
But You're the Only One

I love everyoneee <3 Here's chapter six! Enjoy :) 


Jiyeon’s POV


“Sorry miss, you can’t go in there. The bar’s booked the whole of tonight,” the bouncers stopped me at the entrance of Three Alleys.


“Wait, but Baekhyun told me – ” I tried to reason with the bouncer, but it seemed my explanation was void. The big, burly man sighed and cracked his knuckles. I backed away in fear. With clammy and trembling fingers, I dialed Baekhyun’s number.


“Yeoboseyo?” I sighed in relief when he answered.


“Baekhyun oppa! I’m stuck outside the bar, could you come get me please,” I asked, staring at the intimidating bouncer who maintained his piercing glare at me.


“Ahjussi! Let Jiyeon in! She’s our choreographer-nim!” Baekhyun ran out of the bar when he heard I was held up at the entrance. Chanyeol followed closely behind.


I saw two familiar faces emerge behind the bouncers. Thank heavens. Just when I thought all was well, Baekhyun suddenly stopped running and stared quizzically at me. Chanyeol stopped behind him.


“Eh? Where’s Jiyeon?” Baekhyun looked around.


“Oppa! It’s me!” I pouted. I spotted Chanyeol stifling a laugh behind Baekhyun.


“Park Chanyeol, stop laughing! Omona, I didn’t recognize you there, Jiyeon ah! You look so...” Baekhyun paused. He was examining me from top to toe. I suddenly felt conscious and looked away.


“... Like a woman,” Baekhyun muttered without thinking. Realizing what he just implied, he flushed tomato red.


“Yah, are you saying I’m not a woman?” I retorted, slightly hurt. Was I really that unappealing?


Chanyeol could not withhold his amusement any longer and burst out laughing at his embarrassed friend. Baekhyun punched his shoulder and Chanyeol cupped his hand over his mouth, struggling to stop laughing.


“You’re very pretty, Jiyeon. That’s what Baekhyun was trying to say,” Chanyeol winked at me, giving me his derp face.


“Aish don’t hit on my dongsaeng! Come, Jiyeon, let’s go in. The party just started!” Baekhyun took hold of my hand and led me into the bar, ignoring Chanyeol completely. He pouted and followed quietly behind. 


The bar was dim and music was blasting from the speakers everywhere. It took me a while to get my eyes accustomed to the dimness. The music was inexplicably deafening. I was really tempted to cover my ears with my hands in fear of killing my eardrums.


“There you are, Jiyeon! You’re looking gorgeous today!” Suho walked over and took my bags for me. I glanced at him. Leader looked even more handsome tonight in a blazer and with his hair combed back from his face.


“Thank you, Suho oppa. You look really suave tonight too,” I smiled.


“I’m honored, my lady,” Suho did a mini bow.


We soon met D.O., who was busy helping himself to the buffet. He was trying to balance two plates of food on one arm, and grabbing a drink with the other. Wow, he does seem to have extraordinary balancing skills. The plates were stacked with food. He lifted his glass when he saw Baekhyun and I, and smiled with his mouth closed. He appeared to be chewing on something as well.


“Aigoo, that D.O.!” Baekhyun frowned and proceeded with dragging me to the table where the birthday boy was.


“Kai! Look who’s finally here!” Baekhyun flounced toward the table where EXO-M was seated. As expected, several other SM artistes surrounded the table. Even Taemin was there. Lay, Xiumin and Luhan smiled and waved to me. Kris and Tao were occupied with their intense arm wrestling match in the corner to notice anyone else.


“Hey, Jiyeon ah!” Taemin smiled. He was holding a glass of cocktail.


I froze when I saw him. There he was, slumped lazily on the couch, busy chatting with Chen. He looked absolutely dashing in his flashy, sequined navy blazer and a V-necked shirt underneath. He turned and looked at me. 


Jongin, why aren’t you saying anything?


“Birthday boy, don’t keep quiet! Are you too enthralled by our Jiyeon here?” Chanyeol nudged Jongin’s arm playfully.


“What? No, I just couldn’t make out who she was,” he frowned at Chanyeol, then turned back to face me. 


“Uh, happy birthday Kai! Here’s your present!” I tried to wish as inconspicuously as possible. My hands were trembling so terribly when I handed him the headphones. Part of me was afraid that he would not accept them.


Please take them, Jongin. Please.


