My Day(te) With Donghae

Fruit Milk

Athena POV-
Hope and I walked to my house, which she’s gonna sleep over again, like always... We walked through the door and upstairs to my bedroom. She laid on her stomach on my bed while I sat in my computer chair.
“Well, spill the details!” Hope said.


My day with Donghae was an exciting experience. He’s not as bad as I thought he would be.... Although he’s very hyper at times... After we left the cafe, we walked around wondering what to do...




“So what do you want to do?” Donghae asked.
“Hmm... I’m not sure. Whatever you want to do.” I replied.
We walked passed a bunch of places, hand in hand, searching for something to do...
“I have an idea.” Donghae said.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“It’s a secret.”
Donghae covered my eyes with his right hand and guided me down the street. When we finally got somewhere, Donghae stopped me from walking. He removed his hand from my eyes and I looked around my surroundings.
“An arcade?” I asked.
Donghae nodded, “Or we could go somewhere else if you want...”
I shook my head, “No. This is fine.”
Donghae and I walked in, then went over to a coin machine. He inserted twenty dollars and the change came flying out from the machine and into a little metal cup. Donghae grabbed half the change and shoved it in his pockets.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Putting the coins somewhere.” He replied.
I picked up a cup for the coins and showed it to him. He began blushing like an idiot and I just laughed. We put all the coins in the cup and began to run around like a bunch of kids. We’re both sixteen and we’re still running around in an arcade... We played some racing games, basketball games, skee ball, etc. During our game of skee ball, Donghae beat me every time. I told myself that I wouldn’t give up until I won against him. We played so many rounds that he had a bunch of tickets. At one point I thought I was winning, but really he just let me win. I could tell... After a while, we collected our tickets and headed toward the ticket booth thing...
“Pick something.” Donghae said with a smile.
I looked around for something... I wanted a stuffed animal, so I looked at all of them.
I turned to Donghae, “How many tickets do you have?”
He held up his hand and showed me his tickets. Then I looked at how many I had in my hand. I needed a couple more tickets to get what I wanted...
“Let me see all the tickets.” I said.
Donghae handed all the tickets to me. I turned to the person at the register and whispered to her what I wanted, that way Donghae couldn’t hear. The lady walked over to the stuffed animals and came back with the two that I wanted. She handed them to me in a bag and I thanked her. Donghae and I walked out of the arcade.
“What did you get?” He asked.
I smiled and grabbed his hand, then began walking away, dragging him with me.
“That doesn’t answer my question!!” He shouted.
I continued smiling. By then it was about three o’clock. I dragged Donghae to my favorite restaurant, for food. We walked in and sat down at a booth. The waiter came by and took our order.
I looked at Donghae, “I promise I’ll pay.”
“No. I will.” Donghae said.
“No I will!!” I shouted.
He looked around and laughed, “Calm down, people are staring...”
I laughed too. After a while, our food came by. We both ordered a medium rare steak. We began to eat. We didn’t talk while we ate though. After we were finished, we both waited for the bill. When the waiter came by with our bill, he set it down on the table and Donghae and I both reached for it. We practically battled each other for it.
“I’m paying!” I said.
“No I am!” Donghae replied.
Neither of us would let go of the bill. Until the waiter came back.
“Have either of you paid yet?” He asked.
I looked at his name tag. His name is Ronaldo...
I smacked Donghae’s arm and he let go. I pulled it away from Donghae and held it up high so he couldn’t grab it. I picked up the pen and wrote my name on the bill, while the bill was still in the air. I pulled out my wallet and put the correct amount of money, plus a tip, in the pocket on the side of the bill. Then I handed it to Ronaldo. Donghae tried to grab it.
“Run Ronaldo!!!” I yelled.
Ronaldo quickly walked away with the bill and Donghae sat back down. He began to pout.
“I wanted to pay.” He said crossing his arms.
I rolled my eyes, “You’ve paid for everything. It’s my turn.”
Ronaldo came back a couple minutes later with my receipt. I took it and shoved it in my pocket. Donghae and I stood up and walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.
“Well, its my turn to take you somewhere.” Donghae said.
“You already got your turn!” I replied.
Donghae laughed, “Well, I get another one.”
He dragged me through the town and brought me to the awesomest place here. The Roller Skating Rink.
I smiled, “I love roller skating.”
“Good.” Donghae replied.
We walked in and went up to the counter he paid for both of us and we took off our shoes and put on our rollerblades. Then Donghae and I rolled over to the ice rink. We stood on the ice and began rolling around, like a bunch of morons.
“Alright everyone, now we’re going to do a couple skating.” Some guy said through the speakers.
I looked at Donghae, “Aww, I wanna keep skating though.”
Donghae smiled, “Then keep skating.”
“B-But we’re not a couple.” I replied.
“No but, we could be.” He said.
I blushed. But then thought about Eunhyuk.... I have a date with him tomorrow.... I can’t be Donghae’s girlfriend, then go out with Eunhyuk and I can’t cancel me and Eunhyuk’s plans either. It would hurt him... I just smiled and nodded. Donghae grabbed my hand and we continued skating.
“Dang...” The man on the speaker said, “We don’t have many couples here... You people need to get out more...”
Donghae and I looked around. The guy was right, there are only three couples. Two couples I have never seen before, and then Donghae and I... Well, technically Donghae and I aren’t a couple... But still...
“Why don’t you couples do something more than just skate in circles!” The man on the speaker said.
I ignored his comment and continued skating. The only thing that I couldn’t ignore was the crowd. Everyone kept chanting, “Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!!” I blushed and Donghae stared at me. I knew something would happen if we continued to skate for the “Couple Skate.” I looked over at the other two couples that were skating and kissing at the same time.
“Do we have a shy couple?” The man on the speaker asked.
I continued skating and kept staring at the other two couples. But then I began to lose balance. I stopped focusing on skating and I fell forward. I closed my eyes, bracing for the fall on the ice. But instead, I fell into a pair of arms. I opened my eyes and looked up. Donghae had saved me from my fall.
“Thanks.” I whispered.
Donghae leaned forward and kissed my lips, “You're welcome.”
“Aww.” The crowd said.

