House-warming party

Two-faced es


Chapter 14:
House-warming party

“Jimin? I’m sharing room with you?”

I was standing with some luggage in my hands and a pretty impatient Kai right behind me in the doorway to my new room in the dorm, and just found out that my new roommate was to be the very adorable (notice the sarcasm) Jimin.

“You make it sound like a bad thing,”

Jimin turned and looked at me, but I could see a grin spreading on her face. My lips were also twisting into a smile as I walked over to her, completely ignoring the guy behind me.

“It was said as a bad thing! Didn’t you hear her voice?” Kai said as he too stepped inside, following me closely in his school uniform. “I feel so sorry for you, Sora-babe, can’t you just come share room with me and Suho?”

“Yah!” Jimin shot Kai a look as she spoke. “Who said you could come inside?”

“This ain’t just your room anymore!” Kai retorted. “It’s Sora’s room too!”

“Notice the room rules Sora,” Jimin said. “Idiotic boys not allowed,”

“I’m not idiotic!” Kai exclaimed as he suddenly placed two hands on my shoulders. “Sora, this person is rude – let’s get you to move in with me and Suho instead,”

I turned my head and looked up at him. “Is that even allowed?”

“Of course! We can just tell Kim Chajoon that you’re having an insufferable body-builder girl as a roommate, and he’ll-“

Jimin interrupted him. “You’re annoying. Go get hit by a bus or something,”

I could almost feel Kai pout behind me. “Soraaaaa ~,”

I gave up.

“We’re all ready for the welcoming party!” someone said as they walked inside the room with some plastic bags in hand. Linus, closely followed by Hyorin, Sulli and Krystal.

How did they know I was here? Jeez, word spread fast.

“Welcoming party?” Kai asked, grinning.

“No idiotic boys allowed,” Krystal pointed, quickly ridding Kai of his grin.

“See? It’s not only me!” Jimin commented, throwing her hands in the air.

“Girls’ night?” I asked, and smiled slightly.

“That’s right!”

I looked at Kai, half apologetic look on my face. Then I grinned. “Out!”


The room was great. Modern, though a warm one at that. One wall faced outward with a window, giving us the view of woods outside.  Actually the whole dorm was built like a frame, so that both inner and outer rooms had a window to welcome daylight. Pretty genius.

Both Jimin and I had our own not-so-big-but-still double beds, bedding different but still fitting with the clear modern look.  

We even had our own bathroom.  

The rooms weren't unnecessarily big, but clever solutions gave space that didn't make the rooms very crowded even with some guests paying a visit. We had one desk each, too, and closets for our clothes.  

As it was, all us girls were seated on the beds, quickly having put on our pajamas’.

Linus, the most lady-like was wearing a dress – Hyorin too, while the rest of us were coped up in cozy pants and loose singlets.

The snacks the girls had bought were being shared between us, and we were just having a really good time. It was fun watching Hyorin and Krystal having endless fun teasing Sulli who couldn’t really catch up with the fact that they were teasing her – Linus trying to join, but being quickly blocked by a round of teasing from Jimin. In some ways, I felt just like a quiet observer, but I didn’t really mind. I was smiling the whole time.

“Okay! Okay! Stop!” Linus yelled, raising her hands to be commanding, but smiling at the same time. There wasn’t really any threat in her angel-like presence anyway, but the girls quieted down.

“What?” Jimin yelled back at her.

“We haven’t had the Ceremony yet.” Linus’ voice turned grave.

“Ceremony?” I asked curiously. A moment later I heard Sulli repeating what I said. “What ceremony?”

Knowing that Sulli obviously didn’t know what they were talking about, I was a little suspicious.

“There is a Ceremony..” Linus’ voice had taken on a secretive sound, one I wasn’t really happy to hear. “For The Chosen Ones that are welcomed into our Circle,” Then I could swear she even winked to our dear little Sulli.

“Oh! That Ceremony!” Sulli gasped dramatically.

Yup. I was not convinced.


Oh, the secret glances they were suddenly sending each-other. The tiny smile that couldn’t be hid on Hyorin’s lips. This did not look good.

I could even feel the air almost swallowing me. Forget what I said earlier – the room definitely did feel crowded.

“What are you going to do to me?” I asked cautiously.

I stared at Jimin who were starting to itch closer to me, and I moved accordingly closer to the wall behind me.

 “Sweetie,” Jimin said, and her tone made me shudder.

“Well, you know-“ Jimin begun. “I always treat you so harshly in Mr. Choi’s classes, but I promise, that’s not how I really feel!”

I made a snort in answer before she continued, pretending to not have heard me.

“You know I’m only trying to help you!”

I snorted again.

