
But You're the Only One


A/N: @anhie_yoochun, here’s Kai’s side of the story!

@u-knowkey, you’re sharp! ^^

Sorry guys, gotta rewind back chapter 3 a little bit!


Kai’s POV


“Ahhhhh I still can’t get this part right, Kai!” Baekhyun grumbled and sat on the parquet floor cross-legged. (A/N: Aww Baekhyun is super cute :3)


“C’mon, Baekhyun ah! You gotta master this, we still have another song with an even harder choreography to learn!” Suho tugged at Baekhyun’s arm, begging him to persevere. I looked at Lay, who returned me the same helpless gaze. I shrugged. Life has been difficult for us ever since our dance choreographer left. Lay and I were attempting to revise the steps to History with the rest of EXO.


“Baekhyun-hyung, you’re nearly there already! You just need a little more fine-tuning! Look, even Chen-hyung has gotten it right! You can do it!” I pointed at Chen, who shot death glares at me. Oops.


“Baekhyun! Look here, bbuing bbuing~! You can do it!” Luhan unleashed his ultimate weapon – his aegyo, but to no avail. Baekhyun just curled up into a ball, looking more dejected than ever. 


A/N: Haha just had to include this!

“I miss Noona,” Baekhyun murmured. Realising his aegyo had failed for the first time, Luhan’s hazel deer eyes darkened. He sighed and reached for his towel and mineral water, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.


“Byun Baekhyun,” a low, husky voice thundered. A pair of long legs appeared before the human ball and in a split second, Baekhyun was whisked into the air and grabbed by the collar.


“We are not going down like this. We’ve come so far as EXO. This is only our debut album. There’s an even more challenging choreography awaiting us after History, as Suho said. The new choreographer Noona will be coming soon to teach us! Man up!” Kris snarled into Baekhyun’s face, causing him to shudder in fear. Nothing less expected from EXO-M’s leader.


“Kris-hyung, don’t frighten Baekhyun already, look how scared he is!” Lay stepped in and pulled the two members apart. Baekhyun ran and hugged Chanyeol for dear life. The situation was so tense that neither of us knew what to do.


“Um, shall we take a break? Since everyone’s tired...” I suggested, and the rest of the members nodded in agreement. We grabbed our drinks and sat on the floor, catching our breaths.


The door suddenly burst open.


“Kai! Kim Jongin! Urgent news urgent news!” Taemin tottered into the studio, his arms floundering as he ran. He stopped in front of me and panted, his hair tousled from running.


“What urgent news do you bring, Taemin?” D.O. tilted his head, squinting at flustered Taemin.


“Uh, nothing! It’s something between Kai and I! Sorry hyungs, could I steal Kai for a bit?” Taemin smiled nervously at everyone’s questioning stares.


“Sure, we were having a break anyway.” Suho smiled. Taemin took that as a go-ahead and hauled me to a corner of the studio.


“She’s here!” Taemin whispered.


“What. Who’s here?” I frowned.


“Her! Song Jiyeon!”


“Taemin ah, this is not funny, you know.” Taemin was the only one in SM who knew about Jiyeon and I. He knew how sensitive this topic was.


“I know you don’t believe me, Jongin. But I’m serious! I crashed into this girl at the lobby just now and I saw her ID papers, her name’s Song Jiyeon and she’s born in 1994! How many Song Jiyeons can there possibly be born in 1994!” Taemin gawked. At this moment, the door flung open again.


“Director Kang!” The rest of EXO ran to the door to greet Director Kang. Director Kang had a new blonde Mohawk (which looked really badass, I must say). A petite girl followed closely behind him timorously. I caught a glimpse of her face when our eyes met. She immediately looked down at her shoes. It’s unmistakable. That girl is Song Jiyeon. Even if Jiyeon shaved her head bald, I’d recognize her all the same.


She was the girl I’d left two years ago. Not a day had passed since then where I did not think about her at all.


“Jongin, consider my proposition carefully. It is too late to back out of the contract right now. Cut off all contact with that girl and Enigma, or your friends can forget about entering any dance-off competitions ever again.”


“Okay, I understand.”


Jiyeon, it wasn’t easy leaving you and Enigma. Why are you appearing in my life once again? It’s making it even harder for me to move on.


The members were introducing themselves and shaking Jiyeon’s hand. I turned to my right to talk to Taemin, but he’d disappeared. I looked up and saw him talking to Jiyeon as well.


