Shopping For Messages

Fruit Milk

Athena POV-
Hope and I headed toward my house. Hope usually comes over, we don’t live very far from each other, so it’s easy for her to get home. We walked through the door and upstairs to my room. When we got there, she sat on my bed while sat in my computer chair and my laptop.
“You know, those boys that we ran into?” Hope asked.
“You mean the boys that you ran into?” I questioned.
She laughed, “Yeah.”
“Yeah. What about them?”
“I think the blonde one was cute.” She giggled.
“You're kidding? Right?” I asked.
“No. I’m not! It’s love at first sight.” She replied almost drooling on my bed.
“Am I gonna have to get the drool bucket?” I asked sarcastically.
“No!” Hope pouted.
I laughed and turned back to my computer. I clicked on my internet icon and went to check my FaceBook. When I got there, I had 26 new notifications and one new friend request. I opened the notifications tab. About 24 of them were from Hope.
“Blow up my notifications much?” I asked her.
She just smiled. I turned back to my computer again and checked my friend request.

It’s some kid named Eunhyuk...

I turned toward Hope again, “Do you know anyone named Eunhyuk?”
“No. Who’s that?” She asked.
“I don’t know, but he sent me a friend request...” I said, “Should I accept?”
Hope stood up and walked toward me, then check out his picture, “He’s cute. Accept it.”
I laughed, “Your boy crazy!”
“Maybe!” She replied.
I accepted the request and began to check my notifications. It was mostly Hope liking all my pictures from when we went to Florida... She has liked every single one of my pictures. There is not one picture she hasn’t liked. I continued checking FaceBook, when I got a message from someone... It was that Eunhyuk kid...


Eunhyuk: Hi

Me: Do I know you? Like at all?
Eunhyuk: You should. We go to the same high school.
Me: We do?
Eunhyuk: Yeah. I’m in your history class. I sit right behind you.

I turned back toward Hope, “The Eunhyuk kid said that he’s in our history class.”
Hope stood up and walked toward me again, “Really? Go to his profile.”
I went to Eunhyuk’s profile and went to his pictures. Hope kept scanning each and everyone of them.
“Oh yeah. I’ve seen him before.” Hope said.
I rolled my eyes and she went to sit back down.

Me: Oh... I know you...
Eunhyuk: Are you kidding? You don’t know me. I’ve sat behind you for three semesters and you’ve never talked to me.
Me: Right... Sorry...
Eunhyuk: It’s cool. And so are you(:

I blushed at his virtual comment.

Me: Thanks.
Eunhyuk: You know what else?
Me: What?
Eunhyuk: You’re really pretty. =D

I smiled at his second compliment.

“Ooh, what are you so smiley about?” Hope asked reading my messages with Eunhyuk, “Ooh... Someone’s got a crush.”
“I do not.” I replied.
“Then why are your cheeks red?” Hope asked, which only made me blush more.
“I don’t know.” I closed the lid to my computer without replying to him, “Well, what should we do now?”
“I’m not sure. We have all day...” Hope replied.
Hope and I looked at each other, “SHOPPING!!!!!
We picked up our bags, headed downstairs, and out the front door. We walked around for a little, until we finally found one of our favorite stores. We walked in and split up. We both looked around in different sections. But I don’t think Hope was confused while she was searching... There was a boy in the girls section...
I walked over to him, “Um.. Excuse me?”
He turned around, “Hello!”
“Um... W-What are you doing in the girls section?” I asked him, he looks about my age.
He looked around, “Working..”
“Oh. You work here?” I asked looking at his name tag.
He looked around again, “Yep...”
“Alright then...”
He looked at me, “Can I help you pick out clothes?”
I stared at him confused, “What do you know about girls and their clothes?”
He pointed at his name tag, “Right..” I said.
He dragged me all around the store throwing clothes at me as we walk by all the racks. After he piled me with a bunch of clothes, he brought me to a dressing room.

“Show me when you’re changed.” He said smiling.

I nodded and walked in, then changed into a grey shirt with a red plaid scarf and a nice pair of blue jeans. After I was finished I walked out and showed him.

“Ooh, I like it. It’s very... Fashionable...” He said.

I blushed at his comment, “Thanks.”

I walked back into the room and changed again. I would change, then show him, then change, then show him almost for a half an hour. After a bunch of changes and compliments, I finally changed back into my old clothes and went to pay for the clothes that the guy helped me pick out.

“Thank you for helping.” I said.

He grabbed a bag for the clothes, “No problem.”

I paid for the clothes and he pulled out the receipt. Before giving me the receipt, he wrote something on it. I took it from him and walked off. When I looked back, he was chewing his gum and I swear winked at me... At least I think he did... I looked down at the receipt. Next to the store's phone number, he wrote...


Or you could call my number(;


Below that was indeed his phone number. I looked around the reciept for his name.




Donghae? That’s a sweet name. I put the receipt back into my pocket and went to search for Hope. Which, like always I found her in the shoe aisle fighting a lady for some high heels. The lady was gripping one side of the high heels while Hope was gripping the other. It was like a death game of tug-a-war. I walked over to Hope and dragged her away from the shoes, making her release the one she was fighting for.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed, then her voice got all high pitched and sad, “I need it...”

I dragged her up to the counter where Donghae was. Hope paid for her clothes while I waited next to her. Donghae pulled out her receipt and wrote something on hers too. Did he write his number on hers too? That two timing moron. Hope and I started to walk away and she looked at her receipt.

“Woah..” She exclaimed.

“What?” I asked.

She showed me her receipt. Just like mine there was a note on it. The only difference was that hers said something different than mine. I read it...

Tell your friend to meet me at the Fruit Cafe on Sunday. :)

“Does he know you work there?” Hope asked.
I shook my head, “No.. I don’t even know him... All I know is his name and that he works at our favorite store...”
“Well, luckily we bought you new clothes, now he’ll say, gurrrrrrrrrlllllllll you hot!” Hope said.
I just laughed, “I still wonder why you're my best friend.”
“Because you love me.” She replied.
I smiled. So I guess I have a date.... At work....

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)