Yeah... Most Likely The Cat

Fruit Milk

Hope POV-
“Hollister?” I asked as we got closer to the entrance.
“Sure.” Athena smiled.
“WOO!” I yelled jogging ahead.
I turned the corner into the store and the first thing I saw was my favorite sweaters. I stopped and looked at the two different colors. The creamy white color was definitely my favorite. I pulled it off the rack and held it up to myself, It came down to a little above my knees and the sleeves were baggy. I turned to look at Athena, who by then was standing right next to me.
“It would look good with a pair of leggings and my floral printed heels? Right?” I said with a questioning look on my face, which I guess was sort of silly ‘cause Athena laughed then looked at me seriously which made me laugh.
“Yes.” She said struggling not to laugh.
“Then I’ll get it.” I smiled.

I ran up the register to pay. The cashier rang the sweater up and i payed the 19 ridiculous dollars and we left.

“Guuurrll, we be lookin’ hot for work tomorrow.” I said as we walked out the store.

“Yes! I’m glad Kida gave us the day off. It was fun.” She smiled and looked around...

“I’m getting hungry, What about you?” I asked.


“How about... Um... I don’t know.” I giggled.

I’m almost a hundred percent sure that giggle sounded stupid... We walked around a bit just looking for a place to eat. Nothing really sounded good to either of us. After about a half an hour wandering around the mall, we decided to get nachos from Orange Julius to share and a coke for each of us. We sat down at a table and talked while we ate. We mostly talked about cute boys.

“I’m getting tired.” Athena said after a few minutes of just sitting there talking.

“Now that you think of it I am too.” I said standing up from my chair.

“So are you ready to go?” She asked.

“I am if you are.” I stretched my arms out.

“I’m sure my mom won't mind if you stay the night.”

“I’ll have to go home for a change of clothes first. I’ll call my mom and see if she can pick us up with my clothes and drop us off at yours.” I said as Athena stood up.

“Yeah, That will work.” I smiled and pulled out my phone.

I dialed my mom’s number and about thirty seconds later she answered.

“Mom can you come pick me and Athena up from the mall?”

“Yeah when do you want me to come?” She said sort of annoyed.

“Weeeelllll, I was thinking right now...” I said being cautious of her mood.

She huffed, “Fine I’ll be there soon... Wait for me by the outdoor entrance to Sears.”

“And mom...” I said sort of quiet ‘cause I knew she wasn’t in a good mood.

“Yes Hope?”

“Could you bring my brush, flower heels, a pair of pajamas, my nice leggings, and my makeup bag. You can just shove it all in my backpack ‘cause I’m staying at Athena’s tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” She said.

She hung up almost immediately. I could tell she was in a bad mood... Probably a bad day at work or the cat did something while she was gone. I’m thinking it was the cat... Yeah most likely the cat...

“Bad mood?” Athena asked.

“Yeah... I think it was the cat again.” I sort of laughed a bit.

“Where do we have to meet her?”

“She said the outdoor entrance to Sears.” I started in the direction to Sears.

“I hope she hurries, It’s almost 8:00.”

“Have we really been here that long?”

“Yeah! I think it is crazy.” She smiled.

We entered Sears and went down the escalators to the bottom floor that lead us to the exit. I smiled when I saw my mom was already there. Athena looked at me and I looked at her. We both ran to the car as fast as we could. Athena got to the car first... I have to sit in the back... Again.

“Always!” I shouted as I got in the car.

“You’re just jelly I can run faster.” She said looking back at me.

“Um... Hun... Jelly belongs on sandwiches not comebacks.” I said as sarcastic as I could.

She looked me in the eyes and we both started laughing while my mom rolled her eyes and started the car. After a few minutes of on and off laughter I looked next to me and found my bag. I grabbed it and set it on my lap. I ped it and looked inside. Everything seemed to be there. After a few minutes we were at Athena’s house.

“Thanks.” Me and Athena said at the same time as we got out of the car.

Athena walked up to the house with me following close behind. She opened the door.

“MOM I’M HOME!” She shouted, I joined her in the shouting.

Her mom walked out of the living room.

“Hey Hope.” She said walking towards us.

“Hey momma number two! Haha, Just kidding Mrs. Bareilles.” I smiled and gave her a hug.

She was like a mom though, I came over almost all the time it is like I live here but leave for business trips to my house and Athena did the same with my house...

“Well we are going to go up to my room for now.” Athena said.
I started up the stairs with Athena behind me.
“Oh, mom Hope is going to stay the night.”
She just nodded her head and we walked the rest of the way up the stairs then to her room. I sat on the bed and she got on the laptop at the desk. She opened it up it was still on FaceBook.
“Has that one guy said anything new yet?” I asked as she flipped to her news feed.
“You mean Eunhyuk?” She said.
“Well, yes.”
“Um... Yeah... I didn’t message him back earlier.”
“What you didn’t!?” I asked sort of surprised.
“No.” She replied.
“Are you going to?” I questioned.

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)