She then walked towards me, close enough for our skin to touch each other…”Tonight, I let you do the things the way you want….” Whispered ~~~ in my ears.

For the start, I kiss her gently, cherishing the every taste of her sweet lips.






















Hey readers!

My holidays just started that means I can spend more time updating!

I were busy fangirling on M.I.B, Spica, AoA and Eastern Sidekick (korean indie band) who came for Music Matters 2013 the other day.

If you guys would like to see the fancams, take a look here : Music Matter 2013

Send your love and comments!



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JBL511 #1
atoeva #2
Chapter 21: nice update waitiing the next one....stupid hyuna
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: oh no~!! get the out of their life seriously b*tch!! i hope everything will be ok with jiyong and his wife~!! hope that b*tch won't do something to trick jiyong into sleeping with her!! ~!@#$%^&*
Chapter 21: please let Jiyoung and _____ stay 2gether Im starting 2 hate Hyuna always want 2 take GD back please dont him end up w/ that lier
G-DestherKwon #5
Chapter 21: wtf!!! hyuna ..........get a life girl
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: yeah~ she should really feel sorry to jiyong~ look at what she did?? she never even think of jiyong's feeling.. and hyuna and eunhyuk seriously get the off their life!! why can't just see people being happy?? and now did she feel hyuna and mina making such good progress making her feel left out? she should have think something~ hyuna is making mina fond of her then make her revenge~!! hate that!!
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 20: Hyuna and eunhyuk stop meddling..you guys are so annoying get a life.....and ______ trust your husband more... :)
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 19: WTF~!! why can't that b*tch just stop everything?? and this girl should trust her husband at least! jiyong won't do anything that'll harm them.. even if he's overreacting so what? why need to treat them good and forgive them even if they really change? they don't know what really in their mind, why giving people a chance to stab back them?? stupid girl! don't cry and apologize for not trusting your husband!!
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 18: Sooooo sweet~ hope they can stay strong for each other~
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 17: What a b****...gosh!!!make her suffer soon..and for jiyong take good care of family okie..and authornim great story please update soon :)