
My Last Gift


~~~ POV

The four of ended up having dinner at a nearby restaurant since Hyuna intended it. Jiyoung was trying to reject her offer but I just couldn’t for the thought that it would be quite rude. The four of us remained quiet as the waiter served our dinner. Eunhyuk was seating opposite me and I felt that he was staring at me throughout the time we sat at our table. Honestly, I felt uncomfortable with Hyuna being around us as curiosity was building up me to know about Jiyoung and her past.

“Omona Jiyoung oppa is so sweet, peeling the prawn shells for unnie…”commented Hyuna when Jiyoung passed the de-peel prawns to me.

Jiyoung rolled his eyes and continued eating without even bother to talk to her.

“~~~-shi, I can call you unnie right since you’re a year older than me? Since you’re Jiyoung’s oppa wife…let’s be nice to each other from now on okay!” suggested Hyuna.

“Yea, Arasso…Let’s get to know each other better.” I smiled.

“No, call her by her name Hyuna and I shall not let my wife be nice or even hang out around you,” exclaimed Jiyoung.

Eunhyuk suddenly slammed down his utensils…”Don’t you dare talk rudely to my girlfriend Kwon Jiyoung!” snapped Eunhyuk.

I looked at Eunhyuk in shock after hearing what he said.

“What? Girlfriend ?”…. baffled Jiyoung….”  Are you guys kidding on me? Eunhyuk are you that desperate? And Hyuna why, you’re in for a new “relationship”? Why now sleeping around is no fun anymore?”

I nudged Jiyoung to stop him from saying anything further. I could feel the tension rising between the three of them.

“Who I date with is none of your business Jiyoung. I’m an attractive young man and me dating Hyuna is like us being a dream couple. Are you jealous? Well it’s true when a person says a guy could change feelings anytime and any day…” said Eunhyuk sarcastically as he looked at me.

“Oppa stop it! Can’t you let me be happy? I like Eunhyuk oppa. I stop being who I was before. I want to start anew…And I want to forget you oppa! Our love, our times together, your hugs and kisses, the way you caress me every night…I keep thinking about it every day but Eunhyuk oppa is here now…He will be the one I’ll be caring on me now so stop being cold to me,” burst out Hyuna as tears slowly fall on her cheeks.

“Omona, what a show! You’re the best actress in Korea right now! You guys must be kidding me!” laughed Jiyoung loudly.

“Ji stop it right now.” I alert him.

“Okay you know what, I think me and my wife is done here. So we shall head back…I guess dinner is on you guys since you, Hyuna, who invited us. Thanks for everything and goodbye,” mocked Jiyoun.I gave a quick bow and mouthed sorry to the both of them as Jiyoung grabbed my hand and walked off from the restaurant.


Hyuna POV

I rubbed away my wasted tears that were used for that wonderful scene. I was so contented that everything is going as planned.

“Komawo oppa, you did great.” I thank as I sip away my glass of wine.

“I’m just doing what you ask Hyuna…”

“Wae oppa? You’re regretting? Didn’t you also want to achieve the goal that I want too? Are you scared?”

“No but I just feel bad…they’re my friends Hyuna…I—I just….”

I turned to look at him and moved his face towards me…”Listen Eunhyuk, I don’t care about how you feel or for who you care about! The only thing is for me to get our revenge on Jiyoung and make him come back to me plus getting you go back to your ex-girlfriend! Like it or not, you do what I say….didn’t we agree on that huh? So man up and just think about ~~~!”

“Fine Fine! I’ll do what you say but I want a share for it too…It just can’t always be your way right…I want you to follow some of my ways too, then it shall be fair right Kim Hyuna?” request Eunhyuk as he caress my face.

“That’s the way I more like it,”….I smirk…”I shall agree on that…Let’s do this together, Eunhyuk “oppa”…”

Eunhyuk held his hand oyt…“So shall we go to a club my new girlfriend to celebrate our first success?”

“Let’s go darling.”

We both walked out hand in hand happily and head to a club in Hongdae to celebrate.


Jiyoung POV

~~~ was all quiet since we left the restaurant. As we reached home, I headed to the shower and cool myself down. ~~~ was sitting down at the living room as I stepped out from the bedroom after dressing up.

“Oh you’re done with your shower? Then it’s my turn…I’ll head to bed after that, I had a long day…” she said as soon as she saw me.

“Hold on before that,  I have to talk to you…”

“Okay what you have to say Ji? I’m tired…Can you make it quick?” she said in annoyance.

“Is something bothering you? I know you want to ask me some stuff about just now right?” I asked.

“Fine, I won’t beat around the bush…What’s your past with Hyuna? I’m sorry if I asked but after tonight, I just want to know more…Ji.”

“Jolly well then and thank you for telling me. I don’t want our relationship to go bad now cause it has been good the past few days…I shall tell you all about Hyuna, every detail about it that you want to know…” I stated.

“Okay then, EVERYTHING,” she emphasized.

I told her about the day how I fell in love with Hyuna and the odds we went through when we were a couple. She was all calm and was on all ears hearing my old love story.  I also told about how our relationship went downhill with her cheating on me and how she changed a lot when she became a star. Surprisingly, she did not get angry when I said about the on-going relationship I still had with Hyuna when we just got married. I felt that my wife was a cool chick for that.

“Wow Ji, I didn’t know that you were cheated…I’m sorry to hear that.” She went closer to me and embraces me in a hug.

“It’s okay now cos I got my beautiful wife which I am falling in love deeply with.”

“I love you Kwon Jiyoung…I love you so much.”

“I love you too baby, my one and only now…”

We broke away from each other and as our lips touch, it was a start to another wonderful love making.
















Sorry for the short update guys but I have good news!

I can update this story more often in a week cos its my holidays and I could stay up late to type out more chapters!

Aren't you guys happy?! hahaha

Thanks new readers for subscribing! I appreciate if you guys could comment  too cos it motivates me to update more!

Love ya readers!

What's happening in the next few chaps will be a happy ones before the evil one starts with their plan....



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JBL511 #1
atoeva #2
Chapter 21: nice update waitiing the next one....stupid hyuna
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 21: oh no~!! get the out of their life seriously b*tch!! i hope everything will be ok with jiyong and his wife~!! hope that b*tch won't do something to trick jiyong into sleeping with her!! ~!@#$%^&*
Chapter 21: please let Jiyoung and _____ stay 2gether Im starting 2 hate Hyuna always want 2 take GD back please dont him end up w/ that lier
G-DestherKwon #5
Chapter 21: wtf!!! hyuna ..........get a life girl
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 20: yeah~ she should really feel sorry to jiyong~ look at what she did?? she never even think of jiyong's feeling.. and hyuna and eunhyuk seriously get the off their life!! why can't just see people being happy?? and now did she feel hyuna and mina making such good progress making her feel left out? she should have think something~ hyuna is making mina fond of her then make her revenge~!! hate that!!
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 20: Hyuna and eunhyuk stop meddling..you guys are so annoying get a life.....and ______ trust your husband more... :)
JiYong_JaGi #8
Chapter 19: WTF~!! why can't that b*tch just stop everything?? and this girl should trust her husband at least! jiyong won't do anything that'll harm them.. even if he's overreacting so what? why need to treat them good and forgive them even if they really change? they don't know what really in their mind, why giving people a chance to stab back them?? stupid girl! don't cry and apologize for not trusting your husband!!
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 18: Sooooo sweet~ hope they can stay strong for each other~
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 17: What a b****...gosh!!!make her suffer soon..and for jiyong take good care of family okie..and authornim great story please update soon :)