Weapon of Choice

Never Forget Me

               “How about some fun?” He smirked playfully and gestured for me to go in.

                “Kris! Jihyun!” I turned and we both looked back at the managers. “Just because you two are sharing a room doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. These walls aren’t soundproof.” He yelled at us before disappearing back into his room. Kris rolled his eyes and brought me into the room.

                “I’m tired Wu Fan, I just want to sleep.” I grumbled as I trudged to the bed and fell face first onto the soft, plush comforter.

                “You slept on the plane for fifteen hours and somehow managed to sleep through being taken here in the first place. Do you know how long that was? Sixteen and a half hours, Jihyun. You’ve had plenty of sleep.” The grown man whined as he sat down next to me and poked my side. I groaned and turned my head away from his oddly adorable pout. He leaned over me and moved my hair from my face, gently kissing my cheek. With a dejected sigh, he just lay by my side and relaxed against the bed. I hated to admit it, but he was convincing. I turned over and kissed his jaw before laying back. Before I could fully relax, he brought me on top of him, straddling his hips, and took my face in his hands. “I win.” He declared proudly before kissing me. His soft lips molded against mine and I smiled to myself. As he parted his lips, I parted mine, not bound to refuse him for a moment. His tongue slipped in and brushed against mine gently, testing the waters. I twirled mine as his moved and we engaged in a lightly familiar, yet enchanting dance. My hands slid up his chest and gripped the collar of his white button up shirt.

                He gently rolled me onto my back and hovered over me, shifting his head to the other side, but not breaking the kiss as our tongues fought. He took my lip between his teeth and pulled back with it before letting me go and looking into my eyes. Suddenly, the lustful look was gone, only a strongly amorous feeling remained. My senses were proven true as he brushed my hair from my face with a sweet smile, his eyes tracing my features as if it were the last time he would ever see me. “I missed you Jihyun.” He laid back and pulled me onto his chest, hugging me to him.

                “I missed you too, Penguin.” He smiled with a breathy laugh and caressed my back gently, lulling the both of us to a gentle sleep.


                Knock Knock Knock

                I jolted from my sleep at the angry sound coming from out door and the calling of our names. Looking over, I noticed Kris’s eyebrows furrowing. I tried shaking him, but he just swatted at my hands. I jumped off the bed and quickly slunk over to the door. Opening it, I was met with Chen and Tao.

                “What have you two been doing?” Chen asked suspiciously and raised an eyebrow.

                “Sleeping, why?” He looked up at the top of my head before looking at my whole figure and shrugging. “Anyways, we need to get going. Is Kris-hyung awake?” I shook my head and let the two of them in. Tao immediately jumped on the bed and lay next to his leader, poking him gently. Chen and I tried to hold in our laughter as Kris shifted and tossed a leg over Tao, and wrapped his arms around the boy. “He sleeps like that with you?” Chen whispered and I nodded, as Tao was wide-eyed and trying to get us to help him.

                “Jihyun, stay a little longer. They’ll just leave anyways.” He mumbled as he snuggled with the poor youngest.

                “Um, Kris?” I called and he opened one eye, looking over at me and Chen. “I’m over here.” His eyebrows furrowed and he looked back over to see a nervous Tao frowning at him. He jumped and rolled back pushing Tao the other way.

                “What the hell Tao?!” He exclaimed and the younger boy ran over to and pushed me towards his duizhang.

                “I was trying to wake you up! Don’t get cuddly with someone when you’re not absolutely sure of who it is!!” He yelled back from behind Chen who was now roaring with laughter. Chen pushed the younger out of the room and shut the door, leaving the flustered leader for me to deal with alone.

                “He has a point you know.” I tried not to smile but he just shook his head.

                “Yeah, whatever.” He grumbled as he stood up and walked over to his suitcase to get a fresh shirt. I moved behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my face against his back lightly. He didn’t respond, and continued to sift through his clothes.

                “Are you mad?” I asked after a few silent minutes and he sighed. Turning around, he took my hands and sat with me on the bed.

                “I’m not mad at you. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to see you’re beautiful face when I woke up.” I pushed him at his cheesiness and he chuckled, bringing me to lie on him again. “But mad at you? No, never again could I me truly mad at you.” He reassured me and kissed my forehead.

