First and Last

Never Forget Me

A/N: Double Update, Final Chapter!




               “Jihyun! You need to get your little over to SM and figure out your job.” I cringed against Chanhee and took a sip of my tea. The four of us, Chanhee, Eunji, my brother, and I had been sitting about, drinking tea, and catching up for the past hour or so. Now comes the inevitable. Minkyung had been planning on coming with me to SM, just to be sure I wouldn’t chicken out. He knew the thought of potentially running into any of the Exo members would be enough to sway me from going. Honestly, he was quite right. Minkyung got up and came over to me, patting the leather-bound book in front of me. “You need to get this straightened out.”

               “I’ll come with you.” Chanhee offered and I shook my head. “Come on, you and I both know you can’t do this alone. I’ll sit down in the lobby and wait for you if you want, or go with you and Minkyung to see Lee Soo Man. Either way, I’m going, and that’s final.”

               “I am too!” Eunji piped up and I glared at her.

               “You, Eunji, don’t you need to go swoon over one of your JYP groups or something?” I waved her off and she looked at the clock before cursing wildly and running around to put her purse and gym bag together. “Told you.” I mumbled before finishing off my cup and getting up. Grabbing my own purse, I checked for my keys, wallet, and phone, before reaching for the portfolio, only to find Minkyung smiling goofily at me with the book under one arm. Rolling my eyes, I followed him out, Chanhee’s fingers laced with mine.

               Eunji had taken off with a quick peck on the cheek to Minkyung, who turned a deep shade of scarlet at the sudden gesture. Eunji had wanted to do that since junior high, and she finally did. I smiled at the new couple and walked down to the elevator with my brother, and Chanhee.


               We had made it to the company faster than expected with a lesser amount of traffic today. I cursed the other cars for not making it slower. The sooner I got there, the sooner I would be yelled at, fired, and confronted. Oh, how I did not want to be here. Minkyung looked at me questioningly as I stared up at the building. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but only felt nervously sick at the sight. I turned around and started to walk away, but my older brother spun me around and pushed me towards the doors. I whimpered as I opened the doors and walked into the main floor. I swear everyone stopped what they were doing as soon as I came through. I bowed my head as I was herded towards the main desk. Minkyung took in a breath to speak, but Chanhee spoke up instead. Thankfully, since Min couldn’t speak Korean to save his life.

               “We need to speak with Lee Soo Man. Is he in?” The lady at the desk nodded and I bowed to her before turning and rushing over to the stairs, knowing it was less likely of a chance to meet anyone in the stairwell. “Ji-ji, calm down, the likelihood of you meeting anyone in the office building is slim to none.”

               “When I first came here, I ran into Park Jung-soo, leader of Super Junior. If they acted like that down in the lobby, where people aren’t supposed to really know me, how do you think the leader of a group, particularly Wu Fan if Lay made it back already, would act upon seeing me? Honestly!”

               “Particularly me?” My head shot up to the sound and I met with the cold gaze of the person I really didn’t want to see just yet. His hand slipped into his jeans pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Yixing just got in, and gave me this. Care to explain?”

               “Not right now I don’t.” I muttered and started past him up the stairs. “Minkyung, let’s go before you do something stupid.” I called down to my brother and hurried up the steps, though, there was no way I was getting out of this so quickly. As we reached the topmost floor, I held out my hands to Minkyung, who handed over the book with a nod. I knew I had to do this alone. Minkyung and Chanhee stayed behind to stop Wu Fan. I knocked on the door I knew to be Soo Man’s and entered upon confirmation. As I opened the door, I froze and cursed under my breath. Eleven sad and confused eyes, and one guilty pair all looked up at me.

               A gasp was heard and I took in a deep breath. I couldn’t back out now. My decision was final, and I had to do this. They would be fine without me. I knew they would. As I looked at each of the members of Exo’s faces, I felt as if my heart were being torn. They had become family.

               I had to be strong. I had made up my mind, I needed to stick to it and not falter. Walking around to the last pair of confused eyes, Mr. Lee Soo Man, I set down the book in front of him.

               “Where were you, Miss Park? We all thought the worst had happened to you until Yixing came in here today.”

