
My Last Gift



~~~ POV

The next morning in Jeju was wonderful as I wake up to the cool breeze coming from the balcony.  I stretched myself and smile softly as I turned over and see my husband looking at me at the end of the bed.

“You’re up so early Ji?” I asked.

“Hmmm yup, I was awaken by a call from Seunghyun to settle some stuff with our new album…Did my wife have a good sleep?”

“Of course…Sleeping on the infamous G-Dragon’s bed…I couldn’t be happier right….” I crawled closer to him and gave a kiss on his lips.

“Awww my wife giving me a good morning kiss huh,”….he pushed me back on the bed and rolled on top of me…” Come let me give you a deeper one.”

He gaze his eyes on me making my heart beat faster. I could smell his natural scent as he lean closer to me. Our lips touch and slowly I followed to his rhythm giving him the permission to explore my mouth.  I must say he is the best kisser in the entire world. As I pepper his jawbone with faint kisses, I slip one hand behind his head and the other slowly slides up his torso undoing his shirt as I go. His tongue brushed the delicate shell of my ear as he blew a light breath over my moist spot making me shivered.  His hand then slipped under my shirt and………..

“Uncle Jiyoung! Aunt ~~~! Good morning!”

We both got up at at a sitting position and pretended like nothing happened.

“Leo! Enzo! What are you doing at Uncle Ji’s room?” asked Jiyoung.

“Ahhh…we both want to play with you guys…Aunt ~~~ neomu chua! Come let’s go and play with us okay…Pali Pali!” persuaded Leo.

“Arasso, you twins wait for us at the living room…As soon as Aunt and Uncle Ji get ready…we shall play with you guys okay!”

“Yeah!!!!We wait for you downstairs! Pali okay!”

The twins went out of the room screaming in excitement. They are such a cutie and I already like them to bits.

“Okay I’m gonna take a shower now and join the twins...” I said as I got out of bed.

“Can I follow you too?” asked Jiyoung.

“Follow me where?”

“To the shower? Where else babe…We can continue what we left behind just now…”

I raised my eyebrow; looking at him…”NO!”

“Please…Let me go with you, please babe….”he begged cutely.

With my weak self who can’t resist to my man cuteness, I gave in.

“Okay you can but no hanky panky okay…Keep your hands to yourself. You can see but you can’t touch!”

“If that is what you want, I’ll accept. It’s better than not showering together right…But don’t scold me if I just keep staring at any particular spot of your body…” He smirked.

I gave a light hit on his head….“Gosh!!What a cheeky husband I have!” I laughed as we both entered the bathroom to freshen up.


Jiyoung  POV

After getting ready, I quickly went down to my parent’s room to see if they are ready with the decoration stuff for the chapel.

“Omma, You have to go off now…~~~ is still getting ready so you have to take this chance to go out and bring all the stuff…Chakaman, Where’s appa?” I asked not seeing my father’s presence in the room.

“Your appa is waiting for me in the car already…I came in to take his suit and my dress to change for  the ceremony…Your noona and her husband is already there but when the time comes they will be back to pick your wife up so it’s all up to you to tell a white lie to your wife okay…I’ll go get going…Annyong Adeul…”….my mum embrace me in a hug and gave me a kiss before she went out of the house…”Congratulation on your wedding today!” she shouted and went in the car.

“Where are omonim and abeonim going?” asked ~~~ as I turned around and saw her at the door.

“Ah…omma and appa are going to church…Probably doing their volunteering work…”

“We should have gone with them and help out…”

“Kwenchana, omma and appa want us to spent time together so we should do the best with the time when they are not around you know…like….” ….I nudge her slightly and smiled...” Like what we left behind?”

“Ji, stop your raging hormones will ya! I can’t be bothered…Bye, I’m going in and take care of the twins…”

We accompanied and played with the twins for an hour. I was waiting for a call from any of my members who are coming in from Seoul for the ceremony. They would be bringing in a few surprise guests for ~~~.

“Hyung we are already at the hotel…We will be going to the chapel soon. How about you? Have you left the house?” asked Seungri who was on the other line.

“Good…My suit and the ring? Did Tae bring it too? Ahh…the guest? Did they arrive safely? Seungri ah…Seungri!”

“Hyung relax…We brought everything…The suit and ring. The guests have also arrived safely just like we planned.  So now according to schedule, hyung have to go now and plus stylist noona is arriving at your house any minute okay, See you later! Pali-ah!”

After the call, I quickly went to my room and took my car keys…”~~~, I need to run an errand…Omma called for me to help her. Can you take care of the twins? Their mum and dad will be home soon so till then just entertain them okay. I ordered jajangmyun for lunch so just pay the delivery man when he arrives …” I lied.

“Arasso, get going then…I’ll be okay with the twins…” She smiled.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead and head out straight to the chapel.


~~~ POV

“Jajangmyun!!!” I exclaimed as the doorbell rang.

“Yeah! Jajangmyun, Jajangmyun!” shouted the twins.

“You two sit here and Aunt will go get your jajangmyun…Promise me you guys won’t be naughty okay…”

The two kids nod together and sat quietly. I quickly went out to the front door to get the food but as I opened the door,  I find Jiyoung’s stylist noona, Jimin, at the door.