“Thank you Jiyeon. You look really different today,” he smiled and took the wrapped up headphones from me.


Baekhyun’s POV


“Let’s take a selca, Jiyeon!” Luhan chirped happily, whipping out his phone. I chuckled as I watched Jiyeon awkwardly shift herself closer to Luhan as the two took a photo together with Luhan’s phone.


“You look gorgeous!” Luhan grinned at Jiyeon. Psh. Luhan’s on his flirt mode again, I thought.


“No one is as pretty as you, Luhan oppa. By the way, where is Sehun oppa?” Jiyeon asked, looking around for Sehun.


“Ah, Sehun has been having constipation the entire evening. He hasn’t returned from the washroom ever since we came here,” Luhan muttered, fiddling with his phone.


“Oh, poor Sehun oppa. I hope he gets better soon,” Jiyeon looked down, playing with her fingers.


“Yah, don’t look so sad! Don’t you want to play with me?” Luhan flashed his aegyo at Jiyeon, who burst out laughing. 


“That punk Luhan is at it again,” Kris commented casually, taking a sip of his beverage. The entire table turned and stared at Luhan and Jiyeon. I felt Kai tense up beside me. He was glaring intensely at the two of them busy camwhoring, completely in a world of their own.


Don’t tell me... Kai likes Jiyeon?! Can’t be, he hardly talks to her. Of all the members, he has had the least interaction with Jiyeon ever since she joined us. Hmm, maybe Kai likes Luhan...


Wait, Byun Baekhyun. Come to your senses! -_-||


“Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for tonight’s special item! It will be a dance battle between EXO-M’s Lay and our new choreographer, Song Jiyeon-ssi!” the emcee announced, earning a roaring applause from the audience.


“Go Jiyeeeeonnnnnn ah!” I stood up and cheered. Lay and Jiyeon were on opposite sides of the stage in their dancing gear. The crowd surrounding the stage began cheering and clapping along as the music played.


Lay began with a series of hardcore popping and locking – the most hardcore I’d ever seen him. Then came his signature sleek moves, which were known to knock any girl off her feet. I shifted my eyes to Jiyeon, who was standing there paralyzed. Lay made his final kill by sliding his jacket off his shoulder and back on.

A/N Check this out if you can’t imagine, it’s actually a spin off from DBSK's Yunho's dance moves! Fast forward to ~3 min to see the jacket move. Or you could just watch the entire thing ^^


I could see Jiyeon’s soul leave her eyes completely. I nearly sputtered my drink out when she missed the first two beats of her turn. Poor Jiyeon. No one can virtually escape The Lay’s charm. She gradually snapped out of Lay’s hypnosis and began doing her thing.


“Lay Hyung completely wiped Jiyeon out! She missed the first two counts!” Chen whispered to Kai. I turned to look at Kai, who seemed even tenser than before. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were dark. Honestly, Kai’s eyes were dark 99% of the time I’d known him, but tonight, they were at their darkest, likened to that of black holes.


I figured staring at Kai’s shadowy eyes was lapping my energy from me, so I turned to look at Jiyeon dancing. She had a unique dancing style which was somewhat familiar, but I could not figure how so, or where I’d seen similar styles before. It was a combination of street jazz and hip hop, with a couple of contemporary moves thrown in.


The next few moments happened in a blurry. Lay did his four bars of eight, and Jiyeon did hers. I was overwhelmed with the dark-turned-evil aura looming from Kai beside me to concentrate on the dance battle. I glanced at Chen who was sitting on Kai’s left. He too, was silent.


Jiyeon won that round, and Lay gave her a friendly hug as congratulations. Kai’s hands were curled up into fists, so tight that his knuckles turned pale. I cautiously looked at his face. His eyes were shooting daggers through Lay’s back as he hugged Jiyeon.


At this moment, Chen’s eyes and mine met.


What’s up with Kai? He looks like he’s about to kill someone on his birthday. Chen furrowed his eyebrows and looked curiously at me.


I have no idea. I shrugged back. Chen shook his head.


Kris gave Lay a high-five when he walked back to his seat. Just when Jiyeon was about to grab her clothes to change out, Kai suddenly stood up. He gripped her arm and hauled her to the stage authoritatively. She gave him questioning looks, seemingly irritated. His eyes were still dark.


“Kai, that hurt! What are you thinking?” Jiyeon whimpered.


