Anywhere But Here

Standing Out of the Crowd

The screaming of the fans drowned out all but the heavenly voices of the members of SHINee. Everyone, fangirls and fanboys alike, was on their feet, yelling their hearts out, dancing and jumping with the beat, all except one girl, the only one not estatic to be there.

Sun Hi was very out-of-place here in her plain t-shirt and jean shorts that went to her knees, with sensible black and white running shoes to top off the look. Her hair was cut short (she was never one to bother much with styling her hair, so naturally her solution was to chop it all off), so short that she looked almost boyish.

She was near the stage, so close that she could practically reach out and touch one of them, but she seemed to be the only one in the concert hall not enjoying her proximity to the famous, and very attractive, idols. In fact, the only reason she was even present at this particular concert was her best friend, Yun Hae.

Yun Hae was a bit…well, she was obsessed with SHINee, from the cute girly maknae, Taemin, to the chicken-loving clumsy leader, Onew. She knew everything about them: blood types, favourites (food, color, hair products, etc.), and even where they sleep. Don’t ask how Yun Hae managed to figure that one out, but Sun Hi was pretty sure that however she did it, her methods would have been somewhat frowned upon by the authorities.

Yun Hae was adorable though, and very talented with aegyo, which Sun Hi was usually able to resist, a talent she highly prized in herself. However, when Yun Hae’s appa, who works as a part-time songwriter for SM Entertainment, managed to score a couple of front row SHINee concert tickets, Sun Hi gave in to her pleas, knowing full well how much Yun Hae would rag on her if Sun Hi didn’t go with her.

So, here she was: the one girl who would rather be anywhere but a SHINee concert, standing in the front row, right next to the stage. Just as Sun Hi was wondering exactly why she let Yun Hae talk her into this, Taemin, the maknae with magic moves on the dance floor, ended up directly in front of her.




Author's Note~
I love SHINee, so don't get me wrong and think that I hate them just because the character doesn't like them (: also, I hope that you enjoyed the notice that Taemin noticed you noticing him ;D 

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11/13/12 firstly, i'd like to appologize for slacking on my fic, but i'm working on the next chapter now so keep on the lookout! saranghae readers~ ^.^


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Jorbaby #1
Chapter 21: They They now are all together... AHHH!!! BAD!!! Well maybe xD
Jorbaby #2
Chapter 20: THEY KISSED!!! LET ME LOVE YOU!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!! -Arms wide open- AHHH!!!!
So, I want them together if you couldn't tell xD
suzika #3
Chapter 18: So, from the poll, Taemin will end up with the girl? ._.
Jorbaby #4
Chapter 19: Kira likes Minho.... No lmao No xD
but but but Minho like Taemin ahhh this is ahhh!!!
The chapter pic made me freak out keke.. I was like ahhh!! xD
Chapter 19: "YOU are going to introduce me to my new husband..." hahahahaaha.... "be afraid choi Minho...." hahahahahahahahahaha both those phrases cracked me up
MrsTaeminnie #6
Chapter 19: Woot! Yay for an update :D And it was slightly creepy LOL ^ ^; Although, I think I would do the same >:)
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 18: T___T LOL I was totally excited to read a new chapter </3 Oh well! Update soon please :)
Jorbaby #8
Chapter 18: You trolled me again damn lmaoxD
How can you do this to me author!?
Keke C:
Chapter 18: If we don't go with taemin then with who?