Chapter 15: Island Games

7Kisses University

Chapter 15: Island Games

Kiseop looked at the people surrounding them. These fans would not leave them alone. They wanted autographs and pictures. He sighed and took Yinah’s hand and pulled her along. They were stopped by fans yet again. Kiseop pushed through them and started to run with Yinah towards the rocks.

He hid behind a rock and pulled her close to him in a protective manner. He watched as the crazed fans ran pass their hidden spot. Kiseop pulled Yinah closer to him; he placed a hand on her head. “Don’t worry Yinah I will protect you. I will not let anyone hurt you.”

“Oppa!” Yinah buried her face into his chest. She blushed when she realized she called Kiseop Oppa instead of Sunbae. What was she thinking? She was trying so hard to mask her feelings for him.

Kiseop looked down at Yinah with wide eyes did he just hear what he thought her heard. “Yinah are you O…” Yinah pressed her lips against Kiseop’s lips. Kiseop eyes went wide and he pulled Yinah closer to him. He did not expect her to kiss him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kevin looked at Yoona’s red face and placed a hand on her forehead. “Are you ok? Your face is really red. Do you have a fever?” Kevin placed a hand on her cheek but she moved away. Yoona slipped and landed in the water below.

“Yoona!” Kevin dove in after her. He pulled her to the surface. He swam to the beach and placed her on the sand. He looked at her as he pushed his wet hair out of his face. “Yoona are you…” Yoona pushed him away. “Are you still mad at me?”

“Yes I am, but you saved my life so you not as high on my hit list.” Yoona puffed out her cheeks.

“You have a hit list. That’s so cute.” Kevin pinched Yoona’s cheek before he picked her up and carried her on his back and headed back to the villa they were staying at.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Kibum where do you think Yoona is. I’m worried and where did that stupid fish run off to. If he did anything to Yoona he is going to be put into a headlock.” A said as she was trying to catch up to Kibum. He was walking faster than normal. “Kibum sunbae.” A said as tripped over a rock that was sticking out of the sand.

Kibum turned around and saw A face first in the sand. He walked over to her chuckling. He kneeled down in front of her and wiped the sand off her face. “Are you alright?” He started to lean closer to her.

“I’m fine Kibummie Oppa.” She covered . Did she really just call him Kibummie oppa.”

“Kibummie Oppa! That has a nice ring to it.” He smirked, “It sounds good coming from a cutie like you.”

“Yahhh Kibum the most important thing is to find Yoona right now. Save your flirting for another time.” She stood up and noticed Kevin walking towards them carrying Yoona on his back. Yoona seemed to be barking at Kevin. “She sounds mad.”

Kibum came up behind A, “I would be if I was Yoona. Kevin is being a stupid little fishy lately.”

Kevin walked over to them. He placed Yoona down on her feet when she punched him in the stomach. She walked over to A and hugged her.

“Yoona why are you all wet.” A asked as she linked arms with her and headed back to the villa. She looked back at Kibum and Kevin for a moment. She knew that Kibum was going to talk some sense into him and looked back a Yoona

Yoona leaned over and whispered into A’s ear, “Kevin kissed me and I fell into the ocean after that.” She puffed out her cheeks, “I’m still mad at that blowfish. He has to do many things to gain my forgiveness”

A giggled, “So he had the guts to kiss you and that is why you are wet. Stubborn Yoona.” A walked into the villa.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Kevin I want answers what did you do? Why was Yoona yelling at you Kevin? What did my blowfish do this time?” Kibum looked at Kevin.

“Nothing.” He looked away from his hyung who was giving him a scary ice cold glare.

“It has to be something or she would not have punched you.” Kibum looked at him.

“Ok I kissed her.” Kevin blurted out.

“You what?” Kibum looked at Kevin with wide eyes. “She is probably in shock. Why did you kiss her?”

“You were right I do really like her Hyung.” Kevin looked away from Kibum. “I kissed her when she was in the middle of yelling at me.”

* * * * * * * * * *

Soohyun and Lina were asleep in the villa. Lina was resting her head on Soohyun’s lap. Soohyun was snoring.

A and Yoona came to a stop and tilted their heads. They giggled at the sight that was in front of them. A pulled out her phone and took a picture of them. “Soo cute.” They said at the same time.

“What’s cute?” Kevin and Kibum said at the same time. They saw Lina and Soohyun asleep.

“Don’t tell me you are going to use that as blackmail.” Kibum asked A.

“I did not think of that thanks Kibum that’s a wonderful idea. I now have blackmail that I can use against Soohyun. If he hurts Lina he will be…” She smirked. “Yoona let’s get you some dry clothes. I do not want you to catch a cold.” She pulled on Yoona’s arm. “I call Yoona and Vania as my roommates.”

* * * * * * * * * *

“Yaaaahhh Eli where could they have went off to.” Yue Sun asked. “Pigeon are you listening to me.”

Eli looked at Yue Sun. “Yes I am. I was just thinking about where Xander Hyung and Dongho would head off to. I was also reading a text from Kibum Hyung. They found Yoona. She is still angry at Kevin.”

“Of course she is mad at him he started some drama with her.” Yue Sun said. “Vania and Vanessa love sweets.”

“They do so do Xander Hyung and Dongho” Eli looked around and spotted at Ice Cream/Cake shop. “Let’s check over there.”

Eli and Yue Sun entered the shop and found who they were looking for. They all headed back to the villa and discussed the events for tomorrow and the week.

Authors note: Updated finally I hope you like it. I plan one having two to three more chapters on the island. A chapter for their comeback and a announcement that involves Ukiss.


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aww so cute but i hug should have stayed together the ending was disappointing but you are a great writer and the style you wrote it in was very engaging :-)
no problem I am glad you liked it. I have other fan fics coming out in the future and others will be ending. I am trying to get my fan fic load smaller because college is going to get crazy
This was such an awesome fanfic^^ So sad to see its ended :( <br />
But I loved every word of it! Thank you for writing this!
*runs and Hids* <br />
You will like the last chapter
Oh no... I think I know whats going to happen >< WHYY?!<br />
The others where so cute though^^
strawberry_angel #7
Urgh! I think I know what's happening. D: