slowly reveal.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot


'Ch-Ch-Choi Seunghyun.' Sooyoung stared in worry. 
He laughed loudly as he walked towards Sooyoung.
'Yes. That is me. How does it feel to see your brother?' Seunghyun smiled while raising an eyebrow evily.
'This is so much to take in....' Sooyoung kneeled on the ground trying to catch her breath.
Seunghyun was just walking around Sooyoung slowly, though the other Equalisers remained in the fixed positions. 
'You know... because we're siblings, I have a nickname, it's T.O.P. Reason? Top of the rankings, top Equaliser, top of everything. You get the drill.' 
Seunghyun walked towards Sooyoung and grabbed her shirt and yanked it upwards to his face.
'I said we'd meet again if you'd remember Jessica... HAHAHA but I guess I'm too patient!' He dropped Sooyoung like she was nothing he cared about.
'Well you have feelings for the girl. I guess that was enough for you to do something, am I right?' 
'Hahaha.... Jessica is nothing more than just a crush. I'm sure it'll go away.' Seunghyun raised his eyebrow.
'Oh you really think so? Well. We'll see about that. We'll meet again soon, Sooyoung. VERY SOON. It is much sooner than you think. HAHAHA!' Seunghyun snapped his fingers to signal the fleeing and fled himself.  
'Hrmmm, you... coward.' Sooyoung felt weak, trying to get the fact that Seunghyun, her brother was an Equaliser, the leader. 
Jessica was in the distance watching the smoke dissolve amongst the crowd, but was the only one who noticed 5 figures flying their way. 
Jessica slowly backed away, in hopes of not getting involved and planned on meeting Sooyoung after the incident. But she bumped into an Equaliser, which happened to be Seunghyun while backing away. 
'Oh... sorry...' Jessica tried to escape but was grabbed by the arm and yanked harshly. Jessica flinched painfully as she yelped. 
'Jessica, might I ask you if it's okay if you came along with us?' Seunghyun chuckled but there was worry on Jessica's face.
'I don't know how you know my name, but you get away from me right now!' Jessica screamed and slapped his arm, trying to release his grip on her. But it was no use, he yanked her arm closer to him then lifted her up on his shoulder. 
'AHH! PUT ME DOWN NOW! PUT ME DOWNNNNN!' Jessica screamed and punching his back trying to get him to let go of her. 
'URGH... Jessica's in trouble...' Sooyoung weakly got up, as her irises turned to blue. 'No time to rest... ughhh Jessica..' 
Then a surge of electricity went through Sooyoung's spine signalling that the danger was a priority. 
'! JESSICA!' Sooyoung ran and jumped off the cliff and flash stepped towards the crowds. 
'Let's see how much of a crush Sooyoung has on you now, Jessica.' Seunghyun grinned evily, starting to walk away. He stopped instantly as he saw a figure flash step in front of him.
Time seemed to move so slow as Seunghyun saw Sooyoung slide in front of him. Seunghyun's eyes widened as he saw Sooyoung's irises change to white. 
I've never seen it turn white before.... 
Seunghyun's eyes were too slow to process Sooyoung's movement, that he felt Jessica off his shoulder and felt his body impact on the ground in an instant. 
From what he could remember, Sooyoung flash stepped to grab Jessica who fell unconcious after her rescue but was punched on the stomach and tripped by her long legs. 
Seunghyun gave up as he laid on the ground waiting for something to tell Sooyoung.
Sooyoung ran to Jessica after fighting her brother. Sooyoung shook Jessica's shoulders, then she caressed her cheek.
'Jessica... you okay?' Sooyoung stared at Jessica then felt a hand on top of hers, since Sooyoung kept her hand upon Jessica's cheek. 
Sooyoung sighed heavily in relief to see that she was okay. 
'Had me going there for a second.' Sooyoung chuckled as she rubbed her cheek. 
'Time to go home.' Jessica breathily giggled. 
'Is this more than a crush Sooyoung?!' Seunghyun laughed loudly from the distance. Sooyoung's eyes widened as she glared furiously. 
'IT SEEMS YOU CARE ABOUT HER MUCH MORE! HAHAHAHAHA!' Seunghyun laughed out of control while his fellow Equalisers took him away and fled. 
Sooyoung stared at Jessica in defeat. She really did feel that way about Jessica and couldn't help it.
'You.... care about me.' Jessica laughed quietly before blacking out. 
'Yep... I do. For a reason other than falling for you.' Sooyoung whispered out, then lifted Jessica up and took her home her way. She flash stepped the way home which seemed to be tiring since the theme park was a long way from home.
'So your arm will be a little sore after I've healed it but it'll be better in a few days.' Sooyoung smiled at a slightly younger Jessica. Jessica lifted her arm which Sooyoung grabbed. Jessica flinched at the feeling of regeneration.
Although Sooyoung didn't notice Jessica staring at her eyes while healing her, and Jessica was surprised at the sudden change in her irises when returning back to her normal colour. 
'So you change your eye colour so easily since you think people will look at your healing powers.' Jessica smiled smartly, turning her head around to see Sooyoung. Sooyoung was surprised at this, but returned to her normal expression and smiled.
'Well it happens... 98% of the time heheh.' Sooyoung gave smug grin out of awkward shyness. Jessica found this cute and giggled which made Sooyoung a little confused. 
'Hahaha that wasn't a joke. But I'm glad I made you laugh.' Jessica laughed subconciously at Sooyoung's statement and lifted her hand to her face, but felt a huge jolt of pain through her arm. Jessica flinched and flung herself back knocking down some objects on Sooyoung's desk. 
Sooyoung rushed to aid her, and embraced her as she caught Jessica. Jessica held her breath at the sudden closeness.
'.... you okay?' Sooyoung gently rubbed Jessica's arm in hopes of soothing the pain. Though Jessica was in a really uncomfortable state in trying to keep her sanity stable.  
Sooyoung felt a hand on top of hers that showed that she was fine. 
'Thought you were going to die heheh.' Sooyoung tried to relieve the tension but Jessica slowly turned her head simply stared into Sooyoung's eyes closely. 
They were in a staring competition, time slowed for them as they both observed the features of each other. 
Neither realised that their cheeks were evolving into a hot pink colour. They both just enjoyed each other's warmth, knowing that both had equal feelings for each other, neither denying it either.
The two shockingly pulled away, as one of the nurses called for Sooyoung's assistance.
'Well.. I better get going.' Sooyoung smiled warmly and opened the door to aid the nurse.
'Hahaha...' Jessica chuckled as she looked up at the ceiling. 'What did I get myself into?' 
Jessica opened her eyes to see the bright large moon hovering above her. But she could see it slightly moving, suddenly realising she was moving herself. Jessica found herself in a pair of arms as she looked up, Sooyoung's fierce face didn't notice her woken up presence.
As Jessica was moving through the streets, she realised they were not on the ground, which explained the smooth travel, as they were in the air. 
Oh... she's using that teleporting power.
Jessica felt the same warmth back when Sooyoung caught her, and felt a surge of happiness as she closed her eyes and smiled. 
'Oh... I get it.' 
Sooyoung finally took notice of Jessica and surprisingly saw her awake.
'I get why you care about me so much.' 
sorry if the story is going a little slow, i needa get this story on a move on XD but soosica moments are awesome right :P
you like the story right? :D heheheh
hope you liked this update :D
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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!