chapter 2

Letting you go


~~~~~~chapter 2~~~~~~

~ Your smile lights up the gloomiest and rainiest days

Without even noticing I started to fall in love with you~



What force guided you to me? I never noticed how important you have gotten to me. What keeps my heart beating like crazy is you.


2 years ago

Jaejoong was on his phone busily talking to Yoochun who just told him to hurry back to Seoul because he was sick of replacing him in the company for his vacation on Jeju Island.

While discussing some information about the next contract with their new spokesperson he hurried home running under the massive rain pouring down from the dark sky from above.

On the other end of the street Hyeri also hurried to search for a place she could hide from the rain. Just arriving on Jeju Island she searches her way to the apartment she rented for her stay but couldn’t really recognize the way. Even the map which she holds couldn’t help her much. What really upsets her is the crying heaven that kept pouring water down from the moment she stepped out of the plane. Desperate as she is right know she fished out her phone while running and called her hero she hoped would help her in this situation. “Yeah Yunho ah, yeah I really don’t know how to get there. YAH! I’m not stupid I just don’t have a sense of direction” The hero she hoped would help her just called her a “stupid kid” which she hates to be called the most. It doesn’t help her a bit when he asks her why she didn’t take a taxi to get there and how she kept her luggage with her. Hyeri bit her lip, she really doesn’t want to tell Yunho that she accidently sent her luggage to Japan and not to Jeju and she only had what she needs the most with her.  


Both of them busily on the phone running away from the rain not realizing the other party they bump into each other.  For a short moment their gazes met. Hyeri was mesmerized by his deep brown eyes not noticing how she was on her way to the wet dirty ground beneath her.

When she wakes up from her dream her clothes were soaked with water and her cell phone lies next to her broken. “Argh…!” Damn it can my day be worse??????!!!!! Slowly she rises from the ground and picks her phone up. Really this guy is really handsome but a jerk breaking my phone and bumping into me! Not even helping me up and just running away…!

Suddenly she sees something else lying on the ground next to where her phone was lying. She looks at the black thingy on the ground more precisely to find a black purse. Was this already lying there before? Her curiosity took over and she opens the purse searching for its owners ID. Ah…here it is! Let’s see who has lost it… Her eyes widen, fell down forming an O shape … “Kim Jaejoong…” she murmurs.


At his warm and especially dry home Jaejoong picks up his phone and calls Yoochun again. They stopped their conversation when Jae arrived home an hour ago and wanted to take a warm bath to warm up his body. “Hey Jae! I was waiting for your call, do you still have the spare key to my apartment I gave you some time ago?” Jae opens his refrigerator and picks up a can of beer opening it and took a gulp. “Yeah Chun, of course I still keep it with me. Why do you need it?” He sits down and with the remote control he searches an interesting channel on the tv to watch. “Oh that’s because I gave my key to Ka Eul for her to come over and now I don’t have another one. Can you send me the key tomorrow?” Finally deciding on what channel he would like to watch he settles himself comfortably on the couch. “Sure, sure Chun. If I remember correctly I’ve put it into my purse. Wait a moment let me get it so I won’t forget…” Jae stands up and makes his way to where his now dry jacket is hanging. He tucks into his jacket’s pocket for his purse but what surprised him is that he couldn’t find his purse where its supposed to be.

Tucking into the other pocket he also couldn’t find what he desired to find.

Moving back to the couch he picks up his phone to tell Chun the news but before he could speak the doorbell rings. Who could this be at this late hour? It was already half past nine pm and Jae doesn’t expect any guests so who could this be.

In his one hand holding the phone he tells Yoochun to wait a moment for him to open the front door. Looking into the peephole he only sees the back view of a brown haired person. A girl to be exact thus much he could tell

Opening the door he takes a better look at the person in front of him. On the other hand the girl hears the door opens and slowly turns around and meets eyes with Jae.

Suddenly she points her finger at him and exclaimed “YOU!”


a longer update ;) 

so happy already got 5 subscribers XD 

@Juna17 thx so much, I also imagined this scene as it is a movie in my head and tried to write it >.< so I hope it turned out well

You really want to draw it as a manga? that would be cool and I give you the permission to do it XD

@iluvlollipops thx for your interest in my story and here is the new update 

@JaeNielHyuk thanks for your support

 comment and subscribe ;) 


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I'm so sorry for not updating but my final exams are approaching and my grandfather has been hospitalized &so; I'm not in the mood to write anything right now


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foreversucks #1
omg!! its almost over!! its already 9 in dec DD
I wonder what would happen if they found about hyeri, jaejoong and yunho

get well soon, author ssi
Their parents want a marriage soon?
Give us more^^
She left, and what will happen if they meet again? How about yunho?
Update soon
Hello! Thank you for updating.
She left to go back to Seoul, and Jae was alone
Just when they were getting to know each other
Hi. your poster is ready. thanks for requesting :)
can't wait for the drama
thank you for an update *smile*

He took her back with him?? lol

Yunho went to fetch her, but heard her on the phone being with someone else?? lol

Now, I wonder what will happen next ...
fallenangel #9
@kpopartory I've not updated this story for half a year so I can totally understand u :D
Now, I'm updated lol
read through the story

update whenever you can