Mixed Up Thoughts

Trapped on Exo Island

Okay, you could call yourself crazy. Out of all things it just had to be this. You could tame a vicious tiger. You could hunt anything as long as you had the right weapons. You could even survive on an island alone for many years! Out of all things, you were scared of skinship?!?!?! You had a couple of choices here:




Real answer: C

As much as C sounded tempting, You decided to go with B. No way would you ever let him think of you as weak. Although he had probably already learned, it was your biggest pet peeve when someone judged you by your gender and appearance. Sure, you were scrawny and frail-looking. But on the inside, you could fight like a tiger. And the tiniest fear of skinship could change it. You knew, it's happened quite a lot in your past and you never wanted it to happen again.

You sat on the shore, drawing shapes in the sand with a stick while Luhan warmed up. You couldn't help but stare at his flat stomach. He had tiny, cute abs, and you blinked. He's so... STOP IT, ________! Aish what's wrong with you, why would you even think that?!?! You scolded yourself in your head and apparently, it wasn't enough. Luhan turned his head and looked at you, and you mentally cursed. He saw me looking, didn't he???

Without thinking, you slapped yourself hard across the cheek. Uwaaahhh I really must be going crazy...

Luhan watched you with wide eyes as you continued to slap and scold yourself with a mix of emotions caked on your face. You forgot that he was even there, and it was an embarrassing habit of yours to conflict with your emotions on the outside rather than keeping them inside of you and dealing with them in your head.

Finally, Luhan chuckled and walked over to you, bent down, and grabbed your wrist before you were to slap yourself again. "Are you all right?"

You shrieked when you realized he was right in front of you. This time, in your mind, you cursed and thrashed about. One, from the humiliation, and two, from your giddy little feels. No, I'm not all right, thanks to you...

"What were you doing?" he asked, still laughing at your red face.

You were too lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear what he had just asked. You blinked twice, and not wanting to make yourself look dumb, you used the answer that always worked the most. "Uhm... yes."

Luhan used the back of his hand to muffle his laughs, and he smiled. "O-kay then." Heh, Cute... he thought. You beamed when you realized that your brilliant answer worked.

"Shall we continue?" he questioned.

"Um... yes. Sorry."

Luhan slowly walked in the water, and he raised his arms up when it reached his waist. "Let's begin," you said. Just by your confidence and determination to get him to swim, Luhan could already tell that you would be a great teacher.


"Um... try moving your arms in bigger circles," you instructed from the sidelines, watching as Luhan continued to do the wrong thing. "Nonono, bigger."

"Hey seonsaeng-nim, why don't you try getting in the water and showing me?" Luhan replied, frustrated. You couldn't blame him. You both had spent half an hour doing the same thing. You telling him unclear directions, and him, who was carefully trying his best to follow them. In the end, all he ended up doing was getting his kicking down.

Hesitantly, you gave him a sheepish smile and bowed your head in apology. This... this wasn't how you thought it would turn out like. You winced as your toe hit the surface of the water from the temperature, but soon you were able to fully get in. It felt extremely nice to be under the summer sun while in the cool water with the guy you like.

"One more time."

You watched him as he worked on treading water. It was probably the first thing he needed to keep himself alive if he were to ever be stranded in the middle of nowhere again. He thrashed his arms and legs about, then sunk to the bottom, thrashing about once more and bobbing his head up to the surface.

"You're panicking."

"Then teach me not to panic."

You sighed. This would definitely take a lot of time just to perfect one move. In your opinion, he'd be up and running in 2 months minimum. Although, you couldn't complain. You surprisingly liked spending time with Luhan.

"Is there something wrong? You're usually so focused," Luhan got out of the water and joined you, letting himself lay back in the summer sun. Oh crap, does he know???

"N-No... it's just that..." you stammered and cursed in your head. It was a bad habit of yours now ever since the boys had came onto the island.

"Okay fine. It's just that.... now I don't want you thinking less of me but..." you started.

"Oh.. Ohhhh I think I know what's going on," he ignored your statement while you did the same. And in unison, you told him the truth, and he spoke out what his point of view saw.

"I don't like skinship."

"You like me."

Your eyes rounded to the size of saucers, and you did a double-take. Well... that's true... BUT HOW DARE HE JUST ACCUSE IT LIKE THAT?!?!?

"WHAT?!?!?!" you screeched. "You ! N-No, I don't!"

Luhan's face turned a bright red, and he scrambled a few feet away from you when he heard your outburst. "C-Come on... I-I was making a joke. Lighten u-up a bit." Now she probably thinks I like her...

