independent loves.

Fate Separates While Destiny Ties The Knot

'The Equalisers... they're back.'

'You know them?!'

'Well of course, I'm just like you. Except I'm reduced to only one power, unlike you, you can choose yours. And plus they don't know about me, probably won't care about me anyway.'

'That's something new Tiffany, what's yours exactly?'

'Something time based. If I ever have to use it, you'll see. You should heal yourself and go see Jessica, I'll be with Taeyeon if you need me.'

'W-w-wait! Who's Jessica?'

'WHO'S JESSICA?!' Tiffany pulled Sooyoung out of her bed and dragged her to an isolated room where surgeries occur.

Tiffany opened the door, to see a well sleeping Jessica. Jessica had her whole arm wrapped in a cast as pieces of cloth are seen embracing her upper body and the cast itself to hold it up, a bandage wrapped around her head, while her face had small bandages for the minor wounds.

'That's Jessica. You know... YOUR Jessica?' Sooyoung stared at Jessica from afar, then she walked up close to her and stared at her lifeless looking face, she went all confused and then back to a pokerface.


'That water hydrant got you hard. REAL HARD.'

'Girl, you got issues, I have no idea who this girl is. Anyway, I'm going to eat something, Taeyeon should be at the cafe right? See you there!' And Sooyoung runs off leaving a dumbfounded Tiffany.

'What... Jessica must have been the last person she thought of. I thought she had all the powers. I guess she can only harness some. Hmm...' Tiffany looked at Jessica who was still soundly asleep, patted her head and went off to meet Taeyeon and Sooyoung.

'Sooyoung! You're at a speedy recovery! How are you feeling 'Younggiee~' or as Jessica would call you HAHAHA!' Taeyeon pulled Sooyoung under her arm and gave Sooyoung a noogie.

'YAH YAH TAE! Geddoff me! And Tae... I don't even know this Jessica, why do you and Tiffany keep pairing me up with that chick?' she complained as she sat at one of the tables reserved for doctors.

'WHAT?! CAUSE JESSICA IS YO--' Taeyeon froze and thought for a moment. Amnesia?

'My what? Look, Tae, I don't know what's up with you and Tiffany but... you guys are crazy today.'

'I guess we are heheh. So Soo, whatcha want? I'll order since you're still hurt and everything.'

'Everything on the menu, kay thanks. I'll walk around for a bit, while waiting for the food heheh.' And Sooyoung got out of her seat and went to walk around the hospital.

'It seems she doesn't harness the power to remember, reverse the amnesia.' Tiffany came from behind Taeyeon, giving her a surprise peck on the cheeks.

'Well let's just hope Jessica remembers so she can give Sooyoung a chance to remember as well. Okay now, we order this girl's lunch. It's a load, she said everything on the menu Fany!'

Sooyoung was walking around the hospital when she saw a girl about her age pestering an icecream maker.

'Aw come on! Just because I didn't have enough money, please! I'm really hungry!' :(

'You gotta have the right amount, or no icecream. Come back when you have enough okay?'

'But that's the thing! I don't have enough, please!'

'Uh... hmm Yuri, that's your name right? Please lend the girl some icecream okay?'

'Omo! Doctor Sooyoung you remembered my name?!' Yuri asked excitedly.

'Uh... no.. it was on your name tag.'

'Oh. Well here's your icecream miss.' -_-

'Hehehe, thanks!'

Sooyoung was just walking around with this new girl that wanted icecream, while watching the girl eat the icecream happily.

'Thanks for that. You're a real lifesaver! So you're a doctor at this hospital... hmm.. mianhae for interrupting your work...' and she bows.

'Well I kinda got into an accident, so I'm off for a little break, even though I'm alright for now heheh. What's your name?'

'OMO! That's what the news was about! You're the doctor from that terrible accident back out on the streets! Heard it got crazy after that. Some masked men have been going around to find some magical girl. Oh sorry! My name is Yoona, nice to meet you Doctor... was it Sooyoung?'

'Yeah it was... those men you speak of, stay away from them okay? And... for now, Yoona ssi. We never met arraseo? When the time is right. We can have icecream together some time heheh!' Sooyoung ran off to get back to the taeny couple.

-- DREAM --

'It is our choices that show what we truly are. Far more than our abilities.'



What... who is this girl. Her irises change colour. She can teleport. It looks like... she saved me.

The thought of being run over by a car.


Jessica instantly got up, panting heavily, feeling that she was sweating.

'What was that... brrrr. Gotta see Tiff.' Jessica shook her head and got of bed, but felt a shock of pain through her spine from moving her right arm.


Jessica walked into the cafe, only to receive monster hugs and concerning complaints from Taeyeon and Tiffany.

'Are you okay?! Don't move that arm a lot okay Jess!' Tiffany hugged Jessica carefully, being aware of Jessica's cast.

'Sooyoung just went walking around, but she'll be back when the food comes around.' Taeyeon assured Jessica, not expecting her next answer.

'Who's Sooyoung?' Jessica asked curiously, pokerfacing Taeyeon and Tiffany.

Their eyes both widened in shock, then facepalmed at the same time.

'This is bad....'

'Really bad...'

'The food's ready right?!' Sooyoung shouted from the other side, coming towards the three.

'This a new friend, Tae? Hey! What's up?'

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at Jessica and Sooyoung repeatively, only to receive weird stares back.

'Nothing much, obviously just recovering from an accident, y'know. I'm Jessica.'

Sooyoung's eyes widened. Jessica?


1.35am.. heheh. MY MIND IS JUST FLOWING WITH IDEAS! so i'll continue later on TODAY! (:

hope you enjoyed this chap :D

oh by the way, i never check my work, so sorry if there's errors or something ^^;

guys, please comment :( i wanna know how i'm doing, if you're actually reading... (:

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I hope you can still continue on writing this one.
like i told you, i love this fic, and i can't wait to read more, keke, FIGHTING! <33 ^^
dammit Yoonjo give it up! go away! and you too TOP.
aish....SooSicaaa <3333
haha TaeNy
and cute shy YoonHyun
Why a Choi should be a bad guy?
hehehe SooSicaaaa <33333
Dang...TOP....wish you weren't the bad guy :(
thanks for clarifying Sooyoung's irises
aigooooo.....stupid Equalisers....just let SooSica live in peace...
thanks for the comments guys! :D i feel loved HEHEHEH
@elaine242 uhh yes, pink is consideration for others, when they're in need of help, orange is feeling emotions, awareness of lying or telling the truth (:
you know what, i'll just make a chap of sooyoung's powers HEHEHE
Ahh so cute!!!