Closet Creeps & Cardiac Arrest

Standing Out of the Crowd

Chapter 13


Sun Hi’s POV:


Click. I slowly lowered my phone down from my ear, placing it on my nightstand carefully. What the hell just happened? I blinked several times in quick succession, reality hitting me a few seconds later. Holy. Freaking. Fudge. Monkeys. I have a date!!! With a flippin’ IDOL! How on earth did this happen to me…? Nothing good EVER happens to me.

Seriously, the only time I ever won anything, I toppled over climbing up the stairs onto the stage to accept my “Perfect Attendance” award. I was twelve years old, newly graduated from the sixth grade. I am cursed. I have to be. That was the worst year of my entire life. That was the year my parents died, following which I spent over seven months in psychotherapy. Talk about fun. I barely resisted rolling my eyes at my own sarcasm.

But enough about the past, it’s best to live in the present. After all, the present is the time in which I have a date with Taemin, a date that, incidentally, would cause several million fangirls’ deaths. If they were aware of our little rendezvous, that is. As much as I would enjoy being the object of envy of a bunch of crazed fangirls, I knew that due to Taemin’s reputation and standing as an idol, he definitely wouldn’t appreciate me sharing the details of our “business meeting” with everyone. Damn. Well, I guess nobody has everything.

Oh . I have a date. I need to get ready!!! I checked the time, oh . I only have twenty minutes to change clothes, and do my hair and makeup! Aigoo. Calm down, I told myself, you’ll be fine. After all, I’m a lazy bum in the morning, so I rarely take more than ten minutes to get ready for school anyway. ‘course, I never really look all that great for school…mostly because there’s no reason to look nice.

I jumped off of my bed, nearly tripping myself in my mad dash to the closet. Steadying myself by grabbing onto the bedpost at the foot of my bed, I finally made it to the closet door, reaching out and pulling it open. I inspected my clothing options, then sighed dejectedly. Guess this is the part where I regret not being a girly girl. Hm…Kira’s pretty girly…I really don’t want to ask her though. Not because she’d say no, but because she’d say yes…and then spaz about my non-date with Taemin.

I crept over to my bedroom door, quietly opening it about an inch, just enough to peek through the crack and check for Kira’s bright blonde hair bobbing around somewhere. Seeing nothing, I inched the door open a bit more, looking left, then right. I still hadn’t seen Kira anywhere, so I exited my room and silently shut the door behind me.

Doing a quick 360, I checked once more for any sign of my roommate. Nothing. I ambled over to Kira’s bedroom door, nearly jumped out of my skin when the door opened, seemingly of its own accord. Once my heart rate returned to normal, I realized that the door hadn’t opened on its own; Athena, Kira’s new Scottish Fold kitten, who is probably the cutest cat existence, had been jumping around and playing “Bat the Doorknob with Your Paw,” causing it to fly open after a particularly epic paw swipe.

I let out a sigh of relief. Opening the door the rest of the way, I stepped into her room before soundlessly closing it behind me. Now…time for the hunt. I strolled across the beige carpet towards her closet. Upon reaching the folding doors, I stuck out my arm, intending to yank the doors apart, only to leap backwards, falling on my , because Kira had burst forth from the depths of her closet, causing me to momentarily suffer from minor cardiac arrest.

“Yah!!! What the hell are you doing in there?!” I shouted, recovering from my fall.

Kira gave me a really? Look before answering, “You’re the one who decided to creep into my room. I thought you were a psychopathic killer coming to slice my throat while I slept.”

“Dude. You’re so paranoid. Aish. Seriously, that hurt!” I pouted, doing my best to be aegyo at the same time, hoping that her sympathetic side would allow me to accomplish my original mission of borrowing some of her clothes.

“Whatever.” She turned towards the full-length mirror on the wall, checking her hair, fluffing and flattening, attempting to get it back in pristine condition before running her hands over her top and pants, smoothing out the wrinkles. Facing me again, she asked, “So why were you creeping around in my room anyway?”

“Um…well, I kind of…have a date with Taemin…and I’m supposed to be there in twenty minutes but I didn’t have anything to wear…so I thought I’d borrow some of your clothes.” I answered, talking very fast and jumbling my words together, hoping that she missed that little “I have a date with Taemin” part. No such luck.

“BWO?! YOU HAVE A DATE??? WITH TAEMIN??? FROM SHINEE?!?!” And here we go…

“Yes, I’m going out to meet Taemin, but it’s really more of a business meeting than a date…” I frowned at the end of my corrective statement, trailing off into discontent silence.


At this point, I could only facepalm and hope her condition improved soon. “Yah! Focus! I now have FIFTEEN MINUTES to be COMPLETELY ready!!!” I leapt up, waving my arms wildly in front of her face, trying to get her to stop spazzing and help me get ready.

