
Love & Guilt


Hello! Well since I miss this fic, my brain told me to make a OneShot Sequel for it!

Don't know how it will turn out but I'd like you to read it and tell me ^^

 ♥ Thank You 


"Yes To Someday"


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Chapter 24: omg guys you are so precious, im like die looking your make a love hahhaha so passionate and hot.
Wow siwon bcm a bottom. So rarely. Kkkk
be happy always xD
Chapter 23: kyuhyun in there??
Omoo please catch up kyu again.
Chapter 22: miserable siwon's day without kyu. Ofc. Kyu was like his life so even no kyu no siwon's life also.
When is he comeback? 3 month is so long to break all members heart .
Chapter 21: even they separated but their sould and heart always connection each other.
I hope their situation not being awkwards a long. Back to warm again
Chapter 20: hope you could be fine kyu TT
welcome back as soon.
Chapter 19: the hot night of them.. Is really full of lust. I love it when they meet each other ^^
where will you go kyu?!! Don't leave siwon.
Chapter 18: OMGGGG siwon.. How could you said those beautiful words like tho? IM DYING HEARING IT.
All of siwon spoke is true kyu. Please don't felt guilty anymore.
Chapter 17: make it all clear pls !!! It make siwon shocked even he knowing the truth about kyu's take a break time :(
take care kyu.
Have a good time with siwon
Chapter 15: why you want take a break kyu?
How if siwon knowing it?
It would be suffering him TT
i know you were hurt but you shouldn't do it kyu :(
Chapter 14: yes, this is not your fault kyu.
Don't blame your self.!!!