
But You're the Only One

Hey guys :) Load this song (I'll tell you when to play it!) It's Used To by Chris Daughtry. 

Jiyeon’s POV


“Song Jiyeon!”


My ears perked up when I suddenly heard Ha Eun’s voice. Strange, was I hearing things? There was no way she’d be here.


“Jiyeon ah!” I felt two skinny arms wrap around me and spin me around.


I gasped in surprise. It couldn’t be...


“Ha Eun?” I stared at her.


“Why do you look so blur, you pabo?” she smiled and cupped my face with her slender hands.




“Nevermind. I just wanted to say hi. You EXO guys look pretty fine to me. Enjoy your night,” Ha Eun smiled and glanced around the room. Her smile suddenly disappeared as her gaze rested on Jongin.


Oh shucks. I really hope Ha Eun doesn’t say anything weird.


Jongin’s eyes met with hers and he made a small bow. Ha Eun scoffed and walked past him, brushing shoulders with him.


“So we meet again, jerk,” she muttered under her breath, audible enough for both Jongin and I to hear.


From the corner of my eyes I saw Jongin clench his jaw as he looked away.


“Seeya, Jiyeon ah!” Ha Eun beamed. I gasped at her complete change in attitude. I watched Ha Eun pat Chanyeol’s shoulder lightly before she left the room.


That’s right, she came in with Chanyeol. Did they somehow know each other?

“Mwoh? She recognized you, but didn’t ask for your autograph?” Manager Ma sputtered his drink out after hearing the revelation.


Chanyeol merely nodded his head. Baekhyun sighed and rubbed his back in an attempt to console his hurt ego.


“She’s my best friend,” I spoke up. They turned to look at me.


“I guess we could see that,” Sehun smiled.


“Your best friend’s pretty,” Suho commented, grinning.


I laughed. I could totally imagine Ha Eun’s reaction if I told her what he said – she’d be all weak in the knees and hysterical over Suho for a couple of days.


That’s also one of the reasons why I still don’t understand why Ha Eun chooses to remain single. She’s got affinity with good guys, and she is pretty fond of them as well. I really don’t get it.


“Yeah, she is.”


I heard Jongin clear his throat beside me. I shot him a look before continuing.


“I didn’t know I’d meet her like this, though.” I stifled a laugh and looked nervously at Baekhyun, who smiled reassuringly at me.


Jongin seemed to ignore my last comment and helped himself to a glass of beer.


“Say, Jiyeon. Why did you decide to take up the challenge and coach us anyway?” Kris asked. His eyes looked serious.


“Yeah. You’re so young, what made you take that leap of faith?” Lay added. I looked up. Most of them had their stares on me now – interrogative ones, at that.


I felt shivers down my spine. Should I tell them the real reason?


Well, I guess I should. No harm telling the truth, it beats lying, for sure.


“It’s kind of strange, actually. You’d probably be expecting me to say I’m so in love with choreographing dances and dance itself, but it’s actually something much more pragmatic and real,” I explained as earnestly as possible.


“In what sense?” Baekhyun leaned forward and propped his chin on his arms.


“My family is financially strapped for cash, and I’m doing this so that I can earn my keep and hopefully, fund my university education in the near future.”


There. I said it at last. It wasn’t so hard, was it?


“What?!” Luhan exclaimed.


“I know about it,” Manager Ma spoke. Everyone’s attention shifted to him.


“I was pretty shocked that you’d agree to take on a rookie group, Jiyeon. It’s one of the hardest things to do. So I had to find out more, being a manager and all. I had to make sure, for instance, that you weren’t some crazed fangirl or something,” he carried on.


“Nah, I doubt I’d be a crazy fangirl any day,” I laughed.


“Well, here’s to EXO’s success!” Manager Ma raised his shot glass filled with liquor. I looked around. All the other members had their glasses filled and they were looking expectantly at me.


I took that as a sign for me to fill my glass as well, so I did.


“Cheers!” we chorused.


“One shot!” Xiumin shouted.


“One shot!” The rest of us hollered back.


I gulped and stared at the shot briefly before I swallowed it down.


This is it.


50% alcohol, here we go.


I’d never tasted such strong alcohol before. Truthfully, I was quite apprehensive about it.


Take it for the team, Jiyeon.


A small voice spoke in my head.


I nodded and prepared myself to swallow the alcohol.


Before the glass touched my lips, someone had swiftly snatched it from my grasp. I froze in shock and turned to the person beside me, who was chugging down my shot.


Kim Jongin.


He noticed me staring and smirked as he returned the glass to me. My heart skipped a beat when I felt our arms brush against each other.


“Here’s to you, choreographer-nim,” Manager Ma filled his glass again. I did the same and raised my glass.




I put the glass to my lips and inhaled the inebriating alcohol vapor.


And again, that same someone stole my glass away from me right before its contents entered my mouth.


I turned to him and glared. I was surprised no one else around the table noticed I was falling victim to this person.


“Yah, what are you doing?”


