
It's Just BasketBall, NOT! It's Love, Stupid!

Luhan's POV:

"Not so fast, Hunnie."

"You know I like it this way, right baby?"

"Stop! You're going too hard!"

"Too bad for you. I'm always hardcore."

"Stop! Ah!"

"Hehe, I win again, baby."

"Yah! You know I at video games!"


I pouted at my boyfriend. It's unfair. He always win this racing game! It's not fair!!! "Hmph. I'm mad." I said, turning away from and crossing my arms. I know I'm being childish right now but it's unfair that he keeps winning!

"Oh come on babe. It's not my fault you keep losing."


"Come on, don't be mad with me. It's only a game." I heard Sehun say. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. "Lulu~"

"Still mad with you."

"Awww~alright, how about I take you out on a date?"

I couldn't help but feel a little hesitant. Date? Sehun? What will he do for me? He's not the type of person to go on dates and stuff. Just what is he up to? Aish, who cares, I love this pabo.

"Date? Well, if you make it fun then okay."

He smirked and got up. "Alright then. Hey remember last year you wore the girl clothes for the play?" I nodded. "Well does it still fit you?" I nodded again and Sehun smiled. "Alright then." He walked over to my closet and pulled out the clothes I wore last year where I played a girl.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, since I beat you, 54 to nothing, you have to do me a favor."

"Like what?"

"Wear this on our date."


"Come on, it'll look good on you, I promise. Oh and wear this wig too." He said, pulling out a long and dark wig.

"B-But, Hunnie~"

"Hey, I beat you 54 times straight. Come on. Like I said, It'll look good on you. Like last year. I remember guys chased you after that?" He said, his face frowned a bit in jealously.

"Aish fine. I'll wear it but I won't like it!"


After I slammed the bathroom door behind me, I looked at the clothes. I wonder if it would still fit me. Last year it was a bit baggy, I had to pull up my skirt every second during the play.

First, take off my shirt. "Hey."


"I was just wondering if you needed any help."

"GET OUT!" I shouted at Sehun, throwing a bar of soup, a toothbrush and a piece of folded toliet paper that I don't want to know what was inside.

Aish, finally, that ert's gone. Now to wear the skirt.

I looked into the mirror after I was done dressing. Hey.....I do look pretty cute. No wonder why guys chased be after the play. *shivers* That glasses dude was such a ert, taking pictures of me while I was changing. *shivers again*

"I-I'm d-done..." I merely mumbling out, holding down my skirt as I walked into the room. "H-how do I look?"

I watched as Sehun eyed me up and down, his mouth was wide open and I could've sworn I saw a drool drop. "You look...fabulous."

I had a urge to hold my skirt down more but Sehun had already walked up to me and lifted up my head with his finger. "You really do." He added, giving me a passionate kiss. "Let's go out now."


"Thanks for the ride." Sehun said, paying the taxi driver. "Come on, baobei. Let's go." He held onto my hand and led me into an amusement park.

"What do you want to do first?" He asked. I bit my bottom lip and try to ignore the looks from other guys.

"Hu~not bad!" I heard a guy yell. I shut my eyes and felt Sehun pulling me close to him. I heard him chuckle and whispered something in my ear, saying 'Stop holding down your skirt. You're thighs aren't getting any milkier."

I slapped his arm. "Shut up. Aish, this wig is so itchy."

"It'll be alright babe. So, what ride do you want to go first."

"With such a short skirt, what kind of ride can I go on?"

Sehun smriked as he brushed his hand on next to my thigh, making me shiver. Aish, this ert. "Let's go on that one, babe."

He pointed to Frisbee. "Are you crazy! You know I puke when ever I'm dizzy!"

"Alright, alright, calm down. How about that one?" This time, he pointed to the House of Mirrors which I agreed on. "Let's go then, babe."

Wow, the House of Mirrors was boring and Sehun keep bumping his head on the mirrors...ok, so it's not that boring then. "It's not funny." He whined, rubbing the tip of his nose.

