Don’t Worry I Won't Tell Anyone

Fruit Milk

Hope’s POV-
    “You guess who?” I said sort of inpatient.
    “Both I guess... I don’t know either of them that well...” She said almost about to cry.
    “I’m sorry.” I said almost about to cry just like her.
    “For what?” She looked up at me.
    “For going to Eunhyuk’s and bringing you home.” I said sort of quiet.
    “How did you even know where he lives?” She asked.
    I rubbed my hands together and smiled, “Mama does her research...”
    I saw Athena’s smile getting bigger.
    “Hope, since when were you my mom? How could you even be my mom I’m older than you!?” She said smiling.
    “Well, when my mom was pregnant with me I was prego with you...”
    “Hope!” She started laughing which made me laugh, “You are too weird!!”
    “Oh, says the person that thinks it’s right to smell your sweaty armpits...” I said as serious as I could.
    “I DO NOT!” She screamed and shoved my shoulder.
    “You have to admit you love me.” I smiled waiting for her answer.
    “Yes I suppose I do.” She smiled at me.
    I was getting tired. I didn’t even want to eat or change so I just went to sleep. I had another dream like last nights. I hope I see him again but, this time we actually talk... No mimicking or stare downs. I don’t think there is anything wrong with liking someone you know nothing about. I hope I will be able to like him for everything about him.
    Again... Morning why must you kill my happiness... Today we have school. School isn't that bad because Athena and I don’t have many classes together, but this very quiet, with not many students. I liked it but, not everyone does. Athena and I walked to school and once we got there we went to our lockers to put our things in them. Then we walked to our first class which we had together. We sat in our assigned seats and waited for the teacher to come in. Once the teacher came in we began to start our lesson for the day. Once we finished our lesson, we had a short worksheet. Then comes homework... Which is the worst. We went to the rest of our classes and got more work. After the end of the school day Athena and I took the shortcut to the Fruit Café to finish up the day and do our homework. Once we got to the café we put our aprons on and washed our hands. We served the few customers that were there. We had no more customers for a while so we started  our homework, though we had a few customers while we did our homework.
    "Hey." Someone said as they came in.
    "Hiya." I looked at him realizing it was Taemin.
    "Can I get a banana milk?" He asked.
    "Sure!" I said all happy like.
    I got the banana milk and put it on the counter.
    "That will be two dollars." I said.
    "Can I meet you here Friday at like one? I have a surprise for you." He said while handing me the money.
    "Yeah." I said trying not to blush as I put the money in the register.
    "Great!" Taemin replied, "Will you sit with me?"
    "Uh, yeah. Let me ask my friend to fill in for me." I ran over to Athena.
    "Hey, Athena fill for me I'm going to sit with Taemin." I said real fast.
    "Yeah girl. Go work that magic." We laughed and I walked around the counter to Taemin's side.
    "So, I see you like banana milk." I said awkwardly as we went to sit down.
    "Yeah, It's my favorite." He smiled, "Do you like it?"
    "Not really..." I said.
    "Aww, you're missing out." He laughed.
    "Nah, I'm just fine." I smiled at the ground.
    We got to the back of the café, sat and talked A LOT! I could see Athena watching us... I didn't mind much.
    "I have to go but, I will come tomorrow." He smiled and stood up.
    "Okay." I said.
    I didn't want him to leave though. I walked him to the door. Once we got there he turned and gave me an unexpected hug. I hugged him back.
    "I'll be back tomorrow I promise but, till then... Bye." He said softly into my ear.
    "Bye." I said blushing.
    He released me and walked out the door I turned around to see Athena looking at me like, “girl what just happened.” I smiled and walked over to her.
    "Did I just see what I think I saw?" She asked.
    "Mmm Hmm." I nodded my head.
    "Ooo la-la." She smiled.
    "He has a surprise for me Friday and he's coming back tomorrow." I said.
    "I think he likes you." Athena replied.
    "Yeah..." My face turned red.
    "You like him too. Don't you?" She asked.
    "Yes." I smiled.
    "I knew it!" She yelled.
    I grabbed her head and covered .
    "Shhh." I said into her ear.
    She my hand so I let go and whipped my hand on my jeans.
    "Don't worry I won't tell anyone." She said as she turned to greet a new customer.

She finished helping him then we went back to our homework. When we finished our homework it was almost time for start cleaning up and get ready to close. After we were done and finally closed we went to my house for the night because I have to watch my brother and the cat while my mom is on a business trip. She told me she will be gone for about a week and a half which isn’t a big problem. We got to my house and unlocked the door.

“Brother, oh brother wherefore art thou brother?” I called out.

He came running out of his room with the cat in his hand.

“Woah slow down.” Athena said as he crashed into her.

“Sorry.” He said hugging the cat real tight.

“Zack, the cat is going to bite you if you don't put her down.” I said trying to pull the cat away from him.

He didn’t listen and ran away with the cat. I thought if the cat bit him it was his problem, ‘cause I warned him. Athena and I walked into the kitchen and set our bags down. I looked for something to eat. I found pizzas in the freezer, so I made two. Once they were done cooking, I had Zack come inside to eat with us.

“We should talk to Kida about letting us both have Friday off,” I said after swallowing a bite of pizza.

“Yeah, I’m sure he will. Kida is the best!” She exclaimed.

“Okay, so we will talk to him tomorrow?” I asked

“Yeah.” Athena answered.

I looked at the clock it was time for Zack to go to get bathed then to bed. I started the water for him so he could take a bath. When he was done I took him to his room and he got into his pajamas and I tucked him in.

“Hope?” He asked.

“Yes?” I asked back.

“Can I have a glass of water?”

“Get off your lazy bum and get it yourself.” I said.

“Please?” He pleaded.

He shot me puppy dog eyes... WHY?! I broke..

“Fine I’ll get you water.” I finally said.

I walked downstairs and filled his cup with ice then water and took it upstairs to his room. Once I was up there I saw him... Asleep... I was mad... I started out of his room with the water in hand. I got to the top of the stairs and dropped the water... Smooth move Hope... I bent down to pick it up and fell over myself... Yup I fell down the stairs... Athena came running around the corner. I was hurt but I was laughing... Like always. I was laughing and Athena was laughing. Athena turned around and hit her hand on the banister... I could see it hurt, which made us laugh harder. Once we stopped laughing I started to cry. My arm hurt so bad I couldn't  stand it. Athena tried to touch my arm but it hurt to bad.

“I think it’s broken.” She said.

“Really?” I managed to say though my tears.

“Yeah. We should take you to the hospital.” She said.

“We don’t have any way to get there.” I said.

“I might know someone...” She said.

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)