There were cameras!!?!

Shh~ Its a secret

Onew was running with the speed of light. He didnt know where he was going. He just wanted to run away from the maknae. From the sinful things he did with him. But then he tripped. He fell on his and felt great pain there. 

"Ow... it hurts so much..Damn it Taemin!!!" cursed the leader. 

On the other hand , the maknae was still in the practise room. He was fully dressed but even so , he could still feel the touch of Onew. 

"Ah~ That was so wrong, yet so right. Wonder.. if Onew hyung will ignore me again?" 

After few hours , the group had a meeting. Everyone were in the living room , waiting only for the leader and the maknae.

"Why arent they coming!?" Jonghyun asks. 

Key looked at the front door. It didnt have any sign of opening any time soon. 

"Maybe.. they got too into the practise?" asks Minho. 

"Yeah , and me and Jonghyun are dating" answers Key with an irritated voice. 

Jonghyun poked him with his arm. Key looked at him. 

'What the hell are you saying!? We ARE dating!!' whispers Jonghyun. 

'Yeah i know... thats why i said it.' 

'What do you mean?' 

'I'll tell you later.' says Key and looks once again at the front door of the dorm. 

After few minutes it opened. The first to come was the maknae. He looked so happy that all the members were confused. 

"Taemin-ah. Where were you?" asks Minho.

"Oh , um, the practise room , helping Onew hyung with his dances. " 

"Ahh, then where is he?" 

"W-well i guess he is taking a shower. I dont know." answered Taemin and sat on the floor. 

After another few minutes the last member came too. Onew was so pale, walking so slowly with his hand on his back and cursing the pain in his . 

"Hyung? What happened to you?" asks him Jjong.

"Eh? Too much.. dancing." answers Onew and sits far from the makane. 

'I was so expecting this too.' thought Taemin and giggled. 

The meeting went good. The things that were dicussed were the vacation tomorrow, how will the episode of SHINee Broadcast go and which members will be sharing room there. 

The roommates were decided. Key- Jjong , Minho-the manager and Onew-Taemin.

'I must be the unluckiest person EVER' thought Onew and went to his room in the dorm. 

Taemin on the other hand , looked way too much excited. He really wanted to see Onew's reactions while they would be staying there. 

Everyone went to their room and the Key-Jjong couple went to the room they shared together. Jjong sat on the bed and looked at Key.

"So, what was the thing about Onew and Taemin earlier?" 

"Well.. I know they were in the practise room."

"Everyone knew that. Its not something new."

"Mhm. But.. i saw that from the cameras there. " says Key and looks away. The things he saw through the cameras in the practise room.. he couldnt tell them even to Jjong. He had to talk with Taemin and Onew.. soon. 

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NEW FANFIC!!!! "JongTae or OnTae?"~ I want opinions about it!! Thankies for reading~


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Chapter 12: Great,perfect,fantastic,fabulous!!! I red this story time right now? I really can't stop reading it it's just...just simply PERFECT!! I want more !
Chapter 12: DAMN!!!!......itz like they're on their honeymoon~~...3:)
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

Great work^^
brilliant job, their so adorable, love that the others excepted them so well. ;-P <3
LOL! This storys amazing.
Kk!!! WHAT A FANTASTIC ENDING TO AN AMAZING FANFIC!! CANT WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT FANFIC!! Im glad onew accepted his feelings and i love KEY in this!! So caring!! Really want to see onew top once though...ahaha!! JOKES!!

Do more stories like this!! :D FIGHTING!! XD

ROFL, YAY, their together, finally; keke, love how the others were just stood there waiting for an answer, keke; I'm sure that Taemin wouldn't mind them knowing; I love how Onew is happy that he and Taemin are together now, and how he really needed him with him, it's gonna be fun seeing him explain everything; can't wait for more, update really soon. <3