He smiled and placed the glass down. Turning to face me, he gazed at me with his dark eyes, which nearly drew the soul out of me.


I took a deep breath and kept eye contact with Jongin.


He leaned forward such that our cheeks were nearly touching, which made me have butterflies all over. At this point in time, I was completely oblivious to the surrounding.


“Don’t you want the rest to find out what a bad drunk you are? Koala bear?” he whispered huskily. I could nearly imagine his signature smirk forming on his face.


I gasped. He actually remembered that incident.


“Kim Jongin, you –”


“Ssh, I’m helping you keep your little secret, Jiyeon,” he winked and continued eating like nothing happened.


I scowled in annoyance and defeat.


Kai’s POV (PLAY NOW!! :DD)


“Jiyeon, you should try this dessert wine. It’s really light, and it is rather refreshing,” Sehun said, pouring dessert wine into Jiyeon’s empty goblet. I glanced at Jiyeon sideways to see what she’d do.


To my disappointment, she graciously accepted the beverage and finished it.


“Refill?” Sehun asked. Jiyeon merely smiled at him as he filled her glass up again. Her cheeks were turning rosy and she was smiling as if she was starstruck.


Psh. I rolled my eyes.


Before she could help herself to this one, I grabbed it from her tiny hands and chugged it down swiftly before she could protest.


She glared at me again with her huge eyes.


I smirked at her and mouthed, Koala Bear.


She pouted and turned to engage herself in small talk with Lay.


I smiled to myself when I remembered how Jiyeon acquired the infamous Koala Bear nickname.


“Yah, everyone drink to your hearts’ content tonight! Everything’s on me,” Hanseul announced, filling everyone’s mugs with beer.


“Thank you, hyung!” we shouted.


“To Enigma! May we win a thousand more competitions in the future! To the top!” Chunseok called.


“Oh yeah!” The rest of us cheered as we guzzled down the beer.


“Another?” Hanseul asked.


All of us readily filled our mugs to the brim.


“We shall make it to starring in Step Up!” a red-faced Hyunjoon shouted.


Another glass of beer went down our guts. I exhaled in satisfaction and rested my arm on the table.


I suddenly felt a pair of limp arms wrapping around me so tight I nearly hurled out my dinner.


I looked down to see Jiyeon’s face plastered onto my side.


I nudged her to loosen her grip. She smiled at me foolishly. She looked dead drunk; her cheeks flushed crimson and all.


“Oppa, saranghae...” she giggled maniacally and rubbed her face against my back. I squirmed uncomfortably.


“Yah, what do you want?” I asked her.




She smiled idiotically again and swung her legs around my waist, wrapping them securely around my torso. I nearly spat out my drink.


“What are you two doing there?” Ha Eun asked, staring at us with an I’m-so-judging-you face.


The rest of the crew started sniggering at my situation. Jiyeon relentlessly clung onto me; I had no way of escaping her grasp.


Damn, since when was that girl so strong?


In a matter of minutes, she had fallen asleep – on my back. And it had to stay that way until someone could peel her off me.


“She’s such a koala,” Woojin laughed and winked at me.


I sighed in defeat.


“Can someone help me, please?” I begged.


“Nah, what happens if she comes cling to us? You’re her boyfriend, Jongin,” Hanseul snorted and continued drinking.


“You guys, you are terrible,” I pouted. Everyone just laughed at me. They seemed to be having a great time jeering me and enjoying my plight.


From then on, everyone in Enigma took extra care not to get Jiyeon drunk on any form of alcohol – even rum. She had the lowest tolerance ever. And she became the koala bear of the team ever since.


“Quit spacing out, Kai,” Kris said. I shot a look at him.


“I’m not spacing out,” I retorted. He shrugged and continued eating.


“The food’s really good,” D.O. commented, his huge eyes glimmering with happiness at the spread.


I looked around the table and everyone seemed to be absorbed in their dinner and the drinks that were free flow. All thanks to Manager Ma.


“Sehun oppa, here’s some kimchi for you,” I heard Jiyeon say. I caught a glimpse of her placing some kimchi on Sehun’s plate.


“Thank you, Jiyeon. You’re so sweet,” Sehun smiled and patted her back affectionately.


I swore I nearly barfed when I saw this cheesy scene. Could it get any worse, seriously?


“Who agrees that Jiyeon should dress like this more often?” Chanyeol yelled, seemingly drunk. Even his eyes were bloodshot.

(HAHA yeah something like that ;))


“Yeah, you look real stunning today,” Luhan winked at Jiyeon.


“Neh, you’re beautiful,” Sehun whispered audible enough for me to hear. I felt bolts of irritation shoot down my spine and I glared at Sehun momentarily. I realized what I was doing and quickly diverted my attention to the table.


My eyes wandered to the girl beside me. She was wearing a bodycon dress, which revealed her slim figure. Her pale thighs were exposed. The dress had a plunging back that showed her fair back partially.


I didn’t like what was happening. Guys were ogling at Jiyeon, and my hands formed fists as the thought maddened me.


