
But You're the Only One


“Be careful when you boys enter the building later. I predict there’d be a hoard of fans outside waiting to petition against the relationship,” Manager Ma warned the boys in the van.


“Araseo, Manager Hyung.”


“Kai, I want you to stand in the middle. You’ll be their main target. I don’t want our dancing machine to get hurt right before dance practice.”




“Trust you to give us so much trouble,” Kris muttered. Suho nudged him.


“Yah. It’s true,” he spat, rolling his eyes.


“Guys, what’s done is done. Now all we have to do is stick together and try to brave through the storm,” Manager Ma said in an encouraging tone.


I hope Kai is feeling okay. His sacrifice is going unnoticed by the rest of the team members.


“Gah, look at the crowd outside. Are you sure they’re waiting for us?” Chanyeol grumbled, perching himself on the window seat of the van.


“Yeah, that’s quite a lot of people,” Baekhyun commented, casting a sideway glance at Kai.


“Oh freak, even the press is there!” Tao gasped, grabbing onto Chen’s collar.


“Hey, stop that! Go grab Duizhang!”


Tao whimpered and snuggled to Luhan’s side. Luhan merely caressed his hair briefly.


“Kai, are you okay?” Sehun asked.


“Yeah, thanks Sehun. I’ll be fine,” he replied. Kai raised his eyebrows and let out a small sigh.


This is no time to back out, Kim Jongin. Just face the music. It’ll be over soon.


 “Okay, Director Kang has messaged me the latest situation boys. We’ll try to enter as inconspicuously as possible. The back door has been barricaded so the only way in is through the crowd. Let us handle the press. If anyone asks any one of you anything, don’t reply them at all costs. Kai, you lay low,” Manager Ma instructed.


“Understood,” the boys chanted.


“Let’s do this.”


Manager Ma slid the door of the van open.


Piercing screams from the crowd and protests could be heard from where they were. Kai gulped when he saw cameras flashing at him.


Here we go.


The moment the boys stepped out of the van, they were swarmed with reporters and enraged fans.


“Kai-ssi, what made you go public with your relationship?”


“Kai-ssi, do you really love Sulli-ssi?”


“Suho-ssi, what are your thoughts about this matter?”


“Baekhyun-ssi, would you like to comment on the relationship between Kai and Sulli?”


“Kai-ssi – ”


Kai sighed and closed his eyes while the security guards led him through the crowd. Deep inside, he really regretted his decision. But he knew there was no way he could reverse the entire matter.


At long last, the boys escaped into the safety of the SM building and silence was once restored.


“Hey, you okay?” Kai felt someone pat him on his back.


He turned around and saw a concerned Baekhyun looking at him.


“Yeah, I’m fine.”


“Just so you know, I may be your hyung, but I’m extremely disappointed in you, Kai. Look at the situation, it has gone out of hand,” he said sternly.


“I’m sorry, Hyung,” Kai muttered dejectedly.


“Don’t say sorry to me. You know whom you should apologize to. You’ve really disappointed me this time,” Baekhyun reiterated.


Kai could only nod. He was speechless. He had nothing to defend himself with now.


I really don’t want to see Jiyeon later. I can’t face her.


Kai contemplated missing dance practice, but he knew his efforts would be futile as he found himself in front of the dance studio soon enough.


Jiyeon’s POV


I dragged my feet to work today. Thankfully, the dance studio was empty and I had some space to myself.


I the stereo and let the music blast to the highest volume possible. I closed my eyes as I began stretching and warm-up. (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)


I'm so far gone, found my way back to broken somehow

Yeah when you moved on, then I can't find my way out


You're not crazy for leaving

Just crazy for staying so long

I'm amazed you're still breathing

Amazed you can feel at all

For all the pain I caused

I'm the one crazy after all


I sighed. Even the song on shuffle was speaking to me.


I'm the one crazy after all

The one crazy after all

I'm crazy


I’m crazy.


I knelt down as I felt tears welling up in my eyes.


Now, now, Jiyeon. You promised not to cry.


That small voice in my head said.


I heard someone approaching the studio. I up my tears and stood up. Straightening my clothes and neatening my hair, I reapplied that bright smile on my face.


