


[Jung Ah's POV]


How did it end up like this!? I can't believe I ate so much to the point of not being able to walk properly. I really need to learn my limits because I don't want something like this to happen again.


Kahi: "So, do you think Raina's still with Bekah?"


Me: "Erm.. I don't know and if she is, I don't want to think about what's going on in that house." I sighed at the thought of the two of them messing up the bed sheets.


Kahi: "Haha, I wouldn't want to either. That's what you get for bringing Bekah under your wing!" Does this woman even sense the awkward atmosphere in this car? From experience, there's no way she's this dense. Is she just trying to ease the tension between us or what.


Me: "Mhmm..." I just nodded and looked out the window. I don't understand why Kahi would drive me home in the first place. I asked Jooyeon for a ride but, Kahi butted in and offered. That Jooyeon.. I bet she set this whole thing up. I'm going to have a word with her later.


Kahi: "Hey, Jung Ah. Can I ask you something?" She asked out of the blue. Really.. I want to know what's going on in your head.. I can't seem to read your face like a book anymore.. 


Me: "Hmm?"


Kahi: "What would you do if you're hopelessly in love with someone you can't have?"


Me: "...What? Why are you asking me?" Really.. Why? Are you doing this on purpose? Kahi, it hurts..


Kahi: "Oh, I thought you'd know how it feels like... I guess not. Sorry for asking." But I do know.. I turned and faced Kahi, her lips curved downwards. Is she in love.. but with who?


Me: "..Dambi?"


Kahi: "What? Dambi? Where did she come from?" Crap, I didn't mean to think out loud but Kahi sounded rather surprised. So I was right. But just to make sure...


Me: "Are you in love with Dambi?" I looked away because I didn't want to hear the answer..


Kahi: "Is that what you think?" Kahi smirked at me. She didn't give me an answer, but instead another question.


"..." After that, we didn't speak throughout the rest of the car ride.




Me: "Kahi, where are you?" I called out to her but she didn't answer. I can't believe she actually left without saying good-bye first. She didn't even leave a note! I got out of bed and decided to go to the dance studio. She's probably there dancing her off. 


Bekah: "Omma! What are you doing here so early?" She greeted me, but no sign of Kahi.


Me: "Good morning, Beks. Is Kahi in the bathroom?"


Bekah: "Huh? She's not even here. Isn't it too early for someone like Kahi to be up? Haha." I guess she's not here after all...Where in the world are you Kahi? I didn't stay at the studio, I left to look for Kahi around town.


Me: "Did she turn into a ghost or something...?" I sighed in defeat, finally going home. When I got to my door, I saw Kahi's car pulling up and saw Dambi in the passenger seat...


Kahi: "Hey, Jung Ah! I tried to call you, where were you all day?" They got out of the car and Kahi came in for a hug but I pushed her back because I was clearly upset. What were you doing with Dambi?


Dambi: "Hi, Jung Ah!" Dambi waved frantically, like a little kid. All I did was smile and give her a simple "Hi."


Kahi: "Jung Ah, can I get my hug yet?" Kahi whined, then pouted. I ignored her and just walked in. If she was with Dambi all day, she could have just written a note or something. She better not be...cheating.




I frowned when Jung Ah ignored me, but I wasn't surprised...


Me: "I guess I made a mistake haha.." I sighed.


Dambi: "Then, I'm guessing I can't stay over tonight... I'll just walk home then. You need to reconcile with your wifey." She elbowed me and waved good-bye as did I. I closed the door behind me and went into our bedroom. Ugh, why is she taking a shower NOW? I need to talk to her.. I sat on the bed staring at the bathroom door, waiting for it to open.


"..." Jung Ah came out with a towel wrapped around her whole body and gave me an icy cold stare.


Me: "Hi to you too.." Well I was right. I definitely made a mistake and she's definitely furious..


Me: "Jjungiee!~" I whined, getting up. I was about to bring her into a back hug but, she turned around at that moment.


Jung Ah: "WHAT? KAHI WHAT?" I was surprised by her sudden outrage. I know she's mad but, she didn't have to yell like that..


Me: "...I'm sorry okay? Dambi wasn't feeling too good so I went to take care of her the whole day. I was going to bring her here so she won't have to be alone just in case anything happened. But she saw that you weren't too happy about it so, she just went home.." I explained as quickly as I could but, Jung Ah turned her back towards me again and threw the towel into the laundry basket. She slammed the bathroom door behind her and into my face..


