You Can’t Keep Doing This To Them

Fruit Milk

Athena POV-

After Hope and Taemin left, I took over her shift. There weren’t a lot of customers, like usual... But as it got closer to five o’clock, there was one unique customer... And I didn’t like it.... I was washing one of the tables when he walked in...

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t ‘The Worst Waitress Ever’.”

I turned around and looked at the person... My rival... My worst enemy... The person I hate the most... Ladies and Gentleman, I give you... Kim Heechul.

I glared at him, “Kim Heechul... I haven’t seen you around here since that day... And it was peaceful without you around here, so get out.”

“Is that anyway to treat a customer? Now come take my order. And be nice to me... Remember, I could shut down this restuarant in a flash.” Heechul smirked.

And it’s true. He really can... Heechul is... Should I say a rich bastard.... He’s so stuck up and is a jerk. His father owns some huge company on the other side of town. They also own half the buildings here in town. One of them being the Fruit Cafe. One wrong move and he’ll ruin your whole reputation. I almost got to that point...

Before I met Hope, I had another best friend named Alyssa. She was always there for me. Always. One day, Heechul came up to me and started using a bunch of pickup lines... I hate pickup lines.... After that, he asked me out. I wanted to say no, but I knew he’d ruin my reputation... But that didn’t stop Alyssa... Alyssa had no idea that Heechul was the “Life Ruiner”.

Instead, she said, “Hey, Mr. Girly Hair... Can’t you tell she doesn’t like you? Why don’t you go run off with some ugly girl. I bet they’ll treat you like the princess you are.”

I literally facepalmed myself. She really had no idea what hell was like, until that day... After she said that, Heechul spread so many rumors and lies, that nobody hung out with her. I tried to stay by her side, but she felt like I hated her too. She finally had enough and moved. She completely left the country. That’s when I met Hope and swore I would never cross paths with Heechul again... But like many people, he always came to Fruit Cafe when it was popular... Like the day I ruined everything with the food critic. He’s the one that made my life worse at school. I always hated him for it.

“Yah, stupid girl, are you gonna take my order or what!?” He yelled.

I sighed, walked over to the counter, and put on a fake smile, “Can I help you sir?”

“No. I just wanted to see if you could finally be nice to me.” He smirked.

I sighed, rolled my eyes and went back to the table I was cleaning.

“Yah!! I was kidding!! Boy, this place really doesn’t know how to serve prince’s, do they?” He said.

I mumbled under my breath, “If you were half the prince Eunhyuk is-”

“What was that!?” Heechul shouted.

“Nothing!” I replied.

He didn’t buy it though. Heechul walked toward me, backing me up against a wall, and putting both his hands on the window next to my head.

“Athena, you remember that day I asked you out?” He asked.

I gulped in response.

“I don’t see why you ever turned me down. You could’ve been living a nice, rich lifestyle, and could’ve stopped working at this boring, old, cafe. With me as your boyfriend, you’re life would’ve been awesome. But instead, you said no, and now look at how you’re living. You’re working at the same place you have been for almost two years. You’re probably short on money and... I bet you still don’t have a boyfriend-”

“That’s where you’d be wrong.”

Heechul turned around and I looked past him....

“Donghae...” I said quietly.

“And who might you be?” Heechul asked angrily.

“Her boyfriend. What’s it to you?” Donghae questioned.

Heechul laughed, “You’re her boyfriend? You’re nothing but scum.”

“Yeah, well I could name a lot of things you are.” Donghae fought back, “Athena may not be able to say them, but I know she’s thinking them.”

Heechul said nothing. Instead, he looked from me to Donghae, then back to me, “You’re really gonna let him say stuff like this to me?”

I stayed quiet.

“I see how is.” Heechul walked up to Donghae and pushed him back, “You wanna start something?”

Donghae stood his ground, “I don’t want any trouble with you pretty boy, I want you to leave her alone.”