                “Okay good.” I smiled at him and kissed his chest before getting up off of him. “Come on, we need to go for the concert. Put a shirt on.”



                Standing in the hallway as people ran and pushed past me to keep the concert moving, I felt in awe. I had never seen anything be this busy and it fascinated me; artists running to get changed, managers yelling into radios, staff walking with people to fix their makeup before they got into the wings to get ready.

                “Mei-mei, come on.” Lu Han put an arm around me and ushered me to the dressing room. As I stepped in, their manager brought me over to a table and I felt happiness wash over me.

                “The higher-ups contacted TOP Media and found that this was your weapon of choice.” He sniggered as he held up my camera. I smiled happily and bowed to him before taking the beautiful piece of technology in my hands. “You’re to take pictures of the guys backstage right now. We might put some of these up on the website, release to the press, or include in a later album. Be sure to get fantastic shots.” I nodded and bowed to him again as I started it up and took a few test shots after calibration.

                With a smile pulling at my lips, I turned and started taking pictures of the boys as they got their hair and makeup done. Several shots in, I stopped and decided to wait outside for them to come out to get some more unique shots. I left the dressing room and stood out in the hall, admiring the piece of technology in my hands.

                “So we meet again.” I looked up as a voice greeted me, and the man I had come to recognize as the leader of Super Junior was beaming at me. He turned and leaned against the wall with me. “Do you still think I’m creepy?”

                “Only a little, I mean, you are oddly watching a girl who’s ten years your younger.” I pursed my lips and tried to stifle a giggle as his eyes widened. His jaw dropped and he took my shoulders, shifting me to look at me.

                “You’re that young?” His voice came out in a higher pitch than usual, not masking his disbelief and astonishment by a long shot.

                “You didn’t know that?” Another voice spoke up and I looked to my other side, nearly dying inside. “Soo Man gave us an explanation which included her age before she came. Did you fall asleep again during the meeting?” The leader of TVXQ, Jung Yunho smirked at Leeteuk playfully. I forcefully shifted my gaze back to the other leader who lightly pouted.

                “You only have to deal with Changmin. I have ten to look after right now. You can’t blame me for getting sleep where I can. Besides, Jihyun looks a lot older than she is.” He grumbled and I nudged him lightly.

                “Yeah, she really does. If it weren’t for what Soo Man told us, and that we’re in the same company now, well, you never know. I probably would’ve taken you to dinner already.” I looked up at him and he winked at me.

                “Oh, thanks? I think that’s a compliment anyways.” I blushed and looked back to see Exo coming out of the dressing room. “Well, duty calls! Bye Creeper!” I stuck my tongue out at Leeteuk then looked at Yunho and bowed. “Goodbye.” I mumbled formally before running over to my guys and gluing myself to Kris’ side. He put an arm around me casually, not realizing my obviously flustered state.

                Raising my camera, I started taking some group shots as the guys posed together for fun.

                “What were you, Leeteuk, and Yunho talking about?” Suho asked beside me as I looked through the shots I just took and I blushed lightly. “Did they hit on you?”

                “Ah, no that’s not it.” I shushed the Korean Leader and shook my head. “Leeteuk just found out that I was a decade younger than him and Yunho was teasing him.”

                “You make me sound so much older than I am!” Leeteuk whined as he overheard my conversation. “Just say ‘a few years’ next time, don’t use the word ‘decade.’” He pouted and I pushed him to go back to his group. “Aish. You should respect your elders.”

                “I would if you didn’t act younger than me.”

                “Oh! So that’s why you like Yunho.” He shot at me and I smacked him hard. “Aish, I’m only stating a fact!”

                “I don’t like him. He surprised me and I’m a fan. I got a shock is all.” He smirked and turned back to me.

                “That’s it?” I nodded and he shrugged. “Well that’s good then, since he’s right behind you.” I squeaked and ran around to hide behind Jungsoo, peeking out to not find Yunho. Sighing in relief, I leaned back against a wall and glared at the leader. “And you say I act like the younger.” He laughed before walking off to find his group and I cursed him mentally as he strode away. Looking over, I noticed Yunho gathering Exo together and I found a great photography opportunity. Setting my camera to video capture, I started the recording and advanced on the group, catching Yunho’s advice to the rookies on tape. Though I tried to focus on recording, I had to admit I was a bit star struck at his presence. Since I had first started working with Teen Top, I got into the whole Korean Pop music scene and had become an inner fangirl over TVXQ.

