
Standing Out of the Crowd

Sun Hi's POV:


Dazed, confused, and carrying what felt like a butterfly farm in the pit of my stomach, I bumbled my way slowly towards the glowing red EXIT sign at the end of a long hallway leading away from the backstage area. My mind decidedly preoccupied with thoughts of a graceful, less-than-innocent maknae, I failed to notice the warning sign on the door labelled EXIT, alerting persons about to use the door (aka me) that if it was opened, the fire alarm would sound. 

Oblivious to the warning, I pushed open the door and was instantly swarmed by about five burly security guys. (Strangely, the alarm never actually went off) 

"Yah! Who are you? You're not supposed to be back here!" one of them informed me loudly. 

"I, um...he dragged me...backstage...mianhe ajusshis." I spluttered out. 

"How did you get backstage? That's a restricted area! Off limits to everyone but the idols and their handlers. Especially off-limits to obsessive fangirls," replied the same guy who yelled at me earlier, apparently he was the one in charge. He eyed me knowingly, assuming that I was one of those crazy girls who quit school to follow around idols and sneak into restricted concert areas. Okay, now I was pissed. 

"What?! Stop looking at me like that! I'm not some mentally unstable fangirl! That ridiculous dancing pabo who doesn't understand the concept of personal space dragged me backstage!!!" I screamed, finally reaching my boiling point (not that it really takes that long to get me angry). The security guards obviously were not expecting such an outburst from a inocent-looking girl my size (I stood around 158 cm, which is about 5'2"). 

The one who had been in my face for the past five minutes and assuming that I was a fangirl who had somehow gotten into a place she wasn't supposed to be backed off momentarily, stunned, then resumed his interrogation. 

"Who are you talking about? Did one of the members take you backstage or something?"

"Yes! I told you, that stupid dancing maknae dragged me backstage with him!" 

The guard looked highly sceptical, "The maknae? Taemin brought you backstage? But they're not allowed to bring people back there. They know that." 

I glared at him, getting tired of this back-and-forth, "Look, obviously you need to tell him that, because he definitely took me back there. I wanted nothing to do with it, but I wasn't left with much of a choice, okay?" 

"If what you say is true, then you won't mind if I call Taemin to confirm your story, right?" he said smirking slightly, as if expecting me to quickly confess to my (nonexistant) lie. 

I gave him a brilliantly sarcastic aegyo smile before answering, "Oh, please do." I'll admit that I was looking forward to seeing the pabo get in trouble (my anger over how he had completely disregarded my feelings and dragged me backstage against my will had not yet subsided). 

The in-charge security guy whipped out his iPhone and punched a few buttons before holding it up to his ear, waiting for an answer as it rang. Taemin must have picked up because the security guard looked surprised and said "Taemin-ah? The concert's not over yet...why aren't you still performing?" The guard listened for a minute as Taemin spoke. "Oh, I see. Are you okay?" A pause again as he listens, then "Well I have a girl back here," he cups his hand over the phone and looks inquiringly at me. 

"Sun Hi." I say, assuming that his questioning eyes wanted to know my name. 

"She says her name is Sun Hi," the guard speaks into the phone. "We found her leaving a restricted backstage area. She claims that you brought her back there." He listens intently for a couple of minutes, his face going from doubtful to apologetic. "Ne, ne. Mianhe...I didn't realize...Ne, I'll let her go immediately. Feel better soon Taemin-ssi." With that, the guard snapped the phone shut and turned towards me. 

I stood there, hands folded across my chest, glaring at him for not believing me when I told him the story. Seemingly humbled, he ordered the other guards, who had been surrounding me this entire time, to back off and let me go. Finally. 


A/N: So I wrote this chapter in a car on my phone and I decided that I may as well post it~ Hope you like it! Comments and subs are welcome (: 

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11/13/12 firstly, i'd like to appologize for slacking on my fic, but i'm working on the next chapter now so keep on the lookout! saranghae readers~ ^.^


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Jorbaby #1
Chapter 21: They They now are all together... AHHH!!! BAD!!! Well maybe xD
Jorbaby #2
Chapter 20: THEY KISSED!!! LET ME LOVE YOU!!! COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!! -Arms wide open- AHHH!!!!
So, I want them together if you couldn't tell xD
suzika #3
Chapter 18: So, from the poll, Taemin will end up with the girl? ._.
Jorbaby #4
Chapter 19: Kira likes Minho.... No lmao No xD
but but but Minho like Taemin ahhh this is ahhh!!!
The chapter pic made me freak out keke.. I was like ahhh!! xD
Chapter 19: "YOU are going to introduce me to my new husband..." hahahahaaha.... "be afraid choi Minho...." hahahahahahahahahaha both those phrases cracked me up
MrsTaeminnie #6
Chapter 19: Woot! Yay for an update :D And it was slightly creepy LOL ^ ^; Although, I think I would do the same >:)
MrsTaeminnie #7
Chapter 18: T___T LOL I was totally excited to read a new chapter </3 Oh well! Update soon please :)
Jorbaby #8
Chapter 18: You trolled me again damn lmaoxD
How can you do this to me author!?
Keke C:
Chapter 18: If we don't go with taemin then with who?