“Being in our gang and all, I wouldn’t want you to stay the same little helpless person you are at the moment,”

Not that she had anything to say – I was at least 5 centimeters taller than her. She was the small person here. Helpless though? I’d admit she was not. She was surprisingly strong and a darn good fighter for her size. Perhaps it had something to do with her power. The girl was still a fighter though – in mind.

“You think knocking me down repeatedly helps me?”

“Yes,” Jimin simply said and the other girls laughed. “But that’s not the point,”

“What’s the point?”

“The point is, we’re going to reward you,”

“I don’t think I want a reward,” I said, still suspicious.

“Oh, yes you do.” The girl said in chorus.

After this they smiled, and my eyes widened because all the girls were suddenly attacking me and I yelled out loud.

It didn’t take long until I figured out that the mess of laughter, jumping and poking on the bed was their attempt to tickle me to death, and I yelled louder as I could only laugh.

And then I became a little surprised as I thought I heard a boy’s laughter in the background.

Flashing images came to me, a bright room, a boy, and laughter mixing together; a darker sound and a lighter. The sound was so happy and so familiar that I felt myself choke at the loss that I sensed in my heart. Who was that boy?

“Sora? Sora? Are you alright?” worried voices sounded in my ears, and I found myself sitting rather stiff on the bed with the group of girls around me.

I blinked a couple of times, seeing their worried expressions, and quickly felt a little annoyed by myself. How to get out of this situation?

“Uhm..” I started.

I didn’t even know how much time had passed. Surely not much, right?

“I’m fine.” I said. “I just spaced out a little..”


Awkward silence.

“Anyhow,” Linus said, unsurely. “We thought you should get to know us a little better. And us you.”

I turned to look at her, and the corners of my lips turned upwards.


“Truth or dare,” she grinned.


While truth or dare wasn’t really a game I was familiar with, it kind-of explained itself. If you chose truth, you had to tell the truth about something, and if you chose dare you had to do something the others dared you to do.

I admit that my questions were a bit more boring than the others ones.

“Tell us who your first kiss was?”

Linus was apparently dating someone already, and I got the answer to why she didn’t always show up at our usual lunch table. She had kissed her love Takuya plenty of times already, and the girls devolved into those two’s love story with eagerness when they saw my confused expression.

Apparently they had one class together: flying.

There was one big difference between the two of them though, and it was that while Linus was the angel, Takuya was the devil. The contrasts were so big I was a little surprised to hear that they’d gotten together. I guess opposites really did attract.

He had been the bad guy in class, apparently getting in fight with (oh my God – dot dot) Kris who also was in class with them the first day. She had tried to help out – more correctly tried to help Kris of all people out (because angels didn’t help devils), but Kris had rejected her assistance with his deathly glare and a mean comment. After that she’d stood by Takuya’s side since Takuya had dried her tears and given Kris a nice blow to the face for “disgracing the lovely lady”. She defined Kris to be the true devil in disguise while Takuya was just the same as her – an angel.

His style with black clothes and black wings didn’t really support her theory, but Linus was decided as their affection for each-other grew.  (God dammit I was about to throw up rainbows and unicorns.) They had become the academy’s star crossed lovers, since she was an angel and he was a devil. (Yes, I had to throw up)

Point was that they had kissed a lot.  

Me though? I hadn’t had my first kiss. Yet. Or something. They gave me the honor of the next question since I was such a failure for not having done so yet. (Even though I was pretty sure most of us hadn’t – Krystal had yelled in a shrill voice that she was not interested in guys at all, which naturally lead me into thinking that she was un-kissed.)

“Favorite class?” I’d asked, and it was apparently too uninteresting, so they’d changed my question to something that appealed more to them, namely who was their favorite teacher.

I guess I wasn’t the only one to have noticed our very handsome male teachers.

“Yoo Ah In,” Hyorin had said at once. And the world had evolved in discussions about how Choi Siwon should have been picked since he had the nicest abs, but that both Ah In and Rain had too. Then you had Sulli who honestly thought they all were too old.

Which lead us to Hyorin’s question:

“Talking about cute guys though; who out of Kaolen would you date?”

And I had to ask myself (and the others) once more who Kaolen was. They’d grinned as they said that they already knew who I wanted to date out of them; Kris.

Yeah, right. Of course I’d protested.

“Why the hell would I date that fuc-“

“Yeah-yeah, don’t you think we can’t see the flirty stares and comments?” Krystal grinned.

“That bastard tried to choke me!”

“Sadomasochism is actually a pretty normal -“

“Oh, God – shut up,”

“But seriously, don’t you know who Kaolen is?” Hyorin asked, as if in shock.

