Chapter 13


No One's POV

Taemin stared at the scar that reminded Jiyong every single day of what happened to Luna and himself. As the younger one touched it with a gentle hand, Jiyong grabbed it and made them both lay down in a cuddling position, Taemin on top. 

"Taemin-ah....." Jiyong whispered looking down at the boys head on his chest

"Yes Jiyong?" he whispered with a sleepy sounding voice

"I~" GD was cut off by a man signaling him to come. Jiyong got up, carrying Taemin with him in a bridal way. Taemin wrapped his arms around the others neck and soon fell asleep on the way downstairs to the meeting place. When they got there, Jiyong smirked at the sight infront of him. Minho on the couch staring back at him, obviously waiting for him. Though, when Minho saw Taemin in Jiyong's arms, he jumped up and tried to get his love until a voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Not.So.Fast There" a low baritone voice boomed from the dark corner. ToP came out from the shadows with a evil grin on his face as he went behind Minho, The sport boy turning to face ToP.

"What the Choi Seunghyun. What are you doing here" Minho mumbled staring deep into the others eyes

"Oh me? Well.....funny story actually. I hired Ji-GD over there to take Taemin away from you, and kill him. See thats GD's job, he takes requests and fulfils them. Also it did help that he was my best friend from childhood" ToP explained calmly as if it was normal.

"But why ToP, why?!" Minho screamed at him

"If Taemin can't ing choose me over a piece of crap like you, then why should either one of you be happy? Where is my cut in this huh?!" ToP's voice  grew with intensity with each word he spoke.

Jiyong's grip on Taemin grew stronger, his own emotions welling up, but with no evidence shown. Taemin whimpered alittle causing Minho to start running to the pairing until ToP grabbed him from behind "You can't stop GD~ Once he's in action he can't stop" ToP said with a evil grin


Why couldn't he love me? This boy...this boy comes in and now all he talks about is him.

Where have you gone? Each day when we were younger we would meet up, be glued to one another. Whether it was free styling, working on your dancing, or just crazily hanging out, we would always be focused on one another and our likings or intrests. We never talked about hot smoking girls that walked by, rather just the prada bag she'd wear. Even if I had been more sadistic since my parents were killed dosen't mean that the Jiyong you knew wen't away, the one that loved you. 

I dropped Taemin to the ground and stared at him as he grabbed for his back. I didn't want to kill this one boy, he meant so much to ToP. Just in the way you looked into those dark attracting eyes. How they stared right back into yours as he let's out a sweet track Jiyong.

I kicked him in the side and pulled out my revolver in one hand and my knife in the other, pointing towards the door "Go" I commanded emotionessly

"B-But Jiyong...." the boy uttered

"Go you ing !" I yelled and kicked the side of his head, some blood releasing. You could see tears in his eyes as he slowly got up and walked to the door, following my directions. I drained out that frog's screams as ToP held him back.

Why is my chest clenching up? Why is this one person so hard to kill then the rest of them, like Luna....

Bringing him into the torture chamber, I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and picked him up, dropping him onto the cold silver table "You think.....I like you Taemin" I said and got closer to his soft cheek

"Trust me I really do, but that man out there......he's my one and only love. He's supposed to be mine. We shared everything. Our first alcohal, our first games, our first tests. Though now when I see that all his affection is leading towards that's where I draw my line. I can't understand why.....why he would love someone like you.....where is my cut in this, huh?" I asked, bringing up a familiar question from earlier.

I grippened my hold on the handle and chuckled "You know, stuff like this makes you ask yourself, are you really worth it? Is this really why I was sent on earth, just to get my heart broken? Mmm.....I don't like it then" I mumbled the last sentence, bringing the revolver to Taemin's mouth, shoving it in

"Ever heard of 'Russian Roulette'? Well you have a revolver which normally has a barrel that holds 6 bullets. When playing the game they leave a single bullet in the chamber as they pass it around. Each player spins the barrel, and the gun before pointing it at themselves. Then if the bullet comes out game is over, but if no bullet comes, the next person goes. Eventually someone will secretly pull out the bullet, but....." I said then smirked, putting it into his cold soft hand. I guess it won't be as hard if it's in his hands.

