
But You're the Only One

Feat. Super Junior. This chapter is dedicated to my friend who is as supportive as Ha Eun. Many thanks to thepwahlove for checking through!! :D Enjoy (:


Jiyeon’s POV


It’s been nearly two weeks into my new job, and every day never fails to surprise me in one way or another.


Well, maybe today would be an exception. It was my day off originally, until I received an urgent call from Jinsoo a.k.a. Director Kang to run a couple of administrative errands for him. So I found myself heading to the office again.


On usual days a couple of fangirls would be found loitering around the entrance, but they would soon be chased away by security.


But today the situation seemed out of hand. A crowd of girls with placards and banners were sitting on the concrete outside the building’s main entrance. Eh, what’s going on here? I squinted and walked closer to the crowd to catch a glimpse the commotion.


“Excuse me, what is going on here?” I asked one of the seemingly more harmless fangirls. The banner she was holding read, “Heechul Oppa Saranghae. Marry me please!”


I facepalmed.


“Duh, don’t you know? Heechul oppa is returning to the office today for a visit!” she screeched and glared at me. Heechul? I scanned through the List of Celebrities in my head. Heechul...


Ah! Kim Heechul of Super Junior, also known as Cinderella. Currently enlisted in the military.


“Where’s your poster? Are you even an ELF? What are you doing here!” she questioned rudely, scanning me from top to toe.


“I’m not, I was just... passing by.”


Was I wearing something off? I looked down at my brown leather jacket, skinny pants and boots. Nope, nothing seems off. I decided to ignore the crazed fan and turned to leave the crowd.


“Omo omo, she has the employee pass! She works at SM!” someone screamed. Oh crap, I forgot that my employee pass was sticking out of my back pocket. Thank goodness it didn’t fall out or anything.


I looked up and saw the entire hoard of fangirls charging toward me at full speed like Spanish bulls that saw red. A cloud of dust was forming behind them as the angry bulls stormed in my direction. My Spanish torero instincts took over and I began sprinting full speed ahead away from the building.


C’mon, Song Jiyeon, you can’t perish in the hands of insane fangirls!


The crowd eventually caught up with me and jostled around me, clawing and tugging at my prized leather jacket and shoving fanletters, gifts and whatnot into my hands. It felt as if I would be ripped apart any moment.


Just when I thought I was spending the last few moments of my life on Earth being attacked by fans, a strong arm gripped hold of my arm and swung me out of the crowd. I saw a tall figure emerge from the crowd, who began dragging me along as he ran from the crowd at full speed. I knew I was saved.


We ran into the SM building through a back gate. I leaned against the cold brick wall trying to catch my breath, the adrenalin still pumping in my veins. I turned to look at my savior who redeemed me from the clutches of death. His back was against me, and he too was panting. I tried to see his face, but it was hidden with his mussed brown hair and cap.


“Thank you for saving me, sir. I really thought I’d die back there,” I spoke earnestly. Would you please let me see your face once, my savior?


His body began shaking uncontrollably.


“Sir! Are you okay?” I patted his shoulder. Was he having cardiac arrest or a fit or something?


He burst out laughing hysterically, bending over and clutching his stomach. He turned to look at me and removed his cap.


“Thir?” he spoke with a familiar lisp. I gasped in surprise and used my hand to cover my mouth. Only one person I knew spoke like that. Sehun?


“Jiyeon, you don’t recognize Oh Thehun?” he smoothened out his brown hair and looked at me. There was a glint in his eyes. 


“Oh sweet mother of pearl! I didn’t recognize you back there, Sehun! Please forgive me!” I bowed at Sehun, who continued laughing.


“Welcome to the life of an SM artiste, Song Jiyeon!” he joked. I looked at him in disarray, clutching onto the fanletters tightly. Sehun fixed the collars of my leather jacket and dusted off the dirt on my shoulder and pants.


“T-thanks, Sehun,” I blushed when he bent down to dust my pants. Ugh that was so embarrassing.


“No problem, just making sure our postman is presentable enough and not looking too scruffy to deliver mail!” he flashed me an eye-smile. Momentarily touched by Sehun’s kindness, I felt a certain warmth deep inside.  


