
But You're the Only One

Decided to re-upload Chapter 7 or else 8 can't come up! I'll remove it when the original gets added back in ^^ 

You HAVE to listen to this for full bg effect! Load Distance by Christina Perri (pretty please~~) I'll tell you when to hit play! :) 

As soon as Jiyeon stepped out of Three Alleys, a gush of cold wind greeted her. She shivered in the cold, realizing her jacket was not thick enough to insulate her. But the cold was the least of Jiyeon’s worries for now. Her mind was in a whirl as she remembered her encounter with Kai.


Kai gripped her arm and hauled her to the stage authoritatively. She gave him questioning looks, seemingly irritated. His eyes were dark as night and it scared her. The same dark eyes as those he had on the night he left her – distant and emotionless.


“Kai, that hurt! What are you thinking?” Jiyeon whimpered. His fingers were digging into her flesh, creating red marks along her forearm.


“I demand a dance with our choreographer-nim, Song Jiyeon,” Kai declared, completely ignoring Jiyeon.


“Uh, since the birthday boy requests for a dance, then a dance it will be. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s Jiyeon again, and our birthday boy, Kai!” the emcee announced.


Kai let go of Jiyeon’s reddened arm as the crowd began cheering for them. Jiyeon’s eyes widened when the music started playing.


It’s Heartbreaker by G-Dragon. Jongin and I danced to during the prom dance-off for Dance King and Queen, Jiyeon realized and gasped in disbelief. She glanced over at her dance partner, Kai, who was staring intently at her.


What is he going to do now? She wondered.


Kai began with a series of freestyle moves foreign to Jiyeon, his eyes never leaving hers. But as the song approached the chorus, his moves became all too familiar to Jiyeon.


He’s doing the exact same moves as we did back then for prom.


Kai strode toward Jiyeon and pulled her into his arms forcefully, and Jiyeon immediately snapped out of her stupor. She kept her eyes on him as she danced what they choreographed three years ago for prom, and he responded by doing the same.


Amidst the roaring crowd after the dance ended, Kai bent to peck Jiyeon’s hand softly, which sent electric shocks down her spine. She observed that his eyes were no longer dark. He leaned in toward her, which sent her heartbeat racing at 100 miles per hour.


“Good that you still remembered what we did for prom, Song Jiyeon,” he whispered into her ear, smirking.


Jiyeon’s eyes brimmed with tears as she remembered all these. (A/N Play the song NOWWW)


Even though we were dancing to the exact same song with the exact same choreography, the feel was completely wrong.


She had been too preoccupied with her thoughts to hear someone shouting her name. Suddenly, she felt a strong familiar grip around her arm. She turned around to see who it was.




Kai was catching his breath as he held onto her arm. Remembering how he had treated her earlier, Jiyeon’s expression turned cold.


“What are you doing here? Go back to your party, Kai.”


“You dropped this,” he dropped the brown leather anklet into her hand. Jiyeon stared at the anklet in shock.


“H-How could this be? I-I...” Jiyeon stuttered.


“How could this be? I honestly don’t know, Song Jiyeon. I’d completely forgotten about this, until Baekhyun passed it to me, saying you’d left it behind. To think you actually still wear this,” Kai laughed dryly, his eyes regaining their coldness again.


I’m sorry, Jiyeon. But being with me will only endanger you. I can’t let him have a chance at hurting you.  


“Get lost.” Jiyeon choked, trying her best to control her emotions. She definitely did not want to cry in front of Kai. She turned away from him and ran in the opposite direction, clasping the brown leather tightly between her fingers. Memories of the same day three years ago flooded her mind.


“Oppa, where are you taking me?” Jiyeon asked impatiently.


“Just a little more. Don’t open your eyes!” Kai smiled. Taking her hands, he led her into the open field.


“Open your eyes, Jiyeon.”


Jiyeon gasped in awe at the phenomenal sight before her. Not a single street lamp, or sign of civilization was in sight. But that was the last thing Jiyeon could care about.


She had never seen so many stars in her life. The entire night sky was covered in a blanket of stars.


“Oppa, the sky, it’s beautiful,” Jiyeon mumbled, still dumbfounded by the enigmatic night sky. She felt two strong arms encircling her waist from behind.


“Mmhmm, it is. That’s why I brought you here,” Kai smiled, placing his chin on her shoulder, making Jiyeon blush furiously. She looked down, and caught sight of Kai’s watch.