“I demand a dance with our choreographer-nim, Song Jiyeon,” Kai declared, completely ignoring Jiyeon.


“Uh, since the birthday boy requests for a dance, then a dance it will be. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s Jiyeon again, and our birthday boy, Kai!” the emcee announced, albeit a little confused at the sudden arrangement as well.


The music began playing as the two danced. For some reason, their eyes held contact the entire dance. The expression in Kai’s eyes was no longer dark, but something I could not comprehend nor describe. It was something I’d never seen before.


“Wow, Jiyeon and Kai look really compatible dancing together. Their moves are totally in synch with each other!” Tao commented.


“Mm, yeah,” D.O. nodded, his mouth full of food. I looked at the two dancing and immediately it hit me – that there’s something more to Kai and Jiyeon. Questions began flooding my head.


Who was Song Jiyeon to Kai?


When the dance ended, Kai lightly planted a kiss on Jiyeon’s hand. The audience swooned and cheered its loudest. She was completely in a daze as I watched him lean in and whisper something into her ear, before giving her his typical Kai smirk.


Before I could continue coming up with hypotheses about possible relationships between the two, Jiyeon had changed out and returned to sit between Luhan and I. Her cheeks were flushed red from all the exercise. Or maybe it was due to something else that no one knew about.


“Baekhyun oppa, how was it?” Jiyeon gave me a tired smile.


“OMO you were so awesome there, Jiyeon ah! I’m so proud to have you as my friend!” I threw my arms around her and squeezed her tightly. Don’t get me wrong, I merely see her as my adorable little sister.


“Kai oppa! You were so handsome up there! When will you dance with me?” Sulli ran over to Kai and flung her arms around Kai from behind. Taemin ran over after her. Kai gave Taemin an annoyed look and Taemin made an “I’m sorry” gesture. Kai sighed and rolled his eyes, obviously displeased with Sulli’s clingy presence.


I heard Jiyeon clear . I turned to look at her. She looked unwell.


“Are you alright, Jiyeon? Do you need the washroom?” I patted Jiyeon’s head.


“I think I’ll be heading home first, Baekhyun oppa,” Jiyeon dusted her skirt and stood up.


“Ah, Jiyeon you’re leaving so soon? Wait, give me your phone,” Luhan pouted. Jiyeon handed him her phone and watched him type something in her phone.


“Here’s my number, so call me maybe?” Luhan winked flirtatiously. I pressed my fingers against my temples. Luhan, the incorrigible flirt. (A/N HAHAHAHAHAHAHA CALL ME MAYBE! Sorry just had to put this in. It's so catchy, don't you think xD)


“Bye oppas!” She bowed to everyone at the table and hastily took off in her heels.


“Bye Jiyeon! Dress like that more often!” Chanyeol yelled back at her as she left the bar. I facepalmed.


I looked down at my shoes, fiddling with my drink. The atmosphere suddenly changed when Jiyeon left. It became boring. I saw something brown on the ground and picked it up.


Hmm, did Jiyeon drop this?


“Hyung, where did you get that?” D.O. magically appeared in Jiyeon’s seat. He was staring intently at the leather anklet I was holding.


“Hmm? I found it on the floor. I think Jiyeon dropped it, why are you so interested?”


“Isn’t it Kai’s? It is strikingly similar to something he has. I saw it a few times when we moved into the new dorm. He keeps it stowed away in his drawer with his other valuables. He flew into a rage once when I touched it!” D.O. explained, still staring at the anklet with eyes wide like saucers.


“No, I’m really sure this isn’t Kai’s. It’s too small for a guy, look.” I lifted my foot and showed D.O. that it would not fit around my ankle.


Someone snatched the anklet from me. I looked up. It was Kai. He stood up and got out of the table.


“Hey, Kai, where are you going? You’re the birthday boy, you can’t leave!” I shouted after Kai. I stood up and ran after him.


“I’ll return it to Jiyeon,” Kai replied as he strode toward the exit.


This is really suspicious. First, Jiyeon never called Kai ‘oppa’ like she called the rest of us. Their similar dancing styles. And now, both of them have the same anklet?! What is going on here? 


I'm really sorry for updating so late! I was really busy the past few days, school work has been piling up. School's gonna get more hectic than ever for me as my major exams are coming up, but I'll try my best! :) 

Once again, subscribe/comment please! :)

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)