past actions reflect future actions.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot

'What's up sister.'

Sooyoung's eyes widened at the moment, but then came to a face of confusion.

'Wh-wh-what? Sister? I don't remember having an Equaliser as a sibling.'

The Equaliser moved his face close to Sooyoung's only inches away.

'Oh? Well... I'm terribly cut. Your brother feels unloved, unwelcomed. But I can assure we will meet again. This time, when you remember everything, and when before you move to the next life. HAHAHAHA!'

'Huff.. huff.. what?!' Sooyoung found it hard to speak due to the pain.

'I'll ask you this very favour... Sooyoung.' The Equaliser moved a knife close to Sooyoung's jawline, looking like he was about to cut her.

'Remember Jessica. That is all I'm asking.'

'I don't... I don't get what you're talking about... remember Jessica?' Sooyoung asked in absolute confusion.

The Equaliser laughed evily, let go of Sooyoung harshly and walked away. Sooyoung's vision was blurred as she saw a black figure disappear like a mirage. The Equaliser stopped at the Entrance abruptly.

'Your grave has already been made. Feel honoured, Choi Sooyoung.' He whispered then fled the scene.

'Sooyoung!' Jessica ran to her followed by Taeyeon and Tiffany.

'Ah.. Jessica step away, I'll carry her to the car, both of you open the car, don't wanna cause a scene here!' Taeyeon said as an order.

They arrived at the apartment and Taeyeon slowly put Sooyoung down on the bed, while eyeing the small photographs of Sooyoung and Jessica, once as a couple on the bedside table. Taeyeon quickly changed Sooyoung's clothes, cleaned the blood off her body and pulled the blanket over her.

'Oh you two.... why did this happen to such a happy couple?' Taeyeon sighed and went outside to meet Tiffany and Jessica talking by the kitchen.

'Hold still....'

'I think it's gone, thanks... Sooyoung.'

Jessica recalled of the moment and felt shades of red upon her cheeks. Tiffany was staring in awe that Jessica felt this way already, and was praising herself for it.

'Tiff, I felt so ... weird when Sooyoung was wiping my face. She wasn't even fazed at the moment our faces were so close to each other. Like was she that comfortable with me already?!' Jessica wanted to talk to Tiffany about her feelings but never really does to Taeyeon, she just happened to be more comfortable with Tiffany.

'Oh I believe she is already, I do. And I'm surprised you're exactly like this as well! Oh go me!'


'Oh, ahemm, it's okay to feel this way Jessica! Maybe this is just a little crush on her, that's all heheh.' Tiffany was hoping Jessica would take that lie, and it worked.

'Oh Tiff what do I do?! I do admit Sooyoung is a little... good looking and OH WHAT AM I SAYING?! TIFF?!' Jessica rose up and panicked but Tiffany was simply just chuckling.

'What's all this commotion about?' Taeyeon popped into the scene which Jessica came back to her normal self.


'AW JESS! :( Taeyeon was begging Jessica to tell her for at least 5 minutes then she gave up.

The three outside Sooyoung and Jessica's room were still up in their quarrels, but didn't realise the slightly woken girl eavesdropping to their conversation inside the room.

Sooyoung was struggling to get out of bed due to the pain the Equaliser gave her. She quietly the bedside lamp and looked around, this time properly.

'Well this calls for a good look around.' Sooyoung walked around and noticed the photographs on the walls, and her eyes widened massively.

'W-W-W-WHAT?! IS THIS?!' Sooyoung scream whispered when she looked at the photos of her and Jessica being all cuddly in one photo and very lovey dovey in another.

Sooyoung couldn't remain calm while looking through all the other photographs on the bedside table, but she couldn't believe her eyes when she opened the bedside table drawer.

'This... this is...' Sooyoung saw a small black box with a white ribbon tied to it. She slowly opened it to see....

A ring.

There was a little note attached to the ring that stated 'Soon, our love will be legitimate.'

'OH MY GOD, I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO HER?!' Sooyoung started to back away and knocked the bedside lamp causing it to shatter into darkness.

The three outside heard the commotion and ran to the bedroom.

'SOO! YOU OKAY?!' Taeyeon shouted before turning on the light switch. Everyone gasped a little at the scene. Sooyoung's foot got caught in a bit of glass, but wasn't fazed, only staring at the box that contained the ring.

'Sooyoung...' Tiffany started to walk towards her but stopped. She spotted the tiny black box in her hand that made Tiffany stare at her in worry.

Sooyoung stumbled, trying to walk towards the three but stopped and stared at them with no sanity left in her.

'I ... I was going to marry Jessica.'


hahahaha, crappy chap there, slightly short too >< sorry i rushed a bit DX anyway, gna be out for at least 2 days! got two exams to do, so as soon as they're done, ME UPDATE !

hahaha, hope you enjoyed this chap (:

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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!