
But You're the Only One


Kai’s POV


After several days of playing, playing, and more playing, our ‘holiday’ in China was coming to an end.


“Duizhang! Would you be so kind to loan me some of your baggage space to squeeze in some of my new Gucci collection?” I heard Tao whining from the room across mine.




I chuckled at Kris’s curt response.


“Why! Don’t do this to me~~” I heard Tao whining and running after Kris as he left the room.


Just as I was about to return to packing my clothes for the flight tonight, my room door swung open.


A disheveled Kris appeared at the doorway.


“Quick, hide me,” he ordered, panting.


“Aigoo, Kris Hyung! Not again!” D.O. sighed, staring at him in disapproval.


“Just. Hide. Me.” He snarled and glared at us. I shuddered.


“You can go under the bed,” I muttered, pointing at the bed.


“Tao’s coming!” D.O. peeked outside the door and quickly waved at Kris. He dove under the bed swiftly, just as Tao poked his head around the door.


“Did you see Duizhang?” he asked, his eyes searching every nook and corner of our room.


“No, why are you looking for him?” D.O. asked, without batting an eyelid.


“He ran away,” Tao muttered, rolling his eyes. I turned my back against him, trying very hard not to burst out laughing.


“Oh. In any case, we haven’t seen him.”


There you have it. D.O. unleashes his concealed, inherent lying skills.


“Okay, seeya later,” Tao sighed and ran off to continue his search for Kris elsewhere.


I couldn’t hold my laughter in any longer and guffawed uncontrollably.


“Yah! Ssh, he will hear you!” Kris hushed me from underneath the bed.


“Sorry, I couldn’t take it. You guys are too hilarious,” I laughed, a tear escaping from my eye. No, I wasn’t sad. I was tearing from pure elation and amusement.


“Ugh, he’s finally gone. I’ll pack my things and come over here before he returns,” Kris muttered, crawling out from underneath the bed.


“Ah, okay.” I cast him an odd look.


“Thanks in advance,” he turned and dashed to his room before Tao returned.


“Aish. Why are they always like this?” D.O. complained, messing up his hair. He flopped on the bed and spread his arms wide.


“Kai, you know, I miss Korea, but I don’t really want to go back, either,” he mumbled, looking up at the ceiling.


“Yeah, me too,” I smiled and continued packing.


Well, not exactly. I’d been anticipating this day where we’d return to Korea. I really missed a certain someone.


She was the only one who occupied my thoughts this entire week. Whenever I was alone, images of her filled my mind. From the moment I opened my eyes, to when I fell asleep in the night.


Her smiling face, her tears, her strange angry expression, her embarrassed and blushing look...


As I recollected, I felt my heart begin to race again.


Song Jiyeon, what have you done to me?


“I’m done.”


I heard Kris’ voice and turned to see him scurrying about in our room.


“Hey,” I greeted him, and bent down to close the suitcase.


“Let’s go down, the rest are waiting,” D.O. instructed, lugging his baggage as he wobbled out the door. Someone had evidently done too much shopping for him to carry.


“There you are, Wu Fan!” Tao yelled. His face was extremely stern and a murderous aura was radiating from his entire body.


I patted Kris lightly on the back and whispered, “Good luck, Duizhang.”


“There they go again, squabbling as usual,” Lay walked up beside me, shaking his head and smirking in amusement.


“I guess it’s time we headed back to Seoul,” Chanyeol pranced past, linking arms with Baekhyun, like they always did.


I noticed Sehun completely absorbed in a particular stuffed toy he bought while we were at the Wall. He was grinning to himself dreamily and glee was written all over his face.


I smiled to myself, for a purely different reason. (A/N haha Kai has no idea why Sehun is smiling to himself otl)


Jiyeon was a few hours away.


Jiyeon’s POV


“Luna-ssi, could you twist your hips slightly a little bit more, like this?” I requested, demonstrating a certain move in the choreography to her.


“Neh, like this, you mean?” Luna followed suit.


“Yeah, that’s beautiful!” I clapped. Luna smiled shyly at me. I glanced at her momentarily before looking at my feet. Golly, this girl was stunning.


It was my last day coaching f(x) before their choreographer returned. Thankfully, other than her occasional snide remarks and taunts, Sulli hadn’t really done anything to me particularly harmful throughout the course of these few days.


“Jiyeon ah, could you come help me a little? I can’t seem to get this part right,” Victoria waved her hand at me. I noticed she had a peculiar Korean accent and her phrasing was a bit strange.


“Victoria-ssi, did you grow up outside Korea? I can’t put my finger on it, but you have a unique accent,” I asked earnestly, hoping not to offend her.


The rest of the f(x) girls laughed (except one, of course, who rolled her eyes. No prizes for guessing whom). Victoria looked at me with her big eyes and blinked innocently. I quivered and bit my lip.