“Jimin Unnie, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I’m here for you my beautiful bride…”

“Bride?!” I looked at her in confuse.

“It’s your wedding day ~~~, you’re getting married today.”

“I’m already married, Jimin unnie. Why would I get married again?”

“ Jiyoung wanted to surprise you…In a few hours’ time, you will be having your wedding  ceremony here in Jeju…And I’m here to do your hair and make-up..”

I capped my mouth in shock…”Are you kidding me? Is this even happening?”

“Yes it’s happening my sister-in-law!” answered someone from a distance.

My tears were already forming in my eyes…”Da Mi unnie!” As she walk towards us, she was dressed beautifully in an elegant blue dress and alongside was her husband who was smartly dressed in a suit.

“Wipe away your tears…You can’t cry on your wedding day. I’ll be your bridesmaid for today…I hope you don’t mind…”….she giggled…”Go in or you will be late! And get ready in appa’s study room, there’s another surprise waits in there for you!”

Jimin noona and I made our way in and to my father-in-law’s study room. When I opened the door, I was in awe. It was the perfect and exact wedding dress that I always wish for. I thought I wouldn’t have the opportunity to ever a wedding dress since I didn’t get to wear one when we first married.

“Let’s start…” said Jimin smiling.

I sat in front of the dressing table and Jimin starts her magic skills on me. After an hour of dressing up, hair and makeup, Jimin lastly placed a couple of white roses and a laced veil on my bun…

“You look stunning, ~~~…”complimented Da Mi who just came into the room.

“Komawo unnie…” I smiled shyly.

“Well...It isn’t complete without a bouquet of flowers…Come take this…” …Da Mi placed the bouquet of pink roses on my hand…”Let’s go for the ceremony now…”

We all got into the car that was driven by Jungshin. The twins were cute in their suits and each was carrying a basket full of flower petals. We drove along the ocean line and finally reached our destination which was at a small white chapel up the hill.

“We’ve arrived ~~~…Look, who’s outside waiting for you…” said Da Mi.

As I wind down the window, I completely froze for a moment…”Appa…”

My father whom I’ve not seen for so long is in front of me. This was the best surprise of the whole entire afternoon.

“Come my daughter,” …he held out his hand and wiped away my tears…”Don’t cry…Let’s start the ceremony…Are you ready?”

I gave a nod and hook my right hand onto my father’s arm. As the twins walked forward, the door to the chapel opens. I could see my price awaits me at the end of the aisle. After Da Mi walked in, my father and I slowly entered. The whole chapel was beautifully decorated with white roses and decorations. As I look around, the big bang members, my in-laws and lastly another special person in my life, my mum was all there.

When we reached at the end of the aisle, the priest  suddenly spoke up...”Who gives this bride’s hand in marriage?”

“I do,”…. answered my father… He then took my hand and placed it on Jiyoung’s….”Take good care of my daughter and cherish her well…”

Jiyoung bowed as a sign of promise…”I will do sir…”

“Are you shaking babe?” whispered Jiyoung as we walk further down to the priest.

“Yes I’m nervous Ji, darn you for making this surprises and not giving me a notice before hand…”

Jiyoung gave a squeeze on my hand…”Breathe…Relax, you did it before didn’t you?” He smiled.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony,” the priest stated. “For which we all have known that this would be the second time this couple would be saying their vows, the groom have requested that the couple would say their own personal vows.”

I stared at Jiyoung in shock knowing that I have no vows written for him…

“Close your eyes and you will get through this okay…” said Jiyoung to calm me down.

“If you may, Mr Kwon Jiyoung….You may start first…” ordered the priest.

Jiyoung held both of my hands and looked into my eyes…”~~~, you are my best friend and my one true love. When I´m with you, I feel I can be the person I want to be, and I cannot imagine my life without you. You make me smile, you stick up for me, you take care of me and you are always interested in what I have to say and do. Today, I want to make a promise to you and to myself, in front of our friends and family, to love and honour, protect and respect you for the rest of my life.

I vow to trust and value your opinions, and stand by your actions. I pledge to always treat you as my best friend, and equal. I will ask for help when I need it, and offer help when necessary. Let us be friends and lovers, and grow old together. I love you, Mrs Kwon ~~~.”


“And You ~~~-shi, your vows please….”


I took a huge breath to calm my nerves….”I take you Kwon Jiyoung as my husband. To say I love you is not enough and to try to condense the depth of my feelings into a few words is impossible. It doesn´t tell of the respect I have for you as an individual, Nor how I appreciate how tender and caring you are, the joy I find in your laughter, the tears I hold back for your pain, the strength you give when I need it and the pleasure I feel in your touch. But if to say I love you means all these things. From this day onwards, I vow to say I love you more each day.”


After our vows, Seunghyun then walked closer and gave us our wedding rings. It was the ring that I threw at Jiyoung months ago when I walked out of the house. I was surprised he kept it.


“With this ring, I wed you now and forever. And I promised not to let you ever take it out again…” Jiyoung stated and put the ring on my left ring finger. I stated the same and placed the ring on his left ring finger.