And just like that, the two people in their 20's began to live out a high school love story. You wouldn't exactly know. For one, you were stuck on this island for a loooonnng time, and two, even when you weren't stranded, nobody liked you. The only time you remembered feeling this way was when you were 8 and you had a crush on the nerd who sat by himself at recess.

"W-We should go back now. The others are probably wondering where we are," you cleared your throat and grabbed your spear. He nodded and followed you.


"Where were you guys? We looked all over for you!" Tao pouted and held onto your arm. You pat his head. Apparently not all over, maknae.

"Mianhae. We were running all over the place trying to look for Sabin," you covered up quickly. "But we found him," you pointed at the lazy tiger who yawned.

"What?" Kris furrowed his brow. "But Sabin was with us all day..."

DOT DOT DOT.......

You closed your eyes tightly and bit your lip. You didn't want them knowing about your lessons with Luhan because you didn't want them feeling left out, and because you also liked it when it was just you and Luhan. It wasn't like you didn't like the others, though.

Luhan then took over, "EXACTLY!" he fake-scoffed. "We... we were looking for him and just found him now! We were also looking for YOU! Where were you, hm?"

"Looking for you!" Xiumin shot back. They both glared at each other, before bursting into laughter and cracking up.

Kris eyed you both suspiciously. Call him crazy, but although you didn't spend as much time with him as you did with Luhan or Chen, he still had to admit he did like something about you. You were different from other girls, and Kris was always up for a different kind of challenge. He just wasn't sure if this was the time...

Noticing Kris' odd state, Lay pulled him off to the side. "What's up with you?"

Kris faked a smile. "Hm? Nothing."

"Come on, Kris, I've known you for many years now, I can tell how you feel," the younger stated.

"Then what am I feeling?" Kris challenged.

Without hesitation, Lay called him out. "You think you like ________."

Surprised, Kris tilted his head. The way Lay put it... it sounded so confusing and frustrating. Was this that feeling everyone talked about? Because he sure didn't like it. Who was Lay to tell Kris how he felt and thought he felt? Kris had feelings for you and that was that.

"No," he corrected. "I like her. I don't think I do, I just do."

Lay raised his brows at Kris's bold statement. He should have known. Kris was always the guy to get attached easily. He tended to get his emotions mixed up for one another. Like in a fanfic or movie how all girls seem to like this one popular guy they don't really know. They see their face, like their personality and BAM! They think they're in love. But they haven't truly experienced it.

"Then tell me... if you really like her so much, why aren't you doing anything about it?" he asked. "The Wu Yi Fan I know isn't one to back down. He does things without another care in the world."

"It isn't that easy, Yixing."

Ignoring Kris's comeback, Lay continued. "The only time you would hold back is if you would think you'd regret it later on."

"That's because..." Kris started, but stopped. "I won't regret it."

"Then I'm assuming you're going to ask her out? Without any other consideration first?"

Kris stayed silent.

"You don't really like ________, Wu Fan," Lay seriously remarked. "You just think you do."

"Weren't you the one who said that I liked her a week ago?"

He shrugged. "I've done more observing."

Kris shook his head frantically. All this "love" business was making him tired and frustrated. What did Lay know? He hasn't really experienced it yet and here he is, telling Kris what to do and how to feel??? Kris wasn't mad, no. He could never get mad at one of his best friends. He was mad that Lay was somewhat right. He should have asked you out before Luhan was able to get closer to you, but he didn't. Why was that? Was it because he really thought he would have regretted it? Or maybe it was because love is an exeption and Kris really liked you a lot in order to feel that way.

"No," Kris stood his ground. "I like her. If you're going to keep bugging me about this, then I'll ask her out when the time is right. When that time comes, I won't regret anything. I promise you." He walked away silently, leaving the dancer out in the shore.

"I just hope that you'll keep your promise."


The next day, you and Luhan arose early once more and headed down to your usual spot. Apparently all of the awkward comments and times you guys had together made you more comfortable? It was hard to explain, it was like you both got to know each other and who you really were.

"Ready, Luhan?" you asked.

He hummed in response. "Hmmm not yet."

"Okay, whenever you're ready."

Luhan shook his head and stepped out of the water. Before you could ask what he was doing, he beat you to it. "I'm not in the mood. Let's skip lessons today."

You gave him a funny look, but gave in to his comment. "Okay then... we'll start tomorrow. I guess we don't have to do this every day." Right as you were about to walk away, Luhan's hand leaped out to catch your wrist.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you every day," he said.

