" Being clueless "

Shh~ Its a secret

The next day started normally. Eveyone got up around 8am because they had work at the company or TV stations. 

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" screamed Taemin from his room. 

Since everyone had already left and the only one in the dorm was the leader he went to see what happened with the maknae.

"What is it!?!?!" he asked when he rushed in Taemin's room.

"I just saw the biggest spider ever!!! And it was carring fried chicken!!" 

When Onew heard the word chicken he became really mad. Not because an emormous spider scared the maknae.. it was just because that perticular spider stole his chicken. He started searching for the spider but didnt find anything.

"Where the hell did it go!? Taemin , look around." demanded the leader. 

Taemin was prettending to be scared and refused to look around. Onew sighed and continued searching. After half an hour of searching for the "spider" , Onew gave up. 

"I give up. I cant find the spider, cant find my chicken , and i'm late for the TV show. Taemin , are you sure you saw it here?" 

Taemin was still pretending to be innocent and scared, so he answered with aegyo. 

"N-neh hyung! It was this big!" and he made a gesture with his hands. 

"Ok ok , nevermind. Its gone now. We should be going too you know. The others might be waiting. " said the leader and turned around to leave the room , but then Taemin grabbed his arm. 

"Hyung.. can i.. you know.. stuck to you since im still scared?" asked Taemin with his most innocent voice.

The leader looked at the maknae. He couldnt resist this scared and innocent boy beside him so he just nodded. A big smile appeared on Taemin's face. He wrapped his arms around the leaders arm and chuckled. 

"Thankies hyung~" 

"You're welcome. I'm the leader after all . I have to protect you." 

Taemin loved how Onew tried to be cool and act strong in front of him. Well thats the leader's duty , but the maknae wanted more. Wanted the whole Onew , not just the leader Onew. 

'Patience Taemin , patience. The holiday will be the highlight of your plan~' thought Taemin and smirked. 

They walked out of the dorm and rode the car to the TV station , where the show - "SHINee Broadcast" was filmed. Today was the first episode. Everyone was nervious. The other Shinee members were waiting for the leader and maknae. When they finally  showed up , they run to them and started yelling at them for being late.

"We're sorry~ We promise it wont happen again~" appologised Taemin. 

The other members just nodded and headed to the PD's of the show. 

"So , today we are going to film "Shinee- the humans" . Any questions?" 

"Yeah" started Jonghyun. "Since today we're going to be humans... were we animals before?" 

Everyone laughed at Jonghyun's joke but Taemin was only smilling while looking at the leader. 

'Ah.. its so hard to control myself.' thought Taemin and went to his hyung.

"Minho hyung~" 


"When are we going to have a vacation?" 

"Well today the first episode of Shinee Broadcast is about us being humans , but i heard the PDs talking that the next episode we are going to the beach to film a beach version of Sherlock and play beach games. " 

"Ohhh~ thats great!!!" 

'So the vacation.. will be sooner~ hehe~' thought Taemin. 

Onew was clueless of the plans Taemin had for him. Taemin's plan was.. first , while they were at the dorm, to confess to Onew and then , when he couldnt just say that he cant go to the vacation , Taemin will make his move. 

'Onew hyung~ i hope everything goes well and the 2min couple that was formed by the fans , gets crushed by Ontae.. or maybe.. TaeOn?' Taemin giggled by this thought. Onew just looked at the maknae and tilled his head. 

'What is this silly boy thinking?' thought Onew but continued working on the show. Yes. He was really clueless. 

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NEW FANFIC!!!! "JongTae or OnTae?"~ I want opinions about it!! Thankies for reading~


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Chapter 12: Great,perfect,fantastic,fabulous!!! I red this story for...um...14th time right now? I really can't stop reading it it's just...just simply PERFECT!! I want more !
Chapter 12: DAMN!!!!......itz like they're on their honeymoon~~...3:)
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!

Great work^^
brilliant job, their so adorable, love that the others excepted them so well. ;-P <3
LOL! This storys amazing.
Kk!!! WHAT A FANTASTIC ENDING TO AN AMAZING FANFIC!! CANT WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT FANFIC!! Im glad onew accepted his feelings and i love KEY in this!! So caring!! Really want to see onew top once though...ahaha!! JOKES!!

Do more stories like this!! :D FIGHTING!! XD

ROFL, YAY, their together, finally; keke, love how the others were just stood there waiting for an answer, keke; I'm sure that Taemin wouldn't mind them knowing; I love how Onew is happy that he and Taemin are together now, and how he really needed him with him, it's gonna be fun seeing him explain everything; can't wait for more, update really soon. <3