Do I Really Like Him?

Fruit Milk

Hope’s POV-

“Oh you know... Nothing much happened...”

“I don’t think I believe you.” I looked at her then to the stuffed fish she was holding.

“Well you should.” She said while turning back to the computer.

“How am I supposed to believe nothing happened when you are hugging a stuffed fish that I know you didn’t have before today?” I asked.

She stayed still in the chair.

“Well... We went to the arcade...” She said.

“Oooo gurl.” I said almost immediately.

I couldn't help myself. She laughed and logged into Facebook and checked her notifications then updated her status.

“Hey, can I check mine?” I asked.

“Yeah.” She logged out and stood up.

“Thanks.” I said.

I got up and walked over to the chair while Athena took my spot on the bed. I logged into Facebook and checked my notifications. Athena likes to them I see.

“I have something to tell you.” I said still looking at the computer.

“What?” She asked sort of worried.

“Well you know the guy I ran into the other day?”

“Yes!” I could tell she was getting excited.

“I saw him today.”

“Really!” She was at the edge of the bed when I turned around.

“I talked to him too... I even know his name.”

“W-what is it?”

“Taemin.” I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

“Oooo.” She smiled, “Potential boyfriend?”

“Gosh, I hope so!” I hugged myself.

I turned back around and logged out of Facebook and sat by her on the bed.

“Now tell me more about what happened today.” I looked at her.

“Maybe tomorrow.” She smiled.

I yawned and pushed Athena off the bed. I peeked off the edge of the bed and she hit me with a pillow so, I grabbed one that was next to me and hit her back then moved before she could hit me again. She followed me and, I ran out of the bedroom and down the stairs with Athena close behind me. I ran into the kitchen and then into the living room and everywhere else I could in the house. I got to the back door and it was locked I tried to unlock it before Athena got to me. Just as I got it unlocked she hit me with the pillow. I turned around but she was already in the other room. I followed her as she ran up the stairs and back in the room she jumped on the bed then sat down, I sat by her.

“I’m thirsty.” she said out of breath.

“I am too.” I said taking a big breath of air.

“Come on.” She said standing up.

I followed her down the stairs then to the kitchen. We both got a glass of water and sat at the table in the dinning room. We talked for about an hour then it started to get late. We both started getting a bit hungry so we both had some cereal and talked for another half an hour before we went up to Athena’s room again. I just then realized I didn’t have a change of clothes for tomorrow or even pajamas for tonight. I asked Athena If I could borrow some pajamas and a change of clothes for tomorrow. She gave me some pjs and I got changed and went to sit by her. I was getting tired though so I didn’t want to stay up much longer. Before I knew it I was asleep. I dreamt about what happened today and about Taemin. He’s been in my thoughts a lot.

The morning came faster than I would have liked it too but, we had to get up to go to work. After we were ready we went down stairs to get something to eat and leave. Once we got to work we picked up a bit and opened up. It was a while before we got our first customer then not long after that we got another. Today might not be as boring as it usually is...

“I’m just a lonely old woman who has no one to complete her life.” I sighed.

“Oh, Hope stop being so dramatic and see was that man wants.” She said as she walked over to take the garbage out.

“Okay, fine.” I walked over to the man.

I asked him what he would like he said just plain bagel. All I thought was about how boring that is. He gave me the money and I gave him the bagel. He walked over to a table and sat down and set the bagel on the table. He reached into his pockets and pulled out some packets that looked like honey... Who keeps honey in their pockets? I laughed a bit because i've never seen that before.

“What are you laughing at.” Athena asked from behind me.

“You see that guy over there with the bagel and the honey?”


“Well he pulled that honey out of his pockets.” I said trying not to laugh.

Athena tried not to laugh but she ended up making a lot of noise.

“Shhh, he is looking” I looked at her, “Don’t you have a date?”

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)