One Week

Never Forget Me

                Dragging myself into a lazily upright position, I groggily rubbed my eyes. ‘Today is yet another day with Exo-M.’ I groaned at the thought. It had already been a full week since I moved in, and things were interesting to say the least. I had been working with them on their choreography, acting, and vocals, all of which improved when we were working. They all only had me worried for their actual performances, but I knew they would do well either way… at least most of them. Throughout the week, at least once a day, I had had an accidental intimate moment with their leader, Kris. My former relationship with said leader didn’t exactly help my situation either. I was still dating Chanhee, which made the incidents that much more awkward for me.


                Just the night before, I had asked the guys to help me with one of the dishes, but the only one not lazy enough to get off his was, you guessed it; the one man I was hoping would ignore me. I should’ve guessed that would happen. I had been stirring one of the dishes when, feeling a hot breath on my neck and a warm presence that was too close for comfort, I had side-stepped in a meager escape attempt. The presence was immediately there again, and again I had tried to move.

                “Damn it Wu Fan! Can you give me some space here?” I had snapped at him with a hushed voice, trying not to alarm anyone in the living room, but was met with a deep, light laugh.

                “I don’t know what you’re talking about Jihyun, I’m just trying to get a couple spices over here.” Kris had pressed himself against me, pushing me against the counter. He held the counter with one arm and reached directly in front of me, plucking one of the bottles from the rack. He then stepped back, letting me breath before moving my hair and blowing light, hot air onto my ear. “Unless of course, you want me to do something.” Scrunching my nose in disgust, I elbowed him in the gut, causing him to back off with a gentle laugh. “Calm down Jihyun, I’m just playing.”

                “Playing my ...” I had muttered as I opened the refrigerator to get more ingredients.


                Cringing at the memory, I combed my hair to make it not look like I had a nest on my head.

                ‘Love, naege wa. Neon like this. So love, gidarin neoran girl. True love, da gawa neon like this. One love, neon naege neon naegero.’

                Hearing the familiar ringtone of “Love Like This,” I smiled to myself and picked up my phone.

                “Ji-Ji!” The happy voice rang through the device and caused me to laugh.

                “Good morning Chanhee.” I smiled sweetly as I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and adjusted my tank top. “How are you surviving without me?” Getting up, I bit my bottom lip softly and opened my door.

                “Not good.” Chanhee faked a sob and a few sniffles. “I know it’s only been a week, but I still miss you like crazy.”

                “I know what you mean. Don’t worry though, when I get some downtime after all of this craziness, I’ll try to stop by home, okay?” Walking out with a smile, and looked at my feet with my fingers playing with the ends of my hair. I had only taken a few steps when my body collided with another, and I started to fall back. The figure caught me in his arms and I felt my cheeks flush as my eyes grew wide. My gaze drifted up from the edge of a towel, tracing every line of his toned muscles, his skin glistening with water droplets. I lifted my gaze to be met with a strong, charismatic stare. AS a smirk appeared on his lips, I tugged myself out of his grasp, landing harshly on the floor. “Wu Fan!” I yelled hysterically, covering my face with my hands. “Put on a goddamned shirt!!” My hysterical English came before I realized the language, but I didn’t care. My cheeks were bright red, and the man I really hoped wasn’t going to do anything today was standing in nothing but a loose towel. Please, shoot me now.

                “Jihyun. Calm down. I’m going to my room. Just stop yelling, it’s really high-pitched.” He coolly stated before I heard a door shut and a frantic voice come from my phone.

                “Chanhee, being in the same dorm as a bunch of men is really difficult sometimes.” I pitifully whined to the frantic male on the phone.

                “What happened?” He questioned in a slightly panicked voice. “Are you hurt?”

                “Well, my is going to be sore from how hard I just landed, but yeah I’m fine. Kris just needs to learn to take his clothes with him into the shower. I mean, come on…” I groaned to myself as I carefully walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

                “Okay, good. You had me worried when you screamed in English. Don’t do that to me again, okay babe?”

                “I’ll try.” I lightly laughed and bit my bottom lip again. Before I could say anything else, Exo-M’s manager and a fully clothed Kris sat in the living room near me. “I have to go now Chanhee. Talk to you later?”

                “Mhm.” He hummed a reply before doing a noticeable aegyo with just his voice. “I love you baby girl!” He cooed sweetly in the cutest voice he could muster.

                “I love you too, see you!” I then hung up the phone and glared at Kris. “Do you have to parade around in a towel after you shower?” He just responded with a laugh and a small smirk.

                “Jihyun, today you will start accompanying them to all of their schedules. I need you to make sure they are keeping up on their health, you need to still coach them between schedules and during their practices still, and you also will be responsible for attending to their specific needs.” He handed me a planner as I raised an eyebrow at him. “Like snacks, drinks, and words of encouragement; you get the picture, right?” Nodding at the manager, he reached over and opened to a certain page. “There are their likes, dislikes, favorite foods and drinks that they can have right now, and general health information. Familiarize yourself with it and try to memorize it as soon as possible.” I nodded and started looking over the information, but stopped when I noticed the manager bowing to me. As he straightened up, he smiled. “You are probably going to be the best addition to the team. I’m glad you decided to come.” With that, he left, Wu Fan following, and I sat on the couch with the notebook, reading through the information.