“Oppa! Your birthday is nearly over, have you made your birthday wish already?” Jiyeon jumped at the sudden realization.


“Hmm? Nah I haven’t,” Kai replied lazily. His head was still rested on her shoulder and his eyes were closed.


“You have to! Or you’ll have to wait till next year!”


“You don’t seem to get it, do you?” Kai turned Jiyeon around to face him, their fingers now intertwined. He leaned his forehead against hers.


“My wish has been granted, and I’m looking at it right now.”


Jiyeon sprinted as fast as she could, the wind tangling her hair as she ran. Tears were staining her face.  


Kim Jongin, you jerk.


Jiyeon’s tears blurred her vision and she collided into a tall figure wearing a mask.




Sehun? Jiyeon looked up at the person she’d crashed into.


“Jiyeon, are you alright?” Sehun gently patted her shoulder. At this point, Jiyeon felt her emotions overflow. She burst into uncontrollable sobs as Sehun pulled her into a hug.


“There, there. Cry it all out,” Sehun patted her back gently as she cried into his chest. It had already been two years, but her heart still hurt just as bad.  


This is the worst – getting over someone who has already gotten over you.


Kai punched the wall in frustration. His knuckles were bleeding.


“Aargghh!” He let out a cry in defeat, leaning against the wall. He roughly wiped off his tears streaming down his face.


What are you doing, Kim Jongin?


Jongin knew he had to push Jiyeon away to prevent hurting her further, but his heart told him otherwise. He was conflicted and overwhelmed with guilt. As an internal war raged within him, a throbbing headache soon befell him.  


He stepped away to strike the brick wall again, but this time, someone stopped him.


“Kai, you have to stop! You’re hurting yourself,” Baekhyun yelled, holding him back.


“Why are you here, hyung?”


“I followed you. You weren’t supposed to leave the bar!” Baekhyun gasped for air as he struggled with Kai.


Kai sighed and slumped against the wall, feeling exhausted physically and emotionally. Baekhyun crossed his arms and stared at Kai sternly.


“I saw everything. How you treated Jiyeon. I know there’s definitely something going on between the both of you. You owe me an explanation,” Baekhyun commanded. 


“Hyung, now’s not the time.”


“Explain. Right. Now.” Baekhyun continued glaring at Kai.


Kai scratched the back of his head and sighed. He had a lot of explaining to do.


“Here you go, Jiyeon. Are you feeling better already?” Sehun handed Jiyeon a hot cup of mocha and sat beside her on the park bench.


“Mm, thanks Sehun oppa. Ah, this is so warm!” Jiyeon held the cup between her two hands and took a whiff of the coffee aroma before sipping it slowly. Sehun watched Jiyeon drink her warm beverage, her tear-stained cheeks glowing from the heat.


I wonder what made her cry so bad.


“Where do you live, Jiyeon? I’ll take you home,” Sehun offered kindly.


“Thanks oppa, I just live a few bus stops away. By the way, how’s your, um, constipation? I heard about it from Luhan oppa,” Jiyeon asked, suddenly remembering that Sehun had been missing the entire time at the bar.


“Ah, that. I’m much better, I guess... Or else I wouldn’t have left the washroom and met you, would I?” Sehun laughed awkwardly, surprised that Jiyeon knew the reason for his disappearance.


The ride home seemed faster than normal as the two of them were engaged in conversation about their school days. Sehun felt relieved when Jiyeon started to laugh at his jokes and past blunders.


“Thank you Sehun oppa. For always coming to my rescue, somehow,” Jiyeon smiled as they arrived at her apartment.  


“No worries, Jiyeon. You sure you’ll be fine?” Sehun looked genuinely concerned.


“Yeah, goodnight oppa. Thanks again,” Jiyeon smiled, giving him a thumbs up.


“Goodnight, see you on Monday.”


Jiyeon watched Sehun walk away before she closed the door behind her. Incomprehensible warmth filled her heart.


Thank you, Oh Sehun.


As Sehun was walking to the bus stop, he turned to look at Jiyeon’s apartment.


I certainly don’t want to see Song Jiyeon cry again.


Jiyeon’s POV


I stood outside the SM building and took a deep breath. For some reason it seemed even more formidable than when I first came here for my interview.


This is it, Song Jiyeon. You’re done crying over him. Just treat him like someone you have to work with, like one of your students.


After psyching myself up to face everyone after the emotional weekend, I walked calmly into the reception lobby.