Me: "I'm sorry Jung Ah!!! Like I said, I was trying to call you all day. But since you were out and didn't bring your damn cell phone, I couldn't get in touch. Can you open the door, babe?" I knocked on the door, hoping she'd open it.


I sat beside the door, waiting for Jung Ah to come out. She never did.. I fell asleep and the next morning, she was gone...


[Jung Ah's POV]


It's clear to me that Kahi was telling the truth, but the pain still didn't go away.. She chose to be with Dambi over me.. I know I'm just being selfish but.. How many times did she try calling me? Did she even consider coming back here? Why didn't she just go looking for me too? Or did she? No way, we would have met each other along the way then..


"..." I sat in the bathroom all night. I cried myself to sleep like a fool. I wonder if Kahi is still out there.. I opened the door, seeing that Kahi was leaning against the wall, sleeping. I decided to sneak out at the time, I don't want see her right now.. I headed to Bekah's place, to crash which probably isn't the best idea. Bekah's probably going to be the first person Kahi calls if she comes looking for me..


Me: "I guess that's exactly what I want.. I'm so pathetic.." I said to myself, sighing.




Kahi: "We're here, Jung Ah."




Kahi: "Hello? Earth to Jung Ah!~ Are you alive?" Kahi waved her hand in front of my face.


Me: "Ah sorry.. Thanks for driving me home, Kahi." I waved her good-bye and walked into my house. I wonder what Kahi was thinking when I asked her about Dambi. 


Me: "Kahi, why Dambi of all people...Liar" I sighed.


Bekah: "Oh, omma you're back! I was wondering where you went. Was that Kahi who drove you home?" She came out from the kitchen with food in , looking over my shoulder.


Me: "...Can you please not talk with your mouth full? I don't want the food to come flying towards me." I joked, hiding behind my hands.


Bekah: "Alrighty, well? Was that Kahi or not?" Bekah elbowed me, smirking.


Me: "...Yes it was" I looked down, kind of embarrassed for absolutely no reason. Bekah's probably going to tease me now. Ugh, just great.. The only person who knows I still have feelings for Kahi..


Bekah: "Hmmmm. I see..." Bekah said placing her hand towards her chin like she was digging up some ideas from her mind. Instead of saying anything more, she headed back to the kitchen to finish her sandwich. I sighed in relief and headed to my bedroom, I had such a long day today. I grabbed my towel and took a quick shower before heading to bed..


[Kahi's POV]


I wonder what Jung Ah is doing right now.. Is she talking to Bekah? Taking a bath? Shower? Sleeping? I really want to talk to her...


Me: "But why did she think I was in love with Dambi? She should know that we're just childhood friends and will never be something more.." I was trying to think of a reason but the only one that came out of my brain was that Jung Ah was jealous. There's no way she's jealous, she doesn't even love me anymore.. I frowned at the thought of that.


Me: "Where is she anyways?" I walked out of my bedroom and into Dambi's. She wasn't in there. Did she have to work overtime? Ugh, I moved here so Dambi can keep me company while I was depressed. So much for that... I really need someone to talk to right now.

Jung Ah... why can't you see I'm hurting so much because I miss you.. 




A/N: I hope this chapter answered most, if not all your questions :X. I can't really say anything because it'll spoil the story ^^;

FLASHBACK! If you guys are wondering what it was about.. That's when their relationship started crumbling down.

Kahi hasn't given up yet, unlike a certain person.. as you can probably tell :).


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I will be updating Incomplete every Wednesday and Saturday! ^^


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Chapter 15: Divorce its a thing that must be avoided....its bad...if u can solve it then just give ur self another chance don't pick divorce as a way out...that would be the last thing u might wanna do

As usual u always succeed make me amazed by ur masterpiece...i want more ;)
bento19 #2
I don'think your story is crappy at all. Thank u so much for writing After school fan fiction.
novtalia #3
great ending author ! I can't wait 2 see u'r next fanfic ;)
noooooooooo!!!!!!!! Kahi cant stop love Jun Ah!!!! TT_TT
novtalia #6
what happen?
qeedis #7
huhhh??????!!what happens????appa~~~~no way.....huhuhu
DarkestAngel #8
aish... they finally back together and kahi just said she does not lvoe jung ah anymore... wake up kahi wake up..
qeedis #10
i love this chapter!!!kekekke..........huhhh...i miss kahi.........junghi moment~~~~BTW, THANKS FOR UPDATE!!>.<