face the hidden truth.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot

'You're the Jessica they're on about?'

'Well you must be Sooyoung.'

Time slowed for Sooyoung and Jessica as they stared into each other's eyes. But no chemistry or remembrance, simply pokerfaces.

'NO NO NO NOOOOOOO!!' Taeyeon scratched her face and knelt on the ground. 'THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO GO!!'

'Tae, please get up. Everyone's staring at us...'


'Taeyeon! Can you not?!' Tiffany was trying to calm Taeyeon down but Sooyoung and Jessica were not fazed.

'Uh when you can catch your breath and find yourself, I'll come back. Anyway I'm leaving, err.. nice to meet you... Jessica.'

Sooyoung hurriedly walked out of the cafeteria and went to her apartment.

'Yeah... nice to meet you.. Sooyoung.'

Familiar face... what am I even thinking, never seen her before hmph!

'Jess, you need to stay here, to recover just a bit. Why don't you go back to your room and we'll get you something to eat?' Tiffany wanted to talk to her about Sooyoung.

'Uh... why don't you get the food, I want to walk around the place first.. okay? I'll be baaaaaaaack~!' Jessica sang while giving a thumbs up and walking away.

Jessica sneaked out of the hospital to run to where she worked.

'Hyoyeon!' Jessica ran to her co-worker, that was about to close down the book store but was stopped by Jessica.

'Oh hey Jessica! Omo! What happened to your arm!? And what did--' Jessica couldn't stop and landed on Hyoyeon, but fell to the ground.

'.... ouch.' Hyoyeon said bluntly after helping Jessica up. 'What happened to you?'

'UHH UHH I GOT INTO AN ACCIDENT! HYO, OPEN IT UP! I need to find a book!'

'Woah woah hey, why the rush? WOAH KAY, I'LL SEE YOU LATERRR!' Hyoyeon got surprised as soon as she opened the door, Jessica broke into the bookstore without giving Hyoyeon a chance to react.

'... Oh Jessica. OH JESSICA! LOCK IT UP WHEN YOU'RE DONE OKAY?!' Hyoyeon grabbed the keys from the door and left, knowing that Jessica was busy and that she should leave her alone until the time was right.

'Hmmm... something about dreams... visions.... anything... HMM I'll try this!' And she grabbed a book about Gods who give a person powers that could either lead to their downfall or to complete glorious power.

'Princess... into book no.... acquires powers no.... prophecies... hm. Prophecies?'

Once every 100 years, it is said that a girl who acquires this book will be transferred into the olden world of Korea, countless eras ago, where she would be appointed a Princess by the God she was transferred to. Being 4 Gods in total, there would only be one princess per God.

She would have to find 5 supernatural soldiers owned by the God, summon the God in order to go home. The God offers three wishes but, there are most cases where the Princess enters a romantic relationship with one of the soldiers, in hopes of when summoning the God, she would wish to be together with the soldier.

Although, the God did not allow that and so she was torn in between death of the God or to go home. In the end, she chose to break up and live the normal life, not able to involve herself with this book.

In recent times, 70 years ago, a girl went through this same process, but did not go through the same tragedies as previous princesses. She asked the God if that her soldier would be reborn into the world she belonged to. It was possible but the God told the princess to face the consequences in performing this action.

'Consequences? Wouldn't they live happily ever after? What's wrong with that wish. Stewwwwpiddd GOD HAHAHAHA!' Jessica laughed hysterically but stopped instantly, eyes widened at the sight of the next statement.

When she met her lover, he was unsure of who he was, unsure of who she was and recklessly used his powers. He was taken away into an institute which were the home of what we call the Equalisers. Because it was an institute for supernatural phenomenom, where he was considered a thing, not a human. He was harshly used and tested, but soon after escaped into the heart of Seoul, Korea.

During his time of suffering, he experienced visions and dreams of the same girl he encountered when he woke up to this bizarre world. He felt that she was the key to his freedom.

He met up with who he thought was his lover in a gang fight, fell in love with her and had children. He had kept his name hidden, gave himself an alternative name, and even altered his face in hopes of living a normal life.

'No way.... exactly my problem! Except.. for that other bit. Hmmmm time to go home for some more research!'

Jessica packed up, took the books to the counter and self-borrowed them. She locked up the book store and started running for home.

'AHHHHHH HOME SWEET HOME!!!' Sooyoung stretched her arms and got comfortable, but not noticing the pictures of Sooyoung and Jessica on the wall, even if they were clear to her sight.

'Oh. I should change clothes... or meh. It's only me HEHEHEH' and Sooyoung ran into her room, took off her shirt and pants, leaving only her short tank top and underwear.

'Now that's more like it! Hm... did I have food.... meh. I'm tiiiiiired the couch looks pretty comfy....' Sooyoung drunkily went to the couch and dozed off.

-- 45 mins later --

Sooyoung woke up, yawning and stretching her arms. She flash stepped to the kitchen to grab some cookies and milk and flash stepped back to the couch.

'Hmmm.. the tv seems like a good thing to do. Might do that.' Sooyoung munched happily on the cookies while watching the anime Bleach.

'HAHAHA I CAN DO THAT TOO!' Sooyoung jumped and pointed at the screen to see an orange haired teenager flash step during his fight scene.

Suddenly Sooyoung's irises changed to a purple colour. Something's approaching this apartment, but I don't think it's a bad presence. Hmmm...

'This is my home. Home sweet home.' Jessica opened the door and walked in only to see a half Sooyoung on the couch, and jaw dropping.

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY APARTMENT?!' Jessica screamed which blushing a deep red, unable to look away, especially at how Sooyoung looked.

'AGHH.. OH MY GAHH.. GURL STOP LOOKING AT ME! AND WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! THIS IS MY APARTMENT! OH GEEZ GET OUT! I need to get some clothes...' Sooyoung pushed Jessica out the door but failed as she kept pushing back.

'Aish... JUST WAIT THERE! I'M GETTING SOME CLOTHES!' And Sooyoung went to their room to get a pair of shorts.

'WHAT?! WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!' Jessica thought out of rage and confusion.

She saw Sooyoung come out in a baggy short shirt with beach shorts, and went a little red seeing her tanned stomach.

'Yah... stop looking there.' as Sooyoung covered her stomach with her arms.

'ANYWAY... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' Jessica started to scream again.


Unexpectations... heheh. REMEMBER TO COMMENT? i wanna know how i go okay? if it's great y'know? heheh thanks :D


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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!