“And if I don’t?” Heechul sassed.

“If you don’t, you're pretty boy face will meet my fist.” Donghae shouted.

I ran in between the two, “Guys! Stop!”

“Exactly, ‘Donghae’... Stop.” Heechul said.

I glared at Heechul, “You too.”

Both the boys stared at each other with angry looks.

“Fighting is going to get you two no where. Donghae, if you don’t cut this out, I’m not going with you tonight. And Heechul, I think you should just leave.” I said.

Heechul smirked, “Alright. Fine. I’ll leave. But, don’t come crying to me at school on Monday.”

Heechul his heel and walked out the door. I sighed and looked at Donghae. He was staring at the front door of the cafe, making sure that Heechul really did leave. I walked back to the counter and took off my apron. Donghae followed me to the counter. I placed my apron on the rack in the back and then walked back out to the front of the store. I stood in front of Donghae with my arms crossed.

“Are you mad?” He asked.

“No. I’m happy ray of sunshine.” I replied sarcastically.

Donghae sighed, then came toward me. He tried to hug me, but I pushed him away.

“Athena, I’m sorry. I just... I guess I got kinda jealous when I saw you two like that. I wasn’t gonna let him do anything to you.” Donghae said.

I just stared at the floor. Donghae pulled my face up to look at him.

“Athena, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” He said.

I sighed and he hugged me.

I hugged back, “It’s alright, it’s just, my life is going to be hell when I get back to school.”

Donghae pulled away and stared at me, “It’s alright. We’ll get through this together.”

I gave a small smile and then looked back down at the ground. He pulled my head back up to look at him. I stared at him for a moment, until he closed the space between us. I was kissing Donghae... One part of me said that this is wrong, but the other part said that it was right. But I kept thinking about Eunhyuk.... Donghae and I pulled away and he smiled at me. I looked away.

Donghae sighed, “You’re thinking about Eunhyuk, aren’t you?”

I stared at the floor and said nothing.

Donghae sighed again and grabbed my hand, “Can you forget about him, just for tonight?”

I looked up at him, “I can try.”

“Good. Now why don’t we head to my house?” Donghae suggested.

I nodded.... The walk to Donghae’s was quiet. When we finally reached his house, I stood in front of his door.

“You coming in?” He asked.

I nodded and walked inside. I looked around. There wasn’t much to the house... There was a couch, a television.. And, it just looked like a modern house.

Donghae looked at me, “Are you hungry.”

I nodded, “A little.”

He smiled, “I’ll make us something to eat.”

I followed him into the kitchen.

“Is kimchi okay?” He asked.

I nodded. I sat down at the table and looked around. There were a few picture frames on the counter. I walked over to them and looked at them all. There was some with, who I assume is his father and mother. Then I found one of him and a girl about our age.

“My sister.” Donghae said.

I turned around at looked at him, “What?”

“That girl, in the picture is my sister.” He said again.

“Oh... She’s really pretty.” I replied.

Donghae’s smile dropped, “Yeah. I miss her.”

I stared at him, “What happened?”

“She got into a car crash and... Died...” He said.


Donghae slowly nodded. I stared at him. He looked like he was about ready to cry.

“D-Donghae, I’m so sorry...”

He gave me a fake smile, “It’s alright... Things happen, you know?”

I slowly nodded.

Donghae took a deep breath, “Well, why don’t we eat.”

Donghae and I sat down at the table and began eating. We didn’t talk the whole time... I could see sadness in his face, as he was thinking about his sister. I wish I could make him feel better..... Once we finished eating, we cleaned our plates and then went to sit on the couch. Donghae put in some old movie and we started watching it. Donghae had his arms wrapped around my shoulders and mine were wrapped around his waist. We stayed like that until the movie came to an end. And even after it was over, we still didn’t leave the spot we were in.

“Athena...” Donghae started.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“D-Do you love me?” He asked.