I giggled. "I'm not laughing at you...okay, I'm laughing at you."

He pouted at me cutely. I giggled again and pecked his lips. "Let's just get out of this game."


After riding the rollar coaster, bumper cars, pirate ship, and the teacups, we took a break and went to get bubble tea. "Hm! It's delicious!" I squealled, sipping my strawberry bubble tea.

Sehun got chocolate flavored, as usual. He took my hand and drank some of my bubble tea. "Hey!"

"I just want to try."


"Want mine too?"

I smirked. "Okay."

"Only a little, only---"

That's when I drank half the bottle. "Oops." I giggled and gasped when my wig almost fell. "Aish." I fixed my wig and Sehun chuckled. "Stop laughing at me."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Such a pretty girl. I don't want you out of my arms." He said romantically and pecked my cheek.

I couldn't help but hide my blush and blush even more when people were staring at us, feeling all fluffy and warm. "S-stop, people are staring."

"So let them stare. They're probably just jealous that I have just a cute girlfriend."




"Ok, okay. How about we ride that next?" Sehun asked, pointing to the Ferris Wheel.

I tilted my head. "Ferris Wheel? Since when did you become this romantic?"

"Since you put the outfit on. You should wear that on every date."


"Call me oppa."

I was about to slap him again but he stopped my attack. "Not this time baby. Call me oppa~" He said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and slapped him with my other hand.


"Hey...isn't that Kris?" I said. This tall figure stood next to the ice cream stand. "Is he angry bird's costume?"

We walked up to the person. It look like him but it's not Kirs to be wearing an agry bird outfit. "Hey." He turned around and we were shocked. It. Was. Kris. "WHAT ARE YO DOING HERE?!" Sehun shouted. "And what's with the costume!!!"

He rolled his eyes. "It's my four year old cousin cousing's birthday. She wanted me to dress up like this." Kris looked at me and eyed me up and down. I wanted to hold my skirt again. "Who's the girl?....OH MY KRISUS, Sehun, are you cheating on LUHAN?!?!"

Sehun and I looked at each other and I blushed. "Well..." He began. Oh please don't tell Kris it's me. "Well..."

Kris chuckled. "Well, I guess you are cheating on him. I wouldn't blame ya. His baby face makes him look 5, his hair is always in his eyes, his voice is like a girl's---"

"WHAT?!?!?!" I suddenly shouted, grabbing Kris by his collar. "Kris, look into my eyes. Say those things again, I dare you."

He gulped. "L-Luhan ge?......" I raised a brow and dropped him. He bowed to me, asking for forgiveness. "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know! But...why are you in a girl's outfit?"

"Shut up."


"Aish, i was forced to wear this." I glared at Sehun. "I hate this outfit."

Kris nodded and stood up, making me feel short. "And I hate this job where you have to smile all the time."

"....Anyway, my girlfriend and I are on a date. See ya, Kris." Sehun said, pulling me to the Ferris Wheel.

"Aish, why are you going to fast, my hair is going to fall off."

"I don't like see you talking to Kris so much."

"Awww~were you jealous? You know that Kris and I are just friends."

"Yeah but you're my girl."

"Aish, what is wrong with you? What's with all this 'my girl' stuff. If you haven't noticed, I'm a guy. When you say stuff like those, it makes me feel like you don't care about my existence." I said, flinging Sehun's hand away.

"I'm sorry, I just want to let people know you're mine."

"So you dress me up as a girl?!"

"No I just...I..." He bit his lip as people were staring at us, talking about us, bashing about us. His hands were shaking as if he was scared.

"Is this all about you?" I asked. "Are you just scared you don't want other people seeing you going out with a guy?"

"No! I..."

"Then what? We've been dating for two months now. What's the problem? Are you just scared that you're--" Just then, he covered my mouth and dragged me away from the people, out of sight. "What's wrong with you?!?"

I was about to say something else but Sehun had pulled me in a forceful kiss. He held my wrists above my head and continue to kiss me. "S-stop, you're hurting me." But he didn't listen to me, only continue violating my neck. "Sehun!" I pushed him away and wipped my lips. "You're crazy." I said, walking out of the amusment park.