               “I was back in the States, I needed time. Please, hear what I have to say. After that, you can reprimand me, fire me, or do whatever. I just need you to hear, and actually listen to me.” The older man nodded and I took a deep breath before starting. “First of all, I want you to know that I have come to love these guys as much as my own family. They are all like brothers to me, and I cherish them as much as my own brother. The last thing I would ever want to do is hurt them. That being said, I can’t continue with the job you’ve given me.” Leaning over, I opened the portfolio and motioned for him to look through. The older gentleman thumbed through the photographs, pausing on each one. “Sir, this is me. This is what I do. I’m not a choreographer, I’m not a translator, and I’m not a housewife.” His gaze shot up upon that last word and I shrugged. “When we read through my contract, it outlined that I would train their voices, train their bodies, and be their photographer. I got the chance to capture them once, at SM Town Los Angeles. I only ever sang with Xiumin, and that was just for fun because he doesn’t sing on the tracks. I danced so hard you might as well have made me a trainee in this company. And finally, there was nowhere in the contract in which I was to wake them, cook for them, clean their house, do their laundry, and still have time for everything else. My issue with this whole thing is not them, but my job. You told me that I had one month to test out this type of job. I went the whole month of May before I left, and I’m telling you. That’s not the job I want.” I paused and gripped the front of his desk as he looked through the last pages, the ones of Teen Top and Exo, the most recent ones. “As you can see, that is what I do, and what I want to do. If you won’t take me back in as strictly a photographer, I have a wonderful job lined up for me back in Colorado in the United States, and just recently for a well-known magazine based in New York. I could work there, but I have to admit, if you would accept me, I would work here until the day I die.” Taking another deep breath, I straightened up and placed my hands on my hips. “It’s your choice, sir.”

               Silence fell about the office, and I tried to maintain my calm demeanor. I wasn’t backing down now. It was true, I had sent in a copy of my portfolio back to my old company that had first sent me here, and to Conde Nast, which covered Vogue. They had offered me the job, and told me that if I chose not to, there were several other photographers they were looking at.  I had back-ups, just in case. The most truthful part of my statement was that I wanted to stay here. Never in my life had I thought I would’ve wanted to work for such a huge company that churned out successful pop stars like a factory does cars. Yet, it was the twelve people I had come to know in May that were the reason I wanted to stay. Though I had wanted to avoid their leader for as long as possible, because I knew he wasn’t right for me, I still wanted to be around them. They were another family to me.

               “Alright.” Lee Soo Man broke the hanging silence, and looked up to me. “I have to admit, Miss Park Jihyun, I still want you in my company. But, how can I know that you won’t disappear on us again?”

               “If I’m placed where I want to be, in the photography department, then, sir, you have nothing to worry about. That is what I want, and I won’t run away from something I want.” I stated confidently, adding in my thoughts, ‘Not anymore.’

               “Well, leave me to write you a new contract. Come back tomorrow morning, ten-o-clock sharp, we’ll go over it and get you back in.” He stood up and held out his hand. I took the warm gesture and shook his hand while bowing to him, grateful he let me back. “Do you mind if I keep this on hand for a while?” He asked, gesturing to the book. I smiled at the gentleman.

               “It’s all yours, Sir. Thank you.” We bowed to each other again and I looked back at the eleven members who all stood up as well.

               “Exo, don’t you have practice to go to? Busy Miss Park for a while.” He smiled at us and shooed us with his hands. We all filed out into the hallway quietly, looking around. We didn’t see my brother, Chanhee, or Wu Fan, so I walked forward a bit, listening for them. Chanyeol was right beside me, an arm draped over my shoulders. Suddenly, we heard voices coming from behind a door, and we both pressed our ear against it, the other members soon joined us, curiosity overcoming their better judgment, and we all tried to listen in on the conversation.

               “Well, I was her first, but I get the feeling you’ll be her last. Take care of her, since I won’t be able to. Got it? If you hurt her…”

               “Woah! Calm down, I’m not going to hurt her. We both know I love her too much to do that again. Don’t worry, she’ll be safe with me.”