Let’s begin this day on a high note.


“Jiyeon ah!” Baekhyun came running into the studio, all fresh and spritely. He enveloped me into a familial hug. I smiled into his embrace.


Baekhyun never failed to make my day better.


“Hey, Oppa. How have you been doing?” I asked, smiling at him.


“Missing you everyday, Jiyeon!” he beamed. I laughed. Baekhyun had childlike aura radiating from him at times – but otherwise; he was the most mature person I’d ever known.


Sometimes, I wouldn’t know what I’d do without Baekhyun. Would I even survive doing this job?


“Hey Jiyeon. Supppp,” Chanyeol waved, smiling in his usual derpy way.


“Chanyeol Oppa!” I smiled.


“Jiyeon ah!” Luhan ran to me and hugged me – okay, he was more of, clinging on to me like a koala.


“Hey. You’re still the same, Oppa,” I laughed.


“Yeah! Of course!” he chirped.


“You’re looking well,” Sehun smiled, giving me a pat on the head.


“Oppa’s looking milky as usual,” I joked. Sehun stuck his tongue out at me and the both of us ended up laughing hysterically.


“Aigoo, you two again. Going strong, Sehun?” Chen smirked, giving Xiumin a high five. Those two were still their troll selves.


“Teasing shall be kept for after practice, boys,” Director Kang clapped, skipping into the studio.


“And I’d want to be part of it,” he winked, resting his arm on Chen’s shoulder.


“We’ll be in your care again, Jiyeon,” Suho bowed to me, giving me a shock.


“Yah, Leader-ssi, don’t be so formal! For goodness’ sake!” I exclaimed, laughing and bending over.


I waved as the remaining members sauntered into the studio.


My smile faded as I saw him walk in.




He looked at me. Our eyes met. He cleared his throat after acknowledging my presence and looked away.


I had to calm my nerves and my pounding heart. I really didn’t have anything to say to him, even though there were so many things I wanted to know. 


How are you feeling today?


Are you well?


It’s cold, did you wear extra layers?


Were you treated badly by the press?


Are you happy with her?


These were some of the many burning questions I had, but I never got the guts to verbalize them.


“Shall we begin warm-ups?” I asked the boys.


“Of course!” Luhan sang, prancing around the room and hooking his arms around Lay’s neck. Lay pushed him away.


“Behave yourself, Oppa. You’re no longer young,” I reprimanded him lightheartedly.


Luhan pouted and returned to his spot to stretch.


“First of all, can we review MAMA, please?” I asked the boys.








They responded with complaints and reluctant murmurs. I smiled at their laziness. It was barely two weeks since their last practice and they were already relegated to inflexible couch potatoes.


“What’s that? I didn’t hear you. Get into your positions!”


I laughed as the twelve boys scrambled into their positions and knelt down.


Careless, careless

Shoot anonymous, anonymous

Heartless, mindless

No one, who care about me


Chanyeol’s POV


This morning was insane. Shall I add in the details as well?


Yeah, I shall. 


Well, it all began last night. I had a teeny quarrel with Baekhyun (mind you, I said it was teeny, it wasn’t anything serious, well he cried but he’s Baekhyun...) and that really put me off sleeping in our room. It’s not like we’re a couple or anything, but doesn’t it just irk you sleeping in the same room with some crybaby sometimes?!


I take my words back. He’s not a crybaby. But he’s just your new-age emotional guy who wants to take care of everyone, which isn’t possible. Especially when ‘everyone’ is not just one person.


Being my rebellious self, I bunked in with Tao and Kris. Kris was my fellow giraffe twin and he wouldn’t leave me in the lurch, so I went to his room at 1AM in the morning after my tiff with Baekhyun.


Just a warning to everyone – do not ever share a room with Tao unless you’re Kris. Actually, I’m not too sure about Kris, either. The moment I entered their room with my futon and sleep plushies (yeah what’s wrong with having those?!), Tao dragged me to watch this Chinese drama about a girl who travelled through time to the past and ladeedums. Half the time I couldn’t understand a word but Tao was kind enough to attempt to translate it to me in bits of Korean.