I called Super Junior’s manager to locate them, and he gave instructions as to where they were in the huge building. Seemed like he was too busy to come collect the letters from me.


“It’d be nice if you handed it to them personally, Jiyeon-ssi,” he said, before abruptly hanging on me. Tsk.


We found ourselves standing outside studio 11, the largest recording studio in the building. A well-built man popped his head around the door. I scanned his facial features.


He was Leeteuk, the leader of Super Junior.


“Yes? Oh, hi Sehun! You brought someone along?” he smiled at me.


“Leeteuk hyung, this is Jiyeon, our new dance choreographer and instructor-nim,” I smiled at Leeteuk, who nodded back.


“Jiyeon-ssi, what brings you here to Super Junior’s humble abode?”


I chuckled at his description.


“I was tasked to deliver your fanmail to you,” I replied.


“Sure, sure, come in,” Leeteuk raised his eyebrows and opened the door for Sehun and I to enter. The Super Junior members seemed excited to receive their fanmail after an exhausting morning of recording for their comeback album.


“Woah! So many letters for Heechul hyung! He’s only coming tonight!” A baby-faced guy came over and took Heechul’s notes. I felt a little sorry for the fangirls outside, who had been waiting outside the building since morning for Heechul’s arrival.


“I’m Lee Sungmin, nice to meet you!” Sungmin bowed and received his share of fan letters from me.


“I heard you’re a dance choreographer, Jiyeon-ssi. We should have a dance-off someday!” a blondie winked at me.


“Ah, this is Eunhyuk, our dance machine,” a man with pretty eyes walked up next to Eunhyuk, the blondie. I recognized him as Lee Donghae.


“Sure, sure, anytime, Eunhyuk-ssi. It would be an honor! Pardon me for my amateur skills though,” I smiled at Eunhyuk and Donghae, while fishing out Donghae’s heap of fan letters. 


After painstakingly handing each and every one of the members their notes and gifts, I caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall, which read 12:10. Crap. I still had to run a couple of errands Jinsoo tasked me to do, and meet Ha Eun at 1.


“Jiyeon! I forgot I have vocal training which just started at 12!” Sehun exclaimed, flustered. Seemed like I wasn’t the only one in a hurry to leave. We waved goodbye to the Super Junior members and headed to our respective venues.


“See you at Kai’s birthday party tomorrow, Jiyeon!” Sehun yelled as he ran toward the practice room.


I stopped dead in my tracks. Fishcakes. I hadn’t gotten him anything yet.


After running in and out of elevators and offices to hand Jinsoo’s documents to the relevant people concerned, I rushed out of the building through the back exit to avoid being stampeded by the mob from this morning.


I checked my phone for the time, 12:45. Oh shucks, I’m gonna be late!


Ha Eun’s POV


“Would you like to order, miss?” the waitress came and asked for the umpteenth time.


“No, sorry, just a little while more. I’m waiting for a friend,” I smiled at her once more. She seemed irritated because she rolled her eyes and walked off. I stirred my coffee and sighed. Where are you Song Jiyeon?


“Ha Eun! I am so sorry! Please forgive me!” Jiyeon came barging into the restaurant. She looked as if she had been tormented by a hurricane. I crossed my arms and leaned back.


“Song Jiyeon. You didn’t have work today, and yet you kept me waiting here for twenty-five minutes! Have you any idea how hungry I am!” I pretended to flare up at Jiyeon, who was like a little kid backing away to the naughty corner.


“S-sorry Ha Eun, I got mobbed by fangirls and had to run a couple of last-minute errands for Jinsoo,” she shuffled into her seat, looking down and guilty. I was trying really hard not to laugh, until the part where she mentioned she had been mobbed by fangirls.


“Hahahaha! Jiyeon, you have a fanclub now?” I burst out laughing.


“Yah! So you were faking your anger just now? I was so scared, Jung Ha Eun!” Jiyeon whacked my arm lightly. I jumped at the sudden contact.


Over lunch, Jiyeon told me about her traumatizing experience with the fan mob that morning, which explained her disheveled look. I eyed my friend with pity. I would have died if I were faced with the same situation.  


“Poor you,” I patted Jiyeon’s head.