“Thanks, Miss Lee,” I smiled and collected my pass from the Ice Queen. Ice Queen smiled back warmly.


“Have a nice day, Jiyeon-ssi.”


You’re probably wondering what caused such a huge change in the Ice Queen’s attitude toward me. It was a complete 360-degree turn. To keep the long story short, the EXO boys told her I was younger than all of them and she probably figured I was too young to be her love rival and compete for her beloved Director Kang a.k.a. Jinsoo, my ex-student. 


Song Jiyeon has used her magical powers to melt the Ice Queen’s heart of ice!


“Aaaahh!” I screamed when I felt someone tackle me from behind.


“Jiyeon ah! You ignored me when I called you!” I turned around to see Baekhyun, the culprit.


“Yah! You scared me back there. Sorry I didn’t hear you, I was thinking about something,” I smiled apologetically at him.


“It’s okay, I forgive you,” Baekhyun grinned, his eyes forming crescents. I almost had to restrain myself from pinching his cheeks. It’s hard to believe that Byun Baekhyun is twenty years old sometimes.


“Changmin hyung, Kyuhyun hyung!” Baekhyun beamed when he saw his hyungs in the elevator.


“We meet again in the elevator, Jiyeon-ssi,” Changmin smiled. (A/N Refer to chapter 3 if you can’t remember!)


“Hello, Changmin-ssi. Strange, isn’t it?” I bowed to him, and to Kyuhyun. They nodded back. I think I officially dub Changmin as the Elevator Man. Silence soon enveloped us as the lift doors closed. Even Baekhyun was looking at the ground. 


“We’ll see you around,” Changmin patted Baekhyun’s head as he left the lift. Kyuhyun smiled at us and followed behind Changmin.


“Oppa, your sunbaes are really cool and mature,” I glanced at their backs as the lift doors closed.


“Yeah, they are. I hope I’ll become like them someday. By the way, where’s your anklet Jiyeon?” Baekhyun pointed at my shoes. Crap, he noticed?


“Oh yeah, I... uh... kept it in my drawer because it’s too worn out and old. Thanks for finding it Baekhyun oppa,” I stuttered a little. Baekhyun looked into my eyes. I shuffled backward, a little uncomfortable with his confrontational stare. We were the only two left in the elevator.


“You don’t have to pretend, Jiyeon. Kai told me everything already. I forced it out of him that night,” Baekhyun said. I felt a strong surge of emotions and tears began welling up in my eyes, blurring my vision.


That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. I’m still hung up about Jongin. 


Baekhyun’s POV


“Oppa...” Jiyeon whimpered as tears flowed steadily down her pretty face. Shucks, I don’t know what to do when girls cry.


“Ah, don’t cry, Jiyeon! You’ve had it tough, you’re a strong girl,” I exclaimed, flustered. Instinctively, I quickly used my fingers to wipe away her tears. I froze when I realized my senselessness.


Argh, Byun Baekhyun! What do you think you’re doing!


I quickly searched for tissue in my bag and handed it to her. Jiyeon sniffed as she tried to stifle her sobs and clean up her face. Thank God she didn’t wear makeup. I’d seen the effects of tears and thick makeup (especially mascara and eyeliner) combined. And it certainly wasn’t pleasing to the eye.


“Thanks, Baekhyun oppa. Don’t tell anyone about us, will you?” Jiyeon said softly, trying to control her sobs as we alighted on the seventh floor.


“I promise. And I’ll be behind you when you need me, Jiyeon ah,” I held her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I sighed inwardly.


Why do such things happen to two people so immensely in love with each other?


Suho was already at the dance studio doing his stretches when we arrived. We helped Jiyeon set up the stereos.


“Good morning,” Chanyeol waved as he sauntered into the studio. He had bags under his eyes.


“You’re up, Yeolie!” I chirped in reply. I’d left when Chanyeol was still sleeping. He had stayed up last night to play computer games, and had trouble waking up today for breakfast.


“Anneyong! We’re ready to master MAMA today!” D.O. and Sehun marched into the studio, full of energy. D.O. was punching his fists in the air as he announced his arrival. Jiyeon laughed.


“Jiyeon, are you feeling better?” Sehun went over to Jiyeon.


“Yeah, thanks oppa,” Jiyeon looked up at him and smiled. Sehun patted her back softly and returned to where the rest of us were. I raised my eyebrows at their conversation.


