Into the Fire

Standing Out of the Crowd

Taemin’s POV:

Normally, I didn’t get too excited about concerts, I mean, I’ve been performing for nearly five years with SHINee and had several years of grueling training prior to that. However, this one was special. It was the first time I’d have my own dance solo, without any of my hyungs onstage with me.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my hyungs. We’re like one big happy family. Well, we are until someone, inevitably, hides some of Onew’s chicken stash…but that’s another story. Anyway, like I said, I was really excited about this concert, but little did I know what would happen once it was (finally) time for my dance.

We had just finished Lucifer, so I was really jazzed up, albeit a bit worn out (it’s a hard dance! Even for me ;D ). As the rest of my group walked off-stage, well, except Key, Key kind of skipped off-stage…I moved to the middle, so I’d be sure to have plenty of room to move around.

The music started and at first, I was nervous, I mean, I had been looking forward to this moment for more than half of my life. Then I began to feel it. The rhythm, the beat, the life of the song, and that’s when my body began to move. Dance is sort of second nature to me; I hear the music, I feel the mood, and my body just gets it ( get it, get it, get it, get it, oh! XD ).

Even as a young boy, my friends and family noticed this about me, I was like an interpreter for the music; whatever the song was trying to convey, I knew instinctively and automatically, my hips would sway and joints would pop and lock, tutting out the meaning of the music.

And here I was at last, showing the world what I can do. I knew it was my time to shine. Or at least, it was…until I saw her. The quiet girl in the front row. She looked…well, she looked bored, actually, which surprised me. Why would someone as seemingly uninterested in the concert spend extra money to sit near the stage?

I tried to concentrate on my dancing, but for the first time in my life, my instinct failed me, and my dance began to morph…the song I had chosen for my solo was upbeat and happy, much like my own personality, but when I saw that girl, her beautiful green eyes like emeralds, shining as a beacon in the sea of brown, her face, though it seemed downcast, was glowing, like a flashlight underneath a blanket, pretending that it wasn’t really there, I felt a change, not just in the dance, but in my very being. Though in reality, it was no more than a small twinge in the back of mind, I felt…alive. Like never before. And it was this girl who changed me.

I was drawn to her, like moths to flame, unable to stop myself from moving towards this unknown beauty. My movements became softer, yet wilder at the same time, because I was in rapture, mesmerized by this single girl, but my strongest desire had changed; I no longer cared about showing my dancing skills. My heart was set on one thing, and one alone: the girl, I wanted to meet, to know her, to love her, and to receive love in return. As I was dancing, well “flailing” is probably more accurate at this point, ever nearer, the fangirls surrounding her noticed my proximity and screamed all the more because of it, yet this girl, she still did not look up at me.

Then, just as I stepped in front of her, I stopped, my feet having followed my heart, directly to this strange girl, the one who looked as though she’d rather be anywhere but here. By this point, any semblence of dancing that I may have been doing up to this point ceased altogether, replaced by my need for this girl to know me. I bent down, kneeling awkwardly on the dance floor, reaching towards the girl in a daze.

And that, of course, was the moment she chose to look up at me.




A/N: sorry it's so short guys, it's almost midnight here, and i'm sleepy :( i hope you enjoyed it anyway though! and if you wanna see this link:  ^______^

Comments and Subs are appreciated~    ^_^

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11/13/12 firstly, i'd like to appologize for slacking on my fic, but i'm working on the next chapter now so keep on the lookout! saranghae readers~ ^.^


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Jorbaby #1
Chapter 21: They They now are all together... AHHH!!! BAD!!! Well maybe xD
Jorbaby #2
Chapter 20: THEY KISSED!!! LET ME LOVE YOU!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!! -Arms wide open- AHHH!!!!
So, I want them together if you couldn't tell xD
suzika #3
Chapter 18: So, from the poll, Taemin will end up with the girl? ._.
Jorbaby #4
Chapter 19: Kira likes Minho.... No lmao No xD
but but but Minho like Taemin ahhh this is ahhh!!!
The chapter pic made me freak out keke.. I was like ahhh!! xD
Chapter 19: "YOU are going to introduce me to my new husband..." hahahahaaha.... "be afraid choi Minho...." hahahahahahahahahaha both those phrases cracked me up
MrsTaeminnie #6
Chapter 19: Woot! Yay for an update :D And it was slightly creepy LOL ^ ^; Although, I think I would do the same >:)
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 18: T___T LOL I was totally excited to read a new chapter </3 Oh well! Update soon please :)
Jorbaby #8
Chapter 18: You trolled me again damn lmaoxD
How can you do this to me author!?
Keke C:
Chapter 18: If we don't go with taemin then with who?