calm before the storm.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot


Your fate will change.

Destiny will overpower.

The Gods will manipulate your lives.

'Are you ready, Choi Sooyoung... and Jessica Jung?' the temple manager asked.


'Younggieee, do we have to do thissssssssss?'

'Aish.. just say yes Sica!'

'HRRRMM yesssssssiirrrrrr.'

Sooyoung facepalmed, but shook it off since this was their special day.

'Right this way, you two.' he lead the couple to a hallway of the temple, but because the hallway was long, it took some time to walk to the other side.

Sooyoung and Jessica intertwined their hands and followed the temple manager.

'Whatever you're trying to do for us... is it really gonna work Younggieeee?'

'I read about it in some novel, some say it works, I don't know... I wanted to try, although I haven't heard about any results. But Sica! We could become the perfect couple if we do this! I love you and you love me, what could go wrong?!'

'I guess so, heheheh Youngieeee~!'

Jessica started to rub her nose against Sooyoung's and playing around in the background.





'AHEMMMMMMM, you guys are the happiest couple out there, that's cute but could you keep the PDA down a little, thank you.' the temple manager groaned and stared at them.


'Listen old fart, Youngie and I will do whatev--'

Sooyoung covered Jessica's mouth before the temple manager could even rage. She Jessica's lips with one finger, sealing them.

'Sorry about that! Jessica won't talk like that again... now you were saying haha?'

Sooyoung could feel the awkward situation as she was trying to calm Jessica down but failed as Jessica kept hitting Sooyoung's arm.

'I cannot go forward any longer, but there is a balcony at the end of this hallway, at sunset you will confess to each other, say whatever you wish to say to each other, then your wish is granted. You will be forever a couple.'

'Is it really that simple?'

'Mhhrrmmmhrmm?' Jessica tried to speak but only spoke mumbles.

'Exactly it. Now, I have to go back and tour other tourists and OTHER, couples. Now if you'll excuse me, oh and by the way, I hope this experience works out for both of you! Good day!' and the temple manager ran out hurriedly to his next schedule.

Sooyoung lifted Jessica up and spun around in happiness.

'Was totally right. We're gonna be the perfect couple! HAHAHA!'


Sooyoung's eyes widened, then chuckled. She put Jessica down and with another of her finger against Jessica's lips, she was about to yell the second she was able to speak but got lifted up by Sooyoung again.

'I'm sorry Sica! If you insulted that guy, we won't have our happy ever after! But now we are! AND-- OH. I should save all of this for the actual confessing bit haha.' and Sooyoung continued to spin Jessica around.

'Youngieee~! You're just overreacting! We'll still be the same happy couple, we can't get any happier than this! We're too happy.... just like how this is too good to be true.'

Jessica wrapped her arms around Sooyoung's neck and stared right into her mesmerising eyes.

'Even if it's too good to be true, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try right?'

'Well we should go now, we could be missing the sunset and miss out on the confessions!'

Sooyoung put Jessica down, but as Jessica was about to walk, Sooyoung pulled Jessica into an embrace, and before Jessica could react, Sooyoung cupped her face and gently kissed her lips.

'Younggiee...' Jessica whispered after pulling back. 'Gotta wait heheh.'

Sooyoung pouted only to leave Jessica giggling.

'Let's go Younggiee~!' and Jessica intertwines her hand with Sooyoung's and runs to the balcony.

'WOWW THE VIEW IS NICE! Younggieeeee~! Oh and it's almost sunset, so we have alittle time to enjoy the view!' Jessica was so amused at the view that she got surprised as Sooyoung s her arms around Jessica's waist and pulled her closer to her.

Sooyoung put her head on Jessica's shoulder but could not help but stare down at Jessica's chest. She tried to supress the urge, but gave in.

'It's quite the fantastic view actually....'

'Right Youngiee?! Look at all th-- AISH YOUNGGIEEE!' Jessica's cheeks turned red and knocked Sooyoung's head with hers in which both led to break away from each other from the sudden pain.

'Mianhae! I just got alittle ...' Sooyoung fumbled and pouted while Jessica was still recovering from blushing.

'Omo! It's time Younggieee~!

Sooyoung took in a deep breath and faced Jessica, staring into her golden eyes, gleaming due to the early sunset.

'My dear girlfriend, Jessica Jung, being together with you since 10th grade, well that makes it... uhh.. err...' Sooyoung was lost into a trance when..

'PABO! Aishhh, 5 years Younggiee!' Jessica flicked Sooyoung's forehead.

'Ah! Right right, so 5 years right? Okay, and I still feel head over heels just being with you, it makes me feel like I'm falling in love with you over and over again! Even though we fight, I know we're the perfect couple because being too nice to each other can't make the perfect couple!'

'Aww Youngiee~!' Jessica blushed at her little confession, although she didn't know what to say cause she thought Sooyoung said it all.

'And that's not all...' Sooyoung's eyes widened, not liking the feeling she was experiencing just now.

All of a sudden, Sooyoung's irises turned into a blood red colour, a sign of being overpowered by her subconcious, her so-called self fortune teller.

'Not all Youngiee? What else you gotta say?'

'It is our choices that show what we truly are. Far more than our abilities....' Sooyoung said in a strange voice, irises later changing back to her hazel brown.

'Wonder what that was all about...'

'Younggiee, are you done? Your little superpower doesn't work on me heheh! Merong~! Now for mine!'

Sooyoung shaked her head in confusion as to why her so-called self fortune teller would come up at a time like this. Sooyoung intertwined both of her hands with Jessica's and moved closely to Jessica's face.

'Go on...' Sooyoung went in a seductive voice while smiling and raising her eyebrow.

'Uhh well.. haha, Youngiee why?! HAHA... ermm. Yours was so much more special I can't even--'

'It can be short and sweet, I don't mind Sica, just as long as I hear a confession from the girl I want to be with forever. No biggie.'

'YOUNGIEEE~! >_< Uhh, you are like a date! I always want to be on time just for you, I want to be the most prettiest for you, I always want to us to be perfect, and I guess we are!'

'Wow.. that's something different Sica, I like this side of you, you should do it more often heheh.'

'And MY special quote for you is... Time waits for no one. Meaning, I want to spend as much time with you and never wasting a moment. NEVER! EVER! EVER EVER EV--' Jessica was interrupted by a sudden presence upon her lips, which she did not push back.

She loved the feeling, making Sooyoung bring her closer, embracing her tighter.

'You DEFINITELY talk too much, Sica HAHA!' Sooyoung chuckled after pulling back.

'Sooooo, do you think it worked Younggiee? It's almost nightfall and we should get back home, and plus I'm hungry!'

'Oi hey! I'm the hungry one, aigoo, I'm pretty sure it worked! I can feel our destinies changing... really changing.'

so like this is probably the only normal chapter for now, cause the fantasy is just starting. i kinda just needed a story to begin with, just not with them already forgetting who they are otherwise there's no love in that XD

hope you liked the lovey dovey scene! cause action happens in later chaps >w<

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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!