
But You're the Only One

Here's seventeen! Enjoy :) 


“Kris, be more expressive, please,” Jiyeon instructed.


Kris did as he was told, and this pleased her.


“Good job!” she clapped from her seat.


EXO was having their last dance practice before their final performance for the week. Due to her injury, she could not demonstrate certain moves, which required her wrist, and she had Kai to assist her.


Being the perfectionist he was, Kai did not give the rest of s an easy time.


As a result, he often had clashes with Jiyeon.


“Chen Hyung, you have to jump exactly at this timing, and in this way. You can’t do it otherwise, in your own way. We’d look messy,” Kai bossed.


“Got it,” Chen grinned and gave Kai and ‘OK’ sign. Kris patted Chen’s soldier comfortingly.


“Thanks, duizhang,” he smiled at Kris. Kris patted his head and resumed practicing.


This isn’t going how it’s supposed to be, Jiyeon thought. She sighed and shook her head as Kai continued bossing a few of his other hyungs.


Jongin, you’re just as stubborn and perfectionist as ever. You’re going to make enemies out of all your hyungs!


“Stop, stop! This is all wrong!” Jiyeon stood up and walked toward Kai, who was now nitpicking on Chanyeol.


“What is it, choreographer-nim?” Kai strode to Jiyeon and his 1.8m tall built towered over her petite figure. His smirk sent her heart racing and her cheeks turned pink soon after.


“Uh, i-it’s just that...” she stammered.


Argh, why can’t I speak to him properly? Jiyeon facepalmed.  


“Yes? I couldn’t hear you,” he bent down to meet Jiyeon’s eyes. Jiyeon immediately scooted away from him, shocked by the sudden closeness.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol chuckled softly at the back of the studio witnessing the ostensibly tense situation.


Kai’s totally bullying her and enjoying this, Chanyeol wriggled his eyebrows to Baekhyun.


I know right. They’re quite cute. Kai was hardly like this before. Baekhyun used his hands to muffle his laughter. His eyes had become thin slits.


The other members, who were oblivious to Kai and Jiyeon’s past, were sitting on the edge of their chairs, worried that a war might break out anytime between the two, whom they believed had bad blood right from the very beginning.


It’s true, what Chanyeol said before. They really have something against each other, Suho thought, while biting his lip. He looked at Kris, who gazed back at him and shrugged.


It’s strange how Jiyeon’s always so warm with the rest of us, but she seems to hate Kai. It’s beyond weird.


Luhan puffed up his cheeks while staring at the imaginary flickers of electricity between the two. He quietly scooted beside Lay and Sehun, his pillars of support.


 “Yah... what’s happening now?” he murmured into Lay’s ear, which made him twitch uncomfortably.


“Uh... a fight? A war?” he uttered in response, still dazed by the fact that Luhan just exhaled into his ear.


“Aish, don’t stand so close.” He turned to Luhan and pushed him further away. Luhan bumped into Sehun and lost his balance.


He felt someone grab him just before he hit the ground. He gasped and looked up.


Sehun caught him in the nick of time.


“Thanks, Sehun ah.” He puffed his cheeks again and looked at his shoes, feeling guilty because of the jealousy he felt the day before toward Sehun.


Sehun’s so nice to me, his shoulders drooped as he reflected. Remorse filled him as memories of his conversation with Lay flashed in his mind.  


Jiyeon stepped back and placed her hands on her hips. She looked up at the 1.8m giant towering over her.


“You can’t force all your members to dance the exact same way as you do, it’s impossible. Don’t you know that already?” she reprimanded, a smug smile forming on her face.


Victory, she smiled to herself.  


When Jiyeon had her back turned, Kai grinned silently.


Bickering with Jiyeon beats not talking at all, at least. She’s still as childish as always.


A wide smile stretched across his face.


“Yah, why are you smiling like a fool? Get on with it, Mr. Dance Instructor,” Baekhyun commented, folding his arms.


“Araseo,” Kai raised his hand and nodded.


Kai’s POV


Don’t get me wrong. I was not being overly fussy and bossing my hyungs for nothing. I just wanted things to be perfect before Jiyeon took over.


And a part of me wanted to remind her of my presence. She seemed to have forgotten about me, being carried away with everything else.


Everyone else, too.


Our little tiff just a while ago warmed my heart. It reminded me of the old days, where we used to have little squabbles, and I’d let her win.




“Yah, Kim Jongin! I refuse to go on that ride with you! I’ll scream my lungs out and not be able to sleep all night!” Jiyeon huffed and crossed her arms, pouting.


Even though I thought that was cute, I still wouldn’t let her have her way. She most certainly had to come with me to the Haunted House.


I loved her when she got frightened and clung on to me like I was her sole reason for living. Jiyeon was terrified of horror movies and haunted houses.


I loved feeling needed – desperately.


