jealousy arises.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot

when they got the new server, they deleted my previous chapter -.- and it got me pissed. they also did it with my oneshot, i can't finish it since i wrote it here, and never got to save it >.> and it was a long chapter that i forgot what i wrote T_T SORRY GUISE. 


As they reached the apartment, Sooyoung took Jessica to their room and laid her on the bed gently. 
'Sleep well.' Sooyoung whispered subconciously near Jessica's ear. 
Though Jessica was asleep, she felt the consideration in her voice as she walked away. 
Sooyoung drowsily landed on the couch. She just wasn't in the mood to do anything. All she could care about was Jessica for the moment. 
She heavily sighed and flinched a bit when her phone rang.
'.... er... hello?'
'Ugh... Tae, I'm sleepy, please not now.'
'No! Just... you need to visit the hospital tomorrow okay? With Jessica.' 
'.... Tae. You know you could've just done the text message.' 
'Sorry, I just need to make sure it's like drilled into your head y'know?' 
Sooyoung pressed the hang up button before she even answered.
She sighed heavily again and tilted her head back about to drown in her sleep when she heard another ring.
'.... HELLO.' Sooyoung seemed to be really annoyed when she was sleep deprived.
'Why hello person who likes to bump into other people in front of their little love.' The girl said in quite the bright voice.
Sooyoung's eyes widened at the sound. 
'Sneaky little girl. Getting my number is something you should ask.' Sooyoung smirked.
'Just going to ask if you want to like, have lunch or something like that?' Yoonjo said in a persuasive voice. Sooyoung couldn't refuse the offer of food.
'Hrmmmm, alright little girl. Just lunch okay. I'm looking after a person who just got into a little accident. I'll see you soon baby.' 
Sooyoung hung up before Yoonjo could answer since she was too tired. She got up slowly and drowsily walked back into their room.
She saw the light brown haired figure sleeping soundly and well, and it looked like she rolled on the other side of the bed. 
She slowly sat on the bed, sliding closer to the sleeping figure and moved her fringe up to see her eyes. Sooyoung's hands cupped her face as her thumbs were her cheeks gently. 
Her irises glowed a pink colour, as she moved closer to Jessica. She laid next to Jessica facing her, sleepily snaking her arms around Jessica's side. She stared at her cold expression, and smiled. 
Sooyoung was observing Jessica's figure when she noticed a bruise on her arm, which she assumed her brother tightly grabbed Jessica's arm. She took a hold of Jessica's arm gently and tried to heal her without waking her up, which took a lot of time and energy.
'Urgh... for someone who was my love in a past life. This should be nothing. I wonder what else happened back then. So this is what Taeyeon and Tiffany were talking about...' Sooyoung whispered to herself. 
Sooyoung then let go of Jessica's arm and put her arm around her waist again and snuggled closer to Jessica. 
'My my Jessica. This feeling is quite familiar.' Sooyoung whispered before going into a deep sleep. 
Aware of everything, Jessica heard everything, but was still half asleep. Her lips curved upwards in happiness. She loved the feeling of Sooyoung hugging her and fell asleep again.
'Well, this will definitely be fun. Prepare yourself Choi Sooyoung. This battle is not over. I will prevail. You will fail.' Seunghyun evily whispered from a nearby building. 
'Sir, when shall we plan this event?' One of the Equalisers said formally. 
'Not yet. This plan will need time, just like Sooyoung and Jessica. They need time.' 
'Sir.' The Equaliser took off his mask and glared at Seunghyun. 
'Now now, don't be too quick, Minho.' Seunghyun chuckled. 
Seunghyun walked up to Minho slowly and grabbed his neck. He lifted Minho up harshly and held his grip.
'Erghhh... YOU... GRAH BASTARD!' Minho struggled to speak due to the harsh strangle. 
'Minho, don't be hasty. If you fail this plan by not going by my orders, I will do more than just this.' Seunghyun said blankly as he dropped Minho.
He coughed very hardly and knelt on the ground of some massive air. He was holding his neck as he tried to regain his breath and glared at Seunghyun whose back was staring back at Minho. 
'Do I make myself clear?' Seunghyun said without looking back at Minho.
'Huff... huff.... yes sir.' Minho sighed heavily and did a manly bow before fleeing.
The sun rose up to their room and shined very brightly upon them, waking up Jessica but not Sooyoung since her back was facing the sunlight. Jessica's eyes twitched at the sight of sunlight, but felt a weight on her stomach.
It was Sooyoung's arm still tightly wrapped around her. She smiled at the physical contact. She lied back on the bed and slightly turned to be face to face with Sooyoung's. Her hand slowly and gently Sooyoung's cheeks and down her jawline. 
Sooyoung felt the tingling feeling, and liked it. But did not react to it, instead she let Jessica keep doing it. Although Sooyoung did slightly move to have a much comfortable feeling while hugging Jessica.
Jessica didn't realise this and moved Sooyoung's fringe to see her face. Then moved her hand back on her face, it was quite soft and Jessica was quite surprised at the feeling. 
Sooyoung was really loving the feeling but didn't want to make it too obvious, so instead her eyes popped open with the orange colour gleaming and stared at Jessica. Jessica was shocked that she was doing all that unaware that Sooyoung woke up.
'You're quite happy.' 
'Ah. Y-y-you were... sleeping s-s-soundly... and your e-eyes are o-orange...' Jessica stammered. 
'It's okay. It felt nice.' Sooyoung smiled as she took her arms away from Jessica's waist and got up. She flash stepped to the bathroom, leaving Jessica dumbfounded.
For the whole time Sooyoung was in the bathroom, Jessica remained lying in bed while she absorbed the sun's rays as well as the blanket hovering over her. 
Jessica closed her eyes for a moment, but screamed loudly when she opened her eyes to see Sooyoung's face right up in front of her own.
'GAD SOOYOUNG.' Jessica pouted, which Sooyoung didn't react to. Instead she walked out of the room and closed the door. Though Jessica didn't move from the bed, but kept lying there.
For the past half hour, Jessica could hear sizzling, pans hitting the stove, plates and cutlery hitting against wood and then... silence.
It only took Jessica a blink to see Sooyoung right in front of her in an instant. 
'Aish! Sooyoung, you are just annoying!' Jessica crossed her arms in fustration but Sooyoung never got fazed. 
Instead Sooyoung arm's made their way under Jessica's legs and around her waist. She started to run to the door which was closed.
'SOOYOUNG! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' Jessica yelled and shut her eyes tightly as she was prepared to face the impact but instead she felt air rush by her and opened her eyes to see a table full of food.
'You forgot I had powers already?' Sooyoung raised an eyebrow and Jessica simply looked away out of embarrassment. 
Sooyoung walked to one of the chairs and slowly let Jessica sit down. 
'Hm?' Jessica was confused at the early guest.
'Wonder who'd that be.' Sooyoung walked to the door and opened it to see a quite familiar figure.
'Hey there.' She winked at Sooyoung, making Sooyoung panic a little inside.
'Uhh... Yoonjo...' Sooyoung turned her head slightly to see Jessica in the kitchen waiting. But she saw Jessica coming up by the entrance only to be shocked at who was at the door.
Though Yoonjo wasn't fazed she turned back to Sooyoung and smirked evily.
'So Sooyoung, are you ready for the lunch date?' Yoonjo winked purposely again to arouse Jessica's jealousy. But of course that has already happened, Jessica was on fire.
re-uploaded, hope you liked the chapter :D i'm fairly busy right now, i'll try to update soon (:
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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!