Finally the highlight of the ceremony came…” I pronounce you now as man and wife. You may kiss your bride…” said the priest.

After hearing those words, Jiyoung grabbed me by the waist and we kiss. Everyone was cheering and throwing flower petals at us.

I broke off from the kiss and capped his face…”Thank you for all this Ji, I love you, yeobo…”

He places a kiss on my forehead…”I love you too Mrs Kwon…”


The party continued outside the chapel where a long rectangular dinner table was set up. Our whole family and friends sat surround us accompanied with the beautiful scenery of the ocean.  I finally had the first dance with my father. It was always his wish and I’m glad he got to be here to do it.

As we were having dinner, Jiyoung stood up to grab everybody’s attention. He raised up his wine glass for a toast…”Thank you everyone for being here and making this happen. I apologise to omma, appa and to my new parents, omonim and abeonim, for getting married without you guys around the last time round. I hope this small wedding would make up for it. Abeonim and omonim, I’ll promise to you guys that I will cherish your daughter just like how you cherish her. She’s the love of my life and I thank you guys do much for this wonderful present…..”


“Ohh…Ji…”I cooed as I look up to him.


“And lastly....The both of us wanted to keep this for long before we know we are fully save but I guess I really can’t keep it a secret anymore….Come….”….He held out his hand to me and I stood by his side….”We’re getting a baby!” he announced.


Everyone toast up their wine glasses and congratulated us. I knew we were supposed to keep quiet about this news till I pass the first trimester but I guess telling them now means no harm since they’re our family.

Before the night falls darker, I bid goodbye to my parents. They are flying back to the states that night as they took an urgent leave to come to the wedding. Even though it was a brief moment they had with us, I’m glad they came.

Jiyoung and I made our way to the villa that he had reserved us for the night. This was the proper way how a newlywed should go through their wedding night, I thought.

“Come let me carry you in…”said Jiyoung as he carried me in bride style into the bedroom. I was in awed as he opened the door. The candles were lit up and there were just more flowers everywhere. He placed me down on the edge of the bed and kneels in front of me.

I caressed his face and pecked his fore head….”Thank you for everything Jiyoung. I didn’t expect for you to do this much for me…all this…Thank You so much.”

“This is how much you meant to me. I would do anything for you. Now, do you believe me that I really have fallen in love with you? “

I chuckled knowing the answer in my heart…”Yes Ji, you have really fallen for me…”

“I love you so much my wife….” He said.

“Well now…I’ll show you how much I love you then…” I pulled him up and push him onto the bed making him startled with my action. I placed my veil aside and slowly ped down my dress revealing the only two pieces of cloth on my body. I could see Jiyoung’s smirk knowing what is coming into his way next….”Well babe, I guess I shall give you a reward for all your hard work. Let us continue what we left off in the morning…”

“No problem, I’m so waiting for my reward Mrs Kwon...” He looked at me ily with his eyes.

In a swift motion, he grabbed me down and rolled over on top of me…”Don’t be angry if I get too rough cos you make me wait for too long babe…” With that, he landed his lips on mine marking the start of a love making night.











Another update, Sorry for the late update...I hade a blood test and my hands were numb for a few days....

Hope you like this update and at last I GOT A POSTER for this story! Do you guys like it? Go to my foreword to see the designer if you are interested in making one for your fanfics...

Secondly for those of you guys who are N (VIXX) & Eunyoung (Two X) Shippers...A very close unnie of mine have started on making a new fanfic about them!

Please read and support her ! Tittle: Never Again

Don't forget to send your love and comments below!

PS: More happenings in their ways in the next few chaps!

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JBL511 #1
atoeva #2
Chapter 21: nice update waitiing the next one....stupid hyuna
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: oh no~!! get the out of their life seriously b*tch!! i hope everything will be ok with jiyong and his wife~!! hope that b*tch won't do something to trick jiyong into sleeping with her!! ~!@#$%^&*
Chapter 21: please let Jiyoung and _____ stay 2gether Im starting 2 hate Hyuna always want 2 take GD back please dont him end up w/ that lier
G-DestherKwon #5
Chapter 21: wtf!!! hyuna ..........get a life girl
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: yeah~ she should really feel sorry to jiyong~ look at what she did?? she never even think of jiyong's feeling.. and hyuna and eunhyuk seriously get the off their life!! why can't just see people being happy?? and now did she feel hyuna and mina making such good progress making her feel left out? she should have think something~ hyuna is making mina fond of her then make her revenge~!! hate that!!
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 20: Hyuna and eunhyuk stop guys are so annoying get a life.....and ______ trust your husband more... :)
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 19: WTF~!! why can't that b*tch just stop everything?? and this girl should trust her husband at least! jiyong won't do anything that'll harm them.. even if he's overreacting so what? why need to treat them good and forgive them even if they really change? they don't know what really in their mind, why giving people a chance to stab back them?? stupid girl! don't cry and apologize for not trusting your husband!!
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 18: Sooooo sweet~ hope they can stay strong for each other~
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 17: What a b****...gosh!!!make her suffer soon..and for jiyong take good care of family okie..and authornim great story please update soon :)