               “How about we go back to them, they’re probably worried about us by now.” Hearing my brother’s voice, I panicked and started shooing Exo away from the door. Suddenly, the door opened, and Chanyeol, Lu Han, Kai, Tao, and myself all fell against the floor. We looked up at the three males with sheepish grins. “Jihyun?” My brother raised an eyebrow at me and I waved.

               “All’s well that ends well!” I chirped and he smiled brightly, knowing the meeting had gone how I had hoped. The five of us were helped up and I hugged Minkyung tightly. “Now all that is left is to teach to the language so you can stay here.” I shoved him lightly and his cheeks turned pink at the suggestion.

               “So, I guess this is the last time we’re seeing each other?” I looked up to Kris, and his cold expression returned.

               “I’m sticking around for a while, you know, picture stuff.” I shrugged and his gentle smile returned. “You okay?” He motioned for me to go out the door and I complied, him right beside me as we made it to the staircase and started down, the other thirteen men following after us.

               “I think I will be. You know, I remember you telling me something back in Canada.”

               “You have to be more specific than that. It’s not like we talked the whole summer or anything.” I sarcastically threw at him and he laughed.

               “We were going on about philosophy on that hike to the meadow we loved. You said something that was passed down through your dad’s side of the family, I think it was, ‘There are always two main men in your life: the man you marry, and your soul-mate.’” I chuckled at the memory and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. A cheeky grin spread across his lips. “Maybe I’ll just get you in the next life or something.” He winked mischievously and I paused in my steps, though he continued walking down.

               “ert!” I yelled at him and almost lunged for him down the steps, but Chanhee wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. “You are so dead when I get free!” I called down the steps and he looked back up, sticking his tongue out teasingly.

               “See you on set Cactus!” He called back up and the Exo members all waved to me as they passed me to join Kris. Looking back up towards my brother, I saw that he was clutching his stomach in laughter.

               “Oh you shut up.” I snapped and he only roared louder. Oi vey. When he finally ceased in his amusement, Chanhee let me go and I took both his and my brother’s hands.

               “I told you when we first planned on my coming out here with you that it would all work out.” Minkyung nudged my arm and smiled brightly.

               “Yeah, only because you actually had a reason to come and see Eunji.” I pointed out and he blushed again. Chanhee’s grip tightened lightly and I looked back at him.

               “He’s right though, it did all work out.” I nodded at his words and smiled to myself as Minkyung let go of me and hurried down the steps.

               It did work out, not like how I thought it all would, but it did.

               I kept my friends, came back home, and gained my dream career.

               Kris was my first love. But like he said, Chanhee would be my last.

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AnnieShim26 #1
Chapter 30: I could finally read the last 3 chapters!!! I loved the story, it frustrated me, made laugh... Everything, thank you for mentioning me on the "credits" xD
and I thank you for writing such an amazing story!
See you around aunthor-nim, take care! :)
blooddreamer23 #2
Chapter 30: very much welcome!!!

but due to my _______ thoughts I expected to have a ty make up between jihyun sshi and chanhee hhahaha
Chapter 29: This is so fcking beautiful. :')
Chapter 30: omg omg omg omg its over and it was an amazing ending and i was mentioned in the end thingy and omg yay that was awesome!!! I absolutely loved this whole fic and its sad to see its over but I knew it I knewww she was going to be with Chanhee and have a happy ending because he is just so darn cute <3 You did an amazing job ^^ Thank you for making such a good fanfic :)
Chapter 30: Asdfghjkl I love you, too :D
Hope you have new adventures in store for us :DD
SmileyHaynPanda808 #6
Chapter 30: Love the ending & i cant believe its over. Can you do a short story to see how everyone turned out in the future? I think that would be awesome please (^~^)
AnnieShim26 #7
Chapter 27: Wooooooooooah this was veeeery deep and emotional... please update soon... and make Jihyun happy... :D
AnnieShim26 #8
Chapter 26: Now I'm confused... What will happen with Kris? What about Chunji? Is she going to her dad's now?
Chapter 24: Omg what will happen between Kris and her?
Chapter 24: Oh no! Whats going to happen now with Kris~ I don't like wishing for him to get angry but I want Chanhee to win so XD yeah lol