“Anyway, I saw Kang Jinsoo attending morning class today at the studio. Woojin was the class instructor. Apparently he had to leave for some overseas business matters over the weekend so he came to make up for his absence. He’s a real hard worker,” I recalled.


“What? Hard working enough to ditch his job and push his errands to me!” Jiyeon pouted. I gave Jiyeon a sympathetic smile and continued devouring my spaghetti voraciously. I was completely famished. 


“Ha Eun, do you have any clothes you could wear to a bar?” Jiyeon asked really earnestly. I spat out my food. Jiyeon is going to a bar?


“Wait, wait. What are you doing! Are you desperate or money or something that’s why you’re turning to that kind of profession?” I spluttered.


“No way! It’s just... EXO is throwing a birthday party at Three Alleys for Jongin and they requested for me to go, so I don’t know what to wear and what to get him,” Jiyeon frowned slightly.


“Wow, are you sure you’re up to it Jiyeon? It’s Jongin’s birthday after all.”


“I don’t quite have a choice, and I think I’ve managed quite well, working with him and all for the past two weeks. So I think attending the party shouldn’t be a problem. I just need an outfit.”


I thought for a bit. I did go clubbing quite often, more often than Jiyeon at least. She’d never been to a bar before. Would she be okay? I bit my lip worriedly and began imagining all the worst-case scenarios.


“Please, pretty please Ha Eun ah~” Jiyeon pleaded, making Puss-In-Boots eyes.


“Ughhh! Fine, fine! Stop it! It makes my hair stand! I’ll help you scout for a nice party dress!” I shuddered and turned away from my puppy-eyed friend.


We headed to town to buy Jiyeon some dresses she could wear, given the huge number of SM functions she’d have to attend in the future. I walked into my favorite boutique, with Jiyeon following behind apprehensively.


I picked out a few dresses from the rack and tossed it to Jiyeon. Before she could protest, I shoved her into the fitting room with about ten dresses or so.


“Eh, too old-fashioned. Next,” I said monotonously, waving her to go back into the changing room.


“Hmm, not bad.”


“Ew, it doesn’t sit well. Nope, not this one.”


“Too revealing!”


“This one’s nice.”


“Woah, you definitely have to get this! Save it for a special occasion!”


I could see that Jiyeon was exhausted by the constant changing in and out of dresses, so I let her take a break while I went to pay up at the counter. I picked the top three dresses that suited her best.


“Is that your friend, Miss Jung?” the shop owner enquired, tilting her head to get a glimpse of Jiyeon’s face.


“Yes, I was just getting some dresses for her. Give me a good price, will you?” I smiled at the owner.


“Of course, anything for you Miss Jung! You’re one of our loyal customers!” the lady smiled back and swiped my card.


“Jiyeon ah! We are done, let’s go get the birthday present and grab some dinner!” I collected the bags from the counter and tapped Jiyeon, who was staring into space.


“Ha Eun, how much did you pay for the dresses? They look pretty pricey, I’ll pay you back!” Jiyeon snapped out of her daze and took the dresses from me.


“It’s alright, I got them at half price! This is what you get for being a regular!” I grinned at her.


We quickly settled on a red pair of Beats headphones at the nearest gadget store we could find. Red was Jongin’s favorite color.


Jiyeon stared at the three dresses laid out on her bed. Which one do I wear tonight?


Her phone vibrated multiple times, disrupting her train of thought.


New Message 1 of 2: Her Royal Highness

Pabo! Just a reminder, don’t accept any beverage someone offers you! Never leave your drink at the counter. Always order a new one if you return from the washroom. And if you’re feeling uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to leave and call me IMMEDIATELY!


Jiyeon smiled at her friend’s long-winded reminder. She scrolled down to read the second message.


New Message 2 of 2: Byun Baekhyun (EXO-K)

Anneyong Jiyeon! ^^ Lay hyung says there will be a dance battle tonight, so be prepared! Bring a change of clothes! ^^ Fighting! ^^


Jiyeon hesitated a little after reading Baekhyun’s text. Eventually, she found herself tossing a loose shirt, harem pants and her signature hot pink sneakers into another satchel.


If a dance battle is what I’m in for, then a dance battle it is, she thought as she walked toward Three Alleys. 


Jiyeon's first visit to a bar! ^^

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)