
But You're the Only One


And when you're fifteen, don't forget to look before you fall... ;) Here's fifteen guys. (IDK why I kinda saved it as hidden but it appeared previously!) 


Jiyeon’s POV


“Seems like we’ll be out of an instructor for the next few days,” Lay remarked casually, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. His dimple slowly formed at the corner of his mouth when his lips twitched upward, forming a snug grin.


“Yeah, it’s all up to you now, main dancer,” I placed my good hand on his shoulder, giving it a light thud. I lifted my badly sprained wrist, which was wrapped in white gauze.


“Nah, I’ll leave it to Kai. He’s the perfectionist, and the bossy one,” he said.


“You’ve got a point there,” I mumbled in response, my cheeks turning pink from just the mention of his name. I heard a soft chuckle emitting from the person beside me. I shot him an enquiring expression.


“Wae?” he looked at me innocently and tilted his head. His tone was mocking. I could tell Lay saw right through me that instant.


“Nothing.” I sighed. Lay cleared his throat audibly and straightened his clothes as we entered the SM building.


“I’m really sorry this happened, Jiyeon-ssi. This mishap is really unfortunate, and the company will be responsible for all your medical bills. Do notify us if you need any assistance,” Kim Young Min, the CEO, apologized and bowed.


“Ani, it’s just an accident, Mr. Kim. It’s not too big of a hassle, really,” I tried to wave it off. On the contrary, it would mean a heck load of inconvenience for me, with one arm down. But nevertheless, it wasn’t Mr. Kim’s fault.


“I insist. To express my utmost apologies, would you like to join me for dinner tonight?” he offered. His face was filled with remorse. I felt bad for Kim Young Min, but this offer would be too much for me to handle, especially with one hand down.


I looked to Jinsoo, who was standing beside him. His mouth was agape in shock by the entire incident.


How do I reject this invitation? I mouthed.


I don’t know, he shrugged, giving his typical boyish pout.


“Pardon my interruption, Mr. Kim. I believe Jiyeon-ssi has dinner plans tonight already,” Lay cleared his throat and explained. He looked at me with knowing eyes.


“Is that true?” Kim Young Min asked.


“Neh, I appreciate your thoughts, Mr. Kim. But please do not take it upon yourself – my injury was purely by chance,” I assured him.


“Araseo, I’ll leave you to recuperate. Meanwhile, you’ll be excused from EXO’s dance sessions. Do sit in and supervise the boys, however.”


“Yeah, I will. Thanks for your concern, Mr. Kim,” I bowed.


“Lay, make sure you and the boys take good care of your instructor-nim. Do not bully her, or try anything funny,” he warned.


I heard a snuffle from Jinsoo. I looked up at him. He was attempting to muffle his laugh with the back of his hand. He caught me staring and stiffened up.


“Understood, Mr. Kim,” Lay replied politely, nodding his head.


“Director Kang, send these two off, will you?” Kim Young Min instructed. Jinsoo scrambled to his feet and opened the door for us, ushering us out.


All hell broke loose after the three of us left the CEO’s office.


“Ooooohhhh, you guys have dinner plans together?” Jinsoo chirped and nudged me, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. I could totally visualize his imagination prancing about wildly.


Something about how Lay and I had something going on... Whatever.


“No, not with me. Though I wouldn’t mind,” Lay smirked at me.


“Huh?” I glanced at Lay quizzically.  Does he know I’m having dinner with Sehun?


“Director Kang! Hyung! Jiyeon ah!” I heard Sehun call from a distance. The three of us looked up and saw the tall, lanky figure of Sehun rushing toward us.


“Why’s Sehun here?” Jinsoo mumbled to himself, loud enough that I heard. Alarm bells went off in my head. The teasing episode is going to be reignited in a matter of seconds.


“Let’s go, Jiyeon! I’m hungry!” Sehun came and hooked his arm around my good arm.


“Have a ball of a time, you two,” Lay chortled, pushing Sehun and I off.


“Yah! Oppa!” I turned to give Lay a murderous glare.


“Sssh,” Lay winked at me mischievously.


Sweet barnacles! That guy, seriously, together with Jinsoo! They’ll be the death of me.


Sehun led me up to the secluded rooftop of the building. It was quiet and peaceful. I looked around my new, unfamiliar surroundings before settling down on the mat Sehun had prepared.


“Are we having a picnic, Sehun Oppa?” I asked him.


“Sorta. I figured you needed help eating. So I made sure you’d have no problem using just a spoon for today’s dinner. Stuff on the menu include rice, and chopped up kimchi,” Sehun answered, eye smiling. I reddened like a tomato involuntarily. His eye smile was lethal and it sent girls swooning. No doubt, I was one of those girls.


