I Don't Date Crossdressers

Sweet, Sweet Revenge

The weekend ended all too quickly. Groggy students filed into the school hallways as they waited for the morning bell to ring.

As expected, by the time Jonghyun passed through the front doors most of the school had already arrived. He looked gorgeous as ever, with one backpack strap strung casually over his shoulders and sunglasses covering his eyes, his saunter fit for that of a runway model.

He felt many pairs of eyes on him and figured it was due to his grand entrance. Hearing a crunch beneath his feet, he looked down in curiosity to find hundreds of papers littering the school hallways. The students staring at him all held one in their hands too.

Jonghyun paid no mind to it, assuming they were fliers for some new band or a pointless event. There were more important things for him to attend to.

He soaked up the supposedly “admiring” attention of his onlookers as he searched for one person in particular. Catching sight of the sleek blonde head in the distance, he raised his hand in greeting.

After meeting eyes with him a moment, the girl quickly turned her head and began walking in the opposite direction. He broke into a jog to catch up with her, calling out her name as well.

“Yah! Jessica!”

She stiffened as he approached nearer. Slowly, almost painfully, she swiveled around to face him, an irate expression on her face. She too was holding one of these papers that coated the school halls.

Jonghyun ignored her strange mood and flipped the hair out of his eyes coolly. Leaning against the locker, he began talking casually.

“Yah, why didn’t you text me back yesterday? We were supposed to go on a date.”

Jessica’s eyes narrowed into slits and she scoffed.

“I’m sorry, I don’t date cross-dressers,” she hissed, shoving the paper to his chest and walking away.

Puzzled, Jonghyun pulled the paper back to take a look at what on earth was causing such a commotion. His eyes widened in horror.

Plastered across the page was a picture of him dressed in a skimpy school girl’s uniform, completely drunk and grinning goofily with makeup slathered all over his face. He was making an obnoxious pose while attempting to do drunken aegyo.

Jonghyun quickly picked up another paper from the ground. And another. And another. Each had a different photograph, a different angle but the same subjects in every one, proving there was no way these were photoshopped. He scratched his head in confusion, not recalling when this had happened.

He looked around in mortification as he realized what everyone was now looking at. Those gazes which he thought to be out of adoration were really just trying not to laugh at him. How did this even happen? More importantly, who did it?

The paper crumpled in his hand in rage as he was suddenly struck with an idea of who the culprit could be. Tossing it to the ground, he stormed down the hallway.


You hastily filed through the packed hallways full of gossiping students as you searched for someone. Finally catching sight of them, you rushed to Hoowon who was standing by Hyerim at her locker.

Both greeted you but you were too out of breath to reply. Panting, you held up one of the many papers and waved it in front of Hoowon’s face.

“What the hell is this?!” You demanded.

Hoowon smirked triumphantly, “Like it? I knew you would. Look at everyone’s reactions! This is perfect!”

She began to laugh but you cut her off with a stern look to show you were not amused. Hyerim bit her nails nervously, unsure of what to do at the tension.

“I thought we agreed to forget about the whole thing. That is was just for fun?” You asserted through clenched teeth.

Hoowon shrugged, “It was, but then I found out that Key had pictures and well… it was too good of a chance to pass up.” She winked.

Hyerim gasped, finally saying something. “Is that why you went on a date with him?!”

Hoowon’s triumphant expression fell, “It was at first… then I changed my mind.” She mumbled guiltily.

You shook your head, about to scold her even more when you felt a large hand wrap around your wrist, and you were suddenly yanked down the hall before you could say another word.

Soon you heard a door slam and a light flickered on, and you found yourself in a small broom closet facing the one person you did not want to see.


We need to talk.”


The two of you had stood there in complete silence for over two minutes now. You continued to wait for him to say something, but he had just stood there with his back to you, ruffling his fingers through his hair. You began to grow a bit tired of the quiet.