“Well, I do know Kris-“

“See! I told ya’ so!”

“Shut up.”

Krystal was crazing me out.

“I know the looks of them all, but I only know the name of Kris,” I said, correcting myself. No way in hell would I admit to the fact that he was the only one I’d truly noticed, because I wouldn’t give Krystal any more ideas. The guy had tried to choke me.

“Okay,” Hyorin said. “Then I shall enlighten you,”

“The name is built by up parts of their names-“

“Lame,” I stated at once.

“I think it’s pretty smart,” Sulli murmured in answer.

Hyorin continued her tirade. “K stands for Kris – whom you already know – he’s the leader.”

“-ao stands for Tao, he’s this master wushu dude, as well as having control over time or something. He’s pretty antisocial and just plain weird.”

“Is not! He’s just a little misunderstood!”

When that exclaim came, we were all pretty shocked to see that it came from Jimin. We all just stared at her for a minute or two before she continued where Hyorin left off.

“Uhm, -l stands for Lay..”

And Hyorin took over. “Lay is just so handsome. But he’s also a really big player, which is just so sad.. I remember Linus dated him for some time though-“

“Don’t even mention it. He’s so uncommitted, and I wasn’t even in love with him. Takuya though-“

“Lay has the power to heal. I think he helps Chajoon out a lot actually, so he’s not a complete douche,”

“Yeah, I think I’ve heard his name before,” I said, faintly remembering someone speaking of exactly that: Lay and healing.

Hyorin nodded. “Not weird at all – he’s pretty well known. The last one is Chen, who ends the name with –en. He’s probably the least popular of them, I’m sorry to say.”

“I swear though, the reason he’s in Kaolen’s ‘cause he have this huge gangster-boss as a father. Everyone is freaking scared of him. Except Suho and the rest of Kaolen of course, but ya’ know – that’s only natural,”

“Yeah..” I said. “Only natural.” Slight sarcasm.

“Over to something more interesting,” Jimin said. “Because you probably want to know what our powers are, right?”

“Though I already know yours, Jimin..”

Jimin grinned at me.

“You kind-of know mine as well,” Linus said. “I can fly with my wings.”

“It’s not just because of her looks we call her an angel,” Krystal grinned. “My power is that my skin can turn into a shield of diamond. Why they called me Krystal and not Diamond I’m not entirely sure, but maybe Krystal just sounded better.”

I was more than a little amazed by hearing her telling me this. I wondered how she would look when her skin had turned diamond. Since diamond literally meant unbreakable, did that make Krystal herself unbreakable? Her beauty was a little like a diamond too though.

“I can create deadly sound waves with my voice,” Hyorin said. “It’s a power that’s a little difficult to practice, but I’m trying to learn how to get my enemies to just fall asleep instead of die.”

The calmness of Hyorin’s voice as she said this astounded me. How could they talk about death in such a way? Maybe they were just joking around. I didn’t really think so though. At least the fact that Hyorin’s voice had caught my attention in the beginning made more sense now.

“And then we have our dear Sulli,” Jimin grinned.

My eyes went over to Sulli’s position by the end of the bed; she looked up at me with a shy smile.

“I can turn into a guy.”

“Huh?” was my only reply.

“We’re actually not sure whether or not Sulli is a girl or a boy,” Jimin said, with something I detected as mock seriousness in her voice.

“Maybe she’s just a guy spying on us in our y underwear?” Krystal gasped.

“No, I promise- It’s not like that! I’m just-“

It all ended in the loud laughter of girls having fun, and I figured that I hadn’t really had this much fun in days. It was a wonderful feeling – having friends. Girl best friends that I could trust would be there for me. 


A/N: *awkward silence*


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i'm sorry, i've had a lot to do, and the next chapter has just been a true bother to write.. not done yet - SORRY


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fairlockhartval7 #2
Chapter 17: This story is so good!! Although i have to admit i was looking forward to her training with Tao. Cant wait to see how her power grows and Im hoping she gets better at martial arts and puts Kris in his place lol!
Chapter 17: Amazing storyline you have there. Pls continue writing!
SoleeTaemin #4
Chapter 17: OMG OMG OMG! Her power's so cool. Niiice~ update more, i really love this story..
Chapter 16: Ooh~! Is Jimin interested in Tao?? Or just really excited about someone beating her???
Chapter 15: That was an interesting chappie ^_^ their powers are pretty cool!! XD thank you for updating!!
smoothehun #7
Chapter 14: she gets to learn more....
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
SoleeTaemin #8
Chapter 14: wohoho! Cooool! Update more. Hihi.
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD
Chapter 14: Awesome!! She gets to learn more!! The story is progressing xD I can't wait to read what happens next xD