the wrong choices.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot

Tell me and I forget.

Show me and I remember.

Involve me and I understand.

No fate is worse than a life without a love.

She runs. She runs. She keeps running. As she gets tired, she could taste her bloody sweat. She could feel herself slowing down as her body ached, feeling the ground shake as 5 men ran right after her. Only for a second did she want to rest, but a split second she was tackled to the ground.

Screams, hitting, fidgeting.

She looks up to see that she has been surrounded by the 5 men, dressed in masks and tuxes, all pointing sophisticated weapons at her.

'My my, looks like we got ya. Now. Where is she?!' One of the men spitted out, making her flinch.

'I don't know what you're talking about...'

'Hahaha, don't you play with us girl! We know your girlfriend is special! She can harness certain powers that she wishes. Now. She is where?'


'Maybe I should MAKE YOU KNOW!'

One of the men raised his gun and moved toward Jessica, and with that last breath of air, he pulled the trigger.


Sooyoung was treating a young child, but because he was in a rush, he quickly healed it by grabbing the boy's arm, putting his energy into regenerating the boy's wound giving the boy a painful feeling.

'Your arm should be all better now, why don't you move it just to check, hmm?'

'Wow! Thank you miss Doctor! How did you do that?!' The child was moving his arm like crazy, and Sooyoung just chuckled.

'I just can, son! I'm like a SOOper doctor HAHAHA! Geddit? Geddit? Haha hmmm.. Well you're his mother right? Well he is all free to go, just try to look out for him okie dokie?' Sooyoung gave the mother a wink and a thumbs up, resulting in making the mother blush.

Sooyoung was packing up her equipment about to leave when her phone rang.


'Uhh, Seoul Police Station, how may I help you?'

'Younggiee~! Stap eet! Are you done? I'm on my way now!'

'Don't have to shout! Aish.. yeah I'm done, I'll be waiting in my office arraseo?'

'Alrighty! Byeeee!'

Jessica was near the hospital when she was pulled by a gloved hand into an alleyway. A man with a mask and dressed in a tux, grabbed her arm and pushed her against a wall. Jessica struggled to get out of his hold but failed. Jessica felt extremely uncomfortable as he caressed her cheeks, but she slapped them away soon after.

'Oh.. feisty. Now you're gonna say, what the hell do you want and also get away from me right? Well I'll just tell you straightforwardly. I'm looking for this girl.' And he showed her a picture of Sooyoung, which was folded and torn on the sides making it a little hard for Jessica to analyse but she could see it.

'Pfft, never seen her before.' Jessica smirked.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all its pupils.

Sooyoung could feel something wasn't right. Of course Jessica would be all jumpy when visiting her, but Jessica took more time getting there than needed.

'Taeyeon! I'm going out for a bit okay?! If there are any appointments for me, take them arraseo?!' and Sooyoung rushed out without letting Taeyeon respond.

'JESSICA!' Sooyoung shouted, but her eyes widened as she felt Jessica's presence. 'Crap, she's in trouble... GAH ! EQUALISER!' Sooyoung knew her chaser, and ran to where Jessica was.

The masked man, or what we like to call the 'Equaliser' pulled her away from the wall just to push her back on it but harder.

'HAHAHA, oh I hate people that lie. So I'm going to ask you. Where may I find this girl?'

Thank god Sooyoung gave her a pepper spray, it was like she knew that this situation was going to happen.

'You might find her HERE!' and Jessica sprayed the spray on his eyes, causing him to retreat, giving Jessica a chance to run. Although she ran the wrong way.

Jessica pulled out her cell and tried to dial Sooyoung's number which worked but in turn, tripped over an uneven crack on the path causing a big fall, wounding her forehead, her right thigh and her left elbow. She had no time to rest and panicked as she heard 5 more sets of feet coming her way...


Jessica opened her eyes to see that she wasn't shot, but smoke emitting from where the man shot. The man had been moved, and the 4 other men were looking around with sharp, focused eyes.

The Equaliser leader could feel a presence approaching very quickly toward them, but was not fast enough reacting when Sooyoung flash stepped right in front of him. It was like time slowed down for the two to stare right into each other's eyes, but Sooyoung crouched and upper-kicked the Equaliser leader on the chin, causing the Equaliser to fly and land on a trashbin.

Sooyoung's sonido kicks were surprising to the other Equalisers, not even the human eye could see and process this scene. Resulting in them being either thrown to the ground to smashed against a wall at the same time.

Jessica was still in a daze and could not process what was happening. Sooyoung shook her, trying to wake her from her small reverie.

'Jessica! You alright?! You better run! NOW! JESSICA! N.O.W!'

Jessica snapped out of her reverie, not thinking for a split second of the scene, but the want of escaping overpowered her. She ran out towards the street, but unaware of a car coming.


She froze, but at least 3 seconds before she got hit, she tried to run, but Sooyoung flash stepped toward her and caught her. They were flying out of the road, and landed severely on the ground but Sooyoung let go of Jessica and hit her head harshly against the point of a water hydrant, causing her to black out.

As for Jessica, she rolled back into the street, unable to move due to extreme pain and exhaustion, but did not see another car speeding up toward her. The driver though did see her but only at the split second causing the driver to turn and run over her right arm and the rim of his wheel hitting her head.

The whole street was in a mess, and Jessica and Sooyoung were imperatively taken to the hospital that Sooyoung worked at.

Taeyeon was Jessica's surgeon, trying to mend her broken arm, while Tiffany assissted.

'Jessica....' Tiffany consoled her silently, hoping that Jessica would be okay.

-- 2 DAYS LATER --

'Erghh... what...' Sooyoung slowly opened her eyes, tried to get up but flinched feeling the huge pain at the back of her head. She looked around to see that she was in a white room with 'Get Well' cards and flowers and everything else you could think of.

'Sooyoung! You're awake! Are you alright?' Tiffany came in hurriedly, and closed the door.

'Ugh.. Tiffany, how long was I out for?' Sooyoung slowly got up, still feeling pain but got sat up anyway.

'Around 2 days, that water hydrant must've been powerful to keep you out for 2 days hahaha!'

'I guess so... well that's a relief... Tiffany, I'm in trouble.' Sooyoung said in a serious tone.

'The Equalisers... they're back.'


A/N : Equalisers.. heheh, who are they? ;D Didn't want to plagiarise legend of korra, got my idea of equalisers from their 'Equalists'.

They're supposed to be a group that try to balance the world between people with powers and the normal, but unfortunately Sooyoung and Tiffany are the only ones with powers, and so you'd rather have them normal hm? ;D

FLASH STEP: it's like teleporting but teleporting in the same area and very fast.

SONIDO: it's like flash step, except the more you flash step, you clone yourself, enabling to execute the same actions but just with more of you :D

Hope you liked my first real kind of chap (: hope you keep reading from me, and i'll try to update as much as i can (:

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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!