You cleared your through, “Um, why did you want to-”

Jonghyun whirled around, eyes blazing, and closed what little space was in between the two of you in the closet. His eyes boring into yours, he held up one of the many humiliating pictures and brandished it in front of your face.

“What the hell is the meaning of this?!” He spat the words into your face.

You tried explaining calmly, “I’m telling you honestly, I had nothing to do with these fliers-”
“Oh, cut the bull!” He snapped at you and threw the paper to the ground, his gaze full of loathing as he took a couple steps back. “Who else would have done it? I should have known you wouldn’t be mature about our break up. But, really? Stupid little tricks like this?”

You felt anger begin to rise up inside of you and you took a step forward.

“I didn’t do this!” You hissed in vehemence. His words had stung, especially when you were being incorrectly blamed.

“Oh, shut up!” Jonghyun barked. “I’ve had enough of your lies. Why won’t you just admit to it? Or is this your pathetic way of showing that you’re still not over me? Heads up, sweetheart. This isn’t going to get me back. I should have known that under all this-” He gestured to your glamorous new hair and clothes “-you’re still just the same _____. I really broke you, didn’t I?”

You felt something snap inside of you. No longer able to tolerate it, now you were the one approaching him, cornering him as your eyes blazed.

“Listen here, and listen good. I’m telling you for the last time, I did not take these photos. Believe me or not, it’s the truth. You can call me a liar all you want- I don’t really care what you think about me anymore.”

You took a step closer, jabbing a finger into his chest. “And one more thing. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve moved on. Sure, I may have been upset at first, but you underestimate me to think I still give a damn. Just remember; You can break down a woman… temporarily. But a real woman will always pick up the pieces, rebuild herself, and come back stronger than ever.”

The school bell rang. Jonghyun looked away and scoffed.

“Whatever. Keep denying it to yourself; I sure as hell don’t believe you. I’m warning you though, stay out of my way. I don’t have time for these childish little games of yours. You were always pathetic, and I guess that never changed. You’re still that girl that fawned over me the last two years. If this is your way of trying to win me back, try baking brownies instead.”

With that, he slid out of the room, leaving you standing alone. You felt tears begin to well, but you blinked them away quickly as you felt a wave of anger wash over you instead.

*That’s what you see me as, huh? Well maybe I’ll become just as immature as you think I am.*







Hope everyone liked the new chapter!

Please comment and let me know! Thank you all for your lovely support, it's what motivates me to update as often as possible :)

Also, anyone see B.A.P's new song "Stop It"? What'd you think?

They're back to blonde! I prefer their tough image but I loved this too. They can pull off anything! <3



@DAUSERNAME: Aww, I'm so glad you liked it! It means so much, thank you!

@kcmusicfan: I love your sweet comments! Thank you so much! <3

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jloved #1
Chapter 22: New reader here i love your story so much, hope to see the next update XD. Jjong make sure u don regret in the end.....
carla23 #2
Chapter 22: woww... jjong so full of himself ye,i hope she can kill him,wkwk next chap please..
Aww poor girl! I understand where Jonghyun's coming from, but she doesn't deserve that! He's just plain rude! I hope he comes to his senses soon! Nice chapter!! :)
Chapter 22: I hope she ends up with Jongup at the end! Gawd, I love this story. Waiting for the next update ^-^~
Sarikura #5
Chapter 22: I LOVE THIS STORY!
Chapter 21: Wooh!! An update!! :) yay I love reading this story!
Chapter 21: Yay i really enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for updating~
Chapter 20: Heck YES I enjoyed that! Haha I love this story!! :)
Chapter 20: Omo who is out who caught his attention =-O who is the kid with the pink hair out can't be Zelo since she already went out with him and plus he has a deep voice soo who could it be :-/......is it could be either YoungGuk or HimChan...but I don't think either of them have pink hair :-* oooh well I'll just patiently wait for the next chapter
Hwaiting XD