
Trapped on Exo Island

You stomped your way to an empty log and stared out into the moonlight, chanting the whole way there, "Pabo Luhan pabo Luhan pabo Luhan..." until your throat got dry and your brain got sore from even thinking about what had just happened. Deciding it was already late enough, you went over to the previous place you had stayed before, but not before tripping on Sabin's paw first and landing on the rough sand on all fours.

"Ow ow ow !" you cursed, immediately scrambling back up to sit on your bottom. You held your knee in pain, totally forgetting how you had injured it before on the way to help the boys, who really didn't need any help at all. By now, there were tiny rocks and sand bits in the open wound and more blood was gushing from it by the second. You guessed your toes were also quite bruised and banged up since you stubbed them so many times when you tripped. All in all, it was just a y day (or night) for you.

You hissed in pain with trying to get up. Your whole leg felt damaged in some way, and all you could do was walk on a limp. Hobbling over to a tree stump nearby, a rustle from behind you was heard.

Still freaked out by the story Xiumin had told, you whirled your head around abruptly and whisper-shouted, "Who's there?!"

Without getting a proper response, you limped your way closer and placed your hand on the spear you had leaning on the tree, ready to attack whatever was behind the mass of forest.

A groan was heard, then a twig snapped in its general direction, automatically setting you off. "YAH!" you raised your spear up high and struck it down. It probably would have killed the thing if it were a small animal, but to Kris, that's a whole other story. He was actually fast enough to grab hold of it and throw it far behind you.

He groaned again, and that's when you realized he was in pain. "What happened?" you helped him sit down as best as you could, injured yourself.

"I think I got stung by a bee..." he replied, then yelped when you placed a hand on his shoulder, "...or a couple of bees after I ran into their beehive."

"What were you even doing out here?!" you scolded, just like a mother would.

"I was looking for you! But then I lost you, but I found you again!" he perked up on the last sentence before writhing in pain once more.

"Sheesh you really aren't as cool as you seem to be, are you?"

"Only on camera," he replied with a cheeky grin and winked at you.

"Where does it hurt?" you questioned while placing a hand on his other shoulder, careful not to trigger any sensitive spots that he had been stung in.

Kris shook his head and pointed weakly at your knee and bottom leg. "No... you're hurt, too."

"But I can treat myself!" you retorted and giggled, rushing to tend to his wounds.

As you were, you couldn't help but ponder on what Luhan had said earlier. Since you lived alone for a lot of your life, you didn't really know how to act civilized anymore and you didn't notice how you acted since there really wasn't any people around to see. As much as you didn't want to believe what he accused of you was true, you just got a strange feeling that everyone else felt that way, too, and that they all secretly hated you, something you didn't want to happen.


"Hmmm-AHHHHHHHH!" he screamed in pain as you scratched and stabbed at the mark unknowingly. "Ah.... ah.... y-yes?" he responded after calming down from the surprise puncture.

"Sorry," you apologized and blew on it to reduce stinging. "You don't think I'm conceited, right?"




"Oh my god, I am conceited, aren't I?


"Kris, seriously, am I-?"


"Gee thanks for the help, Kris."


Luhan paced back and forth in the hut, biting on his thumbnail all the while Kris had left to go look for you. Xiumin, Chen, and Tao fell asleep peacefully while Lay was awake, trying to get Luhan to get some rest.

"Don't you think you were a little too tough on ________? I mean, her knee was bleeding, after all, and she's a girl," Lay commented, yawning afterwards and wiping away the tears that were provided with it.

"So? She did say that she was more of a man than me, don't you think that in her opinion I should be the one getting pittied here?" he reasoned out. And although it was a very true statement, Lay still didn't give up his side of the argument.

"But we don't have her opinion. do we?"

"I-I don't know. What do you guys think? She's just being self-centered, right? I'm manly, right?"

Lay just simply yawned once more before falling to the ground in deep sleep.


The next morning, you were a horrid mess. Below your eyes were big puffs of sagging flesh and your hair was a living crows nest, considering your head rested in a grass pit when you slept. Your leg was throbbing and all night you couldn't get off what Luhan had said about you.


Who knew that one simple sentence could actually be ingrained in your mind? As much as you wanted to lie there and do nothing, your howling stomach told you otherwise. Being forced by your hunger to get up, you checked beside you to see if Kris had left in the middle of the night or not. As you expected, the events of last night really had him tired out as he was still sound asleep.