She really needed to cover herself up.

“Jiyeon...” Kai groaned and leaned against her. She jumped in shock and looked at him.


What’s he trying to pull now?


“I think Kai’s really drunk, he looks like he’s a goner,” Chen said.


“He drank five entire bottles of beer, PLUS the vodka,” Baekhyun yelped, his jaw hanging open in disbelief. Chanyeol cleared his throat and tried to push Baekhyun’s jaw back up to close his mouth.


And he took quite a few of my shots, too, Jiyeon's head sunk in guilt as she recounted. 


“Omo, look at the time. It’s already 2AM!” Manager Ma exclaimed, glancing at his watch.


“I’ll have to take you boys back to the dorm,” he sighed. Everyone else nodded in agreement.


“It’s the first time since forever we’ve been allowed to stay out so late,” Suho remarked.


“Yeah, gonna miss this so much,” Tao whined and pouted. Xiumin laughed and mussed his hair.


“Mmmfff.... cover...up...” Kai mumbled as his head toppled into Jiyeon’s lap.


“Stop!” she pushed him away. He lay against her arm helplessly, his eyes still closed.


“Sorry, Jiyeon. He’s really out of it this time,” D.O. gazed at her apologetically. She sighed and nodded.


“Eh, alright. EXO, everyone please get into the van! I’ll settle Kai and his drunkenness,” Manager Ma instructed. The boys nodded and cleared out of the bar.


Manager Ma stumbled to the seat beside Kai, and shook him gently.


“Kai... it’s time to go,” he whispered.


No response.


Manager Ma smacked his cheeks repeatedly.


Kai still didn’t respond and continued leaning on Jiyeon. Jiyeon looked at Manager Ma powerlessly.


“Ottoke?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing.


“Listen, Jiyeon. I’m gonna need a huge favor from you,” Manager Ma pressed his fingers against his temple in frustration and looked serious.




“I’m gonna take the boys back to the dorm. There’s no way Kai can go back in his current state, it’ll attract paparazzi and EXO’s reputation will be at stake. I’ll give you some cash, could you hail a cab and take him to the nearest hotel? Just make sure his identity isn’t exposed,” he pleaded, pressing a couple of bills into Jiyeon’s palm.


Jiyeon’s eyes widened.


“So you’re asking me to bring him to a hotel?” she gasped in disbelief. 


“No, just find a place where he can spend the night. You don’t have to stay with him. That’s all you need to do.”


“Is there any other way?”


“I’m afraid at this time, there isn’t. I’m really sorry about this Jiyeon, I owe you one,” he bowed repeatedly.


I guess it’s a good thing Umma isn’t coming home tonight, because I’ll be home really late today, Jiyeon deliberated for a few moments.


“Okay, just this once.”

Jiyeon bit her lip as she hailed for a cab at the side of the road. When a cab finally arrived, she ran back to the bench and hauled the semi-conscious Kai up and pushed him into the taxi.


She slipped in beside him.


“Where’s the nearest hotel?” she asked the cabby.


“It’s the Ritz, Miss.”


“Take us there, please,” she requested.


After they alighted at the hotel, she wrapped his face securely with his scarf such that his features were hidden.


This way, no one can recognize him, she decided as she fixed his sweater and muffler.


“Room for how many?” the man at the reception asked.


“One,” she said. He handed her the keys and she rushed back to find Kai fast asleep on the couch she had left him.


“Here we go again,” she muttered as she lifted the heavy weight and dragged him to the elevator.


At long last, Jiyeon stumbled into the room and she quickly threw him onto the bed. She slumped down on the chair beside him, exhausted.


You sure are heavy, Jongin, she sighed as she wiped beads of sweat on her face.


Jiyeon bent down to remove his shoes and outer clothes. She then leaned over to tuck him comfortably under the duvet.


She froze when Kai stirred in his sleep.


When he seemed to be in deep slumber, Jiyeon picked up her bag on the bed and was just about to leave when she felt a hand grabbing onto hers.


She tried to wring her hand out of his, but he resisted and held her back.


A low, audible sound escaped his lips.



“Jiyeon... Don’t go...” 


Sorry for the long break!! :D Was drafting this in the warmth of a 20 deg C room while it's below 5 degrees outside, with a cup of mocha frappucino (cold drinks ftw in cold weather cus they don't melt and become gross) ;) HELLO FROM JAPAN EVERYONE!!! ^^ 

Comment replies

@Gigi_L HAHA yeah he needs to step up his game eh! Bao is so cute omg x.x 

@Dramadynasty WOWWW you've got stamina! I can't ever do that unless its some blockbuster story hehe x.x THANK YOU SO MUCH :) 

@lightitup THANK YOU!! :D I'm enjoying myself hehehe~ Don't really want this holiday to end. haha yeah they're gonna get teased SO MUCH. 

Keep the comments coming!! ^^ I'll be SO HAPPY to reply them heh xD And do subscribe/ feel free to add me as well! THANK YOU!!! 

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)