“I’m Baekhyun, can I call you noona?” Baekhyun chirped. Noona?! Does he actually think he is younger than her?  


“Hyung, she’s younger than you,” my mouth spoke on its own. Damn, reckless mouth of mine. I figured I was the last person who hadn’t introduced himself to our new choreographer, so I stopped leaning against the wall and walked toward Jiyeon. I held eye contact with her while shaking her hand.


“Kai. Kim Jongin. Nice to meet you, Song Jiyeon... ssi,” I emphasized the ssi on purpose. I let go of her hand and smirked at her. She looked dumbfounded. Seemed like she hadn’t forgotten Kim Jongin either.


We meet again, Song Jiyeon.


Jiyeon’s POV


I alighted the bus and sprinted toward the studio. Crap, I’m so late! I was perspiring despite the subzero weather. As I entered the porch, I removed my muffler to expose my neck to the icy air.


“Congratulations, Song Jiyeon!” Everyone stood up to welcome me. Congratulations? I scratched my head and squinted at Ha Eun. Did you tell them?


“Yes I did.” Ha Eun confessed. Telepathic communication never fails.


“Jiyeon ah, why didn’t you tell us earlier! In any case, although I’m grieved to let you, my comrade, and one of the most popular instructors at Enigma go, you have my wellwishes!” Hyunjoon gave me an eye smile. For some reason, he did not look genuinely happy about my new job, though. Well, I guess I understand why. It to have members leaving one by one.


“Thanks, Hyunjoon oppa! I’ll still be able to come for the Tuesday and Thursday night classes though, I have two days off!” I tried to console Hyunjoon.


“It’s okay Jiyeon! I got everything covered! I’m Enigma’s new employee from next week onward! I quit my job at the restaurant because it makes me too tired to play video games!” Woojin added, grinning from ear to ear. Psh. Trust the ultimate gaming addict.


“So you can supersede Jongin?” I laughed dryly. Woojin gawped at me in astonishment.


“How did you know? You’re okay with him already, Jiyeon?” His eyes widened in surprise.


“Um, I guess? We all have to move on someday right?” I smiled. Well, maybe not now, but I really hope I am heading there. 


Because he already did.


He spoke with me formally.  


“Here, Jiyeon, help yourself to the sumptuous spread before you!” Hanseul handed me a plate and gestured me toward the dining table. I gulped. There were about 12 dishes of food there! My stomach growled. There, there, food is on the way. Okay, did I just speak to my own tummy?


“Everyone, tonight’s feast is sponsored by none other than Song Jiyeon, who is going to earn ten times more than what she has earned in the past six months!” Chun Seok announced triumphantly. A smug grin was spread across his face.


“What?!” I glared at him. He shrugged at me.


“That’s how it goes, Jiyeon ah! You can’t be selfish and keep everything to yourself! One must learn to share!” Chun Seok laughed. Everyone else gave me a standing ovation. What the fishcakes?


We had a really memorable dinner. The guys were being their usual joker selves and fooled around more than usual. I smiled at the thought as Ha Eun snuggled her face into my shoulder hollow. We were in the bus home.


“Ha Eun, you would never guess who I’m working with right now.”






“What is that? I’ve never heard of it before! Is it a band, or a solo singer?” Ha Eun scrunched her face.


“It’s Jongin’s band.”


“You’re kidding!” Ha Eun jerked up, sitting straight.


“No, I’m serious, Eun ah!” Ha Eun, why would I joke about such a serious matter!


 “Oh good heavens, I had a ominous feeling about this new job of yours! I really never knew!” Ha Eun smacked her own forehead lightly. Correction – she smacked it a little too hard.


“Ouch!” She rubbed her head and looked at me. Silly Ha Eun.


“So what are you intending to do? When do you start?”


“I can’t possibly quit, can I? Besides, you know how I need the money desperately. My work begins tomorrow at nine,” I shrugged and scrolled through twitter on my phone.


“Best of luck, Jiyeon!” Ha Eun hugged me from the side.


Yeah. I really need it.


I handed my employee pass to the receptionist at the counter. Thankfully, the lady at the reception was no longer the pale-faced Ice Queen, but someone older with a much warmer disposition. And she had less makeup.


“Hello, are you a new staff here?” The lady smiled at me.


“Yes, yes I am,” I nodded my head and smiled back at her.


“Ah, I see. Well, have a great day ahead!”


