Tell Me Everything

Fruit Milk

Hope’s POV-

Athena left with her “lover” and left me there at the cafe alone. It wasn’t bad I had a customer come in every once and awhile to get some fruit milk and maybe a slice of cake or a muffin. I just drew on a napkin in my spare time. I heard the bells jingle and I looked up It was a middle aged lady. She came up to the counter and ordered a pumpkin muffin. I turned to the shelf behind me and got her her muffin. She handed me a 5 dollar bill, I opened the register and put the money in and handed her the change. She grabbed her muffin and left. I started drawing on the napkin again but, it was full so i decided to go to the back room to get a notebook. I got back there and heard the bells jingle I quickly grabbed the notebook and ran as fast as I could in my heels. I turned the corner to see a familiar boy standing at the counter.

“Hi.” I said as I walked to the register.

“You work here?” He asked.

“Well yeah someone has to take the orders here.” I replied.

“B-but it’s you.” He said stuttering a bit.

“I’m Hope.” I held out my hand for him to shake.

“I’m Taemin.” He took my hand and shook it.

“So what would you like today?” I asked with a smiled.

“Can I get some banana milk please?”

“Yes.” I smiled and walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of banana milk.

He handed me the money and I put it in the register and got his change.

“Thank you.” He said as he receipt was printing.

“Yup.” I said handing him the receipt.

He walked over to a table and sat. He started drinking his banana milk. I pulled out the stool under the counter and opened the notebook. I stared at it while flicking my pencil. I looked back up at Taemin who was looking at me and patting the part of the table across from him. I looked back down at the notebook, sat up, shut the notebook and set the pencil next to it. I tucked the stool back in and walked around the counter. When I got to the table I sat down across from him.

“So?” I asked smiling.

“So?” He asked.

“Well, I don’t know.” I bit my lip.

“Well. I don’t know.” He said.

He is mimicking me! Someone must want to get punched I see... I swear I will not hesitate to punch him... Well maybe a bit... Okay, okay I won't punch him. STARE DOWN! I don’t go down easy. I stared at him from across the table, he stared right back at me. I watched him slowly move the straw up to his mouth and take the last sip of his banana milk. I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The slurping was just too funny, it totally ruined the seriousness.

“What?” He asked unknowingly.

“You completely ruined the seriousness...” I said as soon as I stopped laughing.

Just then I hear the bell ring... It was another customer. I got up and walked over to help him.

“What would you like today sir.” I asked politely.

“Um... Yeah... Can I have a... Uuuuuh...” He thought for a few minutes.

“The Chocolate chip muffins are good.” I said trying to get him to chose something.

“Yeah I’ll have that.” He said.

“Okay. That will be $2.23.” I said as I turned to grab a muffin.

When I turned around he had the exact amount. I took it and put it in the register. He took his muffin and walked out. I looked over to the table Taemin was sitting at... He was already gone. He must have left when I was waiting for the man to take his order. The day was pretty boring I had nothing to do and no one to talk to. Another hour passed then it was time for my break so I grabbed my bag and my phone and flipped the sign to closed and locked the door. I went out walking for a while and ended up at my house. I unlocked the door walked in and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I opened the fridge and got a Capri Sun and got a Pop Tart out of the cupboard. The cat came up and rubbed against my leg. I bent down and petted her, I could hear her purring. I stood up and looked at the time I need to hurry. I stood up and went out the door and closed it behind me. I turned around and locked it with the key that was in the plant ‘cause I didn’t want to get mine off my bag again. After I was finished I put the key back in the plant and covered it up with some soil. I got back to the cafe just in time I unlocked the door and flipped the sign around.

It was a slow day so I really didn’t do much. I waited and waited but after 7:00 pm we don’t get many customers. About a half an hour later Athena and Donghae walked thru the door holding hands.

“How is it going with you two love birds?” I yelled over to them as they walked through the door.

They both blushed and I smiled like an idiot. They went to sit at a table. I got an idea at just that moment. I nonchalantly walked over to the closet and opened the door. I grabbed a cleaning rag and a spray bottle of some bluish, greenish liquid. I slowly cleaned a few tables getting closer and closer to them. I finally got to their table.

“Sooooo, how’s the whole couple thing working for you two?” I said slowly while pretending to clean the table...

They both looked at me with straight faces and I was smiling big. Athena raised her eyebrows and nodded my head. I walked away but, really slow so I could try to hear what they were saying... I think they were waiting till I left ‘cause I didn’t hear a thing. I still watched them like a hawk, I saw smiles and laughter. My girl is growing up so fast! Then, then I saw them stand up and hug each other! Then Athena walked Donghae to the door and he left then she walked over to me...

“Hey.” She said very casually.

“Hi.” I said, “When we get home you do know you are going to have to tell me everything.”

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)