“Thank you for your concern, Oppa. I’m very grateful. Where are the rest?” I turned around and searched for traces of other members. But we seemed to be the only two at the picnic.


“I wanted to dine with you, Jiyeon. Just two of us, we could have a little chat. You know, we haven’t done that for a while,” Sehun said.


“Oh, I guess that’s fine too. I missed talking with Oppa,” I smiled.


“T-that’s great,” Sehun mumbled, looking away. I don’t know if it was because setting sun’s reddish orange rays were reflecting off Sehun’s face, but his face looked abnormally red.


Was Sehun blushing?


“Let’s tuck in, Oppa. I’m famished,” I suggested, rubbing my growling stomach.


“Okay!” Sehun beamed and began opening up the boxes of food. I gasped at the spread. There was even bulgogi and soup.


“Here you go, Jiyeon!” Sehun presented me with a humongous bowl of bibimbap. My eyes lit up instantly. I’d been having a serious craving for bibimbap for ages, and it was finally appearing before my eyes.


“You didn’t make these yourself, did you?”


“Nah, I wish I had the time, though,” Sehun chuckled, his eyes becoming slits. I smiled back at him. Almost immediately, Sehun stopped laughing and he flushed crimson again. This time, it was no longer the sun’s orange rays.


He was blushing. I figured it was probably due to embarrassment.


I had a few mouthfuls of the bibimbap, and looked up to catch Sehun gobbling up his meal ravenously, as if he hadn’t eaten for days.


It suddenly occurred to me that Sehun had been starved waiting for me to return from dinner. Guilt washed all over me as I watched him wolf down his food. That explained, also, why everyone else had left. They’d gone for dinner already.


Amidst the self-reproach, I felt immense indebtedness and gratitude toward the person sitting cross-legged opposite me.


Sehun’s future girlfriend would be so incredibly blessed.


“Jiyeon, why have you stopped eating? Is the food not suitable to your tastes? Do you need me to feed you?” Sehun asked, with his mouth full. He held a spoon of rice in front of my mouth, and cupped my chin with the other to prevent any spillage.


I laughed at his dorkiness, and let him feed me – just once. To tell the truth, I felt gratified from being pampered by someone else after a long time.  


“No, I was just thinking. Thanks for waiting for me, Sehun Oppa. You made me really, really happy,” I beamed, contentedly chewing my food.


“But of course I’ll feed myself. I’ve still got one other hand,” I added, grinning.


“A-ani, it was out of my own volition, anyways.” He cleared his throat, and turned to look at the black sky. He leaned back, and propped himself up on his elbows. I redirected my attention back to my dinner. It had become lukewarm, but somehow, I felt warmth with every spoon I swallowed.


Nothing more was said after that. Silence soon took over.


After what seemed like hours had gone past, Sehun finally spoke up.


“Jiyeon, look at the sky,” he mumbled, his eyes fixed on the dark blanket above our heads.


“Hmm?” I tilted my head up. I was immediately captivated by what I saw.


Millions of twinkling stars appeared as flickering white spots of different sizes randomly scattered across the infinite night sky. The sight was so alluring, so picturesque, that I stared, intrigued for a few moments.


A flashback inadvertently came to my mind.


I don’t know how long it had been since I was awake. Did I fall asleep? Maybe I did. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly and twitched when I felt someone brushing hair out of my face.


I was lying on something firm, but warm.


I opened my eyes, and he was the first person I saw.




“You’re finally awake,” he smiled gently and my hair.


“How long was I asleep for?” I asked, getting up from his lap.


“I don’t know. I fell asleep too,” he chortled, smoothening out my hair. I blushed when I realized my hair had been a terrible mess.


I figured both of us had fallen asleep in the field soon after we stopped talking. We were lying on the grass, catching up on each other’s lives. Ever since he took me there on the night of his birthday, the field had become our common meeting spot. Secluded away from the city, there was hardly anyone to disturb us.


I told him about the random events at school, while he told me how hardcore his training had been. The last memory I had was that of snuggling into the crook of his arm, and closing my eyes.


In the blink of an eye, night had fallen.


“Yeon, look up. The stars are out,” he pointed. I gazed up, and true enough, the entire sky was filled with stars.


“I guess this has become our star gazing spot, hasn’t it?”


“Yeah,” he grinned and mussed my hair.


I sighed and closed my eyes, hugging my knees.


Memories will be memories, but I really have to get started on moving on.


“Are you alright there? You seem to be deep in thought,” Sehun turned to me, concerned.


I realized I had spaced out and quickly shook my head.


“I’m okay, Oppa.”