The sun was setting and the sky was turing orange. I walked alone on the streets, getting whistles from other guys from time to time.

"Ooo~what a pretty girl. What's your name?" I stopped and looked up to this scary looking gang. They were smirking at me, eyeing me up and down.


"What? Don't go. Have some fun with us oppas, alright?" He hissed, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling closer to him.

I slapped his chest and backed up. It's a good thing I'm not wearing heels. The guy scoffed and I felt them surround me from behind.

One brushed his hand behind my back thigh. I shivered at his touch. "Milky skin." He said and smiled. "I like."

"D-don't...hurt me..." I said weakily, staring at the one who touch my waist. I didn't even know I was backing up until I bumped into one of them.

"Hurt you? Aww~baby, we're not going to hurt you. Let's just play with oppas alright?" He grabbed him and touched my thighs and legs.

"Stop, please." I begged, crying at each of their touches. "Stop! Sehun! Help! Sehun!"

A while later, their hands stopped. It was quiet. "Luhan?" I heard a familiar voice say. I slowly opened my eyes and there was Sehun, holding me. "Luhan. I'm sorry." He said, tears comng out his eyes. "I'm so sorry."


I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying on his shoulder. "No, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have been amd with you! It's all my fault! I'm sorry, Sehun. I love you."

He nodded. "I love you too, my boyfriend."


"Tell me again why you would stay in that oufit?" Sehun asked. it was a little while after he saved we went back to the amusement park and we were on line, waiting to ride the Ferris Wheel.

"I...didn't bring any clothes..." I admitted, and it was true. I didn't. I left my clothes at home after I changed into these.

He chuckled and led me up to the Ferris Wheel cart. I sat on one end, and he sat the other. My skirt was wrinkled and dirty. Aish, it'll take a long time to wash it.

We sat silent for a while, staring at the bright lights underneath. I chuckled when I noticed a tiny Kris, running away still in his angry bird's outfit from a group of little kids with water guns.

I felt the cart tip over when Sehun plopped down next to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder. "Look." He said, pointing out to the started fireworks.

"It's so pretty..."

"Yes, but it's the second most beautiful. Do you want to know what's first?"


He placed a kiss on my lips and smiled. "Obviously you."

"Aish, did Chanyeol teach you that cheesy line?"

"I'm only stating the facts." He said, holding my hand. I just smiled and kiss his lips.

"I love you."

"Love you too."


Sehun held me bridal style as we entered the house. I snuggled onto his neck, smiling. "Today was fun." I said, pecking his cheek. "But don't make me wear this ever again."

He smiled and me down. "Arraso."

Just then, when I thought everything was perfect, Sehun did the most unforgivable thing. "I see you're wearing pink today."

He flipped my skirt up.

My face lit up bright red and I slapped him. "Yah! You ert! That's it! You're sleeping on the couch for a month! No exceptions!"

"What?! Are you freaking crazy?!"

"Two months!"

"I only said that you're wearing pink!"

"Four months!"


"That's karma. Hmph. I'm mad now." I said, crossing my arms and turning to my room. "Don't get too cold sleeping on the couch."

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Hi! Next chapter will be updated soon! I somehow made it a super long chapter so it's goin to take I think around a few hours but I'm almost finished with it.


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Faustine11 #1
Chapter 16: I wanna see kaiso's date
Chapter 16: I can believe you abandon such a good story
Chapter 16: Awh this story is soo fluffy! Wish too have an update soon! Hunhan and baekyeol are just so dhdudheufluff in this.
cassie17 #4
Chapter 16: Oh how much I miss this story~~~
The cuteness of HunHan is just so adklhsfdjag..!!
Well, I'll be waiting for your update!! Hwaiting!!
trixyson #5
awww :(( such a cutie
Hope u update soon!!
I super love this chapter! :))
this is cute.
I hate those gangs who touched Luhan -_-
Sehun is the only one I let.