Did I say something wrong? It was certainly not my game plan to offend any of these celebrities! Not ever.


“I’m Chinese,” she answered. A wide smile spread across her face, her huge eyes forming slits. I blushed involuntarily.


“That explains it,” I grinned sheepishly and touched my hair. I silently cursed myself. Why do I have this inexplicable habit of blushing and going weak in front of beautiful people? I need to get a grip.


I repeated the set of moves to her slowly, explaining as I went. Victoria shot me a couple more questions to clarify, and she showed me the moves. I chuckled softly when I diagnosed her mistake.


“There’s nothing wrong with it, actually. The only problem is, you’re getting your lefts and rights wrong. Your legs are correct, but your upper body is doing the exact opposite,” I patted her arm reassuringly.


She repeated the moves this time, correctly. And I gave her a thumb’s up.


As I sauntered back toward the front, I tripped over something and missed my footing completely. The next few moments flashed past in a blurry, all I knew was that I was heading to the ground in split seconds.


All I could hear was an “Oops, sorry!” from a certain someone I was all too familiar with.


An intense pain filled my wrist. I sat up and examined it.


It appeared swollen.


Drats, I must have landed on it. Pabo Jiyeon.


“Jiyeon! Are you alright?” Amber ran toward me and knelt beside me. Her eyes were b with concern.


“I’m fine,” I forced a smile. The other members were crowding around me.


“Can you stand?” Victoria held my arm and tugged lightly at my injured wrist. I winced in pain. The swollen wrist was now throbbing, the pain intensifying with each ‘pulse’.




“Omo, her wrist is swollen!” Victoria gasped, cupping in shock.


“Yah, let’s give her some air. Jiyeon, can you stand? I’ll get a chair for you,” Amber touched my good arm lightly. I nodded, trying my hardest to back my tears. The pain had escalated to become excruciating and unbearable.


I’d twisted my ankles before in the past, but none of those injuries were that agonizing.


The girls sat me on a chair and Luna quickly handed me the ice.


“Thanks, Luna-ssi,” I beamed.


“Call me Luna,” she uttered, clearing . She wrapped the ice in a towel and firmly pressed it against my injured wrist, which looked like an odd-shaped ball. It was swollen that badly.


“Luna,” I chimed, examining her features while she checked my wrist. Her faint colored hair complemented her skin tone and accentuated her features. I inhaled softly in awe and wonderment. An Asian looking good in light colored hair – now that sure was unusual.


As I watched the girls dance, I could not help but notice a couple of sinister glances cast by Sulli, from the far end of the studio, where she was positioned. I felt my hairs stand.


Maybe she noticed she had successfully intimidated me and traumatized me for life. She kept smirking whenever they turned to face me in several parts of the choreography. I simply averted her glance and turned toward the mirror.


I seriously hope I can get out of this alive.


Jiyeon was beginning to feel jaded from just watching the girls dance the routine over and over again. Practice was finally over. After clearing up, she slumped onto her chair, exhausted. She felt her eyelids grow heavier.


“Ayo waddup!”


Jiyeon jerked upward, and yawned. She swore she heard Chanyeol’s voice resounding somewhere in the distance.


No, it can’t be. They’re in China. She remembered and shook her head. I must be imagining things.


“Look who’s here! Jiyeon ah!” Luhan ran into the studio first, and enveloped Jiyeon in a tight hug.


Jiyeon’s eyes widened. Omo, am I seriously hallucinating? This is sick; I can even hear my imagination and touch virtual Luhan!


“Yah! Luhan, you’re so sneaky!” Chanyeol’s voice sounded strangely low yet shriek-y, even before he was in sight. Luhan waggled his tongue at him and refused to release Jiyeon.


“Hey, Jiyeon. We’re back,” Baekhyun chimed, skipping into the room behind Chanyeol. The rest of the twelve promenaded into the studio soon after.


Sehun stared at Jiyeon’s strange looking wrist and gasped in fright.


“OMG, what happened to your hand, Jiyeon?” Sehun knelt down and touched Jiyeon’s hand gently. She flinched from the pain arising from the sudden contact.


Kai stopped in his tracks when he heard Sehun’s question. He turned around and walked toward Jiyeon, losing his rationality momentarily when he found out she was injured.


But something made him stop.


He observed as Sehun blew lightly on Jiyeon’s wrist, and dabbed it with ointment. The rest of EXO crowded around her. Concern was written on all their faces.


Maybe I’m not quite needed there. She has everyone else. She has Sehun, Kai thought as his jaw was clenched.


Kai allowed unpleasant thoughts and emotions eat him up as he left the studio without anyone noticing. Well, except Jiyeon, of course. From the corner of the eye, she watched, from where she was, as he left the room inconspicuously.


For some reason, she felt a tinge of disappointment.


Did I do something to make Jongin unhappy? Was his mood dampened by the sight of me? 