You got up slow and carefully, one part being not to wake the sleeping bear next to you, and the other not to injure your leg more than it was. Turns out you had scraped your whole kneecap the first time, then made it worse and blister when it took a dive for the sand and dirt, filled with rocky substances. The rest of your leg wasn't any better- your foot was bruised and possibly twisted and you walked with a noticeable limp.

By the time you had caught your breakfast, the rest of the guys had woken up and met you so you could all eat together. You and Luhan both didn't say a word to each other and would send hateful glares to one another. The others, noticing your uncomfortable distance, silently ate away and watched you indirectly bicker.

"So how's the breakfast?" you asked, purposely giving eye contact to everyone but Luhan.

They nodded in approval and gave you some thoughtful words of appreciation.

"Mhm, it really takes someone THOUGHTFUL AND CARING to give you food, isn't it?" you questioned again and cleared your throat from your morning outburst. They weirdly looked at you, but nodded again.

Luhan stabbed at his meal, irritated. He had to admit, the action was very kind, but he wouldn't go down without having the last laugh.

"Woah, Luhan hyung, it's already dead, no need to stab it again," Chen chuckled. Luhan's face lightened as he got a perfect-timed plan.

"Ah, no, I'm sure I saw it moving," he lied, "It takes a REAL MAN to actually kill something." You rolled your eyes and abruptly stood before bowing your head and leaving.

The other members sighed while others face palmed at the ridiculous pair. "What?" Luhan asked the elder next to him. Xiumin just shook his head at him. "Pft, she started it."

And if you thought that was annoying, the rest of the day was even worse...


You and Exo-M had decided to work on your fallen house so that you had somewhere to sleep last night and you wouldn't be able to rip off their throats from another night of trying to get them to sleep.

While carrying one of the boards, you skillfully placed them in their rightful spot, but they fell right as you turned your heel. You propped them up right again, only to have them fall once more. You groaned.

"Now now, I think it takes a real MAN to do this," Luhan brushed you aside and went to work on the part you had trouble on, doing it perfectly.


"Whew! That was a lot of work," Luhan stated after you had decided to take a break from rebuilding. "I really worked up a sweat! Wow. Just look at those muscles, how manly they are, right guys?" he flexed his muscles and praised them.

You bit your lip from anger and with a fake smile plastered on your face, you gasped, "Yeah they're so awesome! You must have really worked hard!" Then in your best sarcastic tone, "It sure takes someone nice and appreciative to notice them, huh, Luhan?"

"Little Miss Perfect."


As you two mindlessly argued and bickered, the rest of Exo-M were watching you, either totally interested by the scene, or face palming themselves at it.

"This," Tao sighed, 'is getting absolutely ridiculous."

"Agreed," the others said in unison.

"Kind of ironic, though," Chen pointed out. "Luhan hyung is getting more self-centered trying to show off his manly side while ________ is getting girlier by the second with the kindness."

"Do you think we should break it up?" Lay asked.

"Nope," Xiumin chortled.

"Why not?"

He chuckled. "Because this is entertaining!"

It took a moment for all of the slaps on his head to sink in.


Sorry for the shortish chapter, this whole week was basically studying, but good thing, my work paid off and I got all A's~! woohoo! but that meant i had to lay off on the updates a bit :( i'll try but please dont expect them to come frequently... thanks! dont forget to comment and subscribe~~~ and i just realized how many silent readers i have 0.o but i still <3 u!




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Chapter 17: This fic is awesome <3

Well, hope you update soon then :P
Chapter 17: Nice ending ms-busy-as-ever!! Seven freaking months girl;) anyway, awesome update xD
ItzumiAiehara #3
Chapter 17: Good solution~ the moment when Kris realised what's his feeling towards her makes me laughed, he's like 'Oh I don't like her? YEAHH YEPPIII' sort of like that...
Chapter 17: yaaaay that's good I didn't want to have to see the two of them fighting over her and OMG SO MUCH CHEEEEEESE
Chapter 16: Cute! But will Kris actually go after her? I would like to see some interactions between the two of them... Also, a love triangle Luhan-___-Kris would be nice!
Bugsbunnee #6
Chapter 16: Ahhhh!!! They're so cute! But I wish she would end up with kris since I feel sorry for him. Ur characters are funny btw. Nice update!
This sounds interesting.