All except for one slot in the barrel was loaded, so there was no chance he'd actually live to see the next daylight THAT  was my version

"We're playing my way, my version of it though. Five bullets, not one, five." I said hearing a small mewl from the boy

"But Jiyong-ah.." he said through cracked sobs. Don't...

I raised my hand and used the back of my hand to slap his head, the spot that was already turning red from earlier 'It's GD now, you " I hissed.

He cocked the gun and kept it in his mouth, about to pull the trigger before he took it out and looked dead into my eyes "I want you too know.....I never really liked him. I found him as a friend, a very y yet annoying one, but still a friend, no more. So.....just as any other boyfriend would do...tell Minho I love him, and I cherished every moment I had with him" he whispered causing my self to cover my mouth, and to just even hold back my tears

"Goodbye~" he whispered, a small but sweet chuckle escaped his lips as another one, or maybe the last, of his tears glided down his face




Taemin's eyes were shut close, his whole body shaking and trembling. Blood.... "Where is it?" I mumbled and sniffed for the sweet smell of silver in the air "Where is it?" I went closer, grabbing his chest as his eyes fluttered open in shock. Where was that bastard? That one bullet was sure to be there, the one I placed purposfully after every game I played, right at the where you'd shoot.

I grabbed the gun and put it up to my mouth hearing more sobs from Taemin "Shut up, there's only one bullet and it's not this one" I growled

"But GD, there's fiv-"




That taste.....the one I'd never thought I'd taste of my own. Now was the time I left.... "GD! You idiot!" 

I dropped to the ground, someone catching me in their lap right on time. As I laid there, my vision blurred and I couldn't see the man that saved me from my fall, until I blinked my eyes 

"Seunghyun...." I whispered and raised a hand to his cheek, his first tear falling from his eyes, none coming from mine.

"You were my best friend, I just wish I could be here with you even longer, I loved you, you know" I said as he grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it tightly, knowing my departure was soon arriving in just a couple seconds, minutes, but not hours

"I wish I could be there at your wedding, seeing you marry that special someone. I would be crying in the best man's spot as you kissed that lucky someone. Not because of the beautiful moment  of your first kiss as a couple, but because of missing that chance of you kissing me. That I'd miss my chance on saying I love you myself" I said and felt my breathing coming to and end, ToPs tears endless

"Jiyong, don't leave me, please" he pleaded like alittle kid then  left my side for a moment and came back to the same position and placed the revolver over his heart "I love you too...I-I do. Taemin, he was cute and all but not like you. So" ToP whispered, sending the last chills down my spine

"I'll leave with you my love"




No One's POV

They both limped down onto the ground fully, holding each other's hands as they left earth, knowing that they would have each other on the other side, to hold, cherish, and to care for.

Too love for ever

I can't believe I killed my beloved ToP...

Mhm, anyways, I have an official update days! From now on I will update this story on Wednesdays and Sundays! Any other day if I am able too~


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Chapter 14: Please update soon! I really like this! <3
Chapter 14: I really miss this story, author-ssi..~.~
*will be waiting for your next update..^_^
**and hope you'll be able to write the new story while continuing to write this story at the same time..or you just write the new one after you finish this long as i get to know the end of this story, it doesn't matter..i'll support you..
agukinz-ssi fighting!! ^.~v
I love this poster......
Waterdroplet #5
So Luna was able to escape?
Well..due to my busy schedule this's really been sooooo long since I read this story..and I'm kinda lost for a moment..but no worries..I managed to overcome the situation..^^..anyway..GD as the new character...wonder what type of person he will be..^.^
*will be waiting for your next update..^_~v
Jinki must like Taemin so much..hehehe..and ToP!! Minho's what?? O.o aigoo~update soon please..
I always adore 2min moments..soo sweet..^.^
*new reader here will be waiting for your next update..^.~
the jongkey gifs are super cute+the story is ever super!!
UPDATE. I'd like to see where this goes. :3