                “Hey, secret Cassie!” I looked up and saw Suho grinning evilly at me. Realizing that Yunho had finished giving advice, I ended the recording and returned to the normal mode of capture and started to walk away.

                “Ah, no you don’t. You’re a fan?” A whole new male caught my wrist and I shrunk in my spot upon seeing it was Changmin. “You’re a fan of us, and you’re working with Exo?” I nodded lightly and avoided his gaze. “How long have you been a fan?” He let go of my wrist, but leaned down to try to look me in the eyes. Knowing he wasn’t going to give up, I gulped.

                “I’ve been a fan since November when I first got into the music in general.”

                “Only November?” I nodded and Max smiled, ruffling my hair. “Welcome to Cassiopeia.” He whispered in my ear and I blushed, trying to scoot away from him, and only to bump into Yunho.

                “Alright, alright.” I was pulled from between the two taller men and I sighed in relief as Kris pulled me into his arms. “Please don’t make the American uncomfortable?” He asked and the two older men nodded.

                “We’ll see you around, Jihyun, don’t be nervous.” Yunho called sweetly and walked away with Changmin to get ready for their stage.

                “Are you okay?” Kris asked nervously and I cringed before burying my face in his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head sweetly, calming me down. “It’s okay Cactus, they’re not bad guys, and you can be relaxed around them.”

                “You have to admit they’re a bit intimidating.” I mumbled and he laughed, nodding as I looked up at him. “Oh, we probably shouldn’t be like this.” I straightened up and he looked disappointed for a moment before realizing the truth to my words. Only Exo and their managers knew Kris and I were together. It might be weird for others to see us, and then would come the questions.

                “Kris, you guys are on!” His manager called and he smiled at me before we both walked to Exo and I walked in front of them, taking pictures as they went. As they stood in the wings, I took a few shots of each individual member and whished them good luck before they had to go on. They ran onstage and I stood between their two managers in the wings, praying for a good performance. I studied each of their movements, feeling pride swelling my heart as I watched the improvement that the Mandarin subgroup showed. “You’ve done really well with them. You should be proud.” The manager that came to be more of a friend smiled encouragingly at me and I nodded. My head bobbed in a nod, though my whole concentration was on the twelve men dancing on stage with every last strand of their souls. I watched them and could feel their sense of pride, accomplishment, and pure joy flow through me. It was a contagious feeling, and I couldn’t help but to smile.

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AnnieShim26 #1
Chapter 30: I could finally read the last 3 chapters!!! I loved the story, it frustrated me, made laugh... Everything, thank you for mentioning me on the "credits" xD
and I thank you for writing such an amazing story!
See you around aunthor-nim, take care! :)
blooddreamer23 #2
Chapter 30: very much welcome!!!

but due to my _______ thoughts I expected to have a ty make up between jihyun sshi and chanhee hhahaha
Chapter 29: This is so fcking beautiful. :')
Chapter 30: omg omg omg omg its over and it was an amazing ending and i was mentioned in the end thingy and omg yay that was awesome!!! I absolutely loved this whole fic and its sad to see its over but I knew it I knewww she was going to be with Chanhee and have a happy ending because he is just so darn cute <3 You did an amazing job ^^ Thank you for making such a good fanfic :)
Chapter 30: Asdfghjkl I love you, too :D
Hope you have new adventures in store for us :DD
SmileyHaynPanda808 #6
Chapter 30: Love the ending & i cant believe its over. Can you do a short story to see how everyone turned out in the future? I think that would be awesome please (^~^)
AnnieShim26 #7
Chapter 27: Wooooooooooah this was veeeery deep and emotional... please update soon... and make Jihyun happy... :D
AnnieShim26 #8
Chapter 26: Now I'm confused... What will happen with Kris? What about Chunji? Is she going to her dad's now?
Chapter 24: Omg what will happen between Kris and her?
Chapter 24: Oh no! Whats going to happen now with Kris~ I don't like wishing for him to get angry but I want Chanhee to win so XD yeah lol