When I wanted to sleep, he’d wake me up. That was the worst.


In the end both of us only slept around 3AM. I have no idea how Tao takes it, maybe that’s the reason for his panda eyes. But for me, I absolutely can’t.


And this morning at 6, Kris barked at me to wake up. I hardly had enough sleep.


This sums up the reasons why the Happy Virus had morphed into a Grumpy Virus. Just so you know, I’m just feeling a little annoyed and y today.


And I certainly wasn’t glad that the press was out there early in the morning. Having to shovel through the crowd meant my chance to hide in a corner to sleep would be delayed – or even diminished.


So I was completely zombified throughout practice today. I think Jiyeon noticed it. She asked me to wait a while for her after she packed up while she let the rest off for lunch. Pfft.


So here I am, awaiting my punishment.


I’m alone.


No food, no drink, no Baekhyun.


Wait, that last part wasn’t supposed to come out! Aish.


“Chanyeol Oppa,” I heard her say.


“Oh. I’m here,” I replied.


“Well, I noticed you were a little bit out of sorts today that you got your lefts and rights wrong again! And you even collided into Xiumin, Sehun and... some other members!”


I noticed she paused at ‘some other members’, as if it were some blank. Well, let me fill in the blank for you.


‘Some other members’ was just one member – I wasn’t that much of a klutz to collide into everyone.


He was Kai.


“Ah, Jiyeon! Don’t make me sound so terrible, I only collided with Kai seriously. And why couldn’t you say his name? Did you feel awkward around him now that the rumors have surfaced?”


There, I said it.


“You got me there. Wait – how did you know?”


Oh damn. I wasn’t supposed to know, and I forgot all about it. It felt as if the revelation was so long ago.


“I-uh, overheard you guys during the showcase, yeah... Sorry about that,” I confessed, sheepishly turning away.


“Oh, that. Could you keep it a secret please?” she pleaded.


“Well I have been. Are you okay with it? I mean, you seemed pretty out of sorts today too. You avoided him like crazy,” I commented, changing the subject. I really didn’t like people nitpicking on my dancing.


“I’m trying my best.”


Okay, awkward silence.


Just at that moment, my phone started ringing, disrupting the silence.


Thank God.


I nearly got a heart attack when I saw the name of the caller. At that moment, I thought my grumpy day could finally turn around.


>>>Incoming call: Pretty waitress<<<


What?! What was she calling me for?!


“Ayo waddup! This is Park Chanyeol’s phone~”


“Chanyeol-ssi? Can you come and pick me up?” she shouted into the phone.


“Wha-what did you just say?!” I bellowed. Pick her up?! Where?


“I don’t know, outside your office. There’s this crowd of people outside and I’m trapped. Can you come now? Don’t tell Jiyeon!” she barked.


Ooh, what a feisty lady.


“Whatever for? Did you want to see me?” I laughed. I was truly elated.


“Whatever. Yes. Just come now!” she whined.


Sweet mother of pearl, the pearl is a mother – I mean, waddupp. My cassanova skills have definitely NOT rotted since I became a trainee! She came all the way to see me!


I whistled as I hung up.


“What made you so excited all of a sudden?” she asked, staring at me with her large eyes.


I grinned my largest ever, which kinda creeped her out. She grimaced and took a step away from me. But I was too overjoyed to care.


“Gotta go, Jiyeon. Catch up with you again!”


Just wanted to include some Chanyeol into this! :) A different side of the 99% cheery happy virus! (okay I don't think he's really like that, but let's just take it that he is in this story). And I kinda updated again because I felt bad for not updating last week ): 

Comment replies

@Sooyong Thank you for your support! We'll see how it goes cus I haven't decided who she's gonna be with! 

@Kaori_luhan456 haha yeah kinda unexpected heh. But I figured someone had to be the bad guy ): 

@iamawesomeness ): 

@Dramadynasty hehe :) Sure! I'll add more of Taemin in there x) 

@lightitup Well I hope this chap isn't as heavy then! lol puns. 

And once again, do feel free to subscribe/drop a comment/add me! :) 


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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)