Too many people..

Two-faced es


Chapter 7:

Too many people..

“This is Hyorin, Krystal, Sulli and Hyejeong – or Linus, as we call her,” Jimin said.

I looked around at all the unfamiliar faces around me.

Somehow I’d ended up in the cafeteria with Jimin and her friends. I’m not really sure how it happened either, but once the bell rang, Jimin had stood up from her chair and dragged me behind her.

The girls sitting around me were all really beautiful.

Hyorin was a girl with the most dazzling smile as well as platinum blonde, short hair. She waved at me and said hello, and I couldn’t help but notice what a special voice she had.

Krystal had gorgeous skin, but was only smiling slightly and raised a hand as a greeting.

Sulli had wicked hair. It was short, almost white, with dark stripes as well as one bright yellow bang covering one eye. Her plump lips formed a sweet smile, and her greeting was bright hi.

Then you had Hyejeong. Or Linus, as they supposedly called her. She was a stunning beauty, and looked more angel than human. She too was smiling, and again I found her smile very angel-like.

Jimin had already taken care of introducing me, and I was still dumbstruck at her sudden change in behavior.

“Yap, so this is Sora – smile and act nicely towards her – she’s our new friend!”

Funny how things were just decided for me.

“Eat,” Jimin said.

We were sitting around the table, and they had lots of plates shoved together in the middle of it. The girls occasionally reached forward and grabbed pieces of food from the plates, and stuffed them rather gracefully(Linus) or messily(Sulli) into their mouths.

I carefully grabbed a strawberry from one plate, looked at Jimin, and put it into my mouth. It tasted wonderful.

“You owe me 5 bucks,” Jimin said.

I stared at her, dumbstruck again. 5 bucks for a strawberry? Why was she charging me when she told me to eat?

“Just kidding,” Then she grinned.

The other girls around the table started to laugh, and I felt rather stupid.

“We split the lunch money and share the food – next time you’re buying,” Krystal pointed out and pointed at the food.

“I don’t have money at the moment,” I said honestly.

The girls went quiet.

“Why?” Jimin asked.

At that moment someone decided to interrupt our conversation.

“Soraaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ why did you ignore me in class?”

There was no doubting whose voice it was. I turned my head and saw Kai and Sehun behind me. Kai was wearing a little pout on his face, which I didn’t like at all.

“Why did you leave meeeee?”

“And why didn’t you say hi to me?” Sehun asked.

“Sorry,” I said.

It was only now I remembered Sehun had actually been together with us in class. He’d been sitting beside Kai.

“You know Kai-sshi and Sehun-sshi?” Krystal and Sulli asked, both talking at the same time.

Suddenly there was another voice coming up behind us.

“YAH! Sora! Why didn’t you use the make-up I bought you?”

Oh God. Luhan.

“Luhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan-hyuuuuuuuuuuuung! ~” Sehun’s voice was almost overly enthusiastic as he ran over to his brother to link his arm through the other ones. “I’ve missed you…”

“You know both the HunHan-brothers?” Hyorin asked, sounding astounded.

“Umm, Luhan, sorry I kind-of overslept…”

Then I suddenly felt a shadow above me, and I looked up to see a pretty familiar face.

“Sora! You go to this school? Woah, I didn’t even know!”

Chanyeol. That dude from the bubbletea-shop. I had no idea he was a super-power guy. Guess my theory about just knowing it when you saw a super-power user was incorrect.

Behind him though, was something even more interesting. I could have sworn I’d seen that guy behind him before – I didn’t know where, but there was something very familiar about his narrow lips, and pretty face.

“You know this guy, Sora? Why isn’t he using his honorifics?” Kai asked rather furiously.

“Hey! What’s all this commotion about? Why are there so many people gathered here?”

My guardian angel.

God bless, when was the stream of people going to stop.

Behind Suho, there were two more guys, one with the biggest eyes ever and big lips, another with a sweet little round face and cute cheeks.

“You know EXO Princepal’s grandson too?” This time all the girls voiced in. All the talking was making me confused.

“Of course she knows him, she lives with him!” Sehun exclaimed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Don’t forget me! She lives with me too!” Kai chimed in.

The other girls gasped.

“What’s next, Kaolen’ll walk over too?” Krystal asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

The name was not something I recognized.

“Who’s Kaolen?” I asked.

The girl called Linus pointed towards the entrance to the cafeteria, where four guys were now coming through.

That’s Kaolen,”

It was like taken out from some kind-of drama. The guys were walking in together, confidently, with this eerie aura around them. I couldn’t help but say that they were all very handsome, and there was something dangerous about each one of them.

They were all wearing suits that looked more expensive than the rest of the student body’s.

There was one that stood out especially, or maybe it was just me. He was the tallest one out of them, and his hair was a dark blonde. But I knew I’d seen him before. I could swear on it. He was wickedly handsome, with a face so expressionless it was like carved out of marble.

It was weird how I’d just seen two guys I’d never seen before, but sworn I’d seen before.

My head was starting to spin from all the commotion.

“I could always fix that,” Suho grinned, referring to Krystal’s statement.