“Thank you, same goes for you!” I bowed slightly at the lady.


“Jiyeon-ssi!” I heard an unfamiliar male voice behind me. I turned around to see who it was. The owner of the voice was a sprightly young fella with the brightest smile I’d ever seen. I recognized him as an EXO member.


Shucks, I couldn’t seem to remember his name...


“Sorry, I find you really familiar but I can’t seem to remember your name!” I pursed my lips into a nervous smile. Please don’t be mad!


“I thought so! There’s so many of us! I’m Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun!” his smile widened, as he flashed his pearly whites at me.


“Of course, Baekhyun-ssi! You’re the noona guy! Sorry to disappoint, but I’m younger than you by two years!” I laughed.


“It’s alright Jiyeon-ssi, now it’s your turn to call me Baekhyun oppa! Let’s be friends!”


“Okay, Baekhyun oppa! Call me Jiyeon too, drop the honorifics!” I grinned back at my new friend. Achievement unlocked: Make new celebrity friend!


“Jiyeon! Let’s head to the studio together first, okay? I need some help with the floor work in History!” Baekhyun swung his arm around me and skipped toward the elevator.


At long last, Baekhyun’s moves were perfected and he had reached the point of near flawlessness, all thanks to EXO’s new choreographer, Jiyeon. All six members, including Baekhyun, were in a state of euphoria from conquering the dance to History after an entire afternoon of rigorous, backbreaking practice.


To reward them for their concerted efforts, EXO-K’s manager decided to give them a break all the way till dinner. When Jiyeon returned to pack up her belongings after washing up, she could not help but notice some of the members’ suspicious behavior. While Kai was in the shower, the other five of them were huddled in a group and seemingly holding an intense discussion over something.


“Jiyeon-ssi!” Suho, the leader, waved his hand at Jiyeon, gesturing her to join their fervent discussion.


“What is it, Leader? You can call me Jiyeon, by the way,” Jiyeon sat between Suho and D.O..


“Okay, Jiyeon. The thing is, Kai’s birthday is the Saturday two weeks from now, and we were thinking of throwing him a birthday party with EXO-M and our closer sunbaes from SM. We’d love if you could avail yourself that day to celebrate his 19th birthday!”


Oh yeah, Jongin’s birthday nearly slipped my mind, Jiyeon remembered.


“So... would you be free, Jiyeon?” Chanyeol leaned in and asked, his huge eyes penetrating hers. 


Should I go? Jiyeon pondered.


“Jiyeon ah, please go! It’ll be no fun without you!” Baekhyun pleaded with puppy eyes.


“Okay, fine I’ll try to come,” Jiyeon smiled at the members.


“That’s wonderful!” Suho beamed, his cheeks flushed pink from the intense workout.


Wow, he’s good-looking too, Jiyeon thought unconsciously. She blushed furiously when she realized what was going through her mind.


Embarrassed, Jiyeon looked away from the beaming Suho and gazed at the other members for approval. Sehun and Chanyeol grinned back, while D.O. gave her a thumbs-up. Jiyeon blushed again.


Sigh, they’re all good-looking.


“Yay, Jiyeon ah!” Baekhyun clapped and ran over to give Jiyeon a side-hug.


“Ew, oppa, you’re sweaty, get away from me!” Jiyeon pushed him away, repulsed. Baekhyun whimpered in protest, obviously hurt by the gesture.  Sorry, Baekhyun!


“Oppa?” All the members chimed at once.


“Yeah! Jiyeon is my new buddy!” Baekhyun announced gleefully.


“Tsk! We’re all your oppas too, Jiyeon! Don’t be biased toward Byun Baekhyun!” Chanyeol scoffed.


“Hey! That was mean, Yeolie!” Baekhyun glowered. (A/N: I absolutely love Baekyeol moments, pardon me please!)


“Understood, EXO oppas,” Jiyeon giggled, amused. These guys are so funny and entertaining, she smiled to herself.


“So that’s where you all are! And I was wondering why the shower room was completely empty!” Kai walked into the studio, looking fresh and clean, and smelling of soap. He dried his hair with his towel and slung it around his neck. He leaned against the door coolly and tilted his head.


Everyone stopped in the midst of their discussion and turned to look at him.


“Oh, hey Kai!” Suho waved and smiled.


Kai’s POV


I looked around the lockers. There was no sign of anyone. Strange. Did I really take that long to shower such that everyone left without me?