                “Aish, how can six men have so much information?” I muttered to myself as I flipped a page.

                Honestly, if you had spoken to me a year ago and asked me if I could see myself being a ‘triple-threat’ trainer, assistant to the manager, and a photographer of one of the debut groups in South Korea, well, I would’ve called the cops on you for being completely insane. I mean, I’m eighteen years old, barely into the photography business, and now I’m into a whole new ordeal.


                Now I’m standing with Exo-M’s manager on the side of a stage for Exo-M’s Fansign event. My gaze fell towards all of the fans, and I cringed.

                “Jealous much?” Looking at the leader of the group, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “Aha! I knew it.” He nudged me with his elbow and I swatted his arm.

                “Just focus and stop screwing around, okay? I hope you can manage that much at least.” I shrugged at him before focusing back on the number of people. ‘I hope they’ll be okay.’

                “You can relax a bit Miss Park, they’ll be alright.” Their manager smiled at me before shooing the members to the table. I was met with the deafening roar of fangirls, and took a step back.

                “Woah. Talk about popular.” I muttered, watching as the event started. I tried counting how many girls walked through the line to get their albums signed, but gave up after about thirty and busied myself with getting the boys water. Returning to the manager’s side, I held six bottles of water.

                “You don’t have to ask Park, just go. They all assume you’re a coordi noona, so act like it and there won’t be any troubles, alright?” Nodding at his words, I walked over to the boys and set water down by each of them, not making eye contact with any of the overly-excited, in more ways than one, fangirls going through the line. As I reached Kris, I set the bottle down and glared at him, knowing that I couldn’t smack him like I wanted to. He grabbed my wrist subtly as a girl left him, and looked up at me, he nodded with a smile, seemingly thinking that same thought before letting me go with a smirk.

                It took every fiber of my being not to just slap him silly, but to just walk back to the manager and stand still. The older man laughed at me as I joined him and shook his head.

                “You two have a very interesting relationship, don’t you?” I nodded with gritted teeth as Kris turned to look at us. I subtly flipped him off and glared at him, and was returned with a wink. “At least he listens to you.” The man next to me mused as he watched the boys and I laughed.

                “Ha, Wu Fan listening to me? Yeah, no. He will listen to you, but not me… not by a long shot.” I growled under my breath as I clenched my fists and turned to the notebook to read more information.


                “Mei-Mei!” Tao came bounding over and I smiled at him. “How was your first day out with us?”

                “Interesting.” I said honestly. “I didn’t really realize you guys had such a fan base. I was genuinely worried for a while there. It was fun though.” I smiled at the youngest as he nodded with a gentle grin and wandered off. Looking back down at the pages upon pages of material I would have to memorize, I let my eyelids droop, and then close, lightly dozing off as I sat.

                “Jihyun. We’re going. Come on.” I looked up to see Kris smirking at my drowsy figure. I groaned before he forcibly dragged my body upright and walked with me to the car. I was too tired to fight, and as soon as he pushed me in the back of the van with him and Lu Han, I started dozing off again. “Get used to this Jihyun, how this will be. Get used to us.” He whispered against my ear as I laid my head against his shoulder and fell asleep quickly.



Heyo! Sorry for not updating! T~T I'll try to be better about that now that I'm at home again.

I love you guys so much! I really wouldn't be writing like this if it weren't for you guys.

Oh, and about the not-so-little fling between Kris and Jihyun; parts of the scenes of them 'together' will be scattered within this story.

Thank you all so much! I love each and every single one of you more that you will ever know!

<3 <3 <3

~ Lynn

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AnnieShim26 #1
Chapter 30: I could finally read the last 3 chapters!!! I loved the story, it frustrated me, made laugh... Everything, thank you for mentioning me on the "credits" xD
and I thank you for writing such an amazing story!
See you around aunthor-nim, take care! :)
blooddreamer23 #2
Chapter 30: very much welcome!!!

but due to my _______ thoughts I expected to have a ty make up between jihyun sshi and chanhee hhahaha
Chapter 29: This is so fcking beautiful. :')
Chapter 30: omg omg omg omg its over and it was an amazing ending and i was mentioned in the end thingy and omg yay that was awesome!!! I absolutely loved this whole fic and its sad to see its over but I knew it I knewww she was going to be with Chanhee and have a happy ending because he is just so darn cute <3 You did an amazing job ^^ Thank you for making such a good fanfic :)
Chapter 30: Asdfghjkl I love you, too :D
Hope you have new adventures in store for us :DD
SmileyHaynPanda808 #6
Chapter 30: Love the ending & i cant believe its over. Can you do a short story to see how everyone turned out in the future? I think that would be awesome please (^~^)
AnnieShim26 #7
Chapter 27: Wooooooooooah this was veeeery deep and emotional... please update soon... and make Jihyun happy... :D
AnnieShim26 #8
Chapter 26: Now I'm confused... What will happen with Kris? What about Chunji? Is she going to her dad's now?
Chapter 24: Omg what will happen between Kris and her?
Chapter 24: Oh no! Whats going to happen now with Kris~ I don't like wishing for him to get angry but I want Chanhee to win so XD yeah lol