“How did this happen?” Suho asked. Jiyeon snapped out of her negative thoughts and glanced at Suho, who appeared to be very fretted.


“I was clumsy,” she smiled, pursing her lips.


Baekhyun glowered when he heard this. He cocked his head to one side and his skepticism showed up on his face.


I don’t believe Jiyeon. She’s not that clumsy a person. His eyebrows furrowed while he deliberated.


“Jiyeon. Who did this to you? Answer me honestly,” Baekhyun looked intently at her.


I think Baekhyun just saw through me, Jiyeon swallowed, avoiding Baekhyun’s gaze.


“N-nothing, Oppa. I just f-fell down myself, really,” she stuttered, her ears heating up.


“I’ll take you to the doctor’s,” D.O. offered, his maternal instincts taking over.


“Kyungsoo, EXO-K’s got to meet the directors soon. I don’t think you have enough time to make a trip down to the doctor’s,” Suho rubbed the back of his neck, throwing a brief look to D.O.


“I’ll take her,” Lay unexpectedly spoke up, out of the blue. Everyone stared at Lay in disbelief.


Huh? Jiyeon looked up at Lay as well. She always thought Lay was constantly detached and absorbed in a world of his own, and oblivious most of the time. 


What a pleasant surprise.


“I’m the one with healing powers after all,” Lay grinned in a dorky way. Some of the members made faces at him.


“We’ve got nothing planned for us the rest of the day. We’ll go back to the dorm to unpack and rest. The unicorn will take Jiyeon to the doctor’s,” Kris decided, staring at the rest and hoping for a consensus to be reached.


“Okay, thank you for volunteering, Lay,” Suho smiled. He ushered everyone else out toward the elevator, and gave Jiyeon a goodbye wave. Jiyeon smiled and nodded.


Sehun turned and looked back at Jiyeon forlornly.


I wish I were the one taking her to the doctor’s.


“So, tell me what’s up.”


“What do you mean?” Jiyeon stared at Lay, puzzled.


“I’m not as ignorant as you think, you know. It was obviously preconceived. There’s no way you could just trip on your footing and land up with such a bad sprain, or fracture, even. And moreover, you’re not that maladroit, from what I remember. Being a dancer, your sense of balance can’t be that bad,” Lay analyzed, placing his thumb below his chin. A slight frown appeared on his immaculate face.


I guess someone else saw through me, too, Jiyeon realized, biting her lip.


Should I tell Lay? He looks like he can be trusted.


“I’ll just tell you truthfully. I hope you keep this to yourself, Oppa. Can I trust you?” she requested, her eyes fixated on his gaze.


“Of course you can,” Lay replied as earnestly as he could.


“I tripped on Sulli’s foot,” she stated factually, avoiding the elaborative part.


“I had a hunch it had to do with Sulli. You got onto her blacklist before you even knew it,” he said, folding his arms. He looked satisfied that his deduction had been accurate.


“Jiyeon. Watch out for Sulli. Kai’s her target, and I don’t know what past you and Kai have exactly, but it’s not going to be pretty once you become a hindrance,” he advised.


Jiyeon simply nodded.


What chance do I have with Jongin, anyway? It was over between us long ago.


She let out a dejected sigh.


 “Yah, don’t be like that. I didn’t mean it that way. I think you have quite a huge effect on Kai’s mood,” he laughed it off, seemingly reading her mind.




“That day at the showcase, you were together, weren’t you?”


“Eh, how did you know?” Jiyeon gasped in surprise. The unicorn was more knowledgeable than he looked.


“Of course, I’ve been observing Kai,” he smirked, exposing his dimples.


“I never realized, Oppa.”


“Now you know.”


Jiyeon’s phone screen lit up. She checked her phone.


1 New Message: Oh Sehun


Jiyeon, let’s have dinner together. Meet you later. ^^


Jiyeon smiled to herself inadvertently.


Aish, this Sehun is so queer and unpredictable sometimes.


Lay caught her secretive smile. Being the curious and meddlesome unicorn that he was, he peeked over her shoulder.


He raised his eyebrows when he saw who the sender was.




I've been in a good mood recently which explains for the quick updates!!! :) Hehe let's hope this mood stays for a long long time~ Like I said, someone has got to be the bad guy here in this story, and sadly it's Sulli. Not that I've anything against her though, she was really adorable as Jae Hee. :P 

Comment replies

@thepwahlove NO THEY ARE NOT GONNA FIGHT!!! hahaha 

@lightitup oh yeahhh Kai is back!! :D haha yeah Sehun's got a pretty bad lot this time, who knows if things might turn around xD 

@llamappa hehhh the llama won't be pleased with you if you do that :> (Though I think you'd totally do it now after this chapter lol x.x)

@luv_jiyeon66 here it is! :) 

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! As always, do subscribe/comment on the story, and friend requests are mosttt welcome!! :) Reading your comments makes my day! :> 

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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)