Chapter 7


Taemins POV

I woke up in an embrace.

"Your finally awake, you sleeping monster!" Ah Minho the one I love. I was actually warm for once.

"Isn't it supposed to be freezing cold?" I asked

"Remember? You were the one who asked me to keep you warm since you were too cold." he smirked. That handsome devil

"Heh I guess I did then. Thank you." I turned to face the other side of the sleeping bag. 

"No problem" he said while grabbing my waist to bring me closer, and snuggling his head into my shoulder.

"Ehm"   I forgot ToP was sharing with us.

"Hello seunghyun" Minho said

"Why hello! You two love birds done over there?"

"Yes. Taemin dear why don't we go meet up with the rest of the class?" 


"Why yes, yes we shall!" the rest of our vacation would have to be the best one ever.

The rest of the week went pretty well. Except for the ocassional ToP flirting with me. Ending with the ocasional Minho slapping/punching ToP. Then since I was the one with any knowledge in the medical area (because of my dad) I would have to help him with his wounds. I feel think the only reason he had wanted to get hurt were too spend time with me. 

 When we got back to the city Minho and I went to go get lunch. We were going to go over to his place when we were done.

Im finally going to get to sleep over at his house today.

"You know, Jinki hyung is just so happy to have me around." I said. 

"Well this is one of  the only times he's seen me happy in forever! Just because of YOU. And if you ask me" he said reaching for my hand "im pretty happy about it too."

"Oh by the way when we get to the house Onews gonna have a friend or two over." he said

"Oh Jonghyun told me he was going to go sleep over at a friends house. He's probably gonna be there heads up." I mentioned. He looked into the distance. The last time he saw his brother was the day we met.

"Minho,sweetie,if you dont want to go over there, we don't have too, okay? We can just sleepover at my house." I exclaimed

"No we'll still go." 

When we arrived to the house Minho was about to reach into his pocket, but was stopped by a greasy handed, chicken eater.

Jinki came up to me first hugging me with his greasy hands. 

"How'd you know we were here?" I asked

"Were you peeping out the window again?" Minho asked

"Maybe, just maybe" Jinki replied.


"So where's Jong-" I got cut off by a highlighted boy running at full speed. Like a bullet.

He ran into Minho embracing him. Only to be rejected by a emotionless  face.

"So who else is here?" I asked

" Um no one else,but I will be expecting my little bro. I believe he's in y'alls grade. Heck I believe he goes to your school!" 

Still being strangled by Mr.Hyperboy, Minho spoke up.

"So Taemin and I are just gonna go to my room and hang out." he looked down at me "you do know we're sharing a room, right?"

I was shocked. " We...we...we are?!"

"Ya I mean you are my boyfriend. Also I don't want you to get cold like you normally do." he winked at me making me melt. Then he whispered in my ear "It's not like we haven't yet,right?'

" Yes I guess that's fine then"

When we got to the room he told me to take a nap while he took a shower. He made sure to bundle me in blankets.

While he was in the shower I walked around his room. He had a couple of pictures of us. I saw that his room was a wreck so I wanted to be nice and tidy up for him. I made sure his dirty clothes got to the washer but before I did that I decided to lay down for a bit.  

Once I laid down I looked up above me to see a collage in the shape of a heart. I looked at every single picture in it. Me,me,me,me, Jinki, me, and ToP? The ! I looked at it closely seeing that it was.....burned?

I looked back at Onew, and the first thing that came too mind was his greasy hands all over me.

Oh no.

My food from earlier was already coming up! I ran to the bathroom not even knocking. I didn't notice a shadow behind me.

"You okay?" it asked

"Ya thanks" I said turning around.

"COVER UP!" I said throwing a clothesless Minho.

"HURRY!" I said. Damn he took the longest time covering up. Once he was done, he just stood there laughing at me.

Once our little "incident" was over with we went back into his room just laying there. I was about to pass out but stayed awake long enough to ask him a question.

"Minho?" I said

"Yeah" he replied

"You know if you think about it my time, our time, together or here is just like a "Countdown" as if it Will end"

"Well who knows if this countdown is just the beginning to the next one, the one that leads to the rest of our life's."

After hearing that I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up to a body hovering above mine. 

"How long have you been awake?" I asked rubbing my eyes

"Ever since we came back" he said. His voice sounded different.

I moved up to his face planting a kiss on his lips. I opened my eyes too see those staring eyes.

"AHHH! ToP! The are you doing here for?"

The body right next to me moved his leg off mine.

Stupid! You should've known his leg was there. I guess I was just so used too it....


Minho was yelling. Gosh you don't wanna see him when he was mad.

He saw me holding my lips. He also saw Seunghyun smirking to himself. 

"You !"

He tackled ToP to the ground. "Is this what you do too other people's boyfriend!?!?"

"He was the one who kissed me!"

"I thought that was Minho you idiot! I didn't know you were even here!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Minho walked over too me. I thought he would slap me. He never did but still he looked upset.

Instead of hurting me, he put me on his lap wrapping his arms around me. 

"I will never let my baby get touched by that bastard EVER again."

Jinki ran into the room and saw me with my tearful face. He came up to my side and took me off of Minhos lap. He layed me down next to Minho and put a blanket up to my chest, then ran to the bathroom and came back,towel in hand and placed it on my forehead.

"Do you know Seunghyun? And why is he here?" I asked. Onew was on my left side while Minho was on the right  holding my hand. 

"Oh you didn't know? Seunghyun is my younger brother and Minhos pa-"

He got cut off by a very angry Minho.


Hey y'all it's Agukinz! 

Im in Illinois for vaction so that's why I havent been updating! Sorry! So I hope the cliffhanger is good enough!

I love Asianfanfics readers, MWAH!!!!!

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Chapter 14: Please update soon! I really like this! <3
Chapter 14: I really miss this story, author-ssi..~.~
*will be waiting for your next update..^_^
**and hope you'll be able to write the new story while continuing to write this story at the same time..or you just write the new one after you finish this long as i get to know the end of this story, it doesn't matter..i'll support you..
agukinz-ssi fighting!! ^.~v
I love this poster......
Waterdroplet #5
So Luna was able to escape?
Well..due to my busy schedule this's really been sooooo long since I read this story..and I'm kinda lost for a moment..but no worries..I managed to overcome the situation..^^..anyway..GD as the new character...wonder what type of person he will be..^.^
*will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Jinki must like Taemin so much..hehehe..and ToP!! Minho's what?? O.o aigoo~update soon please..
I always adore 2min moments..soo sweet..^.^
*new reader here will be waiting for your next update..^.~
the jongkey gifs are super cute+the story is ever super!!
UPDATE. I'd like to see where this goes. :3