You reddened as he gestured you to sit next to him. "What?"

"Sit," he ordered, and you obliged. "I feel that we should get to know each other better, don't you think?"

You laughed. "I think we already know a lot about each other already."

"What's your favorite color?" he suddenly questioned you.


"I said, what's your favorite color? Just ask each other questions back and forth and we should know each and every thing about ourselves," Luhan explained.

You gave a soft smile. "I have secrets, too, you know."

"I can keep a secret," he grinned at you.

Chuckling, you nodded. "Okay okay, I believe you. My favorite color is green."

"Now your turn."

You thought for a bit, then decided on your question. "If the rest of EXO were girls, then who would you choose to date if the world depended on it?"

He gave you an appalled look and snorted. "What kind of a question is that?!"

"I'm just curious," you innocently glanced at him and shrugged. He playfully scoffed once more, then answered.

"I guess... Sehun? He's the closest to me."

You threw your head back and laughed. "And now I made things forever awkward in the name of EXO." He chuckled along with you.

"Okay, two can play this game. Out of all EXO-M members..."

"You wouldn't," you sternly pointed a finger at him, but that didn't stop him.

"...who would you..."

"STOP IT!" you yelled, giggling.

"...want to..."

"I'm serious!"

"Gosh, I was just going to say 'sing with...' No need to get all touchy," he laughed and rolled his eyes. You glared at him.

"No, you were not!"

"Were too!"

"Were not!"

"Were too!"

"Were not."

"Yeah, I wasn't," he confessed, and you giggled. "But don't think I've let you off the hook! Out of all EXO members, who would you want to date?" he quickly asked so you wouldn't cut him off. You gaped and threw him a look.

"Baekhyun. I've heard a lot of nice things about him!" you stuck your tongue out at him.

"What?! No, EXO-M!" he corrected himself, not satisfied with your answer.

"You said EXO!"

"I said EXO-M first!"

"Why?" you challenged. "Jealous?" 

Getting up, he quickly -and loudly- shot back, "No! O-Of course not!" If only you knew...

Noticing his stutter, you beamed and stood as well. "Then you won't mind me doing this!" Running around, you began to shout and sing, "Baekhyun is the best of EXO ever!!! He's so hot, awesome, and the best singer!"

Luhan gasped. Best singer? "Oh, no, you didn't! Come here!" he chased you around while you continued to chant and squeal, trying to outrun him. You turned around and stuck your tongue out at him while shouting even louder. Unfortunately, since you were running backwards, you tripped on a root and slipped over, landing flat on your .

Luhan gasped. He sprinted over to you and knelt down. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Concerned, he quickly scooped you up into his arms and set you down on a log.

"Yah! I'm okay," you giggled. One, because he was just absolutely adorable when he was worried, and two, because you felt nice in his arms.

"Aish... you scared me!" Luhan scolded you. "But anyway.... what was that about Baekhyun being the best singer again?"

Nervously, you scratched the back of your head and chuckled. "Oh nothing, nothing..."

"Didn't seem like nothing to me!" he fired back and threw you over his shoulder, leaving you slapping has back and kicking your legs to try to get free from his grip while he ran around insanely.


And for the first time in years, you actually felt that love that you so longingly desired for.

We shouldn't have skipped the lesson, both you and Luhan thought. Because I think I just fell even harder for you.

i cant express how sorry i am... T^T im a bad person i was on vacation, then i had the worst writers block ever, then i told myself i would update before school got hella busy but i didnt then the semester was about to end so thats when everything got screwed up and hella busy so yeah... *gets on knwws* I'M SO SORRY!!! but hey, heres a fluffy (sorta) chapter for you all!!! again, sooooo sorry!



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Chapter 17: This fic is awesome <3

Well, hope you update soon then :P
Chapter 17: Nice ending ms-busy-as-ever!! Seven freaking months girl;) anyway, awesome update xD
ItzumiAiehara #3
Chapter 17: Good solution~ the moment when Kris realised what's his feeling towards her makes me laughed, he's like 'Oh I don't like her? YEAHH YEPPIII' sort of like that...
Chapter 17: yaaaay that's good I didn't want to have to see the two of them fighting over her and OMG SO MUCH CHEEEEEESE
Chapter 16: Cute! But will Kris actually go after her? I would like to see some interactions between the two of them... Also, a love triangle Luhan-___-Kris would be nice!
Bugsbunnee #6
Chapter 16: Ahhhh!!! They're so cute! But I wish she would end up with kris since I feel sorry for him. Ur characters are funny btw. Nice update!
This sounds interesting.