“Arasso, calm down. Aish.” Right, ‘cause I was the one who need to “calm down.” Whatever. I don’t care as long as she helps me.

She looked me up and down, then frowned. “Ne, ne…you definitely need my help.” Kira skipped back over to her closet, peering inside, mumbling, “No…no…eh…you couldn’t pull that off…”

“Yah! Watch it! I’m not that hideous. Aigoo. Why do I put up with you??” I said loudly, a bit put off by her last comment.

“Aha!” Kira smirked, holding up a gorgeous silver top with a beaded v-neck in the front and SHINee gold lace across the otherwise uncovered back, saying quite simply, “Because I’m going to let you borrow this.”

My eyes widened so fast that I could almost picture myself as an anime character, you know the kind I mean, the cute, oh-so-innocent little girls with eyes like saucers. I swiftly snatched the shirt out of Kira’s hands, holding up reverently, almost hearing the Hallelujah chorus in the background.

“What do you tell your unni…?” Kira questioned, smug because she’d gotten the better of me.

“Saranghae~” I pulled my best aegyo face and rushed to glomp her.

“Um…not exactly what I was going for, but thanks. Saranghae, my crazy little dongsaeng.” She ruffled my hair as I released her from my intense bear hug. Grr…I really don’t like people touching my hair…even if I have known her for a long time and she is one of my closest friends. My annoying inner voice babbled something like, “Be nice. After all, she is letting you borrow her really cute shirt.” Aish. Having a conscience can be so irritating sometimes. Annoying Inner Voice did have a point though.

“Unni~” I said cutely, “Ca-”

 “…what do you want?” Kira inquired warily, knowing that I only used that trick when I wanted a favor.

I blushed, “Can I maybe borrow those long, black leather leggings? The ones with the short zippers on the bottom of the legs?”

“Ne, I suppose so…” She replied, digging through her dresser drawers to grab the pants. Stretching her arm towards me with the pants dangling from her hand, she stopped just short of handing them to me, “But if you mess up these pants in ANY way, shape, or form, you will have a seriously pissed off unni to deal with. Got it?”

“Ne, unni.” I bowed slightly before taking the leggings from her outstretched hand, vowing silently that I would treat this pants like a baby because I knew exactly how angry Kira would be if I did anything to ruin her favorite pair of leggings.

Rushing to the bathroom, I quickly changed out of my bum concert clothes, pulling the beautiful silver and gold top over my head before shimmying into the leather leggings. I dug around in my makeup bag until I found what I was looking for; my shimmery gold eyeshadow and black liquid eyeliner. Dabbing the gold shadow on, I quickly smoked out the color, as the gold itself was pretty obnoxious and I didn’t want to look like a on my first date, ahem, business meeting, with Taemin. I swept the black liner across my lashline hastily, brushed the mascara on, then finished off with a light pink lipstick and gloss.

Glimpsing my reflection in the mirror, I thought, wow, I actually look kind of y. When did that happen??? Shaking my head slightly in disbelief I exited the bathroom, glancing at the glowing green numbers of the digital clock on my way out. 10:52?!?! That’s less than ten minutes for me to get to that café!!!

I sprinted to my bedroom, grabbing my phone from the nightstand and my purse from the bed, shoving the phone into the purse and tossing the purse over my right shoulder. I made a mad dash for the front door, yanking Kira’s car keys off of the key hook next to it, and hollering back at her:

“Yah, I’m borrowing your car, hope you don’t mind!” 

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11/13/12 firstly, i'd like to appologize for slacking on my fic, but i'm working on the next chapter now so keep on the lookout! saranghae readers~ ^.^


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Jorbaby #1
Chapter 21: They They now are all together... AHHH!!! BAD!!! Well maybe xD
Jorbaby #2
Chapter 20: THEY KISSED!!! LET ME LOVE YOU!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!! -Arms wide open- AHHH!!!!
So, I want them together if you couldn't tell xD
suzika #3
Chapter 18: So, from the poll, Taemin will end up with the girl? ._.
Jorbaby #4
Chapter 19: Kira likes Minho.... No lmao No xD
but but but Minho like Taemin ahhh this is ahhh!!!
The chapter pic made me freak out keke.. I was like ahhh!! xD
Chapter 19: "YOU are going to introduce me to my new husband..." hahahahaaha.... "be afraid choi Minho...." hahahahahahahahahaha both those phrases cracked me up
MrsTaeminnie #6
Chapter 19: Woot! Yay for an update :D And it was slightly creepy LOL ^ ^; Although, I think I would do the same >:)
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 18: T___T LOL I was totally excited to read a new chapter </3 Oh well! Update soon please :)
Jorbaby #8
Chapter 18: You trolled me again damn lmaoxD
How can you do this to me author!?
Keke C:
Chapter 18: If we don't go with taemin then with who?