The people around me were all talking in a blur, and I suddenly felt very tired. It wouldn’t hurt for me to just close my eyes for a few minutes, would it?

“Kris-hyung!” Suho yelled. He made a hand gesture to wave the group – Kaolen, was that their name? – over. “Could you come here for a few minutes?”

“Are you feeling well?” A deep male voice spoke in my ear. Chanyeol had bent down, and was close enough that I caught his words, but not so close as to make me uncomfortable.

“Yeah.. I just need to.. Close my eyes, I think,” I answered.

With that I rested my head in my arms planted on the table, and closed my eyes. It was very easy to sum out all the voices.

“Okay,” Chanyeol said, and I decided to only focus on the dark bass of his voice.

I smiled. There was no problem, I was just being tired.


“So… you’re Kris,” I said.

I seriously needed to drop falling asleep in the middle of conversations. It left me completely unprepared when I ended up with a complete face, who was going to show me the school.

“And you’re a disrespectful girl,” the guy answered. “With that out of the world, could we start the tour?”

This was basically Suho’s idea of me getting to know the school. He didn’t have time, and when Kai protested, Suho had made a strict warning and told Kai that he had classes to attend. Why this Kris-guy didn’t have classes, I didn’t know.

And why Kris was the one having to show me, I didn’t know either.

That’s what you get for falling asleep.

They’d woken me up in the end, and I had supposedly slept through the whole break time.

 “Okay, so I’ve got some business to attend to,” Kris said.

“What?” I asked. “Suho said you were free,”

“Well, Suho was wrong,”

Wow, how nice of you.

“We’ll just make this quick, so I don’t have to spend any more time than necessary being with you,”

I repeat, wow, how nice of you.

All the while the guy was saying this, he was making annoyed sighs, as if I was the most terrible thing that had happened to him that day. Sorry I’m bothering you this much, I thought. The guy was walking through the corridors in a rough pace I had trouble keeping up with, but somehow I didn’t want to be even more of an annoyance to him.

The guy started speaking again, and this time he was pointing around himself.

“This is the library. If you follow that way and go to the left twice you’ll find the gym for military work. The gym for basic training is straight that way from the other gym, if you take one right and one left turn. If you then continue on you’ll find the exit till the outdoor shooting range. That is, if you don’t take the wrong way when you see the 400 lockers.”

The guy kept blabbering on, but I’d already lost the thread. I was thinking of butterflies and summer when the guy decided to stop amidst in his tracks and made me bump into him from behind. He turned and looked at me, even more annoyed.

face, I thought to myself.

“I need to go now,” he said. “You can find your way back,”

Was he stupid? Did he think he’d explained me anything with his long tirade of words?

face, I thought again. So close to saying it out loud.

“Yeah, right,” I said with more than just a little sarcasm.

“What?” he asked.

“Show me the school,” I said.

“I have,”

“No, you haven’t,”

“Yes, I have,”

“No, you haven’t!”

“Yes! I have!”

Stubborn face.

“I’m going,” he said.

I was dismayed.

“No, you’re not!”

Yes, I am!”

Then he his heel again.

I decided to follow him.

He was walking even quicker than earlier, and I had to switch my pace into a jog.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

The guy didn’t answer.

,” I mumbled.

“What?” he asked, turning his head to quickly look me over.

“Nothing,” I said, and smiled brightly.

Soon we met a huge door, and I saw a sign saying “Training room”, which Kris quickly opened. He was about to shut the door in my face, and I scowled at him.

We entered the room, and I saw four people in there. Three of them I immediately recognized as the other members of Kaolen. The last one looked a little older than them, and yes – he too was freaking handsome. Muscles, muscles and muscles, with dark hair, black wife-beater and harem-pants. Which was actually what all of the guys were wearing.

In fact, Kris was changing into it right now.

I turned to look at him, and my eyes popped wide open when I saw him taking off his suit and starting to his shirt. I even felt my breath catch, as weird as that sounds.

Then I saw the wife-beater he had underneath, but I still got to see some pretty nice muscles.

This is the business you had to attend to?” I asked dubious.

The guys already in the room were sparring with each other, but when the older guy noticed Kris and my presence he stopped and approached us instead.

 “Hello, Kris,” the guy said. “And who is this lovely lady?”

I smiled up at the guy – he was really tall and gentlemanly.

It didn’t seem like Kris was going to say something, which made me speak instead.

“Hi, I’m Sora. Song Sora. I’m new here,” I said.

“Well, of course you’re new! I’m sure I’d remembered the name for a girl like you,”

I blushed.

“I am Choi Siwon, and I’m the teacher of Taekwondo here at the EXO Academy. Just call me Siwon,”

“Hi, Siwon…” I said again. Yeah. He was really handsome.

“Okay! Let’s spar!” Kris suddenly exclaimed, and both Siwon and I looked at him.

“Sure,” Siwon answered, and he smiled at me. “I’m sure you’ll just want to watch,” he said.

I nodded and sat down at one of the benches by the wall.