Yeah, as you can see, I’m a pretty vicious person deep inside.


“Ani. It’s newly opened, and it’s the Halloween season,” I took a step forward and overlooked her. I smirked when I saw her cheeks glowing pink within a few milliseconds.


“But we can go on other rides! Just not that one!” she pleaded.


“But I want to. Stop being such a spoilsport!” I ordered her. She continued pouting, knowing very well it was my weakness. But I hardened my heart.


Sorry Jiyeon, we just had to go on this one.  We’d have a ball of a time, I promise. 


“Yah! I don’t want to!” she whined like a toddler. I laughed and gave her a small hug.


This was typical of Song Jiyeon. She could be so childish at times it’s nearly impossible. Sometimes, her maturity level relegated her to that of a mere child.


And this was one of the many reasons why I fell in love with this tiny girl in my arms.


“Aigoo, no can’t do, can we?” I mussed her hair and stared deeply into her brown eyes, making her even redder than ever. She was just so transparent and easy to read.


“Aniya!” she scrunched her nose and shook her head vigorously. Her long hair was flying over her face.


I smiled and cupped her face with my hands. She was really adorable, with her cheeks squished between my palms.


“Really, Song Jiyeon?”


“Of course! Kim Jongin, I’ll never –”


Her complaints were muffled as I leaned in and kissed her, much to her surprise. She didn’t push me away, as I expected. It was this one trick of mine. She was defenseless against it. It worked 99% of the time – old and effective.


I nibbled her lower lip gently. She responded back.


I pulled away abruptly. I smirked when I realized there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.


Oops, someone was hoping for more.


“Have you got anything else to say, Song Jiyeon-ssi?” I crossed my arms and took a step back.


Silence. She merely looked at me, shocked.


“Okay, let’s go!” I grabbed her by the waist and forcefully hauled her toward the Haunted House.


“Yah, Kim Jongin!”


“O-oppa, don’t walk too fast and leave me behind,” she mumbled when we were next in line. She was looking at her feet. I noticed her fingers gripping tightly to the hem of my shirt till her knuckles were white.


I nearly laughed when I realized how frightened and submissive she had become.


“Of course,” I replied and held both her hands. She looked at me, perplexed as I wrapped them securely around my waist, causing her to collide into my side. I placed my leather jacket over both of us.


“Now, there’s no need to be afraid, right?” I smiled and looked down at the head of hair. She shook her head and buried her face into my chest.


“The next four people may enter,” the ride warden said, and he signaled us to enter the ride.


“Thanks,” I nodded. When we walked past him into the darkness, I felt her arms tighten around my torso.


I smiled in glee.


Kim Jongin 1-0 Song Jiyeon.


“Kai? Could we have a break, please?” Chen panted, bending over and resting on his knees.


I looked around at everyone else. They appeared exhausted, with sweat trickling down their faces and necks.


I looked at Jiyeon for approval. She was silent, and had her head rested on the table. I smiled. She had fallen asleep.


“Okay, take fifteen! We’ve progressed well!” I announced.


“Yes!” D.O. pumped his fists in the air and ran toward the vending machine in the corridor.


“Yah D.O.! Wait up!” Xiumin, Luhan, Tao, Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran after him.


“Thanks, Kai,” Lay patted me lightly on the back.


“Though you were a little bossy,” Luhan winked at me. I grinned at them as they sauntered out of the studio.


“I did good, didn’t I?” Kris gave me a pursed smile.


“Yup, you sure did, Duizhang!” I gave him a thumbs’ up. Kris cleared his throat and returned to his mode. He nodded and chased after the rest.


“Aish, this girl,” I heard Sehun mumble. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He had stopped on his way out and fumbled in his bag for his cashmere sweater.


He draped it lightly over Jiyeon’s shoulders.


Sehun gasped when she stirred lightly in her sleep. He sighed in relief when she curled up in the warmth of his sweater.


“Sehun ah, isn’t that your prized sweater?” I asked imperturbably. I knew he wouldn’t let anyone get his hands on that one piece of apparel he had – it was his esteemed possession.


He even flipped once when he caught Luhan borrowing it without his permission.


None of us dared touch that sweater ever again.


“It’s alright,” Sehun grinned.




“Neh. Are you coming, hyung?” he pointed toward the door.


“After you, I’ve a few things to take care of,” I nodded.


I realized I was alone after Sehun left. I emptied an entire bottle of water over my face and reached for my towel hung over my satchel to dry myself.


It sure felt nice to be clean and less sticky.


I squatted down beside Jiyeon, who was swathed in Sehun’s cashmere to get a closer look of her face. Her eyes were tightly shut, and was slightly ajar. I chuckled softly and poked her cheeks lightly.


“You pabo,” I whispered, resting my head on my arms.


She inhaled deeply and her eyelids twitched.


I froze. Did I wake her up?


Jiyeon seemed to mumble something and she tilted her head and nestled toward me, not moving much after that.


I her hair and sighed.


I hated to admit it, but I was a tad bit jealous of Sehun. Fine, not a bit. I was jealous like crazy. I couldn’t bear to walk out with him after everything that had happened.


I still remembered his dinner ‘date’ with Jiyeon, and how the two were being so inexplicably chummy with each other it made me have goose bumps. Although the maknae was pretty good with girls, I just didn’t like him touching that one girl.


After all, she used to be mine.


“What are you doing, Kai?” Luhan asked. I broke out of my rumination and quickly stood up.


Luhan and Lay were standing at the doorway throwing me interrogative looks. I felt my ears burning like I had been caught red-handed.


“Nothing, she just looked funny when she was asleep. See,” I laughed awkwardly and pointed at Jiyeon’s sleeping face.


“Oh,” Luhan blinked.


“Really,” Lay smirked, raising his eyebrows.




“You’re a strange kid, Kai,” Luhan commented and laughed. Lay brushed my shoulder and patted my .


“Hyung?” I frowned at him.


He simply winked at me.


“Let’s go for the final round! Aja!” Suho announced. I turned and saw the rest of EXO returning for practice.


“Here,” Baekhyun threw me a can of soda.


“Thanks, hyung.”


He waved it off casually and began stretching with the others.


I watched Lay carefully throughout the practice from the reflection in the mirror. Now that I thought about it, he didn’t seem as dense as he appeared to be. I was sure he knew something.


While Luhan, on the other hand, looked completely clueless. He seemed to have bought what I said.


Jiyeon’s POV


I was cocooned in warmth and fuzz, and it felt very comfortable. I breathed into the balminess. It smelt different, but nice.


Something poked my right cheek.


You pabo.


I heard someone say in the distance.  


Leave me alone.


I felt two strong arms patting my shoulders and adjusting the fuzzy blanket on me.


Had I fallen asleep?


I forced my eyes open and squinted in the light.


The person was a guy.


“Jiyeon, th-orry about that. Carry on thleeping, pleath,” he spoke with a familiar lisp.


“Sehun oppa?” I smiled at him and sat up. Was he the one who poked me too?


“Did I wake you up? Sorry,” he smiled apologetically and patted my head.


“It’s okay. This must be yours,” I slipped the warm cashmere off my shoulders and returned it to him.


“Ah? You don’t need it anymore?”


“No, it’s alright. Thank you,” I smiled at him. He cleared his throat and looked away, hugging his sweater.


“N-no problem,” he ran to keep his sweater away.


“Who poked me just now?” I asked loudly.


The rest of EXO stopped rehearsing when they realized I was awake.


“No, it wasn’t me,” Sehun raised his hands and shook his head when I glared at him.


“Neither of us did,” Baekhyun denied and pointed to a couple of them.


“Yah, that’s Sehun’s most favorite sweater!” Luhan squealed when he realized.


“Huh?” I tilted my head and looked sleepily at Luhan.


“Sehun ah! How could you! You didn’t let me wear it once,” Luhan sniffled.


“Unlike you, hyung, she wasn’t going to get it dirty by perspiring in it! I still love you, Luhan Hyung,” Sehun laughed and hugged Luhan, who was in hysterics as if his hair had been shaved off.


 I heard Lay chuckling at the melodramatic scene displayed right before him.


“Sorry I fell asleep,” I apologized and bowed.


“No worries. Kai was a good instructor, wasn’t he?” Chanyeol flashed all his pearly teeth in his usual creepy manner.


“He sure was,” Suho laughed.


“He said you slept funny,” Luhan added, smiling his widest in Sehun’s arms. I rolled my eyes at the bromance.


I cast a look at Jongin. He smiled sheepishly at me. I laughed when I realized.


He was the culprit that poked my face just now.


“Aigoo, everyone’s so hardworking today!” I heard the front door burst open and I saw Manager Ma strolling in, applauding everyone. We bowed.


“How’s everyone doing?”


All our eyes widened when we recognized that voice. It was Lee Soo Man.


“Annyeonghaseyo, Chairman Lee,” we bowed again.


“Ah, relax everyone! After your performance tomorrow, you’ll have no more schedules for the month. I’ve told Director Kang and Manager Ma to take you boys out to celebrate your successful debut. You’ve done well! Good work everyone!” he commended and bowed.


“Thank you, Lee Soo Man-ssi,” the boys bowed.


The old man smiled and left.


“Alright! Who’s up for some drinks tomorrow!” Manager Ma announced. 


Decided to do a 'double' update (well I guess you could say that, two update within 24 hours!) because I felt like it ;) Thanks so much for your comments and all, I'll reply them in the next chapter okay! :) (Sorry about that heh x.x) Trying to step up the drama here ^^ 

Do subscribe/comment/add me!! :) It makes me real happy ^^ 

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)