I blushed and we continued skating. After a while everyone came back onto the ice and began to skate again. It got a little too crowded, so Donghae and I decided to leave. We got off the ice, took off our roller blades and put our sneakers back on. We walked up to return our roller blades.

“So how long have you two been a couple?” The guy at the counter asked.
Donghae and I hesitated..
“A year.” Donghae said.
“A week..” I said at the same time...
The guy at the counter stared at us confused.
Donghae thought for a moment, “A year and a week...”
I nodded and so did the guy at the counter. Donghae and I turned around and walked out the door, leading us outside. Donghae grabbed my hand and we started walking.
“I guess I could walk you back to the Fruit Cafe now.” Donghae said.
I nodded, “If you want.”
Donghae and I started walking toward the cafe. This day was great. Donghae is definitely amazing. Now I kinda don’t want to go on a date with Eunhyuk. But I said I would. I’m not just gonna take my word back. Donghae and I arrived at the cafe, hand in hand.
“How is it going with you two lovebirds?” Hope yelled to us.
I rolled my eyes. Donghae dragged me over to the window and we both sat down on the windowsill. Donghae sat on my left and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He put his hand around my waist and we sat there quietly... We were just enjoying the moment together, well, until Hope ruined it..
“Sooooo, how’s the whole couple thing working for you two?” Hope asked cleaning the table in front of us.
I looked at her and moved my head toward the back of the cafe, giving her the signal to go away. She nodded and walked into the back. I knew she could still hear us, so I didn’t say anything. Donghae looked down at his watch and I knew by the way that he looked at me, he had to leave. He jumped off the windowsill and helped me down. Then he pulled me in for a hug.
“Let’s do this again sometime.” He whispered, “And don’t forget to call me.”
We let go and looked at each other. I nodded and walked over to the door with him. Before he left, I opened the bag I got from the arcade. I pulled out one of the stuffed animals and handed it to him.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“It’s a mochi.” I pulled out another stuffed animal from my bag, “And this is a fishy.”
Donghae smiled, “I get it.”
I smiled too. Donghae said goodbye, then walked out the door. Hope walked out near the counter and I walked over to her.
“Hi.” I said.

“Hi.” Hope said, “When we get home you do know you are going to have to tell me everything.”



*Flashback Done*


So now here we are. Upstairs in my bedroom. Hope is still laying on my bed, just waiting for me to explain my day to her....

I looked at the stuffed fish in my hands and smiled, “Oh, you know... Nothing much happened...”

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)