Something Hit Me

Fruit Milk

Hope POV-
“Athena?” I asked walking around the counter.

There was no answer but I know she heard me... I walked into the back room where I knew she would be...

“Hey.” She said not looking up.

I just looked at her then to the clock. It was only 7:30 in the morning. Only a half an hour till work starts.

“Only a half an hour left to... Um... Do whatever you are doing.” I said.

I walked back out of the room to do a little tidying up around the place. I walked to the closet to grab a broom and a dust pan, then swept up a bit. I found myself humming to I Kissed a Girl by: Katy Perry. After a while I finished sweeping and put the broom and dustpan up. I pulled out my phone to check the time it was about 8:00 am so I walked over to the door to flip the ‘Closed’ sign around to reveal the other side that says ‘Open’. Athena walked out of the back room and over to me.

“Are you ready for another slow day?” She asked.

“Yeah but, you never know, today might be interesting.” I smiled.

“How about while we are waiting for something interesting, we listen to a little music?”

“Yes! I’ll go put it on.” I smiled and ran to the back room.

I slowed down and walked the rest of the way to the radio system I pulled my phone out and hooked it up to the axillary and put on our favorite playlist. Soon the music started playing all around the shop. It was a good day. Not too hot outside, not too cold. I smiled again and took a deep breath to get myself ready for the rest of the day. Just then the bells on the door rang which means we got a customer, our first of the day. I walked out of the back room to help serve our first customer. I found Athena and I handed her a chocolate chip muffin and a small strawberry milk. The lady handed her the money and left with her items, making the bells ring one more time.

“Please let me hear that more today.” I said as I walked back around the counter to sit at a table.

Athena came to sit by me, I put my head down.

“Tired?” She asked.

“Just a bit.”

The bells jingled and I looked up. It was our boss, Kida. He is tall and and likes to wear sandals. He looked at us and smiled.

“Good, you both are here.” He said walking over to the table we were sitting at.

“So...” He started.

We looked at him like, finish your sentence.

“What would you guys think if I gave you to the day off? ‘Cause it doesn’t look like we are going to be getting very many customers today.”

“It would be great!” Me and Athena blurted out as fast as we could think.

“So I will see you two tomorrow?”

“Yes.” We said as we stood up out of our chairs.

We walked to the back room to get our things. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket while Athena grabbed her bag. We walked out of the shop and onto Aubry Street. I couldn’t help but think about how good today was going to be.

I was caught in a daydream when something hit me. No, literally something hit me. Before knew it I was on the ground. I opened my eyes and pulled my hair out of my face. It wasn’t something... It was someone. A boy stood in front of me. He had blond hair that was slightly grown out at the roots, it was short with bangs. His eyes were brown but very pretty. I finally realized he was holding his hand out to help me up, I gladly accepted and got back on my feet again.

“Sorry.” I said as I looked up from my elbow, which was slightly scraped.

“It’s fine but, are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah my elbow is scraped, that’s all.” I replied.

I could tell my cheeks were getting red, and I was getting shyer. Oh my gosh what is happening to me?! I backed up a bit and saw there were two boys instead of just one. The other had brown hair that was about the same length as the blonde boy’s. The boy with the brown hair leaned forward and whispered something in the other boy’s ear.

“Sorry for bumping into you. It was nice meeting you but, I have to go.” The blonde boy said then started off in the direction behind us with the brown haired boy following right behind him.

“Where do you think they are going in such a hurry?” Athena asked.

I shrugged, “I don’t know but, I know where I want to go... Home.”

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Hope if you do not update I swear to god. . .
cocoaluver #2
Thank you!!! ;) lol
Lemonhead #3
Hope.... >:)
cocoaluver #4
Come on guys!! You have a three day weekend now! :) update already!!! I've been waiting forever! Haha
cocoaluver #5
Great job so far!! :) however, you dont roller blade on ice. I dont think that would work too well ;)