I said nothing. I couldn’t say anything... Do I love him? I can tell you for sure that I like him, but... L-Love? I never actually thought about that...

Donghae sighed, “It’s alright if you don’t. You know, if you love Eunhyuk, that’s fine too.”

I sat up, out of his grip and looked at him, “D-Donghae... I never said that I love Eunhyuk... O-Or you... O-Or anyone... I.... I just-”

“Don’t know?” Donghae interrupted.

I slowly nodded, “Yeah...”

“Well... I bet I’m asking this before Eunhyuk, but.... Athena, will you be my girlfriend?”

I stared at him. I don’t know what to say...

“You don’t have to answer now, but can you answer soon?” He asked.

I blinked a few times, then slowly nodded. Donghae leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

I blushed, “W-Well... I-I’d better get home before Hope comes and-”


I sighed and looked at the door, “-Does that....”

Donghae and I stood up, then opened the door.


“Hope!!!” I shouted.

She stopped yelling at Donghae and looked at me, “What?”

“Don’t yell at him!” I said.

Hope looked from me, back to Donghae, “You got lucky boy...”

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Donghae. He didn’t know whether to laugh or be frightened...

I laughed at his reaction, then turned to Hope, “Can we at least say goodbye first?”

Hope nodded and stared at us. I looked around for a moment, waiting for her to leave, but she didn’t.

Alone...” I added.

Hope nodded, “Right...”

I rolled my eyes and silently laughed as she walked out the door, leaving Donghae and I alone again.

“So, I guess I’ll see you around?” Donghae said.

I nodded, “Y-Yeah... I guess so...”

The atmosphere was awkward as we just stood there, staring at each other... But Donghae broke the awkwardness by coming toward me and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I blushed and wrapped my arms around his neck. We stayed like that for a moment, but then pulled away, just a little. Donghae leaned forward and kissed my lips again... Come on Athena, pull away... It’s not right....


But for some reason, I just couldn’t pull away... Donghae pulled me closer and the kiss got deeper. Just before Donghae slipped his tongue in my mouth, the door burst open.


Donghae and I pulled away and stared at Hope in shock.

“Come on Hope, it’s not like you didn’t do this, or worse to Taemin.” I smirked.

Hope turned redder than a tomato, “I... Y-You.... SHUT UP!! WE’RE GOING HOME!!

I laughed and looked at Donghae.

“Give me an answer soon.” He said.

I nodded. hope grabbed my arm and began dragging me out of Donghae’s place. Hope and I walked to my house and headed upstairs. My mother was still at work, so the whole house was quiet.

As we walked through my door, Hope shouted, “YOU PICKED DONGHAE!!!!

I took a deep breath before answering, “No.”

Hope’s mouth literally dropped, “WHAT!?!?!?! How have you not picked him!?!? I saw that kiss... That was pretty intense... You have to have picked him!!”

“No. I still haven’t picked anyone... And I’m going on a date with Eunhyuk tomorrow.” I said as I sat down on my bed.

Hope came and sat down next to me, “You can’t keep doing this to both of them... Sooner or later, you’re going to have to pick one...”

I slowly nodded, “I-I know... But how?”

“Well, find out which one makes you happier. Which one makes you smile more. Here’s something I would do, when you kiss Donghae, see if you think about Eunhyuk and if you kiss Eunhyuk, see if you think about Donghae. Whichever one you kiss and you don’t think about the other boy, that’s the one you go for!” Hope said.

I smiled, “Thanks Hope. You’re a big help. You know... You are every other time that you’re not knocking down the doors on my dates...”

“I’m just doin’ my job!” She replied.

I laughed, then laid on my back on the bed. I will pick one soon...





A/N: Oh my gosh. It's been ages since Hope and I have updated this!!!! D: Well, here's my chapter! Sorry it took so long guys!!! It's Hope's turn to write her chapter. You readers are gonna have to yell at her and make her do it!! :DD Haha! Till then, Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!(:

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)