“That’s good to know,” he eye smiled again. I flushed red involuntarily – again.


“Stop doing that, Oppa. You’re making me blush,” I said, touching my cheeks.


Sehun simply laughed and patted my head.


Kai’s POV


I looked at my phone. It was already past nine. I had to stay back to meet Mr. Kim, the CEO of SM for ‘a couple of minutes’. Well, it was obviously an hour or so, contrary to what he claimed.


The matter was revolving around Jiyeon’s injury. Put it simply, I was in charge of EXO’s dance practices until she was well enough to take over. After exchanging a couple of texts with Lay, I found out she had a bad sprain.


As I left the CEO’s office, I checked my inbox again for any new messages.


New Message 1 of 2: Kyungsoo-yah


Kai! I’ve left your food in the microwave, please go heat it up later ^^ we’ve had dinner already. Come back soon! Don’t starve yourself!


I smiled when I read D.O.’s text. He’s really the umma of EXO. Without him, life would be unimaginable. I mean, just thinking about eating Kris’s ramyun everyday would be...




New Message 2 of 2: Lay Hyung


Yeah, she told me she tripped on Sulli’s foot.


I stopped when I saw this. It was definitely on purpose; Sulli had preplanned Jiyeon’s injury. I should have known. I quickly sent a message to Sulli.


Compose Message


To: Sulli Choi


Where are you?


Within seconds, I got a reply.


1 New Message: Sulli Choi


Aww. Oppa’s looking for me?  We’re in the recording studio!


I cringed when I read it. Sulli was just so clingy, ever since the trainee days. It got on my nerves sometimes, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I felt really bad for Taemin, though. He knew about my annoyance and tried to help pry her off me countless times, and she’d snap at him for getting in her way. As long as she didn’t trouble anyone else, I was fine.


But not this time.


I gripped my phone tight and opened the door of the recording studio.


“Oppa’s here!” Sulli flounced over and grabbed my arms. I shook her off instantly.


“I need to talk with you, alone.” I said in a stern voice.


“Okay, we’ll go out. You guys have a good chat,” Amber winked at me and the rest of the f(x) girls scurried out of the room.


“Don’t get the wrong idea, sunbae,” I called after Amber, who simply waved me off. I shook my head, and looked back at Sulli, who was puffing her cheeks.


“Neh, Oppa?” she cocked her head to one side. I swore I nearly puked out whatever stomach juices I had left in my gut. How could she be so pretentious?


“I’ll cut to the chase. You injured Jiyeon on purpose, didn’t you?”


“Mwoh? What are you talking about?”


“Stop acting. You should go be an actor, really. You’d earn big bucks, with that acting of yours. What you’ve done is very unprofessional and intolerable. I don’t care what feud you girls have got with each other, but she was still your instructor, even though it was temporary. Please learn from your mistake.”


As I turned to leave, I felt her tugging my shirt from behind.


“Oppa... please believe me,” she sobbed. I plucked her fingers off my shirt and stormed out of the studio.


Sorry, but no one messes with Jiyeon.


I felt my phone buzz in my hand.


1 New Message: Lay Hyung


By the way, could you check where Sehun is? Suho hyung is totally flipping and freaking out because he’s been out since forever. I know he’s having dinner with Jiyeon though. It’d be great if you could find him and tell him to come back, soon.


My eyes widened. Why was Sehun having dinner with Jiyeon? That sure was suspicious. Were they closer than I thought they’d be?


As I pondered the possible places they’d have dinner, I suddenly remembered Sehun talking about the weather forecast earlier this evening. He seemed overly exhilarated that the skies were going to be clear tonight.


That means there’s only one place he could be – the roof.


I bust open the door to the roof, and stood there, panting. There they were, chatting and laughing. Jiyeon tossed her head back as she laughed at Sehun’s jokes. I saw Sehun patting her head after she said something.


I watched as he fed her like a child. Both of them were like children, grinning at each other.


It was as if they were stuck in a world of their own, or something.


My hands curled up into fists as I let my jealousy devour me. I could not bear to watch any longer, so I left.  


HEYHEYHEY so Sehun has started making his move! (At long last) x.x Who should Jiyeon end up with! :D 

Comment replies

@lightitup OOPS no interaction again!! haha thank you<3 i shall include more of such scenes then x) 

@Yeonjae haha well we'll see as the story goes, okay! ^^

@luv_jiyeon66 Haha sure! thanks for supporting me!! :) 

Well anyways, just a question - are my chapters too long? Is everyone in favor of me shortening them whenever possible....? :D Or is the current length okay! (ANSWER ME PLEASE LOL) 

DON'T FORGET TO subscribe/comment/add me :D 


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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)