“Yah, Oh Sehun. Are you keeping something from us?” Chanyeol slung his arm around the maknae.


“N-no, who says?” Sehun stammered.


“Who were you with on Saturday night? Was it Jiyeon? You came home so late!” Suho enquired, his eyes glimmering with anticipation.


“Yeah I was. Hey, that doesn’t mean anything! She was feeling sad so I –” Sehun tried to explain himself.


Wait, so he met her that night after that incident? Judging from his clueless look, I doubt he knows about Kai and Jiyeon though. 


“Ohhhh I see what you did there! Nice going, maknae!” D.O. slammed his back, making Sehun cough.


“Is everyone here?” Jiyeon asked, her back facing us as she adjusted the music volume for warm up. She seemed completely oblivious of our conversation just now.


“All except one. Where’s Kai?” Suho asked. We all looked around for him. True enough, Kai was nowhere to be seen.


“Manager hyung took him aside to talk to him,” D.O. spoke up.


“Is it because of his hand? Did he really get into a fight with someone?” Chanyeol asked, his eyes wide like large marbles. Jiyeon suddenly turned back and looked at me when she heard Chanyeol’s question.


I sighed. Kai did get into a fight, but not with someone else. He got into a fight with himself.


“Let’s start first, Jiyeon ah. Or we’d never be done. Manager hyung takes a while when he decides to summon people out for a talk,” Suho said, stretching his arms. Leader really knew how to keep calm in such situations.


“Okay, let’s begin.”


“Chanyeol oppa, you’re becoming as stiff as a robot! Relax!” Jiyeon scuttled over to Chanyeol and pushed his shoulders down lightly. He was completely stiff throughout the practice.


“Sorry, Jiyeon. I guess I’m really not meant for dancing,” Chanyeol hung his head in defeat.


“Don’t say that! I used to have the same problem as you! Just relax and feel the song!” Jiyeon comforted him. Chanyeol repeated the moves once more to Jiyeon.


“Great! See, you’re getting there! You have it in you, oppa!” Jiyeon cheered. Chanyeol smiled and nodded to Jiyeon.


Sehun smiled as he watched Jiyeon assist Chanyeol in his dance.


She’s so kind and patient, he thought.


“Are you doing fine, Sehun oppa?” Jiyeon realized Sehun was looking at her and went over to check on him. Sehun felt his heart beat increase slightly when Jiyeon touched his shoulder lightly.


“Ah, nothing Jiyeon. I’m doing fine,” Sehun replied, disconcerted. He felt blood rushing to his face.


What is this strange feeling? Must be the exercise I’ve been doing, Sehun wondered to himself.


“Sorry I’m late.”


The doors opened. Everyone looked up and saw Kai walk into the studio, looking gloomy and tired. EXO-K’s manager was behind him. His hand was wrapped in a bandage.


What happened to him? Jiyeon pondered, slightly worried.


“Kai, are you okay?” Suho asked.


“Yeah, I guess.” Kai muttered a reply, staring at Jiyeon. Jiyeon glanced back at him and looked away almost immediately.


“Enough of the chitchat guys! Your debut is less than three months away! Show me some sense of urgency! Let’s go!” Manager Ma spoke, exercising his authority. (A/N haha imagine Manager Ma from You’re Beautiful! He’s so funny!)


“Understood, manager hyung,” Baekhyun answered, raising his hand.


“We are ONE! EXO-K!” The members chorused. 


Angsty chapter! Chapter 8 is underway :) As I'd mentioned earlier (in the previous ch7 that disappeared mysteriously), I'll be going on a hiatus soon because I've got major exams coming my way, and they won't end till december, so...... ): I'm really sorry for providing such a short notice, and I know it's kinda irresponsible and impulsive of me to embark on a new story at this crucial time... 

I'm really thankful to all of you, my silent readers/subscribers/commentors, looking at your funny comments really make my day! I used to think no one read this haha :/ It's heartwarming to have all your support, I really really appreciate it :) 

Chapter 8 will probably be my last chapter before the hiatus, I hope you'll look forward to it and continue supporting me despite.... my absence. (okay I don't know what I'm saying xD) But I'll be back in mid December AND UPDATES WILL BE MORE FREQUENT! :) 

Once again, thank you for being my pillars of support, I love you guys so muchhh +muacks+ 

And as always, I'd appreciate if you comment/subscribe/add me if you want! :) 

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)