I grabbed my shirt hanging on the door handle and slipped my arms through the sleeves as I walked toward the dance studio to look for the other missing members.


They were sitting in a circle in the middle of the room, laughing. Jiyeon was there, too. She looked happy. How I wish I were one of them.


Shall I announce my presence?


“So that’s where you all are! And I was wondering why the shower room was completely empty!” They turned to look at me. Suho waved at me and yelled me a ‘hey!’


I cringed when I realized all five of the members were still unchanged and soaked in perspiration. Except Jiyeon of course, who appeared dry and clean in a new set of clothes.


“Aren’t you guys bathing?” I asked.


“Ah, yeah we were just about to have a shower! Kai, you’re too fast man! You ran off too quick while we were cooling down!” Chanyeol sniggered. That derp. Sehun smirked and gave Chanyeol a high-five. I frowned in confusion.


“Are you guys doing something behind my back?” I thought aloud. Oh crap, that mouth of mine again.


“No, no nothing Kai!” D.O. grabbed his bag and jostled past me. Before I could demand for an explanation, all five of them had fled, leaving Jiyeon and I alone in the studio. She was busy slotting CDs back into their respective cases. An awkward silence came upon us. 


Uh, how do I do this? Do I talk to her?


“Hi, Jiyeon-ssi. Do you need help packing up?” I asked, ruffling my damp hair.


“Oh hey, Kai-ssi. No, it’s okay, you go take a break or something,” she muttered without turning around.


Why won’t you look at me? You were so chummy with the rest just now.


“Jiyeon ah...” I froze. My mouth acted by itself again. She turned to look at me this time, with a perplexed expression.


“Nothing, Jiyeon-ssi. Please carry on. Tell the guys I’ll be going ahead first.”


“Sure thing.”


“Okay, see you,” I shuffled my feet backward awkwardly, looking at her hot pink sneakers. Something brown hanging around her right ankle looked vaguely familiar.


“Jongin oppa! Look, these anklets are really pretty!” Jiyeon beckoned me to join her at a roadside stall selling friendship/couple accessories. She held up a matching pair of brown leather anklets.


“Yeah, they are! Excuse me, how much are these? I’ll have them,” I handed a 10 000 won bill to the lady in charge of the stall.


“Thanks oppa! Shall we wear them together?” Jiyeon chirped happily as she fastened the smaller one around her right ankle.


“Sure,” I did the same for mine.


A small smile crept up my face when I realized what it was. 


A/N: Sorry for updating so late! Was quite busy >< Enjoy! 


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Gigi_L #1
Chapter 25: It's alright
This chapter was really good ^^
Chapter 25: It's alright Author-nim, I mean school does come first.

Poor Jiyeon :/ lets all wish for the best now. Fighting!

I know right EXO finally came back. >.< I guess my favourites would be: 3.5.6, Don't go, Baby don't cry, My Lady and Wolf. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ lol my friend and I just suddenly start singing Guerae Wolf. Naega Wolf awooooooooooooo! In the middle class. >< Some people would give us looks but it's alright. ;P
Dramadynasty #3
Chapter 25: You are back! I was wondering about this story! So glad that you'll update again!
And there's Taemin in it now too, or like more^^ So awesome!
Can't wait for the next chapter :)

thepwahlove #4
Chapter 25: ALL THE FEELS T.T
LOVE HA EUN. And omg baekyeol are SO CUTE and SO NAUGHTY <3 Baekyeol moments <3 <3 <3 <3
Anyway, I dislike Sulli immensely! She doesn't need to shove it in jiyeon's face!! GRRRRRRRR
Haha barnacle head hahaha. Your child is so super blur sometimes... sighhhh... barnacle head <3
this fanfic is so great ^^
I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
Chapter 24: I know you haven't decided yet but, I hope (sorry if some of you don't agree) she ends up with Kai, because I have this feeling that makes me want them to be together, but either way I don't mind who she ends up with. Thank you, Update soon. :)
lightitup #7
Chapter 23: HAHAHA KREASED. i see what you did there. this chapter was so heavy.. like the sadness and all.. can't wait to see how it's like when they meet next chapter~~ update soon! ^^
Dramadynasty #8
Chapter 23: I love it that taeminnie's in the story again :)

starlightdust #9
Chapter 23: kai kai kai kai kai kai kai YOU STUPID IDIOT
Chapter 10: OMG my Sulli-Unnie is now mean but who cares i'm gonna finish this :)