chapter 7

Letting you go


~~~~~~chapter 7~~~~~~


~I’m losing my way again or is it you that can’t find the route back to my side?~


~~I’m so sorry but I love you dagotjimal iya mollaso ijeya arasso niga piryohae (I’m so sorry but I love you, it’s all lies, I didn’t know but now I know it…I need you)~~

Yunho hears his phone ringing and picks it up seeing the unknown caller ID he wonders who it could be. It’s somehow unexpected for him to receive such a phone call cause this was his personal mobile not the one for work and not many do have his private phone number. Not bothering more about it he answers the call “Yoboseyo?” and waits for the caller to say something. He waited for a few minutes but still doesn’t hear anyone talking to him so he just hang up shrugging his shoulders and thought that the caller maybe got the wrong number and got scared when hearing his voice. Smiling he got to his work once again seeing the stack of paperwork he sighs and picks up the next folder lying on top of the stack. In the middle of reading the contract his phone starts to ring again Yunho just picks it up without looking who the caller is “Yoboseyo, Jung Yunho speaking.” But just like the other time no one answers him, feeling a little lost and confused he looked at his mobile’s screen to see “Unknown caller ID” appearing. Ok, this should be the other person again. Maybe he or she got the wrong number again. He sighs, hung up and putts his phone on the desk next to his phone for work. Hopefully this person won’t call me again there are so many files for me to read I don’t have the time to joke around…

After more than half an hour reading the contract lying in front of him he finally finishes the file and moves to the next one when again his phone’s ringtone “Lies” rings. Feeling kind of irritated he tilts his head towards the phone lying on the table and when he sees the “Unknown caller ID” appearing on the screen again he closes his eyes and took a deep breath before picking up. If the person is not gonna answer me again then I’m gonna shut down my phone for now!

“Yoboseyo? Jung Yunho speaking.” Yunho really starts to think that these calls are trying to see how patient he can be. After “patiently” waiting for his caller to answer him for the 3rd time and not hearing the caller saying anything his patience ended. “Excuse me but if you won’t talk then please don’t call me again and again. I thing you’ve got the wrong number!” Before he could hang up something he doesn’t expected happenes … the caller finally said something “WAIT!!! Don’t hang up on me”

Yunho got so surprised he was looking at his phone no actually he stares at it as if he could see the person just in front of him. “Hello Yunho are you still there? Oh no don’t tell me he does hung up on me~” he hears the girl mutters on the other line. Waking up from his state he takes the phone near his ear and listens to the other end, the girl who thought he just hung up on her still doesn’t realize that he was still there and listening to her. While silently listening to the girl he just couldn’t stop himself from grinning ear to ear. “I knew I should have said something the first time he picked up. Now he is all angry at me”.  It was just so funny to hear her talking to herself debating whether to call him for the 4th time or not after hearing him angrily “hanging up” on her.

Chuckling Yunho couldn’t bear to let her be in the dark so without him realizing it he said “Babo! You are such a fool!” And he couldn’t stop himself from laughing out loud anymore especially after hearing the girl shouting out in anger “YAH!!!!!!!!!!! How could you say something like this to me!”

Still laughing but trying to stay calm Yunho says “Ok, ok princess why are you calling me with an unknown caller ID? Where are you now?” He just could imagine her staying somewhere pouting at her phone which makes him starts to laugh out loud again. “I know you’re pouting right now princess. So where are you, you know I am currently at work and have to especially take some time to talk to you so just tell me what’s up.” After hearing that the girl just kept pouting not minding the guy who still has to read all those documents piled up on his desk. “Oh come on stop pouting it makes you look ugly” said Yunho trying to cheer her up a little bit. But instead of hearing her laugh at his stupid joke she remains being quite and is now even angrier at him than before.  She doesn’t realize that somehow her tears manage to fall down her cheeks one by one and with a shaking voice she started yelling at her phone or more or less at the person on the other end of the line … Yunho.


Jaejoong is on his way to the supermarket on Jeju Island. Sitting in his car while listening to the radio he just cannot believe that he finally got rid of the annoying girl. Ok he had to admit that he was kinda worried about her but not to the instant that he would allow her to stay in his house for more than what he allowed her already. Of course nothings gonna happen to her, she is a strong girl she will manage to somehow overcome it alone. Jaejoong himself doesn’t know since when he got this new habit of talking to himself lately. “I mean a clumsy girl all alone on Jeju Island without a mobile phone and a sense of direction and to top it carrying her luggage with her what should happen, right?” Yeah that’s right, that’s right! He’s becoming even weirder for answering his self talking questions by himself.

Arriving at his destination he gets off of his car and went to the entrance of the supermarket where he got himself a cart. Strolling around from section to section he picks up the things he’s gonna buy when Jaejoong arrived at the section where there are the supplies for daily use he looks around the different glasses they have. Because a clumsy girl just broke some of his glasses at home even though it was actually his fault he has to go buy new ones. Aish… those were of my favorite collection. Those here aren’t even made of pure crystals. Next time I see this girl I will make sure she pays for those. After Jaejoong went to the cashier and paid for everything and went to his car to put it into the trunk he begins to drive back to his house. On his way he still couldn’t stop thinking about Hyeri for the most part because it is getting dark outside and he feels bad for leaving a girl alone on the streets.

Jae sighs Where are you right now? You babo…


Sitting in a café near the seaside Hyeri was looking out and enjoys her fresh brewed coffee. The whole day after Jae left her alone on the streets she was roaming around Jeju Island and ended here in this really cute café. For the first time she is here on Jeju she already saw a lot mainly because she doesn’t has anywhere to go and is just like a lost puppy searching for a new place to stay. The sun already set and now the street was lighted by streetlamps. Hyeri doesn’t intend to go anywhere for now and just focus on her Latte Macchiato the lady owner brought her awhile ago.

She knows that it has to be really strange for a girl to be sitting alone in a café at a time like this and appreciate the concern of the owners. Without her realizing it herself the time flew away and it was getting later and later by the second and she still doesn’t have a place for her to stay overnight.

Where should I go to…? 


I'm so sorry for not updating for like a month time >.< 

After returning from my internship I had so many things in school to catch up

But this chapter is the longest of the whole story for now ;)

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I'm so sorry for not updating but my final exams are approaching and my grandfather has been hospitalized &so; I'm not in the mood to write anything right now


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foreversucks #1
omg!! its almost over!! its already 9 in dec DD
I wonder what would happen if they found about hyeri, jaejoong and yunho

get well soon, author ssi
Their parents want a marriage soon?
Give us more^^
She left, and what will happen if they meet again? How about yunho?
Update soon
Hello! Thank you for updating.
She left to go back to Seoul, and Jae was alone
Just when they were getting to know each other
Hi. your poster is ready. thanks for requesting :)
can't wait for the drama
thank you for an update *smile*

He took her back with him?? lol

Yunho went to fetch her, but heard her on the phone being with someone else?? lol

Now, I wonder what will happen next ...
fallenangel #9
@kpopartory I've not updated this story for half a year so I can totally understand u :D
Now, I'm updated lol
read through the story

update whenever you can