Quickly both guys went over to the training mats, where the rest of Kaolen still stood sparring with each other. It hadn’t seemed like they’d even cared Kris and I had entered. To occupied in their practice, which probably was a good thing. I didn’t know their names either, since I had fallen asleep during lunch.

Quickly they started up with their practice, and I saw how quick their moves were. They moved their bodies in precise rhythm and pace, and when I switched my gaze over to the guy I thought looked the scariest out of all of them, I was astounded at how well he moved. He was the one that jumped the highest, moved the quickest and beat the best.

It looked so much fun.

I felt energy tickle through my body as I started to think of ways I could move, and ways that would work perfect to do exactly this and that to my opponent. When Kris had a small break, resting with his hands on his knees I couldn’t help myself.

I jumped up with what I thought was very silent movements, and ran over to the face who’d annoyed me such today.

His position was perfect. If I just jumped on his back, my weight would probably tip his balance, and he would fall to the floor. Of course that’s what would happen.

So I took off and jumped.

There was the feeling of his hot skin on mine through the fabric of our clothes as I locked my legs around his hips, and suddenly it was gone again.

I didn’t know what had happened.

One moment I was sure victory was mine, the other I felt a sharp pain in my back as my body hit something hard, something pushing me to a wall.

I’d closed my eyes during the impact, and now I slowly opened them.

My eyes opened even wider than usual, as I discovered the one pinning me to the wall was Kris. He had a firm grip around my wrists that locked them beside my head, and I was basically just in a very vulnerable situation.

His close proximity was too close for comfort.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

I didn’t really know what to say. How was I going to explain that I’d just found the situation to perfect to pass on because I could hit the one that had annoyed me the last hour?

“Umm…” I said. “Did I surprise you?”

Kris was silent. I didn’t know if he was thinking or not, but I looked up into his eyes again, and I came to think of the fact that I recognized him from somewhere.

“Your battle-cry kind-of revealed you,” he answered.

My mouth fell open. Seriously? I’d let out a battle-cry?

Kris smiled slightly, and I groaned.


“So..” Suho said. “How was your tour with Kris-hyung?” Suho asked.

I stopped chewing on the food I had in my mouth. Well. What was I going to tell him. Kris hadn’t really showed me anything other than his Taekwondo-skills, but I couldn’t really say that to Suho. There was a reason Suho had asked Kris to show me around, and somehow I didn’t want to give Suho a bad impression of Kris. I swallowed.

“It was fine,” I answered.

“Pfft,” Kai sulked. “I could have given you a much better tour. Mine would have been amazing,”

I grabbed the chance.

“Well, Kai.. Maybe you should show me – there’s nothing wrong with getting to know it a little better and seeing it in another person’s point of view,” I said, sounding very logical.

“YES!” Kai exclaimed. “Awesome!” He stuffed some more food into his mouth, and I smiled a wee bit.

 “What are you doing tomorrow?” Suho asked.

“I don’t really know,” I answered. “Have I gotten a schedule yet?”

“Grandfather told me you should just follow Kai’s classes for now – at least the week out,” Suho answered.

“Oh. Okay,”

Guess I’d be seeing more of Jimin then.


Shock was painted across my face as I looked down at the papers on the desk.

I knew I’d been somewhere far away in dreamland when I’d drawn yesterday, but not that far away that I’d drawn people I hadn’t met before.

Maybe that’s where I’d recognized Kris from, I asked myself.

Because down on the papers, dark with blurred out coal, was a very distinguished drawing of just that guy. Kris.

I had no idea how it’d gotten from, but I saw there were some differences. Differences both from the mental image that just popped into my head from a dream far away, and differences from the guy I’d seen in real life.

Something drove me to sit down again by the desk, and pick up the pencils and colors I had.

And then I got another mental image.

It was of a manga-figure.

That’s what Kris looked like.

It was probably a character from some manga I’d read when I was younger, some manga I didn’t remember the name of now, and which Kris resembled in the scariest ways.

But there was something wrong.

Was it the eyes?

No, the eyes were often in some ways overdone in mangas. That wasn’t it.

Was it the hair color?

I tried to find the details of the picture in my head, but it was difficult. Therefore I went with logic. Manga-figures often had red hair, didn’t they? I could color the hair of the sketched person red, and maybe it’d be more of a look-a-like. And who knew, maybe the face would suit red hair. I mean the manga-character.

So I sat down and started coloring. And soon I was lost in the same world I’d been in last night.




Wow! A new chapter, guys! - I'm not really sure if I'm completely satisfied with this or not, but I'm kind-of too tired to care at the moment, haha. Sorry...

Oh! The new girls, you wanna know who they are/how they look? Finally you get to see who Jimin is too, since you didn't figure it out earlier..(or maybe someone did, but didn't mention it?)

Hyorin of Sistar - BEAUTIFUL voice!

Krystal of f(x)

Hyejeong/Linus of AOA(Ace of Angels)

Sulli of f(x)

Jimin of AOA(Ace of Angels)

What do you think? Excited? Not what you expected? Surprised? We want to know!!!

We've already got the next chapter lined out - just need to write